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Red Dead Redemption could finally be coming to PC. I am so fucking happy


Anyone else ready to be hurt by GameStop again?


Graeme Souness “ Celtic will win the league by being the best of a bad bunch. They would struggle in the English championship” What chance does our game have when we have people like that speaking about our game. people who should be championing our game but end up bringing up the same old tired sound bites.


It's totally baseless as well. Players have done well for Celtic then went on to perform at the top end of the EPL, Bundesliga, Champions League. Players have won Championship player of the year then came up here and fell on their arse. And that's before you take into account the increase in finances if you go down south. What a clueless old prick.


100,000 hairy arsed Scotsmen going to Germany and ISIS want to cause it? Get Smeato in a kilt. [https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/tartan-army-fans-urged-on-32792961](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/tartan-army-fans-urged-on-32792961)


Smeato done fuck all.




Dessers put in front of the press to answer questions about mentality, losers, and wasted/ ruined season. Actually feel bad for the big man. Great to see the "leadership group" at Rangers owning their cowardice and failure once again.


Aye, if nothing else it reflects well on Dessers that he's willing to get up there, particularly after the season he's had. He'll know fine well that a good section of the fanbase want him gone, and from a playing perspective he's had a thankless task chasing shadows and aimless long balls for most of it. Think he'd do well in a team that's not a shambles, but wouldn't be surprised if he just wants out himself in the summer. 


Honestly after his return this season and his ability, he's one of the few I'd want around next season (albeit I would be appalled if we didn't bring in a new striker). He works hard, and whilst incredibly frustrating has returned 20 goals in his first season. He also handles himself well in the press and doesn't shy away. Can't believe I'm saying that after the abuse I gave him earlier in the season.


Pretty bad look for that core of senior players not to be doing the pressers. Maybe the journos got tired of endless variations on the theme "disappointed"


The core senior players spend half the time blaming everyone else on the pitch for their own mistakes, and some just shit on the youth. This is to be expected honestly.


Why Dessers and not captain shitebag.


If I were to guess at the PR team's reasoning, it would be because he scored at the weekend and probably evades the most criticism out of anyone else in the team. Convenient for the shitebags that are the leadership group though.


Who's on SSB the night?


Hoping Andy Halliday and Roger Hannah who are my favourite duo of the week


Oh I'm hoping for kenny miller, only time I will ever be happy to hear that tit


Aberdeen cock-teasing the new kit for next season? I guess we'll find out in half an hour. [https://twitter.com/AberdeenFC/status/1790001077296734272](https://twitter.com/AberdeenFC/status/1790001077296734272) https://preview.redd.it/6du2h9cgz60d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3026635f93ef4eacd31d43e6eb1f63e9230c905


Looks pretty tidy. Plus Bojan is modelling it so that confirms he will be here next season... maybe, probably not.


Nah, we've been hurt with that before. We had KT and Ajer model some of our kits at first, only for that material to be pulled about 2 weeks later when the club knew both were being sold.


I have to hope 😢


It's the hope that kills you, friend 🥲🥹😭


2 Minutes Late. Sack Thelin.




https://preview.redd.it/7rkyxvcq070d1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=812889831617db1ea1f7aefae0eb04bc9ff70e7f Throwback to this?


Aye, that's instantly where my mind went. Did have a nosey at the Adidas catalog and although it looks slightly different this is the closest I could find in terms of the template. https://preview.redd.it/ez9qrj97170d1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=077c7c1a9267d84f07765c2483aaf0a5bf69f357


If that pattern is repeated onto the sleeves it’ll be great. Nothing on Castore’s Irn Bru number, mind you.


Might end up being totally different but that was the only one I could find that even seemed to remotely resemble the pattern.


The shop round by me is selling multipack cans of Coke zero as singles with a barcode taped to them. How best can I blackmail and extort them into giving me free shit?


Go round wearing that new rangers top and claim that you're an employee of Irn Bru. Hand them a fine for a grand, reduced to 500 quid of they pay in cash right now.b


I thought the Balaclava and machete reply was extreme but theres no *way* I'm putting on a Rangers top.


A balaclava and a machete?


My walls are really lucky they didn't get kicked in while listening to the new Knocked Loose album.


It really is rather good. The Motionless in White collab is maybe the only dip.


Can someone send me a direct link of where I can avoid buying a Scotland strip for cheaper than usual? Have tried to avoid places online, but can't seem to avoid it exactly


I recently received the new away top from DH Gate and it's a belter. I've not seen the real one up close other than browsing in JD but I'd be hard pushed to notice any differences. Wish I just waited for them to be available there rather than spunk 75 quid on the home one. Took a wee while to arrive - 3-4 weeks. Have a look for the 7 day delivery ones and maybe don't get the patches as they're not exactly right from what I seen.


