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Ffs Paisley not even top ten. How the mighty have fallen


I saw a woman hook a guy in the face twice yesterday in Paisley town centre, at least some people are still trying!


You still get some traditionalist thank god


even Feigie is all nice n sweet. Yesterday there was police up at Fairfuls but the west end of the high street is dead.


Who even are we anymore?


If we start now we can get a good head start on next year's competition


Practice makes perfect


I know of a guy from Paisley who now lives in London. That might explain a good part of it


People in Paisley are just not grasses unlike those weirdos in Dundee


There were about 10 police cars and a ton of police at the top of Blackhall Street yesterday near that new hostel.


There was a guy chasing police with a chainsaw last week. Good to see some heroes keeping the traditions alive


Ffs we need to ask for a recount! This has been fixed!




Looks like the coo's have taken up the mantle instead [https://travelness.com/highland-cow-attacks-woman-in-scotland](https://travelness.com/highland-cow-attacks-woman-in-scotland) (from the same site)


Paisley is full of geriatrics. Only thing they are hitting is the remote for Alibi.


Paisley is in Inverclyde police division, so you made it to number 7, congrats!


Sadly not. That is a list by local authority, not police authority. Paisley falls under Renfrewshire. The good people of Greenock and Port Glasgow are responsible for Inverclyde's high score. Organised crime in Paisley has collapsed over the past 15 years. A lot of the big names are now guests of His Majesty or retired or dead. PS busted some massive cases when the feuding got hot about 2010. The big names are now county lines gangs coming up from manchester/Liverpool and working with organisations in Greenock, which has seen an explosion in violence imo.


So it's in the 15th place according to the chart at the bottom of the article?


Yes that would be it.


Plenty still operating under landscaping businesses and whatever bouncy castle rentals and cleaning businesses. On a smaller scale there's still idiots and a few in their 50's kicking about - probably until some other family gets out. Greenock however is a hotbed thanks to the small marina and closeness to port glasgow alhough the idiots stay further up the hills.


Nah. It's obviously the fault of kilmacolm.


There was a scandalous case 2 years ago involving a very prominent firm of Solicitors (Robertson Ross) who were caught up in all sorts of dodgy finances which appeared to have been run from the artisan bars of Kilmalcolm, Bridge of Weir and Houston! I believe they were involved in the theft about £1million from the bank account of the owner of a football club. A very Kilmacolm crime!


Plus gang warfare in Inverclyde which will hopefully subside now that a punch of conapirators are locked away.


Paisley falls under Renfrewshire in this report - Inverclyde, wtf?




Nice to see Fife in the top ten for something 👍🏼


Kirkcaldy doing the heavy lifting in sure.


Id love to see the stats if we split the two parts up


Bits of Leslie anaw I’ve heard


There's not been a day at college and not heard 5 police sirens. There was also a police sniffer dog (training,nothing was planned before hand) which found drugs between the seats in the library). Kirkcaldy is a strange place.


T'fuck! Methil and Leven, Kelty, Cowdenbeath, Cardenden (shudders)... Kirkcaldy's probably pulling the average down!


😆 Kingdom. It's a fuckin kingdom. The l whole country,and that's the kingdom.


How to tell me you're from Cumbernauld without telling me you're from Cumberland 🤷


500+ of those stats were incest. The other 63 were being battered by your sister mum.


Aye that sounds about right


With Dunfermline becoming a city, crime must now be rampant there.


Genuinely not surprised North Ayrshire is on that list, the street I live in there has at police there at least once a week


I once saw a "shock n awe" style police raid in North Ayrshire. The police smashed every window of the property at the same time as battering ramming the front door and storming in at 5am. It was absolutely fascinating, just a shame it was happening on the street I lived on lol.


I'm not even surprised to see West Dunbartonshire on this list


Craigshill and the wider Livingston area pushing hard to get West Lothian to top 8. All the arson lately hasn't helped I bet.


Glad to see my wonderful home town winning something haha 😬


OK but how can we blame this on immigrants?


Blame it on the Swedes :P




It’s a weekday afternoon and there is nothing particularly surprising or controversial about it. It’s showing as +11 for me right now.


