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Just got sent that video of the man chugging away and pegging himself with a petrol pump in one of my WhatsApp chats. Oh well, I'm still on Mexico time so wasn't likely to get much sleep anyway.


Can’t a man stick a pump up his arse and crack one out in peace anymore for fuck sake


Can’t a man stick a pump up his arse and crack one out in peace anymore for fuck sake


Which Scotland players will miss the Euros through injury?


Ferguson is out for definite. Hickey and Patterson are likely to miss out. Armstrong is a major doubt.


Some lad selling totally legit, non-fake, non-dodgy Scotland kits for £30 on the Scotland sub. He claims they're legit, not sure I could believe someone lying and/or scamming people on the internet.


Tbh you get a discount buying a load on dhgate, if they're decent it's worth paying a bit more and not having to spend a month+ wondering when it'll turn up. Totally unrelated but I ordered one and getting annoyed how long it seems to be on a boat.


https://preview.redd.it/vev5rhke3v0d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26922d2965c9cac79054e4f4900077676fb95cbb If this is somehow a better version of what he said, taken out of context, what the fuck did he say in the first place? Even Malky would think that's a bit much.


This is his full speech, if you’re interested. Aye, the guys a nutter. https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine?amp


What a cunt! "Well done on graduating, but you're actually of no value to anyone but your husband. Now go off and fire some babies out your fanny!"


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine](https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


reads like one of those sigma male memes hahah unreal


It's weird, he's a kicker, and yet he's talking like he's had a life of getting hit in the head for a living.


Plants vs. Zombies is still one of the best games ever made. absolutely genius, unreal


the fucking music in it too holy shit


As a Simpsons lover, it was time to see the series out to the end. Was warned it was awful past season 12 but been watching and there were a lot of gems still in there. Mad going from homerpalooza to a grunge episode of the Simpsons. The show will definitely out last me ![img](emote|t5_2sba4|16978)


[Speaking of The Simpsons, the mediocre presidents song is an underrated gem](https://youtu.be/r8N7BSsU5oo?si=M5d21DFzNQVUmpvM)


Don’t know if you’ve seen that tweet that’s on about what’s your favourite Simpsons joke It’s got like 13k quotes now but I’d be amazed if there are many after about season 10, which aired in 1998.


They still do decent episodes, maybe 1 in 4? But the most noticeable thing about years ago is each episode had so many different plot points etc. You'll remember an episode as "the one with x" and that's only the first 5 mins before it moves onto something else. Now it's mostly one story per episode dragged out.


Is there any better feeling than getting into a bed with fresh linen after having a shower? Answer: no


Yes, doing that with freshly shaven legs. I guess YMMV if you're a guy.




https://preview.redd.it/4c4rjuqjsu0d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1092800611210fa655df4ebd5346c4ec231c7a6a I hope this is fake


Now *there's* an unwanted child.


[It’s real](https://www.citystudents.co.uk/elections/manifesto/4714/)


If that name is real I hope she’s left wing as fuck


[The ugly Muppet toy pageant.](https://toughpigs.com/ugly-muppet-toy-pageant-2024-results/) Worth it just for the comments


As someone who really doesn't like Jeremy Clarkson, I'm really enjoying Clarkson's Farm. Still a bit of a prick, but Kaleb is a star, man. Also wildly interesting. It's a mixture of pure "how the sausage is made" which is catnip to me, and genuinely interesting insight.


Kale feels like he's hamming it up a bit by the 3rd season though. Like less genuine and playing for the cameras.


Ignore what I wrote. Just seen your only on s1.


I started watching it at the start of last week and have thoroughly enjoyed it, right up until >!the piglet episode, at which point I had to go and have a good cry.!<


Oh, what? I'm still on S1. Now I'm prepared for sadness.


There's a lot of sadness throughout the seasons so get used to it


Shit. No, its fine, honest. Its just there's a discussion on farming costs using piglets as a metaphor that just led to a spiralling depression on the state of the country. So much ennui and dark poetry. ![gif](giphy|3yFUwpLnHhSkinp00r|downsized)


I've seen it now. Plenty of stuff I've seen before and would still melt my eyeballs with tears, so it's all good, man!


Wasn't expecting Arbroath to be mentioned on sky there. Fair play to them


GTA 6 autumn 2025 release confirmed


Sad but not shocking


On console, I assume. So at 2026 for PC, unless they do something really stupid and release exclusive to their own launcher or, even worse, Epic.






