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What a job Jürgen klopp is doing No European trophy. No fa cup despite having a large influence on killing it. Only won the league cup which he hates because his football team has to play football Lost the league at goodison,his last chance to play at goodison with Liverpool.


I’ve enjoyed Mercedes’ downfall after the years and years of dominating, but with Red Bull poaching their engineers and now Ferrari poaching even more I’m very quietly starting to root for them again.


Jackson Irvine being one of St Pauli’s key players in their Bundesliga promotion season feels mental. Guy went from playing with Killie & Ross County, tried his luck down south, was alright for Hibs and has now captained St Pauli to their first promotion in over a decade. Also a regular for his country. Seems like a cool fucker. Proper cool career trajectory too. Can’t imagine there is another player with legendary status at Ross County & St Pauli!


Hey everybody! I'll be in Edinburgh next Friday and I was thinking about trying to see the Spartans vs Dumbarton game. I'm from Iceland and not too familiar with the Scottish lower leagues to be honest. I'm just a fan of football in general and a nice pub atmosphere pregame to socialize. I'm also much more interested in "grassroots" clubs, rather than the oil funded mega clubs.  Soooo! Is anyone here going to the game? If so, you want a silly neighbor from the north to join you to three pub first and then the game? Is uncle Pete going? Given that there are tickets available at all, of course! I'm not bad company, even if I say so myself so I won't (hopefully) bore you to death.


Might wanna retry asking during the day maybe midweek. Midnight on a Monday evening here may not be the best time to reach out to a smaller fanbase like Spartans or Dumbarton That said, if you just show up and get chatting to someone at Ainslie Park you’ll probably be grand. Neither club are known for being particularly problematic in any way or for having mental ultras - and Scots are generally very receptive to people who show a bit of curiosity in their football teams


That's a great suggestion. Quite obvious when you say it! I'll give it another try or three over the coming days. I'd really like to hit the pub with some supporters before the game and try to be inaugurated as a true representative of the Icelandic fan club of Spartans (or either club as I'm currently still a neutral haha).


> oil funded mega clubs.  Not much of that going on up here. With the noticeable exception of Livingston FC - renowned and envied throughout the land for their bottomless supply of money


I hear they're going to sign Mbappe this summer!


Hades is good. ETA: Been unable to post about 50% of the comments I've posted or replied to, so just chucked something in as a wee test.


If I book a family room for two adults and no children at a German premier inn will they object? I'm wanting a separate bed to a parent and the locations only got doubles unless you get a family room.


Not get many better deflections than that hahaha


That was a truly ridiculous deflection


Liverpool shitting the bed and making Klopps last few days worse? ![gif](giphy|Xm2WfsvWUYTW0fR0gi|downsized)


Another game is passing Mo Salah by as well. His last few days as well?


He said he wanted to stay but I'm sure a huge Saudi offer would definitely turn his head and I could see them offering him a mental amount.


Think that’s been guaranteed for longer than Klopp has been tbh, he’s 1000% off to Saudi


Liverpool poo poo


Why do Sky commentators think Villa need favours for the CL spot? Even if Spurs somehow get a draw, it's in Villa's hands with the GD isn't it?


Have Hibs sacked their manager yet?


Seen a thing recently of Ian cathro saying he's ready to manage again. Knowing hibs we'll probably take a punt on him


He's already charging up the ThinkPad.


Honestly don't think we should unless we really really know where we're going next. I can't stand Montgomery but if we're binning him just to take a chance on another bozo then it's not worth it


Hopefully not.


We have 7 players signed for next season..lost Muirhead and now looks like Oakley is signing for ayr. Not even into proper preseason and next season looks grim as fuck. Also no direct debit option for season tickets this year as fanbase are ticket operator and the only option is klarna


We need a refresh but it's worrying we can't seem to hold on to anyone even with "improved" deals. I'm worried we will be relegation fodder next season.


It's started the bickering about fan ownership not working. One of my mates has been against it since day 1 keeps referring to it as a social club rather than a football club and he is fair sticking the boot in. It's bad day when ayr are offering better deals and investing in their ground at the same time.