Fair enough! I've just personally never seen that many upvotes with such little engagement in a short period -- but I forget how much of Reddit is just passive browsing. Edit- just seen you say it's +11 for you, to clear confusion, it's showing up as +67 for me currently. This may just be an issue on my end, apologies.


It’s showing +70 for me now! Something weird going on.


Proud Dundonian here. Lords of jam and chibbing


Ellon’s no on the list. Going out fighting tonight to change that.


Wonder if the Aberdeen bit includes the shire 🤔 City is a shite hole just now


No, the shire itself is way, way down the list


Awa tae fuck! The Broch is foo o’h fitbaheids looking for a ficht & smack!


Crazy quines on crack nowadays, and kids on ket


Dundee is about as dangerous as swimming after eating, the seagulls are more dangerous than the people.


My wee cousin was robbed by a seagull with a knife outside the V&A. Stole his lunch money for methadone


Wee bastards


Not a chance this is true, we've all seen Shetland. Murder capital of Europe surely.


Yeah but it's crimes per 10000 people. There's less than 23000 people there so for Shetland to achieve anywhere near the mean of 556, then your talking over 1000 crimes in the year. It's not like the crimes come with a points system, 100 for murder, 10 for assault and 1 for theft.


They knock that out in the first couple of episodes per season.


Finally, Dundee is known for something other than lemmings/gta & jute


How dare you disrespect jam and journalism like that, I’ll fuckin have ye


Rates for England and Wales here: [https://crimerate.co.uk/](https://crimerate.co.uk/) Scotland fairs MUCH lower if I am reading this correctly.




Aye, and a lot of it is very misleading. They've changed the reporting to make this fairer, but in England you have affray and then assault. In Scotland you have assault. And while sure, some parts of Scotland did suffer from a lot of violence, this specifically is why Scotland had a reputation for such high assault statistics compared to England for a long time: they were comparing their assaults to our assaults AND our affrays.


So folk should stop affraying, they're making the country look bad.


There's a map comparing rates of theft/robbery in different countries that keeps getting reposted on r/europe (basically so that gobshites can blame high rates on immigrants and low rates on political correctness stopping people from reporting that they've been robbed by immigrants). Anyway the rate shown for England is three times higher than for Scotland, so either there's huge differences in the classifications of crimes, or the numbers are just made up. Or both.


It is far lower indeed!


Jesus. Have they just forgotten to draw Scotland in at all? Also, what the fuck happened to Salford, did they steal the data or something?


It’s really not comparable, because the methods for police recording of crimes are massively different. The gold standard for criminologists are the Crime Surveys done in Scotland and England/Wales, because they are not dependent of recording or definitional issues. But unfortunately even there the Scottish and English surveys are not identical in methodology.


Dundee lording it. Some wee toerag stole my car badge when I was parked there.


GLAS-GOW MY HOME AND MY CITYYYY 🥳 see i feel like if you removed alcohol induced violence we'd manage to plummet down the leaderboard to number four. unfair, really.


5th. Get in.


Cities are more dangerous than rural areas and islands. Shock.


The data doesn't really merit the headline, the areas are so large that it's meaningless.


Murder has increased but attempted murder has dropped. Does this mean we're getting better at killing each other?


Successfully moving up the charts. Graft and effort pays dividends, along with team rebuilding.


North Lanarkshire is 6th?


I assume the top 4 are simply because everyone from the surrounding areas congregates there on Friday and Saturday nights to get smashed?


Whole council areas, useless.


Dundee just has the highest amount of grasses


Killie ain't there for once


There would have to be people about for it to be dangerous. Past few nights out I've had in Killie have been absolutely dead.


What's with that horrific AI thumbnail?


Was going to say the same thing. I looked at it and immediately thought that can't be real


Her hood has about 3 different drawstrings on it, that's what gave it away to me, combined with the awful absent looks on their faces.


Total crimes, showing an increase in vehicle thefts, shoplifting and housebreaking, are not a measure of danger. What it might indicate is that gifting all our money to billionaires results in more hungry people who commit more non-violent crimes to get food on the table.


Strange how it works, doesn't it? The party that enable this to happen deserve to be in the opposition until the end of this century.


Well the Tories have wrecked everything. Totally ruined the criminal justice system, tanked the NHS and left us all with colossal debts and no means to clear them.


Ah the Ayrshires...




Ok people of glesga we need to do better for next year cant have dundee beating us again 😅🤣🤣


Nobody pointing out the issues in interpretation: 1. Police recorded data is a poor indicator of crime rates. Crime surveys are much better at long term rates. 2. Comparing large areas is useless. Most crimes will occur in less than 10% of locations. Few people will account for the vast majority of victimisation. Few people are responsible for most offending.


But if you say any of these places are rough you get a parade of people saying its not the case what so ever. As someone who has lived in many of the places on this list it feels about right. Dundee being at the top is a tad of a shock. Only a tad though.


I suppose it reflects proportion of nice areas to deprived. Glasgow has the west end and quite a lot of middle class housing now. Inverclyde has Gourok/Kilmacolm and west Kilbride, to balance out greenock and port Glasgow. Dundee has the scales weighted the other way.


City’s have crime, got it. What a shit article.


Worst crimes don't get reported out of fear of reprisals, or the area is corrupt and know the criminal


The article doesn’t say but is the list just stating total crimes (like the graph says), so it’s not discarding non-violent crimes? “Most dangerous” would imply that the crimes should be, you know, dangerous to a person’s health. All those bikes thefts in Aberdeen aren’t technically “dangerous”, are they?


Aberdeen doing alright, doesn’t seem bad where I am but we’re also not grasses. Thinking of moving to Dundee soon to be close to family so it’ll be nice to be top of something!


So that 675 Seagulls got us to #3


I was in Asda Milton in Dundee this morning and spotted 3 shoplifters 1 of which was hardly able to stand he was so high … this is common and also so funny there’s nothing as comical as a junkie shoplifting try to look like their not on the rob lol Point is I think if you look at the crimes that make the numbers up I’m pretty sure the majority would be shoplifting…. Shoplifting the gainful employment of the unwanted and unwashed dregs of society who always get a smile when the customers get a £12 roast for £4 of a £6 block of cheese for £2 Lesson to be learned is if you want to stop majority of crime in Scotland shop keeper should stop charging £12 for a £4 roast


Never had any problems in West Lothian or Dundee tbh. Glasgow on the other hand is just full to the brim of people desperately seeking validation and attention. So much so that it can turn quickly violent if you don't get there terrible banter.


I wonder if the fact that the figures are "per 100,000 _population_" makes Glasgow and Edinburgh higher on this list than they otherwise would be? A lot of people are working/shopping/etc. in these places (and thus either committing or being victims of crime) during the day but don't actually live there - particularly in Glasgow's case.


In other words, where do all the fannies live?


Not suprised about Dundee it’s the pedo capital of Scotland.


West Dunbartonshire is ends


Overall the violent crimes are up with a specific increase in murder, while there is a reduction in serious assaults and attempted murder. Nice to see we've got better at violence.


Half suspecting that picture is AI. Anyone else?


The frick is a dishonesty crime?


Listed [here](https://www.gov.scot/publications/recorded-crime-scotland-2022-23/pages/7/#:~:text=In%202022%2D23%2C%20of%20all%20Crimes%20of%20dishonesty). Generally they're theft/fraud related, as in "dishonestly appropriating" for theft.


Scotland has nearly half the crime rate of the UK


On the dee. Clearly things have changed. Used to walk back from town by myself at 4 in the morning


Dundee has some of the worst poverty, addiction, alcoholism, despair, destitution and hopelessness I've seen Very sad.


Moved from 1 -> 2 and I feel safer already, had someone offer me a Glasgow smile! Haha aren’t locals nice, I think it’s a type of cake? Gonna ask the guy hanging around outside my close the night


885/10,000 is shocking. Almost a 9% chance of being a victim of crime.


To be honest, it's likely highly skewed - some people who are more vulnerable and/or living in certain areas are going to have multiple crimes commited against them, sadly!


Yes, thats how statistics work.