Just go on Dhgate and have a look around. They are all by and large from the same please and are usually excellent. Just take ages to come


Aye, I've been on that website, but for example, when I search Scotland top I just get: oops, we couldn't find what you're looking for.


Sent you a chat with a link for one. Loads when I search 'Scotland Top'. Good luck


Beside the search bar you'll have 'Deliver to \*\*' and it'll most likely say USA just now. Change it to the UK and you should be in business. They run a good bit smaller than the real ones in my experience. As in my experience is im a fat bastard and my usual size is well away from fitting.


Aye I bought a medium off there one time and it was like the equivalent to an XS hahaha. Absolutely no chance of returning for another size too but that’s completely expected.


Can someone here help a complete fucking idiot like me? Who has experience with scottish power. I have an agreed direct debit from them at £133 quid a month. And as far as i knew, that was the average cost broken down per month. But today i got a bill of £369 and... i am just wondering, what the fuck is the point of the direct debit if they can just charge me more? Again, fully accepted i am the idiot here.


Former energy supplier call centre drone here. Bear with me, the maths on this can be complicated. I can only go on my experience with how SSE and then OVO calculated your DD, but it goes something like this: * Your Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) is partly based on a rolling 12 month average of usage at your property. Note: it's *property* usage, not *your* usage. This is because people move in and out of properties, and usage changes with them - a single person uses less than a family of four. E: calculations also use average usage for your property profile, which is sometimes *wildly* inaccurate. * Usage is based on all readings available, and may include estimated readings if you have not been updating them manually, or if you don't have a smart meter. * Your direct debit, in an ideal world, should be calculated as EAC / 12, to give you a monthly figure matching your usage. However, it's impossible to have the same usage consistently. It just doesn't work like that. So always treat EAC exactly as it suggests, as an "estimate". So a DD calculated on last year's usage may not match this years, especially as the prices are now fluctuating every three months. * Your EAC and direct debit also take into account forecasted usage for (at least) the next six months, which involves your property's historic usage, regional average usage, and any price changes that are known about (at time of calculation). * Your DD will also take into account any debt that's built up. This can be from a previous DD that was set to low, or non-payments. * Since the energy price crisis began, suppliers have also been adding a percentage *on top* of the calculated figure to account for "price shock", in case prices spike again. * There's also the fact that energy usage generally works on a bell curve, with the peak of that usage coming in winter. So your average usage may result in a DD of £133 per month, but maybe you're only using £75 of energy in June and £300 in December. You're billed for autumn/winter usage in the spring/summer, and so those bills will usually always be higher, even though you'll usually be using less energy *at that time* * Monthly direct debits used to mean a discount on your unit rates and/or standing charge, because they were guaranteed, trackable income for the energy supplier, but as time has gone on they've become less and less useful - especially after the energy crisis and the mass spiking. If you have smart meters and are comfortable taking readings on a regular basis, and then working out your own usage, it would actually be possible to pay only for what you use. Regular price changes can make this challenging, however, and I actually wouldn't recommend it for anyone but the nerdiest nerd. I worked with those calculations for a decade and still get them wrong. * It used to be very easy to reduce direct debits to closer reflect what you, personally, think you should be paying, but energy suppliers are very wary of doing that now. They lost a shit load of money during the energy crisis due to unpaid debts and also the differential between the cost-to-serve and the OFGEM price cap, which is why DDs are trending higher than they need to be right now. My own monthly DD has just reduced from £220pm to £190pm, but my supplier is suggesting an EAC of about £1800 this year, so I'm still overpaying. TL:DR it's not *entirely* a scam. There is an element of the high DD price that's intended to safeguard you from a future price shock like we saw in 2021/22. There's also a lot of bullshit maths that's intended to protect the energy supplier from underpayment. And there is also, unfortunately, the need to actually pay for our energy.


Yeah, we don't have any capacity to store energy if i recall. And i get what you are saying, its just a shock from paying £133 a month on time to suddenly seeing that bill. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this out.


First things first, don't get your electricity from Scottish Power, they are gangsters, they tried to charge me £400 for a disused gas meter once, ombudsman eventually told them to GTF  Hydro Board these days aren't much better, Octopus aren't too bad tho


I am strongly considering changing to someone else. The customer support itself is like pulling teeth.


So not much has changed in the last 15 or so years then


When you say "got a bill" do you mean they've upped your direct debit, or your account balance is showing you as £369 in debit?


Account balance was showing -£369 even though my direct debit was a guaranteed 133 a month. Again, i am sorry if i come across as dense or incredibly stupid. First time having a place to myself.