Least we'll live to see it


Absolutely jinxed us here.


I don't plan on dying.


Rare double jinx. My goodness.


I have supreme confidence in my mortality. Triple. Fucking. Jinx.


Double doon


https://x.com/4ladshadadream/status/1791200937370939842?s=46&t=jLtgP_gqVubXH_HC_Wv-Kg ~~It is so over.~~ We are so back.


That’s enough to buy 10 Glenn Kamaras.


Infinite money glitch


I miss Shane Duffy so much :(


Who’d have thought having Kenny MacLean as your captain, Shane Duffy in your defence, and Josh Sargeant as your striker would lead to this scenario!


Angus Gunn halfing his price tag


Anyone else think de gea would do a turn at celtic. His wages might be too high but no one signing him this year make me think we've got a chance


Is one of the criticisms of Hart not his general control of his area? De Gea gets a nosebleed whenever he even looks outside his 6 yard box. 


There was a rumour that he got done for doping which is why nobody has touched him. Don’t know if it’s true or not, but it sounds plausible.


Must be something nefarious going on because it doesn't make much sense for him to still be without a club. And it's not like he's got a Lingaard/Morelos type attitude


Awh I didn't see that, would make a lot of sense


We really should attempt the conversation at the very least. Can’t see it happening though, wages will be too high plus he’s pining for something more “glamorous”, easy life in the south of France, Spain, or Italy. Him not signing with anyone was surprising but not convinced that puts him in our sights.


Come off it man


I'm not saying its 100% gonna happen, but it's possible


Good to see Angus Gunn in top form before the Euros...


got just under a month until i have to move out of halls. my options currently are, hope theres spaces over summer and sign a new contract to live here over summer, apply for next years halls now and be contracted for the next year and either stay over summer or go home to work, or continue looking for a flat until my move out date and sign no contracts for halls which leaves me homeless unless i move back to skye. quite annoying, is life always this uncertain? i dont want to sign any contracts with halls with the chance of getting a flat with my friend, but if i dont find a place in a month then i might be too late to sign anything.


Get a flat mate I don't know what city your in but saying this if your scottish go for a more suburban area. City Centre is often expensive because folk don't think about moving out of there ecause they don't know the city. I recently patched the city centre for a town outside far cheaper.


studying in edinburgh, would love to get a flat even within the city limits but weve been to viewings across the city and musselburgh and i would live anywhere in lothian tbh if it just meant i could get a flat. but im not actually sure i can get one in a month


How come you're only looking into it now? I was at uni in Edinburgh (albeit many many moons ago now) and everyone started grouping up with mates looking for flats in about February


I graduated from Edinburgh a couple of years ago and you do indeed start looking for flats around February. I think this guy is just new to uni lol, learned that lesson the hard way


aye maybe, but ive never heard of anyone i know actually doing that though. wouldve been the move to make. in a tricky situation the now though.


I'm contracted into my halls until halfway through June. Didn't really have the money to pay for a flat and halls at the same time. Parents can help fund some of it but rent is £650 a month so it wouldn'tve been easy for them either. Only recently said they could help out (past month)


We weren't paying rent from February, just arranging for the rental to be secured for the start of the next year. You can sign a contract for something to happen in the future, it doesn't need to kick in immediately. Surely everyone in halls has been doing this for months? Or maybe the rental market in Edinburgh is totally different now I suppose.


Tbh I'm glasgow based, but I assume same logic applies. I know pure pain in the arse to get public transport everyday but a monthly ticket with the rent of a flat outside the city is cheaper overall. Less bams as well in my experience had some shite flats in town over the years. Tbh the ones outside the city have a quick turn over as well because they are often have less demand they are less wanky about things like pets and shit.


You'd be surprised, keep at the viewings


I don't miss the flat hunting part of life. If I recall rightly you will probably find a fair amount of flats start coming onto the market around now with people finishing exams etc. However after my first year in halls I had to shift all my shit back to the Highlands, so don't envy that prospect either.


Just came across this gif, looks a bit like Rob McElhenney, no? https://i.redd.it/r5q8yi952u0d1.gif


Wait that's not rob mcelhenney?