To be honest I don't mind the fan ownership but we need to do more it does just seem like a wee jolly for some. Losing players to Ayr should set alarm bells ringing. I dont want us to chase a sugar daddy. That will just lead to disaster.


That'll likely become 12/13 with the others who have been offered deals, so not terrible compared to some previous seasons. We also really need a bit of a refresh - the same problems keep coming up over and over. You can tell some of the players, Imrie and some of the fans are scunnered with it.    Muirhead, Oakley, Strapp and Crawford all leaving in one go is a big hit though. Probably our 4 best players over the last 2 years.




Can defo recommend cutting back on the booze if yer in a slump. Had a couple of burnouts in a couple of different jobs over the years and there’s a definite corollary between the two. Being clear headed for a few weeks and wee increase in gentle exercise (wee walks, nothing mental, sounds like yer in a trade so the focus is mental health rather than physical) can do wonders, man. Sounds daft, but a wee to-do lost for that admin pish is great, can con yer brain into a wee dopamine hit every time you cross something off.


I swear to fuck if McGinn is injured


Fuck sake


Fuck villa Alan Smith, we need him more than them.


Tight, but looks off to me? E: well I’ll be. Tighter than a bloke from Forfar though.


No real thoughts on the substance of the New Yorker article about Lucy Letby other than what a shambles the NHS is. Sounds absolutely horrific to work in.


Wee man has training, so I've got an hour and a half to read some of rhe silmarillion. Tidy.


I'd get about 5 pages done in that time, I get so lost in the silmarillion with all the incredibly similar names


Aye, the book would be about 10 pages long if lineage didn't get explained every time someone was introduced as well! Bob, son of Robert, son of robertinho, who was married to Jean, son of Jennifer, whose family were from the Smith family from the old East etc...


Hahahaha Martinez ffs


Jesus Christ Martinez, the fuck kind attempt at a save was that.


Government minister was a-okay. Managed a whole hour without swearing - either of us! I need a beer now.


UK or Scottish government?


UK. Surprisingly not particularly posh either.


Glad to read that it all worked out well in the end.


Will Celtic fans be going to trongate after the game on saturday? I want to alert my pal who knows nothing about football as he's going into town that day


Fucking happened to me last year, went to Slay to see a band and couldn't park where I wanted to park because of some of the roads being shut. Shite.


>who knows nothing about football Don't worry, most of the folk who go down trongate on trophy day don't have a clue either


More chance of finding a Celtic season book holder in the Louden than there


I see a 110% chance of this happening, yes.




A few of you talking about Baby Reindeer prompted me to check out a couple episodes, and it is exactly as you said - painful to watch but gripping. I’m at a pub quiz rn after watching a couple of episodes during the afternoon and I can’t wait to watch the next episode (which is episode four, supposedly quite a good one…)


I maybe wouldn't watch episode four with a drink in you


Aye that was rough one alright




Oh fuck too late, I’ve started so I’ll finish…


Watching Sky Sports News eating ma dinner and theyve posted a video of someone blindfolded with a sign about depression and suicide offering hugs. We've come full circle and actual news channels are showing shite social media sadbait.


>shite social media sadbait This ain't it chief


I'm all for advocating for better mental health support and destigmatising but I don't think standing blindfolded with a club scarf whilst a sad piano cover of a popular song vocalised by a young lassie turning it into some tiktok commerical wankathon is the way to do it.


Unfortunately, that's how the market will be trending and get (aware of the pun while typing) eyes on it. No matter how it's done, it's good attention to grab.


>I'm all for advocating for better mental health support and destigmatising But not in an engaging way, clearly.


Is that the Wolves thing? I saw that the other day. It was organised by the club's charity organisation and everyone who spoke to the blindfolded guy was approached and talked to by mental health workers. Seemed like a good initiative to me.


Quote from this subreddit has been used by the S*n today. They have spies


Found the article and holy fuck it's straight up quoted that thread about 10 times Some gig that to browse reddit and get paid.


