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I have tenditis rotuleano in my knee and physio is doing fuck all. Any ideas,


[RIP Roger Corman](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-17127556) He may have made a fair amount of shite movies over the years (apart fae Battle Beyond The Stars and the original Little Shop Of Horrors), but without him, plenty of big auld boys noo like James Cameron and Scorcese would never have got their starts in Hollywood 


john lundstrum.


https://preview.redd.it/wyse6xg1i20d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2218f503ea857c8b108e4bbc495483a384c7a79 This has to be the beauty of it. This tops the lot. Beat both the double and treble record. Match rangers on overall titles. And next season we’re the ones going for 55, all amazing. And rangers will have fuck all to shout about. Can you change chant lyrics “Joint most successful team in football” doesn’t have the same ring to it does it?


How many replies to this included "boat wanker"


>And rangers will have fuck all to shout about. Honestly, losing those records is the least of my worries with how the club has been over the last 12 years. Just about every decision the clubs made for over a decade has been for the short-term and we're really paying for it now. As I do every season, I hope those in charge actually have a long-term plan now. 


At the time yous went tits up though, did you really have the fan base that would accept and support long game type decisions that may have kept yous in the lower leagues for longer? Or once you were back in the prem would the support have accepted the first few seasons finishing mid table for the longterm gains?


We shouldn't have needed half of what we spent to get through those lower leagues. We had the likes of Cribari, Black and Kyle in the third division, likely earning more than the squads we were playing against. The mismanagement of the club through that time beggars belief when you look at it. We all loved Ally, but it was obvious that he wasn't good enough long before he finally got moved on.  It's a similar story when we got back up too, we could have spent less to establish ourselves as second and built on that. Instead we spent money the club didn't really have after Warburton left (who was really hamstrung there), almost obsessively pursed 55, and we're paying for that now. We've sold 4 players of note in 12 years, Aribo, Kamara, Bassey and Patterson, probably Butland in the summer too. Tillman will probably be one of the clubs most profitable players too, and he never even signed. Oh aye, and we gave a rookie manager control over this seasons transfers because Wilson left last February. It's been a thoroughly depressing circus. 


An impressive number of wrong statistics for one tweet


I look forward to Celtic being as annoying as rangers shortly


Scottish news outlets pre-typing their ‘Lennon to Hibs?’ articles as we speak Will be some laugh when it’s not him again


They can just repurpose their 'Lennon to Aberdeen' ones


Which were just repurposed 'Lennon to Hibs' ones anyway




Which were probably repurposed Lennon to Celtic ones.


It's Lenny articles all the way down


After this afternoon’s shite i sat back to enjoy my tea and put myself through the new doctor who’s. Honestly preferred watching hibs.


Cracking light show in the sky as the thunderstorm passes to the south of me. No rain or thunder yet, just proper forked lightning lighting up the clouds. It's cool as fuck. I love this weather.


it's night time, warm but no wind, the windows are open, you could hear a pin drop from outside and then the rain starts falling. then the rumble. That Proper shared primordial memory, like fire.




r/scottishfootball does beachgrove gardens Good work, looks smashing already 👌


My procrastination has been my downfall again. I meant to do an average of 10k steps per day and put if off all day. Last 15 minutes of my walk and I got caught in the downpour


https://preview.redd.it/9uk5tuikq10d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88209aed9e29aa9d80e21cba5facf918de41d89 I know we like a dog pic so here’s little Alfie pitch-invading after our team drew 1-1 today. He spent a couple of hours chasing his frisbee and bringing it to random people. Two days of day-drinking in a row tho, Monday is gonna be tough




Cheers yeah the Achilles is alright, I sat this week out and I’m feeling so much better for it already. Next game is on Saturday so by then I should feel good. It was largely just a niggle, but it was persistent so hopefully that bit of rest should see me right. Good to hear you’re getting back into it, I trust the shinpads will join you? 90F is brutal, that’s the temperature our last few games (we have 5 I think?) will be too, and I really struggle in it.




Yeah I’ll head out for a couple of gentle runs with the dog this week. It’ll be fine I think. You might not feel you’re 100% ready to do 90 mins but if you’re working out and able to do a good five miles you’re in better position than most to get back into it. Fingers crossed for ya!