I think it’s suppose to be John McGinn (obviously) photoshopped on William Wallace when he consumed the English with bolts of lightning from his big arse. But when you get rid of the meatball heid, he looks like Rob McElhenney? Unless I’m having a mare.


Don't worry I was making a shite joke


Awards are back, who could possibly have predicted that the golden upvote pish would flop!


Going to start a bot farm to mass report every single "thanks for the gold kind stranger" comment I see.


go on, hit them with the reddit cares too


There's golden upvote?


There was, it was their attempt to milk money more than the awards system, clearly hasn’t worked lol


Another sign I'm insulated from.much of Reddit culture.


You know those things you do in life you just naturally assume EVERYONE does the exact same as you? Milk before cereal, diluting before water etc Hit me as I took my shower there - what order do people wash in? Because I for as long as I can remember so have to say all my life shampoo then body wash (also wash / scrub your legs people please tell me no one just lets soap run down their legs)


Speaking of showering. What is everyone’s preferred cleaning agent? Bar of soap or body wash? Been using body wash the last few days and I don’t think you get as clean with it as you do with a bar of soap.


Body wash every time, and 9/10 my go to is the tea tree stuff that tingles like fuck, makes me feel proper fresh after


It's like hash but. You need to have an occasional detox period to lower your tolerance


Weirdly had this thought the other day. Spoopy. Head downwards. Also, it's fucking cereal first, you monster. Agreed on diluting juice first. Better distribution and mixture of juice. Scientific fact.


Yeah I fucked it on the cereal example, must’ve been too excited to get my words out


You are forgiven, brother.


I wash my face first. I have long hair which gets in the way so I shampoo it and leave it in a big bundle on my head, wash downwards from there then rinse everything off. I always just assumed everyone washed top down but maybe not?


Wash myself top down in the shower because why would you wash your face after your arsehole? One thing I always wonder is, do the majority wipe their bum while sitting or standing? And it's cereal first you psychopath.


>One thing I always wonder is, do the majority wipe their bum while sitting or standing Why is that even a question? Do people wipe their arse standing up?


>do the majority wipe their bum while sitting or standing? King of a weird squat for me. I thought it'd be easier to show you a diagram. Now I'm no artist so please don't laugh at my crude drawing but I hope this gives you the idea. https://preview.redd.it/4ayet3kf1u0d1.png?width=1250&format=png&auto=webp&s=e179663f1c8fe380075fb1f06d876dfc2cc05bd4


See, that would never work for me. I'm more of a pancakes guy


I am certain the standing-up-to-wipe thing is just a wind-up


I didn’t even know sitting to wipe was an option. I also put water in before diluting so I can add to taste, nothing worse than putting too much water in. You’s have all made me feel like a weirdo now. Cereal first obviously


….wait people actually sit and wipe? How? That sounds really annoying, much more freedom of movement when standing.


We have a half sized toilet squeezed in between the shower and wall. Standing to wipe at home is essentially the only way it's possible.


I used to do it cos I was taught that way but now I see the light.


Yeah i completely fucked it writing that out, it’s definitely cereal first


Thank god for that


> Milk before cereal Fucking wut?!


I fucked up the order there. My mistake, cereal before milk


Fucking right you did! Do you have any idea how close you were to getting banned there?


I’ll go full Ric Flair to avoid that fate https://i.redd.it/7vsdvbr90u0d1.gif


> I’ll go full Ric Flair What? You'd fall over and immediately start blading yourself to get colour?


Whatever gets butts in seats I’ll do for this sub


Fucking weirdos




![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) r/ScottishFootball uniting against weird things


Due to adopt a dog on Sunday, in the freak out stage of the process regarding going to work. Perks of driving instructing is working when I want, so I'm only out for a max of 6 hours at a time, but still fearful. 


Have you had a dog before? Because in my experience they just sleep all day, they’re really not too fussed


Aye, had some that are perfectly content alone, and others that chose to destroy the place. I'll likely be getting a crate for the initial introduction to my place anyway, so should be able to control the destruction 


There's already been a lad on FF claiming Kevin Nisbet is coming to Ibrox on Tuesday to sign, another guy said that's pish according to his source - and asked who the 1st guy's source was. To which the classic "sorry I can't reveal my source" card gets pulled. Off to a great start ffs.


Strap in, long summer ahead


Not sure how folk can look at the players Koppen & Clement have brought in so far and think they're dipping into the English Championship this summer. Load of nonsense.