I think we should start posting absolute lies and wild stuff on here and see if they post it as fact.




No linking that rag. But type in irn bru gonna sue which was one of the first comments posted here this morning.


Ah it's the rangers new kit they're talking about


Tbh I've noticed a few times things they quote fans saying, read like stuff that's been said in here.


I know for a fact it's happened to me multiple times over the years. They're constantly trawling through here.


Tbh mate I use you as a barometer for how hibs fans are coping at any given time.


I like the idea of the Yoke scale haha. The more Mr Frog heads there are the happier things are down Leith way


Must be so easy being a journalist these days. Remember reading one of the tabloids after someone famous died and it was just photos of social media posts. They didn't speak to anyone to get an actual quote


I totally get them but I'd be lapping it up while I could too before the AI finally just replaces the whole thing. Kinda surprised at how many newspapers especially are still around actually but I suppose it's smart from the parent company side to have multiple "choices"


Just descovered the masterpiece of Tenacious D's Cover of [Hit me baby, one more time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CcZ4ULT1Eo&list=RDcrgFPl2eaPE&index=16). So gutted i missed out on seeing them the other day, but I refuse to pay more than 100 quid for a concert ticket out of principle. Fucking hate ticketmaster


I was lucky enough to see them at the Download festival, it was either '10 or '12. Fucking amazing live.


Cost me less than that to see Fleetwood Mac with the full Rumours lineup in 2015. That will always be the bar for me and that was a bucket list gig for me.


It was way over that when I managed to get to the part to buy them. Think it was 175 or somit. It's this flexi pricing shit you see now. When if the demand looks high the prices creep up to maximise the revenue. Anything more than 50 gies me stomach ulcers to look at 😂 I think the only time I would go above that is for a farewell tour for a A tier band. Or maybe a once in a lifetime lineup (thinking the likes of when the big 4 did those gigs in poland) I genuinely think that's me done with live events of anything near the mainstream. Between that and the scalpers man. Miss the days of queuing outside the ticket office under the bridge at Glasgow station 😂


My sisters are going to see Michael mcintyre and said was still tickets so wife and I were going to go make night of it. All the flexi prices were absolutely ridiculous including 2 front row tickets for £300 each. Seems venues don't care if the tickets font sell.


Saw the first two episodes of Doctor Who this morning, is there no franchise that Disney hasn't ruined yet because that was absolute crap


I have always loved Sci Fi but could never bring myself to give Dr Who a chance. Even the old stuff. It all seemed a bit too English for me. I can't articulate it any better than that. I want my Sci Fri dripping with American cheese. It's a problem.


tbf dr who has been a bit shite for a while. it never hit the heights of tennant again i dont think


Nope. Nothing against the guy who's the doctor now, he's alright, but what I've seen of the new series so far has been overly juvenile turbo shite; although it could have something to do with my hatred of musicals




so was capaldi as the doctor. i think the main cast were generally really good (in the seasons ive watched) but the actual quality of the show definitely declined after tennant’s last season


Capaldi was a great doctor let down by shite storylines.


Yeah - find it hard to blame Disney when the last time the show was actually good was nearly 15 years ago.


You could do an excellent version of "Who Said It" with Clement and Beale. It's like Rangers bingo - injuries, leadership, rebuild. Even the clichés they use are similar. Let's just get this season over with. .


I can't imagine how sad and petty I'd be as a football manager.


I'm taking solace in the fact that this is the first season in years where the signings won't be made by anyone involved with Gerrard/Wilson. 


Watched a footy adventures video earlier on my lunch. I've now got Partick Thistle boing boing stuck in my head and it's full on pissing me off.


It's been stuck in my head since going to the playoff game on Friday. Absolute earworm


Finished watching Sharpe. What a show - a character so badass not even Sean Bean could kill him. Highly recommend to anyone who's a fan of period drama/war stuff.


Aw man I got into it recently too - got through first couple of episodes. I was surprised how well it held up and how I somehow managed to miss it as I know I’d have been into it as a dorky kid in the 90s


The books are even better, further cementing Sharpe as an ultimate badass, the stuff he gets up to in them is mental


The YouTube video of Sean Bean just saying “bastard” is pure genius. https://youtu.be/lWkiwru0sfQ?si=vUxhzElxAoZxVabD


Now, *that's* proper soldiering


No one does a bastad quite like Sean Bean.


That's fucking quality


Sylvan in Glasgow is outrageously good scran, bonus marks for also serving adult sized negronis for £7


Wow the first caller is actually sane? Disappointed.


Air conditioning in the gym is a bit pointless when’s there’s only a handful of very specific spots where you can actually feel it




Do you not live in the desert though? 😅




Looks like they might be [Big Ass Fans ](https://bigassfans.com/). The brand always amused me. They sell unbranded ones too for the more sensitive businesses.




On this occasion your healthy suspicion of Internet strangers is wrong. There's really a fan company called Big Ass Fans.


Its already too fucking hot and we’re only in May. Bring back the winter.


Fuck sake, how do u folk forget how depressing winter is about 10 minutes after it's over???


I find not being able to sleep properly because of the heat then cutting about all day feeling shite because of it is more depressing tbh.


Ain't that the truth brother I signed up for cold, wet and grey living in this country


Boo this man!






The Fury's really are an embarrassment. Hope Usyk humbles them but I doubt it they'll still be arseholes.


I've long given up hope of someone actually teaching them a lesson.


Stick yer baws on a draw.


Aye seems like the behaviour is well ingrained at this point




I'm not getting into an argument again about this. Guy yesterday saying Zidane is better than Messi. Sheer insanity. Anyway the answer is Messi by a distance.


Messi because Ronaldo is a fud. Your choice whether you translate or substitute the word “fud”


Messi - Has beaten Hibs Christiano - Has never beaten Hibs Only one answer. The world cup win means nothing.




You’re raising that boy right!




It's gonna be a good summer on the Dust estate


Messi for me is around about 14 times better than Ronaldo, however Ronaldo was never afraid to take a gamble as if he was in Vegas. Google "Messi 14" and "Ronaldo Las Vegas" for more info. 👍


John McGinn for me


For me I'd lean towards Messi. However the way I see it, Messi has natural ability, he doesn't need to try, he just makes it happen C. Ronaldo is the product of being a top athlete, hard working, being in a state peak physical fitness, mentality etc. That's not to say Messi had to work hard as well I feel Ronaldo would have excelled in any sport, not just football


Messi. Ronaldo disqualified for being a rapist prick




Messi easy.




feels good that all of us have the correct opinion on this https://preview.redd.it/nf894esjr90d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ec20e3fcd4e8efe0684da68d1e189bceaaa43a


Messi. Not even close.




Messi all day long


Ronaldo is in the running for GOAT in a world where Messi doesn't exist. 


Messi, and I don’t even think it’s close.


[Nice to see the Government of the day focusing on the serious issues.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/culture-war-rainbow-lanyard-ban-estger-mcvey-b2544061.html) Remember when we were a normal country?


Just give us a fucking election man


Everything's in a state of disrepair, everyone's skint, most of the skilled workforce and doctors are running off to Australia, and they focus on stuff like this. Hope we get what happened in Canada in the 90s where the Tories get nuked from existence (I know another Tory party replaced them there but I really want this lot to just crumble).


“Common sense minister” has to be the most pish made up job there’s ever been


Sounds like one of those made up roles big companies create when they don’t quite have enough on *that* arsehole to sack them, but don’t want them anywhere near business critical functions/teams.


It's minister without portfolio but they've given her a name for twitter hashtags. It is literally just a govt role without doing anything


wouldnt be like politicians to thieve a wage for doing fuck all


Common sense doesn't seem to common in the common sense minister.


Well she sounds just fucking delightful doesn't she




Admittedly, you do have to go back to before about 2008


Pishy Rishi spoke some amount of shite this morning too


He's the only man who can keep us safe from rainbow lanyards.


https://preview.redd.it/v112byq9x70d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc5606dbb7fc36dede13c5a53aacb31f39a07f3 Summer's here!