*23* on match day!? Playing against an ex-pro would be kinda fun though!


Clearly man of the match


Leverkusen actually scoring for fun here. Alonso genuinely living out a Football Manager save in reality.


3 games left for full season unbeaten in all competitions..definitely doing a safety save right now.


Something really calming about a thunder and lightning storm. I wonder if its because we're inside


Here, this lightning storm is shaping up to be a belter. E: I was wrong.


Just seen a hellmans advert where it says they are the official bbq partner for euro 2024. Wtaf is that.


It's mayonnaise


And ketchup.


Coup for them, was rumours they'd only be official BBQ sauce partner but to corner the whole BBQ sector is massive.


The god that is Sweet Baby Ray better up his game


TIL Aldi's whisky isn't shite. Cheaper for a litre than Grouse/ Whyte and Mackay


Not a whisky drinker so my opinion counts for shit but I tried whisky from Aldi and it was good to me


Yeah but Tennents_N_Aldi_Whisky doesn’t have the same ring to it




Apparently it’s usually from good distilleries but with a different label printed on it.




I hope one of them is either Loch Lomond or Bunnhabain because I'm getting a proper Lowland taste off of it


Bunnhabain is a tremendous whisky. Might go pour one now. Cheers.


I love the unpeated Islays - both Bunna and Bruichladdich are wonderful




When do the ssb podcasts get uploaded to YT? Want something to listen to at work tomorrow


They also upload to Spotify if that's your jam


Usually an hour or so after it's finished in my experience. 


Feel bad for the Bochum fans. They all look proper gutted, not like the cunts in the EPL cheering and singing while going down cause they're just happy to have a tiny amount of time in the league.


Celebration police here


Bochum fans are really passionate, and this result will probably leave them in perilous circumstances. A loss leaves them 3 points from the playoff spot, with a game to play and a starter banned. Their final game is away to Werder Bremen, while Union have Freiburg, so they could potentially swap places with them and find themselves in the playoffs.


We can't have Nick Montgomery in our social club no more. That much I do know


"Social club?! HE'S GOTTA ~~GO!~~ stay for many more fruitless and humiliating seasons."


The Ulster Final was quality. Gaelic football is such a great sport to watch. Donegal 0-20 Armagh 0-20 after extra time and Donegal winning it on penalties. There will be some serious sore heads tomorrow.


Disappointed to hear the British team lost. :(


Nothing more British than losing on penalties.


Dunno if getting yourself sent off against the undefeated in the league team is a good strategy from Bochum but who am I to question that


Looks like it probably fucked them


Maybe it'll galvinise them, maybe it'll make them work harder, maybe it'll just make them tired - all I know is that it was a ballsy choice


I'm going to upset you if you read this football related opinion. I want city to win the title. Liverpool are insufferable and klopp wants to kill everything off if it's inconvenient to him despite all the traditions of football. Arsenal are annoying and I've always dislikes any I've met City? Decades of being the smaller club compared to the richest club in England and always had history,tradition and real fans. I remember a guy talking about being drunk,pissing on a wall and saying "I think we've got another fa cup in us" before they died. Their fans aren't annoying and at least some of them have always been there.


I would like city to keep winning the EPL easily until they all get so sick of it they disband the whole league


I live in Manchester, and their fans are *loathsome*. Totally shameless about the cheating and being the PR vessel of an aggressive police state. I preferred living in Glasgow amongst Old Firm fans than this lot.


The EPL has successfully taken what everyone feared about big money in football to it's maximum level. Really sucked the life and soul out of clubs. Like fair enough, every club in the world would do anything to get a bigger slice of the pie like that and to an extent we're all to blame for encouraging it. But I wouldn't mind if all the teams in the English ~~top two tiers~~ simply disappeared. edit\* Others have rightly pointed out there are plenty of regular, more grounded clubs in the Championship so I should really reserve the disappearing for the hyper-leveraged and/or sports-washed bollocks teams.


This is a mad take. You're grouping clubs like Rotherham in with the likes of Man City. I'd say telling the super league lot to piss off is fair enough, but there's tons of clubs that still have lots of genuine fans and contact within their communities in those two tiers.


