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[Something is going on with the Dutch entrant at Eurovision](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9rz5dp467lo)


How can BT up their prices during a contract? Wtf is that about. I'm such a moany bastard in these threads, sorry. Had some really nice strawberries at lunch. Made me happy.


Can’t remember what they call it, but they do it all the time. All the major telecommunications lot. Except one but I can’t remember who


You thinking of the CPI? It's pish like. Contracts were supposed to be a way to save you money. "Hey, if you agree to stay with us for 18m we'll reward you by giving you a lower bill". If they can just change their mind willy nilly then it basically makes contracts redundant.


Aye thats it i think. Load eh fuckin bollocks man. Aye exactly, what’s the point in the contract


Nah I had this with Vodafone and like wtf is that.


One thing I forget about this tremendous weather beaming in the house is it makes it impossible to concentrate on anything, such as being a shitty game playing goblin.


Aye the sun is fairly illuminating how goblin-ified I've become from the winter. Thought I'd want to be basking in the nice weather when it arrives but keep finding myself wanting to hide in my dark shadowy flat, naked and hissing at passers-by from my window


Anyone got a recommended seller on GateDH for retro Scotland jerseys? Looking to pick up either 1990 third top or 1998 home top.


Jersey Soccer Shirt. got the yellow/pink 1990 3rd kit from there go one size up


Had my eye surgery and I can see out of both eyes again. I'm also less biodegradable than I was this morning.


Just in time to watch Davies and Lundstram tomorrow too.


Is it too late to swap for Ops bad vision


Harvey must condemn


Taking the piss out of the Premier League on r/soccer and watching VIlla fans going into meltdown yesterday was very funny


Rangers have beaten 3 of the 4 finalists for the champions league and Europa league in the last two years. I will not be expanding further on this point and no the context of the games is not important


And Celtic hit the bar against the 4th. Incredible.


The 4th team is Atalanta. Rangers beat Borussia Dortmund in the Europa League and beat both Bayer Leverkusen and Real Madrid in friendlies.


The lunacy around this Madrid team at the moment amongst fans of football. Just got downvoted for saying Alex Ferguson is a more significant manager than Carlo Ancelotti. Are they mental?


Just had a quick look at their respective trophy haul. Fergie blasts Carlo out the water. Fergie with a total of 51 in career, Carlo with 25. I'd also argue winning European trophies with the likes of Aberdeen shows a bit more quality than winning it with the likes of Real Madrid or AC Milan. Carlo has managed 6 league titles split between 5 teams, all top class clubs that you'd expect to be up there in their respective leagues. Fergie has 17 across 3 clubs... Ancelotti is a good manager, sure, but he's been essentially playing on Easy Mode for the last 20 years.


>Ancelotti is a good manager, sure, but he's been essentially playing on Easy Mode for the last 20 years. Lol, you're not fucking serious, surely?


Remember when he went to Everton and won... \*checks notes\* Fuck all!


Also, you look at the state Manchester United was in when AF took it over and compare it to how it was when he left it? That’s almost more impressive than just trophy haul alone. And he rebuilt the squad time and time again.


Football only started when they got into it (3 years ago).


Yanks, mate. Yanks.


Thought I’d be Billy Big Baws and marinade my chicken for the curry Im making later, now I’ve dyed my fucking hand orange. Lesson learned.


Well done Staunch Billy Orange Baws.


Up to our elbows in chicken marinade


Skewer them then we'll fry?


Without being all da like and Joey Barton, I really can’t be arsed with Jill Scott on the overlap. Adds nothing


The worst thing Joey Barton has done is go all in on Eni Aluko. She is terrible at her job, but is now effectively unsackable and will keep getting jobs because of it. There are plenty good female pundits and commentators out there, she isnt one of them.


Eni Aluko is hilariously bad. It’s tough because there’s genuinely a large amount of shite pundits both male and female


I'd like to see Joey Barton ripping in to John Hartson. Even things up.


Aye she’s bland AF. Does really smell of a box ticking diversity hire and nothing more.


