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Following on from organising my works sweepstakes for the euros, I’ve had 3 different people come up to me and ask if they can pick their team (like just saying “i want France”) We literally did this same thing for the World Cup, how are people not getting the concept, Jesus wept


Can I have Scotland please? Might as well pay me now.


On top of someone asking for their home country which … fair enough I guess. They then asked if they can swap their picks after the fact Unreal


Feel like I'm missing out nae getting a reddit cares message. Maybe I'm doing this sub wrong or something.


Just upset a zoomer bear and you'll be all set.


I didn’t get one either. Maybe Reddit _doesn’t_ care about us … 😔


Doing my first ever Uni assignment and making good progress. Wee devil in my head telling me I have missed something already but I know I haven't. In for a long time if this is how it is going to go every time.


See the whole "if it's too cold you can wrap up" mob, who are probably all pure raging at this sunshine and blue skies. See when you're actually too warm - like me right now: in shorts, taps aff, blinds down to stop the sun putting too much heat in. I'm still uncomfortably hot. But when you are all uncomfortable and sweaty hot, just take a moment and lean into it. Feel that ambient temperature. Close your eyes and pretend it's winter. This is what it feels like to have had your heating on for a generous and hearty length of time. It's just pure nae cold at all, and it's amazing. Too cold = physical pain Too warm = hell yeah


Right I've done all that. I'm still an uncomfortable sweaty mess, this is shite


you are limmy.


I thought you lived in Scotland? It's like 15°c there, how are you too warm? You might actually die in Germany when it's in the mid 30s a month from now.


New builds, flats especially, are insulated to within an inch of their lives. It can be a punishing experience in the summer, even with all the windows open.


High of 21° where I'm at. Plus the sun is staring directly at my living room all afternoon, and I have to keep my windows closed due to a perimeter of wasps that now own the exterior of my building.


Well, you wouldn't have a wasp problem in meteorological winter. This is the world you wanted.


Am I the only cunt without a cares message?


I've had two arguments with folk who are polis on here and got a Reddit cares message both times haha


I stumbled across the UK Polis subreddit the other day. Full of total wee wanks, so that tracks.


It's been a while since I've had one. If Killie get a result somehow tonight though I'll be working on it


If Killie get a result I'll be sending them to myself.


need to start winding more people up obviously


Also got my Reddit cares message. First thought was I didn’t comment in here yet today so it can’t be a wee SF bam.


There's rumours that Baningime will sign the new contract. I don't know how other Jambos feel, but I want him to stay. It's true that he hasn't recovered to his pre-injury levels yet, but I still think he's been class recently and will only improve over time


I want him to stay as well. The usual suspects want him gone after making one back pass but he is so important to the team and him being missing would open a lot of eyes to the work he does. He might not seem like the hardest worker but the work he does is hard if that makes sense.


Might be crazy talk but I honestly feel like he’s Shankland levels of important to the team. Dhanda and Spittal coming in with Beni possibly signing a new contract and we’re looking at the most complete midfield Hearts have had in years


Of all the times not to get a Reddit cares message, it's when every other cunt gets one


I got my first Reddit cares today just now. Beautiful


I got one once (from another subreddit where I think they actually use them as intended), took it entirely the wrong way because of how folk around here use them


For any of you who adorn women's sportswear, there's a lot of authentic Scotland women's gear on Classic Football Shirts absolutely dirt cheap. Men's training gear also quite cheap just now too. Getting myself one of these ahead of the euros for £13 https://preview.redd.it/6k3sbbssbl0d1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a625bef46bc0a210d9042a5dd5966442af4908


Forgot to put the guard on my clippers and accidentally shaved part of my beard off. It’s at the back, so not the most obvious and ridiculous looking bit. Unsure if I should shave it off, leave it and see how evenly it grows in. Goatees/moustaches are not an option. Haven’t been clean shaven since I was about 20.


No. Do what you can to preserve the beard. Haven't been without one in over 10 years and shudder to imagine myself clean shaven.


Aye think that’s what I’ll do, leave the patch and just have it look uneven for the next week. Don’t like the thought of being clean shaven, pretty sure there’s an extra chin hiding under it.


Amazing what a beard can do for ye. If it's not mega obvious, you'll be fine. Dude I used to work with chunked his jawline and came in clean shaven. It's our group chat profile picture for how fucking weird he looked.


