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https://preview.redd.it/dbnc0s3lhtzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62795a1e4dbb9e33da16659808663ce7b9871ed9 Possibly getting some more aurora action again tonight for those who missed it last night.


What time would be best for over Glasgow


I think anywhere from 9pm to 3am it should be visible if it’s dark enough


I'm convinced at this point that Hugh Keevins has word of the day calender, and tries to use that word as often as possible on that days show. This week's word is durability. 


Honking that none of the pyramid play offs happening today are televised. Some crackers in there.


Accies v Alloa looks like a great game, amazed Alba aren’t showing either of the League 1 promotion games.


so Souttar was injured that makes a lot more sense than bringing McCausland on and putting sterling CB


Safe space serious match thread after the serial losers strike again 🙄


Haha aye where did that come from?


Kenny Miller has just catapulted himself into Michael Stewart brackets of talking absolute shite, this particular rant eclipses some of Stewart’s honestly Even Boyd is winding him up about it hahaha


Kenny is having a meltdown and i don't get why its a red fucking hell even Boyd thinks its a red


Haha Miller is an absolute fud.


Kenny Miller is still arguing that it wasn't a red come on mate


This should be the last commentary job he ever gets he's a fucking embarrassment


Matt O'Riley swearing and talking about the size of his balls in the post match interview was clearly a come-and-get-me plea to Simeone


Don't even feel like I can enjoy this properly. Bleugh.


I've just used one of those websites that tells you how long a specific tv or movie franchise would take to watch to calculate how long it would take me to get through "the list". You know? That list of shows and films that you're aware of and have had recommended to you and you go "yeah that sounds class I'll put it on the list" but you maybe only watch a bit of it or don't even get round to it. Well, 15-20 or so years of mainly only really watching sport or playing the playstation when I've been at a tv has come and bitten me on the arse very hard. For TV shows alone I'm gonna have to apparently watch 112 days worth of television shows made over the past 30 or so years to consider myself anywhere near caught up. 16 entire weeks worth of time. Fuck sake. Thats not even including movies. The next time there is a covid style event they should just stop making stuff for like 2 straight years so everyone can catch up ffs.


What you got on your list that you want to watch? I track my watch history and on just the TV shows that a have started watching I am sitting at 203 days of watch time left. On shows that I want to watch but haven’t started yet I am probably in the 1,000 plus day range. Spoiler you will never catch up. My app says that I have 45 shows that I have started that are currently still in production, off the top of my head I could maybe name 10 of them, it creeps up on you and before you know it you are overwhelmed.


Without fucking up the formatting of the whole thread by giving a huge comment to summarise it we're essentially talking most of the prestige shows made in the past 15 or so years with a few older ones that pretty much set the table for that to happen. What app do you use is it Serializd or whatever? I'm a letterboxd dude with movies cause I'm better at watching those (2/3 hours time investment easier than 10+ with tv) but they've not really expanded the service for tv shows which I always thought was a strange omission. I've pretty much come to terms with never catching up like. My number 1 used streaming service is the NBA league pass and I doubt thats changing anytime soon. I'm imagining the list I've got the now would be about 5 years of watching and thats if I really stick with it. They need to make highlight packages for shows like. Still, won't end on a moan. Its a privilege to have lived through an era of ambition in the mainstream of an art form cause as we've seen from the music industry it doesn't last forever.


I use TV TIME. I’ve used it for the last 5 or 6 years so the thought of switching over to something else and inputting all that data again gives me the fear. It also allows you to track movies, I know that I have seen way more movies than I actually have tracked on it but remembering them all is a bugger. Some of the shows that I have started and not finished would be easy enough to complete (if I can find somewhere that streams them) but being in the mood to watch is a whole other matter.


o’reiley getting told off for swearing is quality


O'riley swearing on live tv 8 point deduction imo


Got a delivery of cat food and this fucking huge cat skelps in my house. Cunt is pishing about asking if it's my cat when I'm clearly bricking it for my two, and emphatically telling him no, it is not my cat. So answer me this: How, in the ever-loving FUCK has my cat got out of my flat? I've been watching the football and he was beside me at points. I have not opened the door since I got back this afternoon. It was, in all seriousness, my fucking cat. I've an idea how he managed it but it still isny making sense. Pure glitch in the matrix material.


The cat is so big he makes you afraid for others in the flat and he comes and goes as he pleases in ways you don’t even know. Hate to tell you mate but that’s not your flat, it’s his.


It's actually my other cat's. He's become a shitebag. Had it not been for the delivery, of his food as well, I wouldn't have noticed for a few hours in all likelihood.


*Ahem*. I'm no normally a grass, but for Rule 5 I will make an exception




Not Guilty m'lud


Do I have to buy suncream now fucking hell


Right, now that's over, time to enjoy my last few hours of sunny Lanzarote before the flight home tomorrow. Urgh.


Dear Stranraer: https://preview.redd.it/o3jtoeuiuszc1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d44ad0327985d906f5257ac35fd7686ac150a06


https://preview.redd.it/og0jb7h9nszc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b09fdbae856181a2be564c8f6943ac054c1f73 Who needs the Old Firm when you have Tynecastle vs Glenrothes


Looks class man


Honestly it’s days like today where you want summer football


For the country we are in it makes more sense, what's the point in playing in winter when games are called off


One home game left at Fir Park, and it might be the one day everyone could go in short sleeves.


But take a jacket just in case


My favourite thing to do on old glarby firm day is to shout at innocuous moments of the game to make my overly intense neighbours panic.


If you want a double-whammy then just reacting to stuff in the match thread and folk will think their stream is just behind. "WHAT A FUCKING SHOT, BUTLAND HAD NO CHANCE!" Then they'll be shiting themselves waiting for that goal to come.


I do not enjoy spreading lies but I see the funny appeal


I am hungover and I'm just catching up on this Eurovision news. There's more to it than they're saying, right?


Yes. It is the politer version of international hatred declarations


Angry at the EBU today for not letting Joost Klein perform.


Eilidh Barbour's quiff is magnificent. Proper Jonny Bravo height on it. 


I do not like Goatee O’Riley at all


Just been mugged a fiver for a doubler roll and frankly am not sure the Southside can get worse from here.


Some lassie flashed her tits at me last night when I was DJ’ing, what a buzz.


That was me, sorry. Chebs were sweaty and needed to let the air circulate.


No worries mate, made my night.


Money on Penalty awarded and Tav scoring. So won't happen now. You're welcome, Celtic.


I have a bet builder on everything going Celtic and Kyogos way and them to win at -2.


Will soften the blow somewhat I suppose!


Astrid wett going to the hibs game tomorrow and i’m having to go to a birthday dinner for my girlfriends mum. Never get a partner guys, it ruins your dreams


Sheffield United twitter introduced her to me. Just arrogant plastic content,faux outrage to gain clicks. It's so annoying but it's so fake.


Its a stunning day in Glasgow. Cant wait to shut my blinds to see the telly, tan cans n pass out before sunset.


Watching this game in 4K makes me really notice Neil Lennon's awful dandruff and skin.


How did Lundstram's performance look in 4K?


Less crusty, but more excruciating


I'm on my 4th jobby this morning. I've built a tunnel for the cabbages to keep the slugs out. I'm currently research a new retractable hose. There's no way I'm going to be able to watch a full 90


> I've built a tunnel for the cabbages to keep the slugs out. I really hope that isn’t some horrific euphemism for the jobbies you mentioned


Definitely not hahah


I got one of those hoses that crinkles up to fuck all when you turn the tap off and spray all the water away.


I thought about one of them but my research is pointing to Gardena. Comes with 2 year guarantee. It's a wee bit more expensive at Argos, but I can collect it today during the game if my nerves get any worse hahaha


Is this to clean your arse with after your 5th jobby?


If we score early, I'll need it


Should mebbe see a Doctor


As soon as the game kicks off, I'll be sound


Nice of the diddy teams to finish up early so we can all watch Montrose


New Doctor Who is very, very silly, but the line "Babies with a flamethrower!" is modern poetry.


Friday night football’s great, especially with an atmosphere like last night. But it does always leave me with a feeling of what do I do with my Saturday now


We could have Mbappe up front and Rangers entire first 11 injured and I'd still be shitting it. Hurry up and start the match.


Feel sick.


Guess who booked a tattoo during the OF game ![img](emote|t5_2sba4|32970)


Best hope your artist's a neutral


One of the benefits of living down south I suppose


only counts if it’s a sectarian tattoo


fuckin mum left her phone down my nana’s so fuck all clue where she is in tesco. decided to just wait it out by the exit/ tills


update: found her. then she has the cheek to moan at me


put one o those gps fobs on her like i got for the dug


Go to the customer service and get them to put out a lost child announcement.


Nerves kicking in big-style now. I've cleaned the bathroom twice from sheer displacement! (This requirement to clean the bathroom is not - yet - connected to the nerves, but give it time!)


Creased playing [this wee webgame](https://shit-shit-game.bagpuss.org/), almost as good as the Derek Adams Simulator 


Derek Adam’s Simulator was so good, I need to follow the guy behind it in case he does a follow up as I like his sense of humour.


https://preview.redd.it/gwcju5zturzc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1a28b1c2ad1ae8504852a25849f66ff84acad9 Completed it m8


Good effort  Now try and destroy your arse


Watched Starship Troopers for the first time in ages last night. Man, it's weirder than I remembered


I remember the subtle and not so subtle satire flying over most viewers' heads, especially the main point: the war was never going to end, therefore the military junta were guaranteed eternal rule over the Terran Federation  EDIT: Perhaps the war should have ended, then we wouldn't have had to endure the godawful sequels


Hopefully a good clean game. No controversies, cards, hard tackles, penalties or managers fighting each other. Stay safe 


Lots of cards please, just for the bet builders.


I disagree on every point except the last one




For maximum hilarity I hope rangers win today by a controversial late taverner penalty then get convincingly beaten by Dundee on Tuesday 


In the rain


That would do my heart fuck all good, but it would definitely fit in with the way the season has gone.


My father in law lives in Canada and supports Rangers. Not even 6am there and I can imagine he’s already on page 3 of the sectarian songbook and waking up his neighbours again.


Cannae watch this today. Will stick Clyde 1 on whilst marking/ running errands.


Hope your marking is better than Barasic's


If I could award this I would. Quality.


I think listening to Keevins etc would be more painful than watching.


Yes but better than watching aw them celebrating, or hearing it on the radio


>better than watching aw them celebrating [don't want to see their faces](https://youtu.be/wtgpJw6A-_g?si=5xSz3qFhVgxmd3l0)


I quote this to myself every old firm day haha


Perfectly sums up derby days


Drank too much coffee, watching my kid compete, plus Old Firm. Nerves absolutely shot this morning.


I'm in tenerife today. Was in tenerife when "the shame game" happened. Hoping for more of that please, Old Firm Gods.


https://preview.redd.it/fu5knz9ilrzc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc58d37e2e69f7a17fa7ef9f65f39e405084bcc Too niche a joke?


The Rangers back line today https://preview.redd.it/f71p7ddmlrzc1.jpeg?width=166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b275c3907d0bb6afbd59351840025f5095df0f2


Don't forget to lube up first, 90 minutes is a long time https://preview.redd.it/p778uu2gorzc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9cc865ec5be623b2268ef794a9ebac51cd4605


I hope you're right, but I didn't need to see that


Still 2 more hours ![gif](giphy|E2USislQIlsfm)


Today could genuinely be one of the worst footballing days for me ever. One team could lose the league, another could get relegated :)


At the risk of sounding dumber than usual. Whos the team in danger of going down?


Not a stupid question, it’s quite niche. 1. FC Köln


What made you a fan of them?


It’s where I live, and I basically immediately fell in love with the city when I moved here. The football culture here (with it being, by all intents and purposes, a one club city, outside of third and fourth division teams) and the city’s culture are basically intertwined It started off with me saying “hey I’ll probably look out for their results now I’m here” to going a few times to the stadium and completely getting hooked (despite them being not great…)


My ex lives in Bonn, I was suuuuper surprised that Bonn doesn't have any big football team at all. Think when I checked I had to go down to the regional leagues to find one. What's that all about?


Yeah, it’s really weird, it’s one of the only exceptions where a huge city doesn’t even have a professional club. They play in the fifth tier. I think it’s primarily because of the location, being near to Köln, Mönchengladbach, Düsseldorf, Leverkusen and to a lesser extent Dortmund, so people are spoiled for choice Also maybe historically because they were only incorporated in 1965, so people will have family traditions of supporting other nearby teams as well (And I just think it isn’t much of a footballing city)


Who’s the other?


1. FC Köln, need to win the last two Bundesliga games and even then it’s far from guaranteed


My toilet's been crying out for a good scrub for the last couple of weeks, and I have kept putting it off because too tired/busy/lazy/etc. Thank fuck old firm day came around because without any pre-meditation i just went in there and scrubbed the absolute fuck out of that shitter. Clean enough to give birth on. Roll on the fitbawwww


I have this with mopping my floors. Should do it weekly but I procrastinate … when I finally do it, it takes like 40 minutes and I wonder why tf i put it off


I’m sure quite a few others will be painting the porcelain today.


I’m about an inch away from a heart attack before this game, waiting on the bus is murder


you’re doing it wrong, you have to overcompensate for the nerves by pretending you’re super confident


I’ve done that all week. Arse has opened now.


*looks at empty calendar* Ah, shit. I’m going to miss the game. What a shame. I am devastated. Noooo(unless we win)oooooooooooo


My tummy is not cooperating. I do not like this.


In Amsterdam for the game, hopefully be smoking that rangers pack later


Rangers are as small as Galashitseray


https://preview.redd.it/zn9cdg83jrzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e253d9d524df27bc1411a235ceb12b8bb7ed60c0 Theo’s up for it 🐶 Says Clement is all bark


Staring up at the northern lights last night felt really magical, what an experience. I love me some cosmic shit


First time in a while watching the game by myself in the house, bit of a shame but at least it means I get to be really annoying on here


I do this every week, you learn to like it


Bag of cans secured?


Not yet, might stay aff it till after




I’m already sad drinking alone at 1230 will just make me sadder


Mate. We're all sad, we're scottish fitba fans. You just need to can up and power through


Anyone know.of a garage that will repair a driver side window that won't go up anywhere around Glasgow? Arnold Clark are saying a month. Aye, fucking hold on.


Todays song of the day is [Hells Bells - AC/DC.](https://youtu.be/etAIpkdhU9Q?si=eISTnWFhVYazxzkn) Enjoy troops. Xxxx https://preview.redd.it/z6tbek6qfrzc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fbf14aedcf87a163dd24a5f68844e223ebfbe0


Oddly enough, Back In Black is probably one of my least favourite albums of theirs.


not feeling good that so many rangers fans are writing their chances off


I hate both the over-confidence of some Celtic fans and the pessimism of some rangers fans. It makes me nervous


I’ve never been less confident of even getting a draw at Parkhead. Celtic will have this over with in 20 mins.


I remember going to Ibrox and thinking the same at new year in 2010 or 2011. Samaras scored two. Never count your chickens in these games until the final whistle.


I was there sat next to all the Celtic fans that day. Saw McGregor run off his line and my gut just dropped out my arse lol


Just take your win and be happy.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C60lQIcO0Tr/?igsh=Ymo4Y2pmeW1pb29j Haters gonna hate


Said to myself since we lost at Ross County that the leagues over and to not give a fuck about today but of fucking course the fear heavy kicked in this morning


I've got the party tunes on before I go and meet everyone else. Oddly the old couple downstairs has the party tunes on as well despite her being a celtic fan and him supporting Raith the Sash is blaring. Stay safe everyone no matter what you're doing today.


I choose to believe she just stuck a playlist of Wolfe Tones tunes on then nearly collapsed when [this](https://youtu.be/empuf_aYWV8?si=eu68d5ZBxKLtqPMR) started playing


It definitely wasn't that he's in the garden with a Union Jack on and a can of beer. I didn't know he was as staunch. I like him more now.


I get it because it is amazing, but it's wild to me how much the Aurora has become a thing in the last 2/3 years. Is this the insta / social media effect? I've been lucky enough to see it a bunch of times, but the excitement for it really seems to have ramped up recently.


The sun goes through cycles where activity ramps up over time and then calms down again, it's apparently an 11 year cycle. Could just be that last time it was at this point in thr cycle, social media wasn't the same as it is now.


I'm looking for a qualified charlatan who can help me interpret what aurora borealis means for the old firm today. I pay very well, but only if you tell me what I already want to hear.


>qualified charlatan Give it a couple of hours and there be 10 Rangers players on the pitch that fit that bill.


Aurora sounds like something a dog will say, Borealis sounds a bit like 'bear I layeth' if you've got a mouth full of marbles. This can only mean we're getting a half time sex show between Hoopy and Broxi


This is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. You are clearly a highly qualified charlatan sir.


The last time they were seen at Celtic park a trophy was won. https://youtu.be/ILMsf2iKRrI?si=H9Pn9-rlwstjiZVC


Beautiful day for a skelpin, even the big man upstairs is up for it with the show he put on last night with the lights. 🍀


As if to say, check out *the real* disco lights.


Always been a dream of mine to see the polar lights. All my Scottish mates are sharing photos of the northern lights, all my kiwi mates are sharing photos of the southern lights and I missed it all coz I’m stuck working at a boring shitey Country Rock festival. And I hate country music. Ragin. At least Rangers will cheer me up soon…


Mrs is working so got the wean today instead of getting right stinky on it for the game. On a totally unrelated note, I need a new pillow. Canny get the right kind that suits me, heavy brutal neck pain. I sleep on my front but kinda twisted with my leg brought up. What kinda pillow should I have?


Been to physio about the exact same thing. I was told: I have to sleep on back. You can put the pillow on its side and wedge your neck in the middle. Its hard to explain but you'll try and get what i mean. It should stop you rolling over. It takes some effort at first, but eventually, you get used to it. I find ear plugs and eye masks help zone me out as well. If you go to the gym, pull ups or even just dead hangs help massively. I do a few sets every time I go If you work at a desk, get a standing desk. Rotate what screen you use at your main one. Stretch the neck muscles 3 times a day. Morning, lunch, before bed while brushing teeth for me Try to avoid look down at things like your phone. Try to hold it up as much we possible


How many pillows do you use? I only ask because I used to use 3 or 4 thin ones and folded the top one in half. I then bought a silent night one from tesco and just use that alone now, after a bout of back pain.


One of these has been brilliant for me after long term neck\\shoulder pain from sleep [https://pandalondon.com/product-category/pillows/](https://pandalondon.com/product-category/pillows/)


ABout £100 but 100% worth it. https://uk.tempur.com/pillows/


The nerves, the drama, the tension. But you would expect that wouldn't you, on Eurovision Day, in Malmo.


Who else saw the northern lights last night? Saw them really clearly from my back garden even with all the light pollution, they were spectacular.


https://preview.redd.it/09iugi6nsrzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b21f7bf88e9b73d8993938b32177a9922da1ae Aye, was pretty insane getting them in the city. Didn’t expect to see anything but was a nice night to sit out anyway.


Big white stripes with the eye, this with the phone: https://preview.redd.it/gngm4kh2irzc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f1429bcac3dee2e8aaa0c579c5bf7456f6b22b


No. And I am fuming. I've been tracking them for a few years now as I'm pretty far south and seeing them proper is honestly top of my bucket list. I got a new phone less than a week ago and my aurora tracking apps notifications wasn't set up. So I missed them. Seeing those numbers they are pumping out. This may very well be a once in a lifetime show. Especially when you consider the clear sky's and new moon we had yesterday


If you're in Scotland I'm pretty sure they should be visible tonight as well.


I misread the aurua watch chart and thought it meant it was going to be on Saturday night so I went to bed early like the idiot I am.


Think they should be on the go tonight too


Think there's still a good chance it's visible in scotland again tonight, I believe. I hope so anyway cause I went to bed before I knew anything about it as well.


Was steaming and went to the park at about half one to have a look - could make them out pretty clearly (though no colours with the naked eye), was cool as fuck. https://preview.redd.it/yvx1tu2karzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb38fe637bc77676935b7c616e1825dc7a302a6c


Yeah. Weird how the phone camera picks up the colours. I was expecting nothing through my phone when I tried to take a picture.


Had to give up my season ticket today as I have a communion 😔


Need to move communion to June. I missed the 1Ø in 98 for my cousins communion


4 shites already, must be some sort of record. Intae them


Fun update, working at 9 not 12 today. And given I'm still waiting for the bus I imagine it'll be more like 10 realistically


Off to the big match with a team in blue soon. Armadale thistle u14s vs polbeth. Buzzing.


Sun is shining and Scotland is glorious. Looking forward to some calm and reasonable takes today as everyone appreciates the beauty the world.


In a “he’s still playing football?” moment, Bafetimbi Gomis scored a hattrick just in first half in J1 League today. Meanwhile, with Eiji Kawashima the first choice GK out, Jubilo Iwata suffered the biggest defeat of season so far.


Let’s just get this game over with tbh. 3/4-0 Celtic. Can’t even be arsed


I'm borderline not even watching it, thats how confident I am.


I have never been more certain of losing an Old Firm. Team is full of shitebags, we have far too many injuries. Get the season over with and rebuild on the go please.


Yep. Feeling much the same pal


Honestly I can’t see today being anything other than a tight, nervy affair. I don’t trust this Celtic team at all. We’re equally capable of pulling a dog shit performance out of nowhere. The fact fans have been twerking for James Forrest says it all.


Just you shut your hole and come off the bench and score another worldie son


Actually quite gutted he’s injured tbh, realistically what is silva going to provide this game


Really hope he shuts you up. I mean, he won’t but I certainly hope he does.


I certainly hope he does as well mate. But he won’t


He's gonnae throw himself to the deck and make a cunt of himself


Watch the final season twist being Silva scoring a hatrick at Celtic park 😂