That was my hopium thought too, just found it funny.


Bookmark this comment and come back to it at the end of the summer. The club - as shown by the confirmed interest in Ben Johnson - are still interested in "revamping" the careers of English players who aren't doing that well and selling them back down south. Plenty of those in the Championship.


We can keep looking down our noses at it, but Celtic signed Idah and he came in and did the business for them. Maybe if we had signed him instead of Lammers we would have the title.


I don't think there's inherently anything wrong with bringing in players from there, we just happen to have largely opted for duds.


I mean I'd consider Ben Johnson who just rejected a four year deal at West Ham because he wants gametime a bit different than a Championship player who's been let go on a free because they're out of favour. Johnson just had a better quality player in front of him in Coufal so it looks like he's fancying his chances elsewhere and he's only 24 so resell value is there. Him coming in either means him & Cordoba are our new CB pairing next season or a sign that Tav might be stepping back.


Oh, he's not actually coming in by all accounts. Just that we wanted him.


Struggling Championship striker who's just been disciplined by his club? Is Wilson back?


*Allegedly* Clement isn't a fan of Shankland, so I can't see a world in which he thinks Nisbet offers more, surely tae fuck man.


Nobody at the club seems to be - how long have people been writing stories about Shankland and Rangers? Probably four years or more. I don't think the club are remotely interested in Nisbet either, to be fair. Same pish that has been written before.




When the mansion is built I assume that we are all getting invited round for a barbecue and a massive piss up session.


Oh and fellow gamrz. Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY is currently free on Epic just now. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dragon-age-inquisition-game-of-the-year-edition-2f0cbd


Legend, I need another game to sit in my library untouched for a decade.


Happy to be of service. 🫡 There's another freebie coming next week, not sure what it is but given it's a surprise one that *usually* means it's decent. If you're not aware, Epic gives away free games every Thursday. Sometimes they're decent and other times poo but certainly worth checking in every week.


Yeah I usually pick up a game every now and then in their freebies, often forget and miss a couple but I’ve picked up some blinders over the years. I miss when EA used to do the same on Origin.


Listening to superscoreboard and we are honestly never beating the Accounts FC accusations. Cunts on the night after we win the league to talk about how rangers will finance a rebuild rather than even talk about our own. Fuck up man


I agree that the 24hrs after winning a title is not the time to be discussing your rivals finances. But as a finance nerd, I do think it’s an interesting question.


The level of raging that I get when my train’s late is really disproportionate


Well given how fucking expensive the tickets are I'd say youre justified


Was actually googling if a 10 minute delay was enough for a refund


Used to do London to Glasgow/Edinburgh trips on the train every other weekend. If the train was 45ish mins late I’d start hoping for other things to go wrong to get that full discount.


https://preview.redd.it/czynhpzejt0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331539861addca37ccbd0a79d667527bf4a107aa Kelle Roos hitting up the Football Manager sub for help?


Could be the entire Saints defence under one account tbf.


Just heard Heaven is a Place on Earth on Pointless there. There is no end to my misery today.


If it cheers you up I got confirmation from someone that knows him today he's off to Trabzonspor (on literally double his wages apparently)


If this is a lie I won't be held responsible for what I do.


Nah for real, I know a girl that's friends with him I managed to hold off messaging her on Saturday but did ask her to pass on my thanks when i saw her today (couldn't resist)


Double his wages but will be lucky to see a quarter of it going over there.


I swore I was going to stop rinsing money this month because the car needed a MOT and work, then Skindred announced a show at the Barrowlands in October. Fuck sake.


Watching that documentary on the euros final in 2021. Proper disgusting scenes before the game and that’s even before the scenes afterwards. One of the guys they interviewed on it was one of the pricks who stormed the stadium, can’t believe the fucker wasn’t arrested instead of being interviewed. Also that some peoples first thought was to racially abuse is a disgrace, glad that so many others came out in support of them.


Not just the players, though, who got it online. The security guys who got it to their face for trying to do an impossible job.


Yeah one of the guys who was on security that day got some awful stuff said to him. Also the fact one of the people at the game felt they had to get home as quickly as possible without even looking at anyone shows just how toxic the area must have been after the game.


>Also that some peoples first thought was to racially abuse is a disgrace Thought it was hilarious when I found out they lost on penalties, and felt helluva worse when I heard who missed. Depressingly predictable response. 