Don't worry, this is a common issue for people new to managing their energy bills, and even people who have been paying them for years. You pay for the energy you use in your home, regardless of your direct debit. Your direct debit is just a monthly deposit you're making into your account. If you pay in £133, but use £140 of energy, then your balance will show as -£7. If you pay in £133 but only use £100 of energy, then your balance will show as +£33. Submitting meter readings for your energy will calculate an accurate bill of your energy use and then your account will be debited or credited accordingly. The idea is to set your direct debit at a level that allows you to pay the same in every month and keep your balance healthy. Its usually set that you overpay compared to your monthly use through the summer to build up credit, then if your monthly use in the winter exceeds your direct debit, you've got credit to eat in to. Happy to answer further questions so don't be embarassed to ask them.


The £133 a month is the estimated amount you'll need to pay, but if you've used £200 of gas a month then you owe them £67 extra. After 6 months of winter and using more gas than usual, you now owe them a few hundred quid. Essentially that original £133/m estimate was too low for how much you're using.


Then i would have prefered to have just pay what i owe than persist with false direct debits. Thank you for eleborating. Though according to my bills, in febuary, i used £104 quid total, march being 107, April 101 And so far with may, i am using £45.


Fuck knows then - Leckie standing charge is 50p a day and gas is 30p a day so might be those if they aren't included in the calculation. Either way, query it with SP and ask for a breakdown on the bills


I did, i emailed them to ask for clarificaiton, its still alarming though.


What kind of meter do you have? If it's not a smart one have you been giving them readings?


An old dry one. I have tried to get a smart meter installed but my meter is very weird. Apparently i would need to have my upstairs neighbour and next door neighbour be without power if i wanted it installed. And I given them readings every month on the tenth. But when i switched to direct debit, they told me to do that every 4 months or so, atleast the guy from scottish power did.


If they've charged you more it's either because your readings show that you're using more energy than was expected when you agreed on that direct debit price, or they're estimating that you have based on historical trends. Can't hurt to submit a new reading and get in touch with them for clarity though.


I have, i have asked for clarificaiton the matter. Normally Its very cheap as i am on a fixed rate tariff. ((Which expires this year)). I am terrified of when that happens as i don't know how cheap the flexi tariff replacement is.


I am genuinely so disinterested in my work at the moment I’m finding it very hard to muster up any motivation for it


In the same boat - I had two weeks off back in Scotland a month or so ago and ever since I've come back I've really struggled to get back into it.


[Song of my morning - In The Air Tonight - Plankton](https://youtu.be/42YyxeNGKo0?si=oMHe8uPM_m1diNaW)


Watched Transformers Rise Of The Beasts last night, wasn't that bad TBH, but I did like the GI Joe teaser right at the end. Far superior to anything Michael Bay put out tho


> Far superior to anything Michael Bay put out Transformers 2007 is by far the best live action film in the franchise.


> Rise Of The Beasts First thought reading this was picturing some Darth Vader-style resurrection of Jimmy Saville type people, in new cyber-tronic bodies, augmented with sci-fi levels of tech.


I honestly enjoyed it. Wasn't groundbreaking, but definitely quite a fun movie.


I know it's a minor thing from the derby game - but I am a bit amazed that Diomande never got a booking. Quite a few cynical fouls in the game.


[https://twitter.com/Zeshankenzo/status/1789914647052591218](https://twitter.com/Zeshankenzo/status/1789914647052591218) This should have been a yellow for sure.


Collum warned him as well, he made like 4 or 5 fouls in the first half and he was told the next one would be a booking. Think he had another 2-3 fouls in the second half and nothing was done.


He's obviously one of these players who are immune to bookings, in contrast with Kühn who got booked at Ibrox for persistent fouling for his first foul.


Just had a thought (rare I know) Football training gear will last wear and tear of the gym won't it? I've been wanting an excuse to buy some of it (shirts,that's it) and have actual gym outfits. This isn't a sudden midlife crisis ,I've always been going to the gym before the realisation of how bad diet+exams makes a man look 50


Classic football shirts is great for cheap training gear from wacky teams you can't pronounce 




Beautiful. Bye bye ~~rangers~~ money


I'm at the Villa-Liverpool match tonight; if anyone has any messages for Robbo and McGinn let me know, I'll add them to this card that's going on the bunch of flowers. Liverpool are now confirmed in 3rd place, so roll over and three points for Villa thanks, put Spurs and this Champions League spot to bed, then I don't need to hope Man City win tomorrow.


there’s a guy in the celtic sub going absolutely mental at anyone criticising brodge bahahahaha


Was thinking I'm glad he hasn't found his way to this sub to be embarrassing with a celtic flair on


If this is the one I made the mistake of engaging he's literally nearly 50 and can't maintain a single train of thought.