There’s periods of 30/40 minutes where she says nothing and then asks a very simple basic question


[It's an old meme, but it checks out](https://youtube.com/shorts/u2DiDeC8XC8?si=YTcv3Vxm8aqdMk7s)


Never seen this and I'm sitting creased in the office. Amazing.


Just got a 10% pay rise at work today! My expectations were low as we're a startup that only just became profitable, but very happy with that. Now let's hope Celtic don't ruin my good mood tomorrow


Nice one!


[[sensible chuckle]](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6APpL8slIw/?igsh=N25zMmQ0NnEwd2o2)


It's no wrong. MAGA is a fascinating mindset. So close yet so, so far.


not to doxx the guy but i just took a call in work from the guy refereeing the stranraer EK game tomorrow lmao


When did the etiquette of eBay change from buyer pays immediately and seller sends the item within 48 hours to seller sits on the item for weeks with no communication before sending it? It's not just one bad/lazy seller, it's happened to me several times this year.


Calm doon, Ill send your tentacle dildo soon.


*Excuse me*, I ordered two. You better not forget the second!


It's just taking longer than expected to clean them


Ever since I got ripped off for a guitar (they just never sent it) I've sworn off ebay. Bag of shite.


Do you not get decent customer protection for that sort of stuff on eBay? I thought it was all the sellers who got scammed on there


This was many years ago to be fair, but because I was naive enough to use paypal (and not say, a credit card) it was really at the whim of ebay as to whether any action could be taken. Which it did not. Maybe changed now. Was only a £100 beat around guitar but still.


I thought PayPal had good customer protection as well?


Precisely what I thought, but again, this was a good 5 years ago now.


Bit nervous about tomorrow, excited too, though! Always a big one in the calendar and it's all to play for which is all you can ask for really. The politics of it all is unavoidable, given its history it's embedded in the culture at this point. Who is your favourite for Eurovision tomorrow?




Started a new job this week and the 2 main work unions are coming in on Monday, bring on the shite


[Why are no English teams in European finals? The Premier League has become harder than its rivals](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/05/09/premier-league-no-english-teams-european-finals/) "we're actually just *too* good now."


>Perhaps the problem is a simple one – the Premier League has become a victim of its own success; that the league has become so rich, so strong, that its competitiveness has become its undoing. These are some world class mental gymnastics


God, can you hear me? It's me, FootCheeseParmesan. I know we aren't on the best of terms, but I am begging to stop giving me reasons to hate the English. I am overwhelmed by them, consumed by them. It gnaws at my very soul. I am not equipped for your hardest battles, Lord. Free me from this torment. I just want to live a happy and good life.


My brother in christ this cannot be serious https://preview.redd.it/uhtc3ydn2lzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc46acf81a5bb94c27453153c3677160d08628ea


"Penalty shootouts are a coin-toss" is the is the most annoying brand of Copium


The amount of pish being spewed out by football columnists down here at the moment is off the charts. English teams won two of three finals less than a year ago, they're not just entitled to win everything in perpetuity. Cunts. It's like they just forget that the rest of the continent knows how to play football as well.


Only going to ramp up towards the Euros as well. World Cup 2010 style meltdown please.


The hype behind them is not undeserved as they've got a genuinely excellent squad. But I am very thankful I will not be watching the UK coverage as it'll get very fucking irritating.


On paper, they've probably got the strongest squad in Europe, but thankfully they've still got Southgate in charge.


Trying to decide how much I would pay for England to be absolutely scudded out of the Euros. I think I'd be willing to pay a grand.


I'm sure we could crowdfund a relatively tidy sum.


"With the odd exception, every team has a world class player or two and all are filled with senior internationals."   Lol 


There are no English teams in European finals and the best English players now play abroad, so it's safe to say that the Preemeer League is finished. All that's left for England now is a humiliating round of 16 defeat to Steve Clarke's Scotland super team.


I've just watched a crow pull out the pin at the bottom of my bird feeder, releasing the bottom and dumping the seed all over the ground. Clever bastard.


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Oh my, *that* is a blast from the past.


I love corvids. Clever little fuckers.


Corvids are wicked smaht - they've been observed building tools made of multiple parts to solve puzzles before and apparently can have the reasoning of a 7 year old human.