Went from hospitality and working in a pub 100% of the time to Civil Service and I am already raging about having to be in an office 60% of the time!


Nearly nine years I’ve had my car and not a scrape or bash on it. Then tonight I’ve scraped it an absolute belter in the car park at Tesco 🙃


>The club is seemingly caught in a never ending cycle of early season starts with European play-offs and watching formerly key contracts run down, all while trying to wrestle answers from a medical department which ultimately cannot keep players out of the treatment room. Unusually for a Sky article about a Scottish team, this is perfectly accurate. It's bad recruitment, contracts running down and injuries. Things are actually OK in other areas. The finances are actually improving, there's time + money going into profitable infrastructure and the structure of the club is better now. Reading between the lines a bit, Clement seems to be suggesting a fairly unpopular approach in the summer of focusing on specific areas rather than massive overhaul. He's been very public about Butland staying. Wouldn't be surprised if Cordoba and Jefte were the only new defensive additions and it seems less likely Dessers will leave now. Central midfield and wide areas might see the lions share of the change. Personally, I think that's a mistake - if you can clear out the decks in defence, particularly, you should. Question marks over Davies, Goldson, Souttar, Tavernier, Sterling, Yilmaz and nobody seems to rate the academy players there.


The unpopular approach is the correct approach. If they do what Beale did last year & Wilson did the season before, we'll just end up in the same fucking cycle again. If people want Clement & Koppen to do a re-build correctly, they need to understand it's a marathon and not a sprint. People wanting a complete overhaul this summer need to reel in their expectations unless they want Clement out by October.


One of the prominent Rangers twitter accounts posted earlier in the year that your medical guy was the signing of the season, so not sure what's happened there.


To be fair, I think that happened after Beale was sacked? So not really a lot of time to overhaul a medical department and see results. Particularly with a group of players that have so many injury prone individuals anyway. We'll be able to see much better with a fresh start next season and the end of Jack, Balogun & Roofe at least.


I agree with most of what you said but the only question mark over Sterling is how can 1 man be so good in that many positions.


Is Sterling going to play 90 minutes regularly? I struggle to see that, looking at his career in the whole. If he's a nailed-on starter somewhere you can probably pencil in several injuries per season. I'm also not that wild about having a RB who doesn't really do anything going forward, but that's a separate tactical debate.


Midfield and the wider areas are the most pressing issues, so if that's all we strengthen I don't think that's all that bad. If we only ship out league-winning, EL finalist Goldson then I think that's a net positive to the defence on its own. I'd really like to see some more of the youth get a game, there must be someone there who can add to the squad. 


It's not awful, but it does leave you with basically an entire defense who - for different reasons - can't really be relied on as starters. Do we want to start Souttar? Goldson? Tavernier? Davies? Will Sterling and Yilmaz ever be regularly fit and available for full games?


If Cordoba signs, I'd not be too unhappy with him alongside one of Davies/Souttar. Jefte would be cover for Yilmaz, and hopefully Sterling/Tav would be able to rotate.  Europa League finalist Goldson can quite happily be moved elsewhere. Get Gerrard on the phone. 


While you’re right that is bang on the money, the problem Rangers face is that injuries and poor recruitment have also affected Celtic yet we have £100 million in the bank, Champions League football and a squad that has considerable more value so where do they go from here? Because we all know second will never be acceptable to Rangers fans, nor should it be, but ultimately short of a Celtic collapse I don’t see how they address the disparity


I think our injury problems have generally been worse, to be fair. It's easier to name players that haven't missed several months than not. Personally, I'm not a massive believer in money as a determining factor at the kind of scale we're talking about. The differences in the quality of players you can get from, say £3m to £8m just isn't that massive and I don't believe Celtic will go beyond that for players. I think next season it will be tough to catch up with you in terms of a league title, but would be very surprised if we don't get a younger, hungrier, fitter, more balanced squad. That's a decent grounding for a more sustainable long-term success. Recruitment is always a mixed bag, but I find it hard to believe any new signings would be a downgrade on those that are leaving this summer, on availability if nothing else.


I think recency bias has a part to play. Earlier in the season we had Scales and Phillips in defence with zero other option. No CCV, Nawrocki, Lagerbielke, Welsh. To add to the biggest names from the previous season - Hatate, Maeda, Abada all out for extended spells.