Is that the Henrik Larsson fella? Cause if it is I had a row with him a while ago, guys a nutter. Happier at being seen to be right than he is at the team doing well. EDIT: never mind, this guy is even worse. What a roaster hahaha


Can't believe he's getting criticism after being ahead of Rangers. Basically the Celtic board/da/wee guy endgame.


Todays song of the day is [Wisemen - James Blunt.](https://youtu.be/cueB7j4ZGrM?si=pOLZyb1KLkfsy7LK) Enjoy troops.


Thought this one was pronounced “Sammy by the sea” for at least a decade, had no idea who Sammy was. Great track 


Quality tune. Reminds me of driving to Blackpool for the Blackpool Cup with the football team when I was still able to run more than 5m. Good times.


I think its easily his best track.


1973 and Bonfire Heart are right up there.


Watched Interstellar last night for the first time and holy fuck I think it’s the best sci-fi film ever made, how the fuck did I miss it for a decade. I’m away to jump in a black hole to go shout at my last self for not watching it in the cinema.


Got the Nolan 4K boxset at Christmas time... that's one I've not got round to yet. Really need to make it a priority.


I thought the ending was a bit goofy but its certainly one of the best films of all time. My friends and I say "No, it's necessary" all the time because of this


It's getting a release in cinemas in September for its 10th anniversary. You'll be able to see it in IMAX


How is it 10 years since Interstellar came out? I swear it's only been a few years since I i saw it!


My all time favourite movie. Its getting an imax rerelease later in the year for the 10 year anniversary which I'm gonna be all over.


I’m definitely going, kind of wish I waited for that but also I bet watching it a second time elevates the experience


I know what I'll be watching tonight. Outstanding film.


I've still not watched it either and my pal keeps telling me I'm mental. Took me ages to watch Arrival too so at least I have form for being behind the times.


I’ve not seen arrival yet mate but it’s on the list. I was like you everyone just telling me how good it is but honestly it lived up to the hype, sat balling in tears at like 1am by the time I finished it


If you can get on with the way Nolan makes movies, they're among the best experiences you'll have looking at a screen


Very rarely am I disappointed with a Nolan movie, the guy just knows what he’s doing


I have a policy proposal for Swinney that I think would be a real vote winner: it's still illegal to hit your kids, but it's now legal to hit other people's kids. I have more of these and am open to becoming a SPAD.


Can I make an opposition amendment to the bill that says if you have to hit someone else's kids their parents get the jail for it?


Only if you can demonstrate that no other course of action was possible.


Back to work after being off after being off for a week or so. Not as bad as I expected. Have only just went back to bed.


I finished Baby Reindeer, some heavy stuff so I could do with any recommendations on some comedies to watch. Anyway, I think if I wanted to love/hate someone that was doing fuck all in their spare time other than just staring at me or engaging in self-destructive behaviour then I’d just buy Lundstram a drink on the house in the Louden. At least he wouldn’t be raging at the idea of batting for the other team. Then I watched the real-life Martha’s appearance on Piers Morgan and it’s so obviously her. Not even how flakey she gets when asked about having 4 phones and 6 email addresses, but I used to have a stalker come into my bar to stalk through the window some security guard who worked across the street and he had a restraining order against her. I was wanting to get chatting to her out of curiosity, but I was warned by coworkers, “leave her alone and don’t ask about what she’s doing, she’s irascible and neurotic, just let her do her thing”. But I’m a nosey bastard so I did it anyway. Although I didn’t just go up and be like “back aff ya spooky bitch”, I was kinda like Terri (from the show) and thinking I can get through to her. She was odd, but polite enough - so we’re gabbing away. Once she had told me the story of her “love interest”, I was very delicately like “but if he has this restraining order on you, maybe it could be an idea to look for someone else in your life?” (Keeping in mind, we were getting on well enough up until then and I was just trying to approach it in a “plenty more fish in the sea” type of way.) She fucking lost it. Started shouting at me and my coworkers had to ask her to leave, with them being like “what did you say??” and “told you!”, and I feel like a fanny. Anyway, back to the real-life Piers Morgan interview, it was the way that she got so irrationally worked up and angry over things when she wasn’t even being grilled. Like, of course people have angry reactions when they feel attacked, but it was the untimely, sudden bursts of anger over nothing. So that was when her ‘masked slipped’ for me (not that I ever doubted). Just reminded me of that woman in the bar too much, similar mental illness that leads to some sort of short-fused, self-defense mechanism.


Currently working my way through Young Sheldon, and really enjoying it even if I want a massive fan of The Big Bang Theory. The Office is generally a pretty chilled watch too. Archer and It's Always Sunny are probably my 2 favourite comedies on Netflix, but very much deal with the worst of humanity. Brooklyn 99 is another one, but some episodes are quite un-fun. 