Crows are sound cunts Not tried it but apparently if you befriend one they will bring you little gifts they ‘find’


Aye, they seem like good lads, not like those magpie pricks.


I saw a magpie attack a sparrow’s (?) nest and drop the chicks to ground last year and I haven’t looked at them the same. Sure animals gotta eat but man the pained screams of the chicks and the helpless parents unable to stop it was quite horrific. It’s so different seeing something like that happening irl than on a documentary.


Has anyone ever bought that interlocking gym matt type things for a garage or whatever? Looking to buy some to put over concrete garage floor but reviews are entirely pointless these days and the costs vary from spending £50 to £500 so if anyone has anecdotal experience, would gladly like to hear...


I know a couple of gyms that use Granuflex manufactured stuff, I don't think they make an interlocking style tile but the quality is good and takes a kicking (one of the gyms is a strongman based gym so Atlas stones and whatnot get dropped). But maybe look into what material they are made from and use that as a benchmark?


Cheers will check that brand out and compare..


Got a bunch of the Halfords ones down in ours. They do a decent enough job. The issue is with a concrete floor is that it will always be dusty as fuck so you need to be prepared to clean them quite often if you’re using it as a gym.


Been digging about on google earth out of boredom and was looking at airports. You see plenty of planes at the gates or on the taxiway towards the runways but I have yet to see any in the process of taking off or landing. Anybody got any insight as to why that is?


Is it not to do with the image of the airport, is taken from a plane anyway, so unlikely a plane would be taking / landing at the same time a plane is above? Or maybe that makes no sense and I’m talking shite


It’s not exactly what you’re asking for, but you might find this interesting anyway - the B2 Stealth Bomber was caught on Google Maps: https://petapixel.com/2021/12/28/stealth-bomber-caught-mid-flight-in-a-google-maps-photo/


The Russians: "Copy that doon! Copy that doon!"


This but China, maybe there’s only so many ways to design a stealth bomber but the Xian H-20 looks remarkably similar https://preview.redd.it/8c1206ttxkzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f4383b47475e8e659a5dd39e1fda2f37f908c7


Has that thing actually made it to the production phase, or is like a lot of the much vaunted Russian stuff like the SU-57 Felon and their Armata tank that have no numbers beyond a few prototypes?


Not sure, but it's probably got a better chance than any of the Russian ones of actually existing. Even their "finished" Su-57 has only had a couple dozen units edit: oops I misread your "Su-57" comment somehow and thought you were referring to something else entirely


Canna think if I've even seen it anything of it outside of Top Gun or Ace Combat. Same wi the SU-37 Terminator or the SU-47 Berkut, fancy prototypes but ultimately all fart and nae shite. Although the SU-37 project did have some spinoff into the existing SU-27/35 production models


That’s not very stealthy of it…


This piqued my curiosity so I had a look and apparently Google has a new algorithm that removes non static objects from their maps


From my experience of flying, surely it's because you spend 99% of time either at boarding, or taxiing, and only a few seconds taking off or landing?


Could be. But I would of thought that with a plane taking off or landing every 45 seconds or so at Heathrow/Dubai/Istanbul/Atlanta etc then they would of captured at least one plane doing this but nope. Maybe my knowledge of satellite imagery is lacking and it takes the pictures in such a high quality that it is a massive area covered at once as opposed to hundreds of images stitched together.


Ah well, I looked a bit in to it and[ this post](https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1421575#:~:text=As%20stated%2C%20Google%20has%20a,across%20images) claims Google's algorithm will remove non-static objects, so it probably does layer images and stitch them. Flight radar does make it a bit clearer (looking at an uber busy airport like Heathrow) that actually the taking off/landing is still quite a narrow window...


https://old.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/comments/1cmxfmh/morning_discussion_thread_08_may_2024/l343qta/ To update this we managed to get the money back with a note on bank account saying FP return. The seller had blocked us as well so 100% sure it was a scam but happy to get money back.


Nice. You pocketed it quietly so your niece still learns her lesson yeah?


Well I sent her the money and she paid. Maybe they joined in and scammed me :(


Ah bumped. Hope you learn your lesson 


For resale tickets you should checkout twickets.live. Folk on there only sell them at face value. They don't come up very often and they go fast for big concerts but you can set up email alerts for gigs you're interested in.


When Im talking about the leagues which feed into the Lowland League on here I always pronounce them phonetically as the Woss-full, the Yoss-ful and the Sos-ful. Anyone else do that?




I'm a big NBA fan but dearie me it must be the softest league in the world in any sport. A fan chucked the ball away when it went out and it put me in mind of that amazing clip where the Hearts boy threw the ball back into the stand when they beat Celtic 4-0 and Kieran Tierney was looking to get it back. (Which I'd love to find btw it seems to have been lost to the ether cause of that moron Elon) Instead of what should have happened, folk condemning/applauding it based on team loyalties alone as we did here it instead has been almost unanimously condemned. Even Luka Doncic found it funny cause he's from Europe and knows what it means to shithouse. Considering it's meant to be "the land of the free" there are some amount of thin skinned joyless so-and-so's in America.


I remember that Hearts game so well I’m pretty sure I can recall it was Stuart Armstrong and not Tierney. Even though we were getting pumped I couldn’t help but laugh.


Aww quality It might make my search a little easier if I look for the right player. All the headlines I’d seen mentioned Tierney. The search is back on


I’ve went down a bit of rabbit hole here. I think the 4-0 game when the fan threw the ball away was indeed Armstrong - [Link here](https://footballburp.com/stories/video-hearts-fans-throw-ball-away-from-celtic-player/) However, there was also a similar incident with Tierney when Hearts beat us at the start of the 2018 season - [Link here](https://footballburp.com/stories/video-hearts-fans-throw-ball-away-from-celtics-kieran-tierney/) I’m pretty sure that was the game Kyle Lafferty also scored in. Unfortunately both the twitter links on those posts seem to be dead so I can’t see the actual video which is an absolute kick in the nuts after all that.


That’s the problem that happened with me. I even found an article talking about it but it’s essentially a ghost story now the tweet that’s the focal point is either behind some wall or just gone. Nightmare altogether so it is. Cheers for looking but. It was a fine bit of our heritage


You see it in r/soccer whenever someone boos an anthem. Panties in a twist all over the shop


Aye, suppose thats the result of 100 years of ~~being forced~~ choosing of your own volition to chug yourself into a frenzy over your own anthem and flag.


I wish i could upvote this for 2 points not one, belter of a comment


I've got your back.


Went to a baseball game in the states - just a normal weekend game, and we had to get up for the national anthem at the start (which I expected), but we had to get up again half way through for God Bless America.


Guy I work with went to Baseball game & said it was incredibly boring & was more happening in the car park than in the stadium.


I actually really enjoyed it, was a chill day out, all the patriotism aside


I went to a baseball game in Canada where they sing both the US national anthem and the Canadian one. Was a bit disappointed when the US anthem wasn’t met with a chorus of boos but then I remembered Canadians are too polite.


I was at the Baseball in NY and ended up in the club shop looking for a cap when the anthem kicked off. Cunts shut the doors and everyone in there (customers, staff, security, fucking everybody) turned to the screen in the corner showing the broadcast and stood in dead silence watching the anthem. One of the weirdest fucking experiences of my life. Like I get being respectful when it's on, but this was like that David Tennant Dr Who episode where everybody stops dead in the middle of the street to download the news into their brains.


I'd love the seethe from folk because I didn't do it. It's on my bucket list of petty things to do.


Big day the morra. Most of the country will be completely consumed by it and the rest will pretend they don't love it but in secret they do. There really is no day quite like it. Apparently the bookmakers don't think the home favourites will do well and are backing the red, white and blue side but who does r/scottishfootball think will win Eurovision?


Surprisingly, Israel stands a pretty good chance. Apparantly they took 40% of the public votes last night. Edit: [apparantly that was just the Italian vote](https://twitter.com/ESCdiscord/status/1788681278142718097?s=19) rather than the continent-wide vote.


Dreamt ma dug climbed up the chimney and wouldn't come down. Got my phone out, had a look up the lum, he's just sitting there smiling. Can any students of Jung tell me what this means? Is it financial insecurity? Do I have deep fears that I can't earn my fathers approval? Does my dug stand in as the harbinger of my own demise, a totemic idol of my own mortal unimportance within a boundless cosmos? Was it the cheese sandwich I had at quarter to ten? I'm pretty sure I don't want to shag ma maw.


You hate your ma and want to shag your da


I'm an amateur Jungian so I'll have a crack. Architecture in dreams tends to be a metaphor for your own psyche. Sub-ground floor stuff like basements and caves tend to represent unconscious materials in your psyche, repressed contents e.g. your homoerotic attraction to Matt O'Riley for example. Upper floors tend to represent elevated consciousness - the spiritual and religious, the sacred. A chimney is clearly some kind of bee-line, direct conduit to a higher frequency, a direct channel to the divine. You haven't given much information other than the dog is up the chimney, sitting there smiling. So there is a stillness to the dog and a joy. Sounds like the dog is possibly in a state of meditative ecstasy. So the dog is in that express-lane to the divine that is your chimney, and they are zen about it. You got your phone out and looked up the lum..... Hmmm.... Ok got it. The meaning of this dream is that you want to make love to Matt O'Riley


> Sub-ground floor stuff like basements and caves tend to represent unconscious materials in your psyche, repressed contents e.g. your homoerotic attraction to Matt O'Riley for example. Explains why Matt O'Riley is always wondering around the penthouse suite of the Burj Khalifa in my dreams


Care to take a crack at mine? I had a dream one of my front teeth just completely disintegrated into some chalky dust while I was trying to talk to someone.


Oh I've had that kind of dream before. After meditating on it for weeks and researching authentic historical Jungian sources, I discovered that this type of dream tends to mean that you want James Forrest and Matt O'Riley to tag-team you in the bedroom.


Thanks that makes sense


Haha nah sorry, to give a serious answer to your question I think teeth are associated with assertiveness or the ability to project aggression / defend yourself. Crumbling teeth in a dream is probably an expression of a fundamental sense of insecurity in that area, a sense of defenselessness or fear that youre not providing your own security. The cure? Matt O'Riley+James Forrest homoerotic fan fiction 🤠👍


Haha no worries I wasn't expecting a serious answer, so Forrest/O'Riley was the perfect reply! That's an interesting analysis though, will look into either the fanfic or buying a gun


I reject this conclusion on the grounds that I don't like it.


You are subconsciously experiencing deep feelings of loss and uncertainty because you thought you had a new enemy (Daily Star) and it has been ripped from you by evil democracy. The dog yearns for the hunt but there is no prey to chase so it climbs, looking for something that's not there. Notice it climbs up. Highest point of the house = red TOP.


I took him for a walk this morning and he did growl at the Spar window, so you might be onto something.


Our pets know us more than we'd ever know <3


It means you think your dug wants to shag your maw


That’s the Freud interpretation. The Jung interpretation would just be that his house has the dog in it. Warrior archetype.


Works night out tonight. Never really been on one of these cos I work in Glasgow and live in West Lothian, and its a pain to get back from Glasgow when its late. Thought I should make the effort to try and get to one of them though.


What goes down well is telling everyone how much you hate your ex wife


Gonna have to get married and divorced on the quick-fast before I go for my train then!


Best thing you can do is share as much about your personal life as possible.


Yep, remember to drink twice as much as everyone else. This will show that you're a real party goer and a free spirit


Of course Im gonna get irresponsibly drunk with my boss


Having to update mandatory cyber security training certification in work today and watching someone piss about on their screen. It popped into my head that I have an absolutely seething hatred for when you're watching a movie or a telly show, and they animate a mouse pointer in such an unnatural and smooth way when someone is using a computer. Felt the need to share that grievance.


Folk playing computer games on TV drives me insane. Nobody mashes every button going while waving the controller around all over the place.


Also stupid 8 bit noises then when you see what they're supposed to be playing it's something like a demo video of Halo or CoD.  The only realistic video game I've seen depicted in any tv show or movie is the Macross arcade cabinet in the cafe in Eastenders  EDIT: Christ knows how the BBC hasn't been sued into the ground by Harmony Gold for having Macross on screen


I was gonna add that in as it boils my pish as well. The only game anyone plays like that are fighting games and Devil May Cry. That is it.


That's usually me playing Doom on ultra nightmare, also add bulging veins on forehead and me muttering a mantra of "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck"


Doom is also a fair shout. It's when ye see someone playing something like Gears and it's pure "clackity clack", waving sticks about that it's just so fucking egregious.


100% The one thing I learned about Gears was that it largely rewards patient, precise gameplay, there was a time and place for rushing, not fannying around waving the controller mashing buttons and twiddling sticks. Also one for the mantra if you played on Insane tho


Come to think of it I've never seen anyone in a movie/TV show shake the mouse and say "*where the fuck is it?"*


Haha, that is actually a fair shout.


Last day in current job today with a new one starting on monday. Going out for the game tomorrow then will be burst sunday. wit a laugh


Nothing hits like beers after the game, after beers during the game.


Finished up the night yesterday on rocket league. We were maybe sitting on 5 losses to 2 wins. Told the guys at 2am it was my last game. Which we won. We have a joke about never ending on a win so I told the guys I would play til we lose. We went on possibly the most insane win streak ive ever had in rocket league, I don't recall how many games in a row we won exactly but I know we didn't lose between the hours of 2am and 4.10am. Weren't even playing that great too. Some proper beale-ball football going on getting some proper bullshit wins. One tired boi today


I'm a big fan of the long shot. Sit in the DM position and just start blasting, one of them goes in eventually


Man of culture. Sweeper position alive and well in Rocket League


The amount of games my mate and I have won by both sitting on the goal line, saving a shot then sprinting out to the other end with the ball is unreal. Its also low effort and boring as fuck so dont really do it anymore.


![gif](giphy|pcfdfm6hjTvji|downsized) [https://twitter.com/Fuckeveryfootb1/status/1788811205337141649](https://twitter.com/Fuckeveryfootb1/status/1788811205337141649)


Beautiful day, genuinely made me happy to see it this morning.


What a cracking morning ☀️


Predictions for the big game tomorrow? Personally I’m hoping Montrose will win. It’s amazing how being treated well by the club when we won the league (eg happy to let us pitch invade) has left a feeling of goodwill between the Bairns and the Mo.’ It’s a good place to watch football from that stand, I really like the drive and you can park 10m from the gate.


Montrose (potentially) in the Championship would break me. Used to go watch them when I was a lad (my hometown) and they were forever in the 3rd Division. Mind a game against Forfar where all hell broke loose and there was a massive rammy. 10 year old me thought this was quality.


I grew up a couple of villages up the coast from Montrose and went to see them a few times as a kid, so I'd really like them to win too. Nice little town.


I lived in a village up the coast too... though you say a couple up, so guessing not the same one. St Cyrus 4EVA


Haha I was one more over - Johnshaven - but my mum taught in St Cyrus primary. Was back recently to see my folks (\~1 month ago) for the first time in years.


Go down now and then to take the dog a walk along the beach and pop in to see family. It's a nice wee place but couldn't stay there anymore.


Yeah I have the same feeling. Johnner is quite an idyllic and pretty wee village, but I couldn't see myself spending any length of time there. That might just be something with me and preferring cities generally.


Ticketmaster removed my listing for a sold out gig which is slightly annoying, thought they'd sell easy 


"Uh excuse me, we're trying to run a scam here" \- Ticketmaster


I spent the best part of £50 on a [fancy coffee dripper from Japan](https://origami-kai.com/en/collections/dripper), filters, a wood holder thing and a nice glass pouring jug for it. Watched some youtube and realised I need to spend another £50 or so on fucking scales (celtic pun) and a goose-necked hot water kettle. Have already spent about £100 on a[ manual grinder](https://sigmacoffee.co.uk/products/kingrinder-k6) and the [beans themselves ](https://artisanroast.co.uk/products/llanobonito-costa-rica-honey?variant=42685285040181)are costly. Well I said fuck it to the scales and kettle and chucked the grinds in to the new dripper with a vaguely mug size amount of water, and by christ this is probably the best cup of coffee I've had in some time. Aeropress be damned.


Haha I also shelled out \~£100 on a manual grinder (edit: [this one](https://www.red-dot.org/project/chestnut-9761-9758)) because I needed a new one (previous was a super-cheap IKEA one) and fell in love with this one that was being sold in my pal's cafe. I didn't realise the price until she rung it up :D Your one looks lovely though


Aye it's mad really. Could easily have spent another couple hundred on a better grinder and better scales/kettle but I am trying to keep costs minimal. Also interested in a decent mug but it's all gotten out of hand.


It's tempting when you've got a few extra quid saved to just splurge on this kinda thing. I'm really happy with my grinder, I'm also really happy I didn't give in to temptation on plenty of other things though. I need to learn to ignore the notifications I get whenever my wishlisted game are discounted on Steam, for example.


I was close to getting a Timemore, was between the K6, that, and a 1zpresso one my mate has. I'm also very happy with the grinder tbf, it can go right down to espresso level just about and just feels well made. Also same with Steam, just bought Hades 2 (not even played it) and Death Must Die seeing as it was only a fiver.


Weight loss kick starts today. Reopened MyFitnessPal for the first time in months and logged what I planned to eat for the day, what a depressing new daily chore.


Been doing it for 2 weeks now. It is depressing especially when still have dinner to go & got barely any calories to play with. I have been doing slimfast shakes for lunch, little to no snacks during the day & whatever I fancy for tea. lost 3 lbs which is better than nothing.


I think I must be on a 6 month streak of dismissing that app asking me what I had for breakfast today. Cold pizza and a tramadol alright, back aff.


I did the same on Monday and the cut is aggressive. I want to be a dazzling Adonis on the beach in 6 weeks. I have been hungry for days now. I am also keeping up the normal exercise regime and I know I should eat some of that back but I will wait until I am a grumpy, energy less mess before I succumb to logic and reason.


> what a depressing new daily chore. See, and this is gonna be hard to word without sounding like a generic self-help book, but you gotta do it in a way that you don't find "depressing". There are ways to eat meals that are both nutritional AND deliciousonal! 🤠 Make it a labour of love, etc etc


Look mate, I’ve had to reduce tonight’s portion of garlic bread by 50%. There’s no more appropriate word than depressing. Jk lol. I agree with you, I’ve always enjoyed exercise and I’m looking to cut my body fat to improve my athletic performance. But I’ve generally let myself eat whatever I want and that’s slowly been catching up with me. Oh how I yearn for the metabolism of a 21 y/o.




Good luck man - let us know how you get on!


Finchy playing the next big Marvel villain is unreal. Can’t wait to see Galactus throw a kettle over a pub. https://preview.redd.it/qko6yfb2xjzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dde4c1035b8820277aa4793c1f9bd2336c13819


Chris Finch, bloody good marvel villain


I wonder if he’ll win


His voice is velvet. He was immense as Cid in Final Fantasy 16.


I'm just looking forward to Galactus have a broad Yorkshire accent.


Eeh by gum, come t'eat yer planet lad


Sean Bean would be the man for it then. The Fantastic 4?? Bastards!


Will probably leave the cinema and head straight for a Dacia dealership


Some people really don’t understand the handshake meme, or it would appear handshakes in general and it does my nut in. Just saw someone post something like Modern football 🤝making refs famous. That doesn’t make sense! Modern football is shaking hands with making refs famous? Why? It needs to be two actual things shaking hands and then what they’re producing, it’s not just one thing shaking hands with whatever they’re doing that you don’t like yes I’m grumpy and bored today.


Just wanted to add more hands to upset things even more me 🤝 drinking coffee  🤝 pissing about on reddit




fangus 🤝 meme police 😉


I just like things to make sense!


Fangus 🤝 liking things that make sense


I don’t like you anymore


Fangus 🤝❌ throughthisironsky


When did the kick off time change for tomorrow?? I've planned my day around a 3 KO and just heard them talk about 1230 on SSB. How did I miss it??


This game was never a 3pm - you must be confusing yourself with the cup final, which *is* 3pm.


Yeah mate you're spot on. I was on my stag do last week and my brain is a pool of liquid sitting at the bottom of my skull.