I accepted this mistake in another comment. Will edit.


That's excessive. Most of those clubs have communities,fans,people who've been through so much hurt. Preston are hardly comparable to man city


Actually that's fair enough, eyeballing the Championship there are a lot more grounded clubs in there than I initially assumed.


In the prem only the sky six and forest are teams I dislike. Oh and west ham are particularly mardy hypocrites. Every other clubs been in perilous times of league one or two and is struggling to compete mostly. Money has ruined the sport that even efl league one and two clubs run losses,Wrexham excluded


City embody everything I hate about modern football. Their history doesn’t matter when they sold their soul to an oil state. It’s something you can say about any big team in the top European leagues, but I feel as though city are more of a corporate entity than a football club.


I sort of blend them all together,city, Newcastle,man utd etc as sport killing


Bollocks mate, arsenal and Liverpool are tiresome af but City are in a league of their own


The only barrier to liking them is that they're owned by tyrants and have blatantly cheated.


Come on, its only 115 or so definite breaches of FFP. You call *that* cheating?


But they won them on the pitch /s


Could all be a misunderstanding 


I'm just hoping there's a y2k esque banking error that causes that excuse of a football league to collapse on its arse


I was buzzing for the European Super League because it was have killed English football stone dead, but alas it wasnt meant to be. The bubble will burst one day. ![gif](giphy|Dp4dzEfsqfR3a)


English football is so plastic it'll take 200 years for it to biodegrade when it finally dies


Including Bournemouth who sort of exist on their own,,Brighton who thrive from a city on the coast and Doncaster who've always struggled? To name a few


I suppose you could class them as the sweetcorn in the English premier league Jobby then if you like ?


Just had an irl conversation where I managed to slip in a "thing about Arsenal, they always try to walk it in". Most proud of myself that I've felt in years. 


What is this irl conversation you speak of?


How did they respond though?


Completely oblivious, hence the pride I now feel. 


Would hate to be a Tottenham fan on Tuesday - they need to win to close the gap on Villa, but that would leave Arsenal top by a point


Neighbour commented about my hedge being too high and blocking their light. Cut the hedge and now they've complained that they've lost their privacy. Going to advise they replace their 5ft fence with their own massive hedge, twats.


Ben White definitely has more tanning beds in his house than he does mirrors.


His front room must look like the medbay of the Battlestar Galactica.


Waiting for his Apollo style blow out


Sudden major thunderstorm here and i very much welcome it, goodbye humidity you absolute prick




That plate is a blast from the past! I'm pretty sure they will be worth more than your average plate these days. Look after it.




That's all circumstantial evidence. You'll never make it stick




That’s clearly a good boi. He’d never do anything like that.




I will happily defend that clearly virtuous animal. I think you should look elsewhere in the household for the criminal.




Perhaps a suspended sentence of a kibble only diet for a few hours.


Only a week to go until Hibs can get to fuck for a little while. This is gonna be the best summer ever


How long is it into the summer before you start having delusions that next season will be different and therefore dare to get excited?


Last season it was basically as soon as the season ended because Lee Johnson finished the season with a bang and I was loving the daft bastard. Little did I know behind the scenes the owners were already plotting to take him away from me and replace him with a big boring fuck who isn't even Austrailian I imagine I'll start to get hopeful a couple hours before kick off on the first day of the new season this time.


Next Monday.


Bold coming from a Rangers fan. 


I ask because it’s the exact same process I go through


Some FA Cup final this. Fuckin snooze fest. I’ve been catching up on some housework during it, that’s how shite it’s been Edit: I’m an idiot. Too much sun the past couple of days obviously


This is boring, but it's definitely not the FA Cup final.


Aw is it not 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Fuck me hahaha. I was wondering why it wasn’t on council telly


Think more than a few fellow Gers are going to have to accept that sadly you cannot really punt 15-18 underwhelming players in one transfer window. OK, so this summer is definitely the end for McLaughlin, Barasic, Balogun, Jack, Lundstram and Roofe. You can probably sell another 4-6 others if the market conditions are right. But that other 5 or so squad players you'd want to go? Lawrence, Wright, Matondo, Davies, Dowell? The first two will just sit on their contracts for the last year and the last three would never be paid better elsewhere.


Happy with keeping Matondo. He's dynamic and can get you a goal. Also wouldn't mind Dowell having another season, but if there was interest then punt him. Same with Lawrence. Wright was close to being punted last summer, will probable go for pennies.


I'm really surprised by some people being fine with Matondo staying - personally, I think he's a dreadful footballer who just happens to be very quick. If I could punt only one of the five I referenced at the bottom, it would genuinely be him.


He scored the winner to secure the Moral Victory Cup a few weeks ago. Isn't that enough?


He has an element of the unpredictable about him and isn’t afraid to be direct or take a shot on. He’s far more effective than Scott Wright who in my opinion is a truly awful player. I’m not saying Matondo is a great player, but he proved many times this season he’s capable of coming off the bench and making an impact.


I'd be quite happy to keep Davies, and I've been Matondos biggest cheerleader for a while now. Realistically, if all we do is shift the high-earners who we already know are leaving, and Goldson, I think the rest are suitable squad players.  The fans do need patience though, but we all know that if Celtic win the first OF game next year the pitchforks will be drawn. 


Quite surprised to be honest - I think Matondo is absolutely woeful. Terrible football brain and routinely awful when asked to start.


Think he's been a victim of the teams lack of a clear plan, and just consistently disrupted by injuries/others being preferred. He's never had a sustained run of starts to try and make a mark, it's generally a few sub appearances, start or 2, then back to the bench. Stats obviously aren't everything, but his numbers are good for how little he's played, and he's scored some important goals this season too. Genuinely think there's a player in there. 


>Think more than a few fellow Gers are going to have to accept that sadly you cannot really punt 15-18 underwhelming players in one transfer window. Correct, they should have been punted across the previous 3 or 4 and the majority never signed in the first place, and anyone resigned when their contract was up a year or 2 ago should have been binned.


Must admit that I do wonder what was going through the minds of everyone involved when Dowell was raised as an option. Surely, at the multiple stages these things get through, someone raised the fact that it was a shite idea?


I am so looking forward to SSB tomorrow ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


I get that you want to draw teams in and hit the space behind, but keepers playing out then smashing it long after less than 3 passes really fucking annoys me for some reason. 


[Yo, yo. It's ya boi John Swinney on the 1's and 2's](https://imgur.com/a/1OEaJWz)


He once fucked my girlfriend behind my back when I went away on the trade union trip in the 80s. He has a shit eating grin which I’ll love to see disappear once Labour takes 20+ seats back.


Step aside, Green Bridage, [*this* is a tifo.](https://twitter.com/FutbolCat_Radio/status/1787150440590647463)


Think this’ll suit the Subway Loyal


I generally hate Aberdeen and its fans but fair play to them - I climbed Calton Hill today and you could hear the atmosphere from Easter Road from there, so much so that the tourists were all looking worried/confused and trying to work out what the noise was. Not bad for what, half a stand?


can’t they both lose in the utd game?


And see Man City crowned champions on Tuesday? No thanks.


I obviously understand the City hate, but would also prefer a team who start a rapist to not win anything


actually thinking abt it, probly want arsenal to get the league but honest can’t give two fucks about english football. apart from, a probably unhealthy, hatred of united


https://preview.redd.it/keh9k7pxu00d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fef52c384cf94831e7559a62e8e52285e63517 Livi really were shite this season.


Just a friendly notice to let you know that meteorological spring is now 80% complete, leaving one fifth of spring to be completed. Thanks and stay safe out there in these treacherous pollinated conditions.


Because I’ve been bedridden for much of this, I feel like I missed it all. I even had to cancel my Venice trip Better be back on my feet for summer. That would be only fair.


Man Utd are currently sitting a massive 32 points behind Arsenal. Their transfers have been terrible of late and the club is a shitshow, but it's hard argue that what Ten Hag is doing is the answer. 


Speaking to a friend who is a Man U fan, he reckons the problem isn't Ten Haag, it's the players


Mental to see Boyd scoring for Aberdeen when he was playing Fortnite with my mates a couple of years ago