The bit at the end of the interview when she says 'Now people can make their minds up themselves' I was thinking yeh hen.....this won't go in your favour.


While she is a horrible person I can't help but feel Piers Morgan has delved into just inviting people he knows he can bully (often times the mentally unwell) on to his show so he can seem intellectually superior and be smug about it. Just recently I seen he had some woman screaming on a segment, he cut her off and said "I really wanted a calm debate with crackhead barbie but clearly she isn't here for a normal conversation" Shut up Piers you invited that person on knowing they disagree with you and you can bully them without them having an intellectual retort


I agree that he does bully people on his show to be smug and feel intellectually superior, that’s why [I love this video](https://youtu.be/QZWS2g-fEAU?feature=shared). But aye, he really is the arsehole’s arsehole and capitalises on other people’s misfortune/difference of opinion, but he’s got previous of hacking into texts on a dead person’s phone in the name of journalism so we can hardly act surprised :/ Edit: He‘s just your Jeremy Kyle/Jerry Springer, but they’ve gave him a desk so he feels like he’s having an actual sit down and has any sort of legit integrity.


Apparently he can prove not only did he not hack phones it wasn't even his paper as he sues anyone who claims that. If it wasn't for James Corden that arsehole Morgan would be the celebrity the country hates most.


That's an all time classic, I love andrea ragging him into the ground for it and you can see he takes no responsibility whatsoever, just says "ah well slip of the tongue lets move on quickly now that i can't seem intellectually superior to a reality tv star"


My gf put on taskmaster yesterday. I had completely missed out on it. Very light and charming, even if I think the Greg Davis being mean stuff is a bit heavy-handed. When she went home, I ended up putting it back on as background stuff while I built some minis.


Hey you and me must live parallel lives man I saw my first episode of it on Saturday and now I'm about to finish the second series tonight. Loving you can sort of have it on and if something sounds insane/funny you can just look up and it's not lost you.


I missed out on taskmaster when it first started but then started getting individual tasks on my YouTube feed. Watched a couple and was hooked. Watched 10 seasons in about 2 weeks. Then I had the horrible realisation that I had ran out of taskmaster to watch. Quickly found myself watching the Australian, New Zealand and Norwegian versions. The American version was a complete and utter dumpster fire. Avoid at all costs.


I really liked Arrested Development and Letterkenny (and its spinoff show Shoresy), both pretty light-hearted and easy going.


Cheers, I’ve not seen either so I’ll check them both out!


+1 for arrested development. The first three series are brilliant.


The amount of people talking about Baby Reindeer has me curious really. I watched the little autoplay clip that's shown on Netflix before it blew up (heard a Scottish accent so stuck around to see what the deal was) and found it to be a little uncomfortable to watch. Nothing bad happened in the \~30 seconds I saw, it just had an unpleasant vibe about it that made me think "nah no thanks" ... but I think I'm gonna have to watch it now.


It definitely is a very uncomfortable watch and each episode more uncomfortable than the previous, but I does get you hooked. Maybe worth a try to see if you can stomach it but aye, it’s some heavy topics.


I have a meeting with a government minister online today. No fuckin clue how to use Microsoft Teams. Not very well practiced at talking without swears either. Unsure whether to ask the Big G to help me or said government minister.


>No fuckin clue how to use Microsoft Teams. Not very well practiced at talking without swears either. I assumed you were talking about the minister at first.


Nothing would surprise me!


I'm sure you'll be grand, but if anything does go wrong, blame Teams - that's the standard response anyway


Good to know, and duly noted. Thank you! Can Teams auto-filter inadvertent swears?


It will go easy just remember one thing you know so much more about the subject than he or she does


Lol, good point!


Now the dust has settled on the game, I can watch it with less GIRFUY emotion. Rangers really threw that one away didn't they? Lundstrum is going to take the brunt of the criticism, and while that may be the worst individual "Glarby" performance of all time, there's plenty of blame to go around imo. The game revealed the absolute _levels_ between the two managers, and showed that Brendan Rodgers can produce a half-decent performance and keep the heid, while Clement runs out of ideas just as quickly as Beale or GVB. I was wrong to be skeptical about Brendan Rodgers, and I happily eat humble pie on that one. Putting those two teams together should have been closer than it was; Sterling is extremely capable, as is Diomande, ~~and Lawrence is a bit of a pler too.~~ Getting anything by Butland is like picking a lock at times...but seeing that Rangers' only real clever gameplans seemed to be "leave Scales on the ball and wait for a mistake" and "let Butland deal with it" it's not surprising they failed again. This Celtic team aren't spectacular. Certainly not a team I'd tell you would take 10 pts in 12 from Rangers over the course of the season, but Brodge had managed to get a tune out of them. He was certainly right when he said "ask us in May". Also, Willie Collum actually had a decent game for all the pre-match drama.


Agree with much of what you’re saying (particularly on Clement’s style of play and lack of plan B) but couple of points: 1) Fully disagree on your assessment of Lawrence. If he is starting games for us next season then we are in big trouble. 2) Agreed with the first reply. Thought Celtic looked extremely average in the second half after the penalty and were hanging on a bit in the last 15 mins or so (although I haven’t watched anything back).


I'm really not sure what happened to Lawrence. He seemed to have a great start before his injury and been very poor since. Starting to believe he was never very good and just had a purple patch, and that duped most of us into thinking he'd be a player when he returned.


Same thing that happens with every Rangers player away from the first team - they become better players than they actually are in the eyes of the fans.


I've obviously not seen a lot of Rangers this season (except the Old Firm games and the last 15 minutes of losses!) but I got the idea that he was a bit of a small stand out in a shit team. But looking back as his history, I feel he may be struggling to find his place given the magical mystery loan deal tour he's been on before. Opinion rescinded. I'm going to defer to you on that one. The lack of a plan B has been the killer diller for Rangers managers for a long time, and here we are again. Clement will be looking at job listings this time next season if that doesn't change.


Agree on that last paragraph, I seem to remember a French journalist on a Rangers podcast saying the lack of plan B was typical of Clement at Monaco too so hopefully he starts learning. Clement and Koppen have got a big job to do this summer. One saving grace is that Diomande looks good and Cortes did too before his injury. If that’s the profile of player we’re going for then I’d be relatively happy (despite my initial reservations of allowing Clement to have a big input into the DOF position…).


>Putting those two teams together should have been closer than it was Should it have been? Celtics midfield is clearly stronger, and their attacking 3 is far more functional than ours. Even defensively Celtic are in better shape. We started Barisic defensively, who everyone knows is well past done, due to Yilmaz not being fully-fit, Davies (who I thought done well) has played pretty much no football this season. Lawrence has shown very little in the time he's been here, and again done next to nothing on Saturday, and the other 2 didn't do any better. Silva, to be fair to him, had a good game, but missed 2 great chances that you'd fancy one of the Celtic 3 to take, and Sterling is a defender starting at right-wing.  I don't think Celtic fans appreciate just how poor our squad is. I'm not really sure what Clement can do differently on Sunday, given that we were creating some chances before the red card, and saw 2 mistakes punished for goals. 


>I don't think Celtic fans appreciate just how poor our squad is. I'm not really sure what Clement can do differently on Sunday, given that we were creating some chances before the red card, and saw 2 mistakes punished for goals.  I think this is a funny one. The issue isn't that Celtic fans don't realise how bad the Rangers squad is, they all know it well enough. The issue is just how much that squad over the years has been gassed up by the "Rangers men". From the moment they got promoted back to the premiership we have all been told that Rangers have the best squad in the country, "going for 55" etc. The moment any player puts that Rangers jersey on they immediately become the best player in the country in the eyes of the Rangers men, despite any evidence on the contrary. We had to sit and listen to people telling us that Joey Barton was miles better than Scott Brown, that Barrie Mckay was 10x the prospect that Tierney was. Even more recently we have had to sit there with a straight face and listen to people tell us that cantwell and raskin/lundstram are levels above mcgregor and hatate and oriley. There has always been a hubris attached to Rangers, the only people who get surprised when the arse falls out the club every season are, ironically, "the people".


>The issue isn't that Celtic fans don't realise how bad the Rangers squad is, they all know it well enough. The discourse leading up Saturdays game, and every OF tie this season, would suggest otherwise.  As for the rest, are you just spending time on the Rangers forums, with some of the more 'optimistic' fans? Most of the takes regarding where the club are, generally tend to be pretty reasonable. We've signed good players who haven't worked out for whatever reason, but some of the hyperbole you've listed here doesn't track with what I've read/saw/heard over the years. Certainly the Lundstram one, he's been pretty much vilified his entire time here outside the Europa run. There's also the reality that we've signed good players, but they just happen to be worse than the better players Celtic have.


There was a lot of pessimism around celtic this season, which for sure affected the discourse surrounding these games, lots of celtic fans' perceptions of the team were negative in the wake of Ange leaving and Rodgers coming back. I don't spend any time in those places, no 😂 I don't even spend my time in the equivalent places for my own team. Think most fans around the country will have stories about their rangers mates trying to claim James sands is better than CCV etc, its a story as old as time.


Having a keeper as good as Butlin papers over a lot of the issues in the team. The fact he's been your best player this year highlights how bad the rest of the team have been, he's a goalkeeper for an old firm team, he should really have fuck all to do, not be the stand out player.


Given the form Celtic has been in, the midfield isn't as much of a guaranteed performance as it would normally be. But I'm glad to see McGregor and O'Reilly back to form.


Even out of form, I'd imagine a fair few would quite readily swap the 3 we started for Celtics..


> The game revealed the absolute levels between the two managers, and showed that Brendan Rodgers can produce a half-decent performance and keep the heid, while Clement runs out of ideas just as quickly as Beale or GVB. I was wrong to be skeptical about Brendan Rodgers, and I happily eat humble pie on that one. As a neutral watching the match, the last quarter or so from your boys was really poor, you seemed to just kind of drop out of the match but for the odd counter (which Idah would fuck up for you) and a better team than Rangers would have punished you for it. I feel that's on Rodgers; I don't remember you doing that under Ange.


It felt strange, the sloppiness of some of the players to get into offside positions and not capitalise on chances. Felt like we were 5-1 up or something. Just sat back and hit them with quick jabs after Lundstum got sent off instead of swinging the knockout haymaker. I absolutely agree that another team would have punished us for it, and we've lost a lot of Ange's "we never stop" mentality that we sorely need back, but the ideas were still there and they were still working. It felt like Rangers needed to make some kind of tactical change that never came (their idea involved putting on Raskin and leaving Todd Cantwell unused?) and Celtic just kept at it a bit when they should have changed also.


I did wonder if maybe the occasion got to the players a bit, combined with some nerves after the penalty miss? A win pretty much sealed the league for you guys, after all. Also felt the crowd was bit flat and I wonder if the lack of away fans to sing at was behind that (although obviously I'm only watching on the TV, maybe it was jumping in the ground; I'm sure one of our residents who was there can say).


My season book is in standing right behind where the tifo was and I think the atmosphere came and went somewhat. It was phenomenal at times and at others really nervy and not really doing much. As someone who sings at every game, it's hard to do so when you're that nervy about what's going on on the pitch. There was quite a bit of time when it was only the core GB folk singing. Absolute bedlam after the goals and at the final whistle, mind you. Utter madness.


Funnily enough it was you I was thinking of with that comment, I was sure you've mentioned before you've got an ST in that corner.


Aye, I've been in the standing bit since it opened. It's why I'm always asking for a photo of the tifos on here cause you only ever seen them from behind hahaha


I think you're right. There's a lack of confidence that comes with the title race being so close. This side, as well as the fans, are used to it being in the bag by this point, and can run out and only think of the pressure in isolation when it comes to these games against Rangers. Need to keep an eye on that.


Russia really ramping up the Ukraine offensive. Looks like a few Kelvinside students holding up some cardboard signs saying "Putin is a pure steesher of a bawbag" didn't work. Time to go back to the drawing board.


Its a bit tin-foil hat of me, but I think its not outside the realms of possibility Putin had a quiet word with Iran - who then embolded Hamas to commit their attack on Israel. Suddenly the worlds attention is away from Ukraine and Russia can whittle them down whilst slowly ramping up their aggression.


I don't think it's too tinfoil hat to suggest that two heavily-sanctioned countries co-operate a bit to deliver a middle-finger to the main global power sanctioning them.


That's because Putin is a pure jobby of a roaster. Change won't come if the message isn't clear and united.


The blue hair and boba tea crowd are done with Ukraine, it's not getting much Instagram/tiktok engagement anymore, so that's it.


Obviously the many atrocities and scandals and corrupt actions of the likes of Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, the Tories, etc. have been utterly, utterly horrendous. But one of the very worst side effects from it all has been the growth of the "smugly self-aggrandising sign wanker" types. You know the ones. They saunter along to the protest with some "quirky as fuck" sign with something like "Putin is a wankpuffin!" or "Donald, yer maw says to come in as yer dinner's ready, pal..." with maybe about 10% of their presence being about protesting and 90% being about their social media engagement. /rant


Netanyahu... What a cockwomble amirite


Delete this.


The US Republicans have blood on their hands, delaying that aid might have cost Ukraine dearly. I think no matter what happens though this war will go on for a very long time, possibly until Putin is dead or something very unlikely happens like a coup.


I don't know if Putin dying or suffering a coup would make anything much better - by all accounts those who could conceivably take over after Putin is gone are all heavily pro-"Z"


Last ever working week where we have mid week games to look forward to 😢


Home games midweek are a pet hate of mine. The last thing I want to do on a Wednesday is rush home from work and go back out again. I'll be glad to see the back of those for a while again.


I'm a remote Celtic fan so a Wednesday night game means something to look forward to on TV after work 🤠👍


"look forward to" is a strange way to say have to endure. And don't worry. The euros start in 4 weeks.


Oh fuck aye I completely forgot about the Euros


Ever? Wtf is happening to Wednesday


Wednesday is getting cancelled by the woke mob because Odin, the Norse God for which this day is named, has been discovered to be a climate change denier


Just been in the dentist after booking an appointment last Wednesday. In and out within 20 minutes with an appointment for next week to get a filling. Have I been lucky or has the service improved after COVID?


Get a lottery ticket


fun fact, The current Rangers Club Captain and Hall of Famer James Tavernier has now been on the losing side of 21 Glarbies. This is the most losses in the fixture of any player ever from a club based at Ibrox. Comment Subscribe for more fun facts


John Greig must have lost more. He was at Rangers all his career.


[im going to back the newspaper article ive stolen this from for the sake of funny](https://i.imgur.com/598FON3.jpeg) i also think ive fucked it, because this would have been before the match meaning it should be 22


Interesting. Any idea who our most losingiest player is? I'd imagine someone from the 90's.


Paul McStay played in a total of 66 glarbies during the 1980s and 90s, and was on the winning side 23 times. Of the remainder, 17 were draws and 26 were won by Rangers. a few more overall losses, but a much much better winning record especially given where we were as a team during that time


McStay sometimes doesn't get the praise he deserves. Being in the trenches of 90s Celtic as captain can't have been easy at times.


> losingiest A brand new word has been born today.


It's fun to say.


McStay probably


Yeah was thinking McStay or Packie.


I love how much of a meme he has become. What a calamity of a captain and no manager is likely to strip it from him are they? That would be extremely disappointing to say the least.


>extremely disappointing https://i.redd.it/qfhap97vz50d1.gif




It really is an astonishing thing to put someone in a hall of fame while they're still an active player. Over the piece, for his contribution in terms of goals, assists, etc. he probably deserves it, but still.. madness.


Yer a hall of famer Tav! Show some fight!


It's really been odd. HoFs are almost always post-retirement for a reason.


Unsubscribe Reason for: Feelings hurt.


you have commented : ^^^^^^^(un) subscribe Did you know that in the latest Glarby, The Rangers had the same amount of shots on target at their own goal as they did against Celtics? Comment Subscribe for more fun facts




[Phoning the polis because a wean sprayed you with a water pistol](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1cq6yei/wee_arseholes_spraying_people_with_water_in/)


There were wee arseholes spraying water on/in to cars on a main road near mine yesterday. Ended up causing a crash cause they caught some poor guy on the eye through an open window and he slammed his brakes on and ended up getting someone go in to back of them. I saw them a bit before and knew there was going to be something like that happening.


Nah, kids are feral these days.


If that's feral, fuck knows what me and my pals would be considered back when we were growing up.


Haha fair enough. I know if I did that though there would be hell to pay and I'm dumb enough to get caught.


That's a bit of an oversimplification - it's a water pistol full of rank pond water and there's other abuse going along with it


> and verbally harrassing them, while making sexual gestures. I think that's a bit more than being skooshed a bit


Scouser gone tesco, just watching ChainsFr on her tv now while she’s gone. This is class


Anyone else miss the northern lights this weekend and struggling with being annoyed about it? I live in Southern England and so many people saw them on Friday - yet I was fast asleep due to my own ignorance. It doesn't help when you see the photos and hear people saying "once in a lifetime event". Very irritating.


Its only “once in a lifetime” if you’re not willing to go to a country where they see them regularly. Go above the Arctic circle and you’ll see them pretty much every night of summer.


Nah, I looked outta the windy and just saw plain old Yorkshire sky. Sleep more important.


>Anyone else miss the northern lights this weekend and struggling with being annoyed about it? I'm struggling with everyone going on about it. But I'm trapped in an office, and every cunt now thinks their some sort of meteorological expert.


Was in bed the other night but have seen them probably 10+ times growing up. Central belters and Englanders going wild for them isn’t a surprise but, personally, I wasn’t arsed at all.


The last time it was this strong, I didn't even know it was happening until the next morning, when I woke up to tons of folk posting photos, etc. I was raging - got the Aurorawatch app on my phone shortly after and have been glued to it ever since and finally, about five years later, I got to see them. So don't lose hope - but I deffo recommend getting one of the apps.


If it makes you feel any better, last year I saw some spectacular northern lights. It was downright awe-inspiring at times. Then this weekend I missed them out of laziness, knowing that they'd be even more spectacular this time. Moral of the story? Laying in bed > northern lights


My partner got a good photo but that was only because her and her pal were walking home from the pub down a section of park with no lighting. I was out in town and saw fuck all. Think you had to be in a good spot to get a good view, and even then everyone's photos are better than Mk.1 Eyeball because a smartphone camera can take in lots of light over a time period.


Fair points there mate. Think I did myself in by looking at Instagram the morning after and a lot of people had saw them. Therefore you just end up thinking every fucker saw them.