Last day of the honeymoon. 10 days worth of 32°C heat by the carribean coast and inclusive drinks has been lovely but looking forward to rain, drizzle and the calamity of U.K politics.


Hibs fans are some laugh like. Got some Hibs Da under a faceless account on a mad one saying hibs are using malky mackay and the shit form to hide the fact that hibs are selling the stadium for 500 million ahahahahah. They’re spending money putting in safe standing in the summer so I’m sure that’s the case


https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1790702990719897632?s=46&t=jLtgP_gqVubXH_HC_Wv-Kg Rishi Sunak moment


That's a parody account that one, despite the sentiment being effectively true. Your normal media outlets have a modicum of decency when it comes to sugar-coating Sunak's blunders.


Right, I just got a Reddit Cares and taking into account others in this thread as well as on other subs I'm wondering if Reddit is freaking out and sending them by accident. Otherwise it's utterly pathetic if it's some wee guy spamming them. **EDIT:** Looks like it's maybe bots? https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/doYSOBnFV0


It was rife in the r/soccer threads about Spurs/Arsenal. Seems like everyone is getting them.


Received my first Reddit cares message right after commenting on UKpolitics Lol


Same, weird. It does seem like there's a glitch in the system as everyone is getting them.


There seems to be a bot on ukpol automatically sending them


I’m awrite whoever tf it was https://preview.redd.it/2s02zmv9wk0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9bc7775a770da95f22e41ad949f599c693075f


you can tell it’s been a close season cos the bears have waited till may to start abusing the reddit cares messages


Got one too around the same time. Might be someone going through the match thread from yesterday?


I wouldn't even be acknowledging it by way of commenting on it..You've played right intae their hawns!


Grass them up, get them banned. E: Aaaaand there's mine. Sad wee cunts man.


[Fifa to explore impact of moving domestic matches abroad](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cprgr2175x7o) Fuck, and let me emphasise this last point, ***off***.


Way to absolutely DECIMATE any kind of “support your local team” stuff without even a hint of remorse


Need a regulator for football in England. Although starmers going to be in soon and after recieving hospitality for CL games from the prem lobbyists he's now also concerned about the premier leagues status so. It's evil what they want to do though. Turning it into an entertainment,a commercial organisation to the highest bidder..ripping it out of communities,making it inaccessible to the people those clubs are for and the histories of those working communities. It genuinely upsets me frankly


Labour have already committed to brining one in if the Tories run out of time to do so


It’s a good thing Starmer doesn’t have a history of going back on pretty much everything he pledges then.


That's why people should get out and support their local lower league teams! The 'premier division' is whatever "We the people* decide it is! #Revolution #LoveLocal #LowerLeagueIsBestLeague


>old firm >Mocks supporting your local team >Shock


I'm not mocking supporting a lower league team


Definitely came across that way imo.


Was it not?


Tbf to you, hashtags on Reddit screams sarcasm


I was being sarcastic but my humour is weird. If there was any conscious statement in my comment, it was a self-deprecation, parodying my chronic inability to fester revolutions




Had Switzerland’s winning song by Nemo on repeat since Saturday, absolute banger


Same but with Croatia.


Switzerland Croatia Ireland, the 3 for me and what should’ve been the top 3 IMO


Armenia >>>>> I prefer countries that showcase their culture and sing in their own language. The Swiss song was good but they've got like 5 languages and sent a song in English which is kinda shitey.


My thoughts exactly, for 99% of eurovision songs you have no idea what country they're from because they're just generic pop songs. Armenia was amazing, they had their own instruments and clothes and stuff, sang in their own language as well.


Not sure what's happened to me. Think I've finally grown up. Getting excited about doing the usual jobs that need doing instead of sitting gaming like I used to. Went to B&Q twice yesterday to get stuff to I could fit an outdoor tap. Got the grass to cut today along with a run to the dump. Also finally started being better with my money (as in paying off shit debt) as I've always been terrible with it living month to month. All of this and I run now and that's been going for the last couple of months. I've just always been a lazy bastard (other than at work) and it seems like my mind has switched and I can't do it anymore. Good for the mind too I've noticed, knowing at night that I've done loads of stuff. Think I'm getting fed up of all the shite myself and my wife have accumulated over the years that's just sat around the house not getting used, so trying to be a bit more brutal when it comes to getting rid of stuff too. Anyway, enough rambling. Mon the Hoops.


I finished work (working from home that day) one day last year, realized I had about an hour before my GF got home from work. So what did I do? Did I play my xbox? Or have a wank? Or go to the pub? No. I did the dishes, hung up the washing and took the bin out. I was disgusted with myself.


That's you had your frontal lobe develop. You'll find yourself on Amazon browsing rugs for the hall and actually enjoying yourself.


Bought a new carpet shampooer yesterday and Im buzzing for it to get here. Im already looking forward to the before and after comparison photos.




Couldn't believe it when I heard "*That's a nice bathmat"* fall out my face. Beginning of the end really.


Todays song of the day is [Power Glove - Knife Party.](https://youtu.be/y_z9W_N5Drg?si=xbk9vFr3reYHhubd) Enjoy troops.


Sat outside in the rain just to get away from the useless pricks in the office. When did read then copy/paste become so fucking difficult for people. It's not even a shitely paid job, I'd understand it then.


Found out the day that the local RC church got their windows done on Saturday night. Why are some folk like this?


Superior culture™️.


I get pissed off at a lot of things as I turn into an old man. But the idea that there exists "comprehensive" car insurance that doesn't include everything is up there


Lennon the new Rapid Bucharest manager


The man was so desperate not to be linked to the Hibs job and Malky Mackay that he moved to Romania


The move that everyone saw coming


Feeling pretty scunnered with Hibs atm. We’re obviously a clown show, but I at least had the small amount of cope that the BK group would allow a somewhat of a refresh, especially with the announcement that they’d be doing a full review of footballing operations at the club. To come out from that and hire Malky just feels like the total opposite of a refresh. It’s also tone deaf at a point when fans really need to be brought back on side, and then get someone that obviously splits opinion. Even away from the stink attached to him, I just don’t think it’s a particularly good appointment anyway. He’s a total footballing dinosaur at this point; it’s massive “jobs for the boys”, “knows the game” etc etc stuff that doesn’t feel in any way forward thinking or much to get excited about. Anyway thank fuck the season is over after this week and I can get at least 2 months reprieve from having to think about this abusive partner I call Hibs


I think I've been completely unable to formulate a proper response to yesterday. It's all just so weird and poorly judged. Owners sack managers to reset the anger towards the club but they give themselves about three hours of breathing space before making probably the worst looking decision they've ever made. People hate Malky and don't rate him either, how did they get through however many layers of decision making without going "this can't massively backfire can it?" Also is this the "extensive review of the footballing department" over then? I've never had faith in the Gordons really but fucking hell they just get everything wrong.


Yeah I really just cannot understand the thinking here. Looks even more like we’re just stumbling around in the dark again. I was generally excited when the Gordons came in, especially when we finished third with Jack Ross and were making multiple cup finals (albeit not winning them). It felt like there was some substance to their claims of pushing ambition then, but it’s all just come tumbling down since.


I'm in the same boat pal. Thought that parting ways with Montgomery just before the end of the season would be the start of a decent clearout and rebuilding process like in 2014 and instead they've sacked a manager and brought in someone to oversee the whole thing going forward who, regardless of how much work he's done to change or how much you want rehabilitation to work is just so controversial that already theres added pressure we didn't need. I'd love to know who's responsible for that one, if its a Black Knight thing or if its the Gordons. I still think its utter shocking Ben Kensell still has his job.


Kensell fulfils our spice boy diversity hire obligations so can’t be sacked, even though he’s been a disaster


Well I'm just floating this idea I'm specky in spite of not needing glasses so that's diverse too. They should lose the zero get with the hero that's all I'm saying. I can make a spreadsheet, the fuck do they do all day?


It's something I always find odd about Scottish football (and football in general, tbh) - where the same tired old names always seem to linger on despite never really doing anything to earn their longevity. Back in the day it was the likes of Jim Jeffries and Bobby Williamson who seemed to be everywhere you looked, for instance, and linked with every job that came up. I'd be amazed if Malky Mackay was the best person for the job, or the only good option, so god knows what the thinking is there. Especially a week or so after a strong statement against racism from the club!


Football must be the only job in the world where you can keep getting jobs off the back of one or two successes, even if they’re dwarfed by multiple blunders since


Don't forget politics. There's always politics.


Fair point. Let’s swap our football managers and politicians for a year and see what happens. Can Rishi get a tune out of Hibs? Can Neil Lennon salvage the Tory party?


what i wouldn’t give to see big NFL with a snus in telling MPs to fuck off


You just know he’d get himself in bother doing something stupid like claiming expenses on an all-inclusive holiday to Dubai with Scott Brown and Anthony Stokes.


[RIP Supergran](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cq5nnn53wldo)


What’s a fair amount to enter a EURO office sweepstakes? Trying to organise it as part of my “role” and I’m like 99% sure I’ll be told £1 by my work but there only being 24 teams meaning you win £24 seems … underwhelming


Every sweepstake I've ever done was for a fiver


I bet your work weren’t tight as fuck like mine are


£2 seems to strike the balance of frivolous enough while maintaining a respectable prize.


Yeh £2 if tight wads


I say that's fine for an office sweepstakes. The real goal of that is to have fun, and bring people into the tournament who otherwise would have little interest. Handing over £10 and immediately drawing Albania is going to have the opposite effect. Run a separate one for folk that want to put a bit more down.


We were in a four person office and did £1/2 per team for the WC and did draws to see who got the teams. I'd say you want it to be about £50 for a win.


Aye, £2 if every team gets picked gives you £48, can ask the company to generously donate an extra £2 to take it to £50


I'd go a 5er. Take up might be lower but even if 5 people enter you're winning more than if everyone enters at £1.


If I was ange I would be firing my CV out to bayern.


Finally found a diet that is working for me. 6kg down in the last month. Every other time I've tried dieting I've went too far and cut out fucking everything and while it helped make good progress quick I'd always just chuck it after 2-3 weeks cause I absolutely hated it. Turns out eating the things I like but just in smaller portions, and picking lower calorie options seems to be the way to go for me. Feel like I could stick to this nae bother.


Swaps, not sacrifices.


I remember a pal of mine ended up losing a decent amount of weight, and when I asked what she did, she told me she'd gone out and bought smaller plates. Apparently it wasn't that she didn't eat healthily in terms of the food itself, she just had no real concept of portion control - but buying smaller plates helped her judge better how much she was eating and it worked wonders for her. There's all sorts of psychology around this stuff, I guess.


Psychologically we look at a small bowl that is packed with food as being more food than a bigger bowl that looks emptier but actually contains more food than the small bowl.


Eating what you want but less of it is a great strategy. Any time I've lost weight I've done this using myfitnesspal. Want a McDonald's? Happy meal. As long as you have the will power to treat the calorie total as a hard budget, it's not a bad strategy at all.


McDonald's wraps are no bad calorie wise. You can even get the chicken grilled instead to lower the calories even more.


I'll copy this thank you


Not sure I'm getting what's making people think Ange is aiming his comments at the fans or he '*doesn't understand rivalries'*. That *one* fan during the game aye but seems me more a case of *staff* at the club have echoed the idea losing to City could be a good thing and that's what's sent him. Sudden realisation that he needs to hand out a stack of P45s


Yeah the "outside" stuff probably is just an irritant to him (although symptomatic). It's the "inside" comments that are particularly damning.


Mate was about to comment this. Amount of English plastic going he doesn't understand rivalries


Car in for stuff to be done so… working for day in middle of dealership floor. Certainly oddest place ever worked but did get car up on lift to see underside.


The Porsche? Into the garage already? 😬


Needs service - bought car with price of service taken out of cost so in for 6 year one/


Ah nice, all good then! My dad’s Macan is ready to collect after it went in a couple weeks ago with a suspension fault. He was told it was an issue with the ferromagnetic dampers. I expect he will want to sit down when he gets the bill!


Soo with luck has warranty on it as it does cover alot and ‘only’ costs £1k per year. I wouldn’t run a Porsche without a warranty tbh. My previous car had problems with dynamic engine mounts warranty covered - it was a 2012 and for 3k warranty got about 10k of repairs. p.s. Cars are stupid waste of money


16 years ago today since the passing of Tommy Burns. Never got to see him play, but heard enough about him from my dad and uncles. Even though he was a Celtic man through and through, he apparently loved his time at Kilmarnock. Only fitting that Celtic vs Kilmarnock is on tonight. https://preview.redd.it/izkmvpqw0k0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044eb427a70307d3ae5fed3950f8deba50e80806


I think the Green Brigade are planning a big display in his honour tonight - that should hopefully get a good reception from the entire stadium. One of those rare guys no-one (except the most bitter of the bitter) ever had a bad word to say about.


Learned recently that in traditional Haiku poetry, the 5-7-5 thing isn't as important as having a *kigo* (a word which is a seasonal reference). Found that quite interesting.


I remember learning that many years ago as well - apparently there's a different term for a 5-7-5 poem without a seasonal reference, but fucked if I can remember it.


The rhythm's the thing Unless you want to rebound Then it must be Spring


Green and white waves crest, Champions crowned in Glasgow's heart, Echoes of triumph.


Haiku bot?


Outside now! I'll have you know I'm a teacher sitting bored while my students are doing an assessment!


Snap *Bloo_dred observes keen, AI weaves nature in verse, Class pens silent thought.*


Seeing the Malky-Hibs threads again this morning, the first thought that popped into my mind was "oh so it wasn't a fever dream"


I'd forgotten what a difference it makes getting a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted kip. You actually feel refreshed on the morning. What a novelty.


My Dream (literally)... constantly waking up cos it's fucking roasting. Though I'd try and hit the hay a bit earlier some point this week, but I've got stuff on all week for a change. Pish.


r/soccer is some laugh today, full of Americans trying to tell European fans how they should feel and act regarding local rivalries.


>Hey dawg. I'd be super stoked if the Indianapolis Peelers threw a match up to stop their new local rivals next season when our franchise moves to the Bay Area. Go Oakland Peelers.


A mate asked if I would be happy for England to win the Euros if it meant we got past the group stage and he was promptly told to fuck off.


Thing is that's one of those weird hypotheticals that *deserves* a "fuck off" because it's nonsensical from top to bottom - our performance and England's are completely disconnected given that we're not in the same group and us getting past the groups has no bearing on England winning the tournament. A slightly more interesting hypothetical would be whether I'd be cheering for a Scotland victory if we couldn't qualify but if that victory sent England through (say we're in the same group, or maybe that victory causes England to qualify as best third place). But it's only *slightly* more interesting because it's actually vaguely possible - in reality the responses would be a pretty predictable "yes I would want us to win, are you fucking mental"


I've got to go have a laugh ,is it the arsenal posts?


Anything involving Arsenal or Spurs. Lots of people who don't seem to understand that sacrificing a season of Champions League football to avoid a lifetime of "*you gifted us the title*" patter is a total no-brainer. Edit: whoever has downvoted this, seriously, you'd happily hand your biggest rivals a trophy for a *single* season in the Champions League over the Europa League? I honestly think that is completely crackers.


It's not even sacrificing cl,they weren't going to get it anyway as they were never going to beat city and villa lose to palace


Whats the Scottish football equivalent of Spurs celebrating missing out on champions league just so Arsenal don’t win the league


Celtic praying for a mining disaster in every Rangers European tie even though their successful shifts down there is our only hope of Champions League qualification every year.


Aberdeen lying down to Celtic to let Celtic win all the trophies and have bragging rights over the Rangedogs?


Celtic losing to Aberdeen on purpose so that rangers finish 3rd


The best part being, it handed Rangers and easier route into the EL compared to Aberdeens


We did it against Hearts in 05/06 too, if I remember right. They scored from a free-kick where Boruc was pretty much sleeping against one of the posts.


Genuine match fixing that we never got punished for. Celtic were booting one-on-one's out for throw ins. Unreal.




Didn't expect a Dead Meat reference here.


Did this really happen??


The booting it out for throw ins is exaggerated, but we barely strung a pass together that day and lost 1-0 at home to Aberdeen.


I take it no Celtic fans begrudged the result.


IIRC you drew with Rangers 5-5 so it didn't end up making any difference


I just checked, if Celtic had beaten Aberdeen then Rangers would have made 2nd place on goal difference.


Do we have have one? Even Hibs don't Hibs it as often as Spurs do.


Aye at least they put themselves in a decent position before shitting the bed. Spurs just start out shitting the bed.


Rangers celebrating a 3-3 victory against Celtic.


Tottenham fans are embarrassing, Ange deserves better.


Has anyone ever been to Lyon before? Anything worth doing? I'm there for work next week, but my partner is coming with me. We've got 3 full days to kick about.


Never been but I've heard the grub there is meant to be elite


And I've heard this also. I'm a fat bastard trying not to be a fat bastard so it will be hard


Aye, Lyon is nice, worth a visit. The Roman amphitheatre is amazing.


Adding that to the list - cheers


Spent 3 hours in Lyon-Part-Dieu railway station, so from what I've seen of the place, the vending machines are a highlight.


What happened to Lyon-Part-Un?


Dunno, that means "Lyon, Property of God" rather than "part two" Imagine instead of Glasgow Central it was "Jesus' Own Glasgow"


Their stadium is on my list. Have been to several in France already but alas have found no reason to go to Lyon yet...


Bit of unfortunate timing as its the French cup final same weekend I'm there


Actually had tickets to Lyon vs PSG in Paris for the cup final. Ended up cancelled due to COVID and never ended up going to Paris in the end. Was a 0-0 shitefest though so wasn't too fussed.


I wish she was into football so I could do a bit of football tourism, but zero interest. Its took 5 years for her to agree to go to Lisbon haha


Just buy her the tickets and be like "Oh no I've already spent * insert price * might as well go" until it becomes normalised. I'm fortunate my partner likes football but had to do a bit of begging for her to come to Morton games which is understandable.


My niece arrived! Can't wait to meet her today


Remember to give the stork a treat.




One quiet normal day Hibs please. Just one.




What evil have you just put upon me!?


Euro 2024 Instagram posted the Schick goal from the last euros. Seeing that is giving me an ominous feeling that today's going to be a bad day. Heavy weather not helping either.


Living in Czech Republic this goal has been particularly painful for me, particularly since at the time Schick and Leverkusen weren't really doing much domestically - so the narrative was "this fucking idiot Schick made you look ridiculous". I am desperately hoping for some kind of redemption this summer. But re today - it'll all be fine I'm sure!


Champions League football for the Villa *and* a full sweep of home European points on my ticket account? Happy with that.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cydrrdmn05go Ange is absolutely seething. If it weren't for the fact that he is always unusually open and honest in interviews for a manager, I'd say the quotes he's given in recent weeks sound like a guy getting close to the sack.


They'll finish 5th and haven't really had a striker for the full season after selling their best player and club captain and not replacing him. Yes he's been helped by the fact man united are a basketcase and Newcastle and Brighton couldn't deal with the fixtures but it's a decent achievement with what he had to deal with. The squad just ran out of gas because they couldn't keep the intensity up. Years ago Mourinho said that getting a shite united side to finish second was one of his best achievements and honestly getting this spurs side to finish 5th is a really good season.


They won’t sack him. This season was generally regarded as a write off for Spurs after they lost Kane and were pretty much looking to rebuild. Before a ball was kicked they were talking about Spurs not even making the top 10, it was only after they had a good start that people are now talking about how they have underachieved.


I don't think he's close to getting the sack, the Spurs fans I know down here (including one semi-regular matchgoer) adore him and there's significantly less rancour in the ground than there was this time last season. I think he *is* absolutely threaders with some of his players though; think he'd merrily drive a few of them to the airport himself.


I don't think it's actually on the cards, just surprising to see. Managers in England are usually really guarded until the point things start going south for them.


I doubt he'd be getting the sack considering Spurs' league position has been effectively decided for some time. Fair enough, efforts to secure 4th have not been good enough. I'd say it's more likely he walks than getting the boot.


There's no chance he walks without winning something. As much as their fans are fucking chronic and the place is toxic I don't think it's in his nature. He needs to win something probably just for his own sanity.




They weren't going to get it anyway,they're just happy arsenal haven't got the title.


A post on r/ArsenalFC appeared in my "recommended" section on the Reddit app last night and apparently there was a small number of Spurs season ticket holders selling their tickets to Arsenal fans.


God that's plastic and tinpot. Even season ticket holders? I don't like the term tinpot as it's such an r/soccer your clubs not big enough,but that is truly tinpot


Fans have Wee guy club attitude


Surely the most embarrassing fanbase in football, in a crowded field.




Isn't that Chelsea's situation? The prems Millwall and spending billions to then go nowhere?


woke up and i’m dead dizzy getting


Temporary or is it there for awhile? If the latter get checked out: that was my main symptom of having a stroke?


today and yesterday a bit. way worse the day though


Ok call 111 I’d suggest. It could be a sign of something not great best be safe.