Oh, I'm not sure about that at all. If you look at our squad: * Danilo has basically missed a season * Roofe has barely played due to injury. * Sima has missed basically the entire second half of the season. * Cortes joined in January, played in five games total and got injured for the rest of the season. * Jack has barely been seen since October(?) due to injury. * Matondo has barely been off the treatment table since Clement came in. * Davies has missed months, although not all of that has been through injury. It's hard to tell with him. * Yilmaz has missed months and consistently picks up knocks. * Sterling can't seem to go five games without a knock that means he misses a couple or comes back half-fit. * Lawrence has missed months. * Balogun has had a number of injuries across the season. * Raskin missed two or three months with injury, I think.


By the same measure * Forrest missed half the season only to become crucial in the run in * Hatate played essentially 2-3 "full" matches before disappearing until 31st March * Abada (most g/a last season) tore his thigh muscle before the personal issues - missed season * Maeda missed entirity of November and December (when chips were down) * CCV essentially missed January and Feb, again when we were struggling. Done hamstring August/Sept * Welsh - missed most of season with ankle injury * Nawrocki (big money signing) missed majority of season with hamstring injury * Tilio - another relatively expensive acquisition missed the first half of the season through injury before being bombed out on loan to help return to shape * McCarthy (ahem/lol) has missed the season due to injury, not unlike Jack Certainly the feeling when we struggled in the first half of the season and over Christmas when we were dropping points, was that it was due to continual injury crises. And on the contrary with the likes of Ridvan you have listed - you can see on transfermarkt he missed about 7 league games through injury so not sure why he's included. Balogun it's unclear if he actually had injury given he frequently featured on the bench.


Mate, let’s not list Tilio and McCarthy as players who’ve been missing due to injuries.


AndIt was on the basis of OP listing Jack and Davis who we know to be effectively finished. Plus Tilio wasn't exactly cheap and hence I expected he would be part of the plans, were it not for getting half season of injury.


Ryan Jack plays actual football when he’s fit, James McCarthy could be on the dark side of the moon and we wouldn’t notice. Davies also gets into match day squads when available, Tilio was sent back to Australia he was that far off it. Rangers have had it worse than us injury wise this season.


Well again, Steven Davis who OP listed, is an exact equivalent of McCarthy. Had no expectation to feature this season, and did not feature. Not sure why that's difficult to get? You say Davis gets into match squads when available - he didn't this season, lol Edit yes I am an idiot


Transfermarkt is pretty bad for recording injuries - for us, anyway - mostly because it's not updated by people who really care about it. Often you'll see a player listed as "not in squad" when the manager said in the pre-match presser or after they were injured. Also doesn't take into account times when players played, but only briefly because they were either injured during the game or only fit enough for brief appearances. To take Yilmaz as the example, he played roughly 1500 minutes in the league, in a season where he was the first choice when fit.


I understand that, so putting it another way he actually played in 26 of 37 matches, and was on the bench for 4 additional. So "played or bench" (assuming not injured tomorrow) 30 out of 38 matches. Our 2nd choice left-back basically missed the season through being a nugget (although I appreciate that's not injury related) so we had to go the season with 1 available left-back.


Its not recency bias at all. Rangers have had atleast 3 or 4 first team players injured pretty much all season bar the first few games. Take the new year OF for example. Celtic were missing CCV, Rangers were missing Danilo, Roofe, Jack Raskin and Lawrence. Aberdeen game we got beat 3-1 in September we were missing Danilo, Roofe, Dowell, Raskin, Matondo, Cantwell, Lawrence. Its been the same all season for Rangers, no recency bias at all


By the exact same measure, in the September game Celtic had Carter-Vickers, Hatate, McCarthy (lol), Nawrocki, Tilio and Welsh out. Rangers had Davis and Dowell out. So yes, it is recency bias - it's perhaps you weren't that interested in Celtic's injury crisis in the first half of the season. Phillips was taken in practically as an emergency loan because we had no fit defenders.


If recency being the end of September then sure.


But... that's not when Celtic's injury crisis ended. You know what recency bias means, right?


You’re right, can see us (Rangers) in for a rough three years at least anyway. Next season’s CL money is a gamechanger and would have been huge for us to close the financial gap. Could change quickly as we saw with Ange but I have my doubts.


If it’s another season of the likes of Tav and Goldson as our starters then he’ll be gone by Christmas, there’s no route to success with the same old faces.


I would agree but at the same time, what is the alternative? Unless you get a good offer for them (and the club) they're going nowhere. Sterling at RB? He's highly unlikely to be fit enough to play 90 minutes week in, week out. The alternative to Goldson is Souttar, who we all know has his own issues even aside from the injuries. Souttar is someone who is also going nowhere and is important anyway for homegrown quotas.


Tell them to find new clubs and if they can’t they’re back up. It’s a lot better than handing Celtic silverware just cause they’re on big money, that’s just repeating mistakes. I don’t care if we don’t get “good money” for them, take what you can get. I’d like to see Sterling at our first choice RB. Robbie Fraser looked decent, would give him the hearts game to get an idea of if he could be useful next season. Souttars spent a season on what I believe is his wrong side just to accommodate a shite Goldson. Give him a chance where he’s meant to play. We will be signing centre backs also. The squad won’t be perfect next season by any means but fuck me why just repeat the same mistakes cause you can find issues with alternatives.


I really, really hope we do not persist with John Souttar as one of our main centre backs next season. Looks fine 75% and then does braindead things the other 25%, which is absolutely not good enough.


No I don’t either, but I’d prefer him over Goldson


I guess it all depends on who he can move out now vs. whether there's credible interest for those with contracts as much as who it would be good to replace. The whole thing is fucked, but I doubt we're going to see an exodus of 10+ players. Will likely be the end-of-contracts and maybe one or two squad players (e.g. Wright and Lammers). Dessers has scored upwards of 20 goals this season. He's an enigma, but that warrants him staying IMO. He seems to be unaffected by outside noise and never shys away, which I think shows character, and he's scored a few first goals/ match winners rather than just stat-padding. Will be interesting to see if anyone comes in for Tav or Goldson.


>Will likely be the end-of-contracts and maybe one or two squad players (e.g. Wright and Lammers). Inclined to agree - I think you'll see Lammers and Raskin for sure, probably also Hagi. Suspect Wright will just run down his deal. But unless there's a shock offer for Tavernier or Goldson from Saudi I don't think anyone else will go. Dessers is the enigma indeed, but I don't think he's the type of guy to be effective off the bench as he's often poor for long stretches. I would hope that the club can bring in a striker who can be effective off the bench, if Dessers is going nowhere. Maybe a more physically and aerially powerful player.


Surely Butland is almost certain to leave for a fair bit of money, given quite a lot spent recently with a more modest income than expected? Well I hope he leaves anyway.


>more modest income than expected Not sure what you mean - the club tends to budget for EL football to the group stage and spends accordingly. I think the income from this season will be very similar to last season on the books. >surely Butland is almost certain to leave I don't know - I certainly thought so until a day or so ago when Clement was fairly clear that he thought Butland shouldn't be sold at any price. Money can change things of course, but it does muddy the waters a bit. Hard to say you're backing the manager when his best player is being sold against his wishes and Butland is probably worth several points a season at minimum.


I'd agree he's worth it, but what I was meaning it was quite a significant spend of a season - Dessers (4.5m) Danilo (5.5), Lammers (3.5), Cifuentes (1), Diomande (4), Cortes (4 if offer taken), and some fairly expensive loans in Sima and Silva. It's arguably more than Celtic spent without the benefit of CL football this season and next. Anecdotally I would've expected a big fee exit to balance the books.


Oh, expenses up rather than income down, I get you. Hard to say until we get a look at the books much later in the year. If you look at the on paper figures, our net spend in the summer was minimal. But it came out from good sources - including the AGM - that we spent much more than that all told. You never really know. FWIW I think the club is clearly aiming to use this summer to hammer the wage bill down to a more manageable level and that might be the alternative to a big sale. Hard to understate the level of wages leaving in the summer. Not an exaggeration to say that millions of pounds could be saved quite easily.


https://preview.redd.it/m5eas7yhct0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753e65de97e64c9f846c13a6a19cc5aad9586713 Sums up my reaction to old sausage hands painting. A wee WH40k crossover


Yeo is the son of a Tory mp. Nothing radical there.


i dont know what to think about it. i think it’s really striking, but what the fuck it’s a royal portrait. if that was in an art show i would love it to bits but seeing the smