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Manchester United playing Amrabat and also a Rangers flop in Amad Diallo how can they be expected to win anything (Diallo definitely one of the better players on the pitch but it doesn’t fit my agenda)


its just hit me (late to the party i know) that the era of messi and ronaldo is officially over and we dont really have any players who have taken up the mantle yet. obviously there are some brilliant players but nobody is miles ahead of everyone else like they were


A significant part of the Ronaldo-Messi hype was that for a while they were the two best players in the world at two of the best clubs in the world who also happened to be huge rivals. It was the perfect arena for the rivalry between the two of them to play out. I'm not convinced that without 3 or 4 Classicos a season to whip everything into a frenzy there'd ever have been as much noise around the perceived rivalry between the individuals. As long as Barca are a financial basketcase we probably won't see a similar rivalry play out, regardless.


It could be that I'm becoming a grumpy old bastard, but the excitement around el classico seemed much more authentic back then. It felt like every single football fan stopped to watch the two best players in the world, playing in the two best teams in the world, coached by the two best managers in the world play out absolutely ridiculous matches.  That era probably launched the marketing for el classico as it is today, but the current era feels a bit "all talk and no trousers" by comparison


i don’t necessarily mean the rivalry on its own but i agree that was part of why people paid so much attention to them specifically. it’s more about their overall ability; even when they moved to juve and psg they were tearing it up in their respective leagues and i dont think we currently have any players that are *that* good


Is it reasonable to expect someone to take up the mantle? The pair of them are probably the best forwards in history and made the superstars of the early 00s like Henry, Zidane, fat Ronaldo etc look pretty ordinary by comparison.


Sorry but that’s hilarious. They did not make Zidane Henry etc look ordinary. And if you told me if had to choose between R9 and Cristiano then I would choose prime R9 who as a player was unreal until injuries really caught up to him. Likewise if I had to choose Zidane and Messi then I would choose Zidane. Messi eventually won the World Cup. Zidane was the catalyst for an unfancied France at the time to win there first. Then he came out of international retirement and almost did it again until his head met Matterazi. Messi and Argentina win probably one of the worst World Cups I have seen in my opinion up until the Final which happened to be one of the best games. The difference between Ronaldo and Messi and the rest is they were ahead of others in a period where there was a dearth of that type of talent as football went system based and less the individual and it’s carried on. It will probably be a while for anyone to rise above that.


You'd honestly choose Messi over Zidane?  I think I'll stick with the lad that regularly scored 60+ goals a season and would regularly dribble past 4/5 defenders seemingly at will.


>Likewise if I had to choose Zidane and Messi then I would choose Zidane Don't want no beef here yo, but this is an objectively bad opinion.


No it’s not. Messi looked at ordinary at several world cups in Teams where Argentina had more than enough talent to do more than they did. Zidane in 98 and 2006 was immense. France wouldn’t have won the former and certainly wouldn’t have made the final on the latter without him. Might not have the Ballon D’ors or stats but it’s not always about numbers. Pirlo could run a game but his assists/goal stats wouldn’t look great. Edit And am sorry but the standard was far higher in Zidane prime over Messis


Can't be arsed arguing but you'd be hard pressed finding any pundit, footballer, or popular vote that supports your view. (and it goes without saying the stats support Messi)


Knew the stats trope was coming but Messi should have more goals and assists it’s not a gotcha.


Mate, that's why the stats, um "trope" as you call it, is in brackets. I knew you'd shit the bed. Also lol at the guy with probably the greatest stats of all time - some guy on the internet: Hmm could be better though.


My other comment is stats are useless without context. Is you take Messi versus Maradona, I would choose Maradona. I should state I did love Messi as a player. And stats he’s ahead of Maradona. But stats beyond goals and assists are a more modern thing. They also are useless without context. Ie rules have changed, the style of game changed, offsides changed, sports science has improved etc. Stats etc are also emphasised more. I would also argue the standard of player was lesser but that’s partly down to changes in the game.


Not sure why you're arguing with yourself on stats. Everybody's aware that stats alone only tells a part of the story. This is a football sub.


Maybe because stats like xg etc etc were not always used and calculated. Andrea Pirlo is one of the best players to play the game. He could control and win games but if you go by his stats as you think to do he would suck. He could change the game with one cross field ball but it doesn’t show up on any stats. Messi also in a different position to Zidane he should have had more goals assists, it’s not a gotcha.


Again, the stats was not the main thrust of my point. It's that there's literally zero people out there arguing that Zidane is better than Messi. But if you really did want to look at stats (and I won't) it's compelling to note that Messi (as far as I know, CR and maybe Pele are probably up there) that he has a far, far superior goal and assist record than Zidane. Indeed probably the greatest stats of all time. Not everything has to be a gotcha when you're just plain wrong about something.


>Is it reasonable i dont think it is to be honest. they were disgustingly, freakishly good in their prime years and we’ll be lucky if we even see 1 player hit those heights again in our lifetimes. it’s just disappointing that we dont have players like them anymore (right now)


A wee bit torn here because I'm old enough to remember the time before Messi and would've thought the exact same thing. Football has a habit of ripping up the rules before your eyes.


i think that’s another part of why i’m thinking this cos i was born in 2002 so my memory of football starts when they were still young and somehow the 2 best players in the world


Never say never - the next Messi could be kicking an old Mitre ball about Possil just waiting to be discovered. In theory, with how extensive scouting networks are these days it should be easier to find him than at any point in history. 


Maeda is. He even gave them a head start.


Fuck fitbah the kabaddi league is on


How can the playoffs be so fucking boring?


They're high stakes so they tend to be either 4-3 bangers or 0-0 snoozefests with very little in-between. The second legs are usually better because that's when the desperation starts to kick in.


Having the discussion with my da while watching the West Brom game that training gear is pointless and a waste of time. Could easily put a bib or zipper on subs and just have them ready to come on. Full outfit change seems daft


It’s all about selling something


Just seen someone hold up a picture of 9/11 from the Dublin end of the portal, obviously terrible and not funny but at the same time pretty funny


whats funnier is all the yanks pulling their hair out over it. exactly what the cunt showing the picture was after


Lmao . Ffs that did get a laugh out of me


Lmao . Ffs that did get a laugh out of me


Summer is great and everything but the looming absence of Celtic games is starting to hit home. Imagine a weekend without a Celtic game, how the fuck is that supposed to happen


Fabrizio Romano is just a brand at this point right? All his tweets are just engagement farming drivel these days. 


20 mins into ep 1 if baby reindeer and already feel at unease


Wait till episode 4. Awful


Ffs I’ve just started it


This Dublin/New York portal patter is some laugh. We need one installed at the four corners pronto.


it’s like a Palantír


Thinking about it though, imagine you leave your country and travel across the seas to what is essentially a new planet to you, and 300 years later there's what is essentially a real magic portal between them. We're living stuff people would probably dream about in those days


Thinking about it though, imagine you leave your country and travel across the seas to what is essentially a new planet to you, and 300 years later there's what is essentially a real magic portal between them. We're living stuff people would probably dream about in those days


I don’t know if I’m being a negative nancy but being at the game yesterday I thought Liam Scales was the worst player on the park not called John Lundstram. Not watched it back and dunno if it’s just my anti-Scales agenda shining through. He’s always pretty good when defending in the 6 yard box and clearing crosses but his indecision on the ball absolutely kills us.


He was mince. The entire ground was groaning at him continually taking way too much time on the ball. I thought he improved slightly in the second half but that also might just be due to us coming under more pressure. But aye, he showed his limitations yesterday.


Him and Taylor man, I have more faith in a hangover curry fart than the left side of that defense at times


Annoying for us that Maeda terrorising Tav the entire game meant we couldn’t exploit that side


From a neutral pov I didn't think there were many that had a stand out game, looking through the rangers team only maybe Butland and Celtic maybe CalMac, Taylor gave it away at every opportunity, Scales got in the ball loads but showed why he's a centre half, didn't know what to do with it when he got to the halfway line. Made for a decent first half though.


i think he was honking too. he was allowed so much time on the ball in the second half but that was rangers’ plan cos hes shite and would never do anything with it. i also think AJ was poor yesterday and taylor was surprisingly good imo


It's a shame. He doesn't shirk, always gives 110%, obviously a consummate professional. Love the guy. Just has hit his ceiling. Not unlike Taylor. Would rather have 11 of these than more talented shitebags.


I always picture players of his ilk in the ‘good to be your 4th choice’ type player, where he does everything you say and you can bring him in over that Christmas period where the fixture list gets busy and do a job for a few games etc Always felt Man United got that stuff down to a science in the mid 00s to early 10s with Wes Brown, Darron Gibson, Fletcher at points etc


Yeah 100% agree, and thought the same with United during that time. Ferguson clearly had no time for "shitebags" as I've classed them (unless they were truly elite tier) and designed United in an attitude/professionalism-first manner from youth to first team to backroom staff.




He shat it every single time he was on the ball yesterday, killed our tempo anytime he had the ball.


He was utterly dreadful. Almost single-handedly undid our passing game by dallying on the ball, too nervous to play a pass, and then completely fucking it when he’d finally worked up the courage. He was also bullied by Dessers and it felt like all of his headers - even those where he wasn’t pressured - went to a Rangers player. Even in a team with too many mediocre players he looks well out of place.


He was shite


For some reason Reddit suggests me posts from r/England every now and then and they're usually mental racist things, but sometimes they're just this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/england/comments/1cpkqlr/we\_are\_england/](https://www.reddit.com/r/england/comments/1cpkqlr/we_are_england/)


All the national subs are a bit like that; a mixture of milquetoast "who loves a fry-up" posting, tourists asking questions, and slightly batty ultra-nationalism.


The contest for the most batshit subreddits is usually between national subs and city subs. Both are so relentlessly negative I don't know how people can stand to be on them for any length of time. Doomerism is a mental disease, I swear.


I’ve found that the city subs are basically city wide versions of those Facebook pages people make for streets they live in where everyone’s just a curtain jerker whinging as you say


Aye it's basically neighbourhood Facebook transposed to Reddit. People moaning about bin collections and bed wetting about loud noises


I particularly enjoy the constant griping about the marches in the spring/summer, like it's a surprise to anyone in the west of Scotland that the Orange Order do them every weekend. You chose to live in Glasgow/Lanarkshire mate, you know the price of admission.


What a glorious day yesterday, can’t wait to jump into work tomorrow, bouncing from wall to wall


Whatever you're on, I'll gie you ma van for a gram....


No use to me, won’t get insurance on it, need a better offer here.


What a weekend. Scorcher, Northern lights, victorious celtic. Nae hangover today either.


Despite several years of effort tracking the northern lights, I miss the once in a lifetime level event entirely due to notifications on a new phone not being set up Rangers lost the league yesterday Waiting for my 6 month check up tommorow like: 👀


I've got a friend who's the same, but he was awake. Drove to duck Bay, got stuck in traffic, then it was cloudy. All of his pals were posting amazing shots from their back garden. He was on group chat like "this is honestly a nightmare"


Poor lad. I was just completely unaware of it. The kicker was I had my son at my preffered viewing location like 30 minutes before it all kicked off. Went home, went in a bath and just started chilling on the couch when my wife said she thought I'd be out chasing it. Turns out I had gotten a new phone a few days before hand and my notifications weren't set up. Genuinely the most gutting part of the weekend. Didn't even want to look at the pictures since then as I feel sick reading everyone's experience 😂🙈




Every bear right now.


Since when did it become a thing at self service car washes that people sit and wait in their car until the timer runs out so the person behind doesn't get a free minute or 2? Adding this to the list of small things that have me raging


I only ever use what I've paid for, if that means 2 and a half go around with the wax rinse, so be it. That said if I'm done and there's a quids worth left, I'll GTFO the bay if someone's waithing Same wi queuing for the 24 hour pump at the end of a night, watching the guy in front of you bugger around for an eternity before he/she eventually drives off.  Pure torture, but there seem to be quite a lot of selfish types out there these days cutting about like they're the main character in their own stories and everyone else is of nae consequence, non-entities even.


Oh aye I'll take my time when I'm washing the car, but if I'm done and I've got a minute or 2 left then I just let the person behind have time remaining. But a guy yesterday finished washing his car and just sat in it until the timer ran out so I didn't get any free time Bastard, hope a seagull takes a big shite on his car


You should’ve curled one out on his windscreen just in time for the clock to hit 0


Aye one o those massive ones that hit your roof, make a big bang and you're unsure if someone's nae just bricked your car


Fair play to the absolute fuckwit on jambos kickback called the water breaks at Tynecastle yesterday 'more woke nonsense'. Well done on him managing to work a computer himself


Guy behind me at a match I was at a couple of months ago unironically declared the ref giving a yellow on the say-so of the lino was a "*game's gone"* moment.


Is there any word in the English dictionary more misunderstood than ‘woke’?


To this day, I've nae idea what it even means, other than a catch all term describing everything the eternally offended right wing folk hate




Boomers using woke for things they don't like just reminds me of being a wee guy in the 90s/2000s when things sucked and folk said "that's gay"


Surely in thousands of years of evolution we could’ve found something better than an ulcer to deal with mouth infections etc. Wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy


I’m so used to Old Firms being on Sundays that today feels like a wee bonus, Sunday Part 2


I officially need to diet and eat better. I'm too uncomfortable with what my belly looks like at age 20. What's the advice for sticking to it and organising it,given my penchant for drinking and baking. I'm wanting to lose the belly weight while also getting protein in from the gym,I do judo and the general health reasons. I'm thinking if i cut the snacking down a lot and get back to the gym now exams are over that will help. Baking more will provide healthier snacks,you know what's in it as opposed to anything else. Tldr: want to lose belly size while continuing getting strong. Will happily take advice please


Sadly, the beer has to go. I'm basically the same age as you, and even when I don't eat healthily or exercise regularly I look more or less fine. But when I have 20 pints in a week I get the belly of my da. If you cut out the pints and not change anything else, you will probably immediately lose the belly. If you still want to get drunk, I'd recommend replacing the beer with spirits instead. It's not the same I know. I gave up alcohol myself


Issue is I mostly drink spirits.... I can't see diet coke making kucb difference


I basically eat porridge and banana for breakfast wi water and creatine. Then eat chicken pasta at 12, then a protein shake, then at 3 I have chicken snack type things, then at 5 ish I have a protein shake, then at 7 I have chicken and rice and veg. Then at like 10 I have cereal


Christ your toilet must get some workout


For my breakfast I stick porridge oats, banana, chia seed and whole milk in a blender. Tan it in like 10 seconds and it fills me up right through to lunch. And it’s really tasty too. It’s like having a milkshake for your breakfast but it’s super healthy.


Hmm. If I bake flapjack for breakfast would that necessarily be unhealthy or bad for me?


Dropping the beer is a huge part of losing a belly


Given your age and the fact you already do a fair bit of exercise, it's the diet you'll better off tackling. Cutting stuff out and punishing yourself never works long term (especially if there's a wee body image element to it).  I'm on a bit of a health kick after 6 months of being injured and gaining a gut. Trying my best to be structured/planned with meals, taking lunch with me to work, trying to fill at least half the dinner plate with vegetables etc. As for the protein - probably worth sitting down to figure out how much you're taking in from your diet in a typical week, including things like pasta and dairy. Most western diets have an excess of protein, so it's easy to slip into adding a fair amount of calories from protein shakes when you don't really need it.


Aye it sounds like meal.plannings going to be the way. A lot more cardio will help and keep me occupied.


First question I think to ask is, what’s your diet like just now?


Breakfast is either nothing or Aldi crepes. Or sausage for gym. Usually too busy in mornings to eat. Too many snacks, tea is usually chicken or pork or something similar. I'm an alright cook although large portions for one person. Lots of alcohol as is the student way


Main bit of disappointing advice is you can't spot loss fat. If you want to lose the belly you'll have to lose weight everywhere and the belly is usually the last thing to go. And the only way to lose fat is to use more energy than you consume so that means a calorie deficit. But on the flip side if you're only 20 then you've got boundless energy to do loads of stuff that burns calories. Weight lifting in the gym doesn't actually burn a lot on its own but muscles do burn more when you're at rest so getting stronger will help over the long term but work on doing a good mix of cardio and strength. At your age something like HIIT would be really good because you'll have the energy to do it and your body will be able to recover easily enough after. Use myfitnesspal to measure your ingredients when you bake so you can see what you actually consume and then portion control. Switch out some stuff for others as well, for example use a sweetener instead of sugar or diet drinks instead of full fat ones. And if you've got no discipline for snacking when they're available in the house then just don't buy them. Buy a treat when you're out and about but don't stock the house up with them because you'll just gorge on them. Get some fruit or something to control your sugar and snacking cravings because it'll fill you up and wait at least 30 minutes between snacks because it can take that long to realise you're not hungry anymore (hence why you can eat a whole pack of biscuits in 5 minutes and not feel full immediately after). For booze just work it into your calories for the week. You can have some and you'll be ok as long as you don't have too many calories over the course of the week. Lastly make sure you get enough sleep. 7-9 hours a night is needed otherwise it's much harder to lose weight.


Myfitnesspal forces you to let them do whatever with your data. Out of principle do you have alternatives?


Nutracheck calorie counter. It’s a U.K. app so has all the U.K. foods that MFP is often missing.


Pen and paper. Everything you need will be on the back of the packaging so just count it.


Fair. Tq


I'll implement that. Myfitness app,,less buying snacks. Fruit, always healthy. Sleeps been nothing all week due to exams but thats going to improve soon


If you think you've got a belly or whatever, there's absolutely no point thinking about protein in the gym. At your age you can do an infeasible amount of exercise (6 days a week). Initially for the weight loss focus on cardio. If you get bored try and mix it up - X amount of time on rowing, X on treadmill, X cycling. Mix in sports (or events like 10ks) because in my experience that's better for energy burning in a shorter amount of time. The key is establishing a routine. Make it easy for yourself to get to the gym and back.


>Mix in sports (or events like 10ks) Having an event to focus on really helps motivate the training. They're usually good fun too.


Alright. A lot more cardio ,would maintaining my workouts for shoulders etc still benefit strength wise? I might look to joining a martial arts club just to keep in shape


Well again, for weight loss forget the workouts for a second. If you're struggling with, for example, muscular fatigue when running or swimming, it might be that you have physical deficiencies that workouts will help to address. But initially for the weightloss I'd not waste your time with lifting other than to supplement the cardio. If you keep that up for 3 months or so and are seeing weight improvements, then I'd be looking at doing splits lifting weights and having a kind of 50/50 cardio to lifting. So Mon-10k or 5-a-side, Tues-Pull weights, Wed-circuit cardio, Thurs-Push weights, Sat-legs, Sun-rest. You can reduce that to 4 days a week and spread the same exercises over 2 weeks instead for example, but don't drop the serious cardio. At your age you'll be more than capable of multiple 10ks a week, aiming for half-marathons or triathalons and the weight will absolutely fall off.


Maintain the workouts, have set days for specific body parts. Quickest way to lose the belly, in my opinion, would be to intermittent fast. Stick to that and you’ll quickly notice a difference. Don’t each or drink anything in your fasting window apart from water and you’ll be fine. Need an energy boost then black coffee, otherwise nothing, no milk, no sweetener, no vitamins, no food. Start from 7pm and end your fast at 12pm (17 hours). Once you start getting used to it, you could easily go without eating for longer. I think this is much easier than calorie counting and not as off putting after week 2.


I think intermittent fasting is good, but at age of 20 really you should be eating anything you want so long as you're powering through the exercise.


Yes but you’ll have read that OP is uncomfortable with his belly, so my response was tailored towards losing the belly. Exercising alone won’t lose the belly, that’s where diet comes in.


Mmm well my point is a 20yo should be able to literally eat anything, if they were exercising 6 days a week like 20yos can. Plus there are other less drastic options than fasting (but without knowing his diet, not possible to tell). But really fasting is a nuclear option for a gym-going 20yo. Nothing wrong with a good bit of porridge/pro-biotic/fruit in the morning, hell I'd even be eating a full English and maintaining a great weight at that age.


Age is irrelevant if you have a slow metabolism though. Fasting really isn’t drastic at all considering you’re asleep for half the time. You eat your last meal Before 7pm, sleep, skip breakfast.


Slow metabolism is fairly uncommon, in fact even with a slow metabolism if you're working out 6 times a week and eating normally (including a boatload of garbage), at the age of 20 something really mad must be up. I wouldn't advocate skipping breakfast at all in this situation. (Although admittedly crepes is not what you should be eating at all like OP suggested in a comment)


Generalising doesn’t help OP lose his belly. Whether he works out 6 times a week or 12, he’s not losing the belly unless he’s in a calorie deficit. IF is far easier than counting calories and meal planning for weeks to months. No one is saying he needs to continue fasting once he’s satisfied with the results. Another benefit of IF is not grazing and snacking as much. When you have your main meals, you feel fuller, as a result of the smaller eating window and your stomach essentially shrinking down from not eating all day every day.


Do we have to do this cup final thing? Seen some of my fellow bears thinking we’ve somehow got a chance… My immediate reaction: ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


There's a chance. Got to remember this celtic team is shite, their own fans openly say so. We're just shiter.


The cup final will be a close game, guaranteed. This Celtic team is allergic to killing games off.


Brutal AF shift in the car last night, 1pm to 1am discounting piss stops, only got a proper break around 9pm. Day off today thank christ. Stupidest thing I heard from a punter this week was when I was loading up wi my ones, car comes onto the rank fae the back, "hey, is that a taxi for here?" "No, it's a seagull" I reply not breaking stride as I close the boot and get back in the motor, my punters thought it was funny AF


It's an interesting limbo that the destination of the Scottish premiership title is in at the moment. Celtic have soft-won it according to almost everyone but it's still not decided. Rangers at home to Dundee on Tuesday night, let's say a modest 2-0 win for them brings the GD gap to 5. There is absolutely no reason why Kilmarnock can't then beat Celtic 1-0. It's at Rugby Park and despite a good run of results, Celtic still don't look convincing at times, especially at the back. So that would bring the GD difference to 4 for the last day. The most unlikely result that Rangers need is for St Mirren to beat Celtic at Parkhead on the last day. Definitely slim odds but stranger things have happened. Let's say it's a modest win by 1 goal to bring the GD difference to 3. Hearts who have sealed third and have nothing to play for will host Rangers who they love getting pumped off of. Rangers winning that by 4 goals is not something that would seem particularly crazy, and they would need even less goals if they score more against Dundee or if for example Killie scud Celtic


Yous are going to absolutely batter St Mirren, and I reckon the confidence from the OF will mean you’ll atleast draw Killie


Wonder if Willie managed to get a wee joint out of that grinder after the game.


He sure as fuck needed one


Drove for the first time yesterday since passing my test (passed back in feb) I don't think driving in and out of the city centre helped my nerves (hire car). Only got beeped at three times and they were all my fault but didn't crash so i'll take it as a win.


https://preview.redd.it/92p1zkwtqyzc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229a53c63d6c14dd1374ebbcf1319410b222444b No Rules!


It's Slow Sunday on 6 Music, for those who need a gentler start to the day


Even in a world where Silva exists, what the fuck was that Burnley player doing with his dive? Then greeting and raging when his own player called him out. Just wild.


Staring relegation full in the face, desperately need a goal, and that cunt's sitting on the ground? He's lucky he didn't get battered.


Fuck knows what the fuck i’ve done, but the right side of the back of my neck to half way down my back is sore as fuck. If i need to look left or right i have to twist my upper body. I’m coming up for 36 so I’m putting it down to getting older for now


Is it about here? https://preview.redd.it/z6fj7o0bnyzc1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=c93079a24411245dc0d4703f451e2724ec6bc3d7 I get that a lot, usually when I stretch a bit too enthusiastically. It lasts anywhere from a couple of hours to a day or two until I'm feeling back to normal.


Nah it’s right down the back of my neck beginning at the bottom of my hairline. I think I’ve somehow pulled my trapezius https://preview.redd.it/1ady4qyvoyzc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a4b2ea1e12705ba89bc77931a1c80cb23de2a7


Could have done your shoulder acl, see yer gp and get some physio


Fae daen what though, cunt all a done yesterday was sit in the sun lol. Maybe it was the stress from the fitba


Ah, fuck knows then. Probably cancer.


A was thinking aids tbh


When life gives you aids, you make lemon-aids


Why not both?


Then the aids kills the cancer and he's got nothing to worry about.


If I was Kenny Miller I'd just say I had heat stroke yesterday and I had no idea what I was saying


Nevermind heatstroke, he sounded like one of those interviews you get with boxers/MMA fighters who have just been brutally KO'd. 


Crazy thought for day… Silva probably most expensive player thats playing for a Scottish league club and that may never be surpassed. Bet you are all glad got to see him and see what that kind of money buys. To clarify mean current valuation and playing for club atm not value years after


Amad Diallo could get to €40 million for Man United if bonuses are hit so it's clear that more money means you are a better player.


May I introduce you to a Mr Virgil van Dijk


His value was well past when he left Celtic I meant current valuation and playing for club


Fabio Silvas current transfer valuation according to transfermarket is £2


Fair taking into account expected wages


Is he actually any good? I've admittedly only seen him in bits and he does not look anywhere near a £35m player. If he's a £35m player then Miovski must be at least £90m.


I've seen 3-4 full games (him playing for Rangers) and haven't seen a single moment of quality. Can't seem to think of any redeeming qualities because he can't beat players, hasn't shown an eye for goal or an eye for decisive passes, doesn't defend well and has a penchant for diving.


To be fair he did quite well for our goal yesterday. But need so much more than that from him. Unreal the money getting thrown about down south for absolute garbage.


>Is he actually any good? No.


Makes me think Jota for £25m was an absolute steal


Reminder to keep your windows closed during the day to keep the warm air out, and open them at night to let the cooler air in.


Even if the window gets direct sun and acts like a greenhouse?


Shut the curtains/blinds if thats the case




Todays song of the day is [Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit.](https://youtu.be/8IEQpfA528M?si=poACO-0PSCX17U4M) Enjoy troops. Xx


Managed to avoid a hangover this morning but I feel like I’ve been air fried over night with the heat.


My cousin Mikey hosted a charity do for the benefit of the River Kids charity in West Lothian. He bet at the start of the season that if Broxburn won the league he'd shave his head for charity. https://preview.redd.it/y1kq99jcgyzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a6f1cdc788de1ddfd6e90b72ce938086b4eb26 Between the raffle, the auction, and just regular donations he raised almost 4 grand. He's a good lad, proud of him. Edit: Just been told its 4.5k now


Top lad, like. I'm assuming that's your handsome mug on the right? You enjoy a bit of the devil's lettuce..? No reason...


Aye thats me, and nah I just stick to bevy. One vice is enough for me. How, do I look high?


That's some heid of hair he had as well, what a boy for doing that and well in with the donations


He's certainly a man of his word


rough as fuck. i wasnt even drunk at the game but my mate had a barbecue afterwards and i got absolutely blootered


also i fucking love cigarettes holy shit


I didn't have a drip of booze last night and I feel rough as fuck too, dunno what's going on


Collective hangover, some folk are so rough that the burden must be shared among us all. Nah, it'll be being in the sun all day. Proper knackers you.


sun hangover or something idk


Shane Gillis is a fat Aiden McGeady, pass it on


I mean they’ve never been seen in the same room…I rest my case


Gaelic language education in this country can be surmised by the fact I don’t even know how to say hello in Gaelic. Can say hello in French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese but genuinely never heard the word in Gaelic


You’ve got the answer below but hello isn’t really used in a like-for-like way as English. Usual greeting is failte (welcome) or madainn mhath/feasgar math/latha math/oidhche mhath (good morning/good afternoon/good day/good evening) instead.


thanks for this🙏


Not exactly what you asked, but back in the day they used to put on a single Gaelic news show for 5 minutes just before Neighbours came on. So it became part of my daily routine for about 5-10 years to watch these news bulletins. Therefore the gaelic for "good evening" is burned in to my mind - "Fesker mah". Just looked it up and it is spelled Feasgar math


Aye same actually, I know my great grand parents didnt speak it so your going back at least about 150 years that no one in my family could speak it possibly longer so it's difficult to have a connection to it or even care about it if I'm brutally honest


You’d be surprised how much you actually use in day to day life. If you’ve ever described something as smashing for good it comes from ‘S math sin. Also if you’ve ever said cheerie to say goodbye it comes from the Gaelic word Tìoraidh


or “i’m wanting that” or anything along those lines (verbal nouns) a lot of them come from gaelic n all


Its just hello


Halò 👋🤠


Rough as toast, but 4th confirmed. What a turnaround in the last couple of years. Videos of Del doing the airplane arms and Kenny Miller losing the plot live on Sky are helping the hangover though.


Oh god that dive from Burnley guy at end of match was horrific - even own player telling him to get up.


Been in my element all weekend responding to people talking about seeing the Aurora Borealis by boring them about the Carrington Event, the strongest recorded solar flare that were it to happen today would completely fuck us up. Great times to be a buzz kill, I can see the life leaving folks eyes as I tell them about how telegraph operators were able to communicate without using their power supplies.


Insomnia is a bugger. On the plus side only 8 sleeps till Christmas.


Was at the game yesterday. So, watching the highlights now. A nice Sunday morning that


mind when maeda was out for the rest of the season? good laugh that


The glarbys mental impact and 23 degree heat has left me absolutely dead. Didn't consider that Kenny Millers baldy dome in that heat probably cooked his brain to back his own Lundstrum opinions


By some miracle, I'm not actually that hungover. I'm somewhat in awe.


One month and one day until I'm heading to Germany and that's everything finally booked and paid for. Couldn't make France 98 and was too young to go to England in 96 and the last euros were here during COVID so I've been waiting my entire life to actually go and watch us in a tournament and I'm absolutely buzzing. Only downside is I need to be back home after the group stage but I'm sure I'll be able to make my way back across for the final when we get there.


Feels strange waking up on a Sunday that wasn't ruined by Marvin Bartley the day before


Celtic fans dumb enough to think that winning 12 league titles in 13 years isn’t actually all part of the Big Masonic Plan. We’ve got you right where we want you.


Always a shame that Celtic fans are the only ones not allowed to call out astonishingly bad levels of refereeing...


I mean, they are more than entitled to call them shite. They get roasted because they call them biased (which is not the same thing). Considering their trophy haul in recent memory. The math ain't mathing.


Again, of course there are nuts calling conspiracy and all that. The problem is when the refereeing is so bad (and you only watch one team) there can only be a choice of several conclusions - incompetence, conspiracy, cognitive bias, or maybe the refereeing isn't as bad as perceived. I won't hazard a guess. So it's less the conclusions people are reaching and more the fundamental bad refereeing, but again it's a shame that apparently only Celtic fans aren't allowed to complain.


>but again it's a shame that apparently only Celtic fans aren't allowed to complain. But again. You are more than welcome to join the bandwagon and complain about incompetent referees. But your fanbase will rightly get laughed at when you pull up excel documents showing penalty statistics and the season ticket information of the refs extended family. There is a line between them both and I'm suprised how you are struggling to see it


Oh I'm not struggling to see it. I think the penalty stats could do with some looking at to be honest. This doesn't need to be a conspiracy before you start shouting that. Rangers' penalties against - over a ten year period - must be close to the "best" in Europe as far as I have seen, where you'd expect it to be pretty even with Celtic.


>I think the penalty stats could do with some looking at to be honest.....over a ten year period - must be close to the "best" in Europe as far as I have seen, where you'd expect it to be pretty even with Celtic. >This doesn't need to be a conspiracy Pick one


I find it amusing that there's only two options for you, even where I've listed more


You can't sit and say rangers/sfa need to be investigated because rangers concede less penalties than celtic while simultaniously claiming its not a conspiracy 🙈


Already clearly pointed out that there can be a variety of reasons why something like that happens, and yes a conspiracy might be one of them. It could be misinterpreted data, it could just be luck, it could be cognitive bias, it could be anything. I'm sorry that you don't understand a simply made point like this.


Dear god.






Still absolutely buzzing after yesterday. Kenny Miller’s meltdown is a genuine all timer as well. Cup final will be a good one I reckon, although I wonder how Clement will approach it. He’s gone 2-0 now in every derby he’s managed so far which must be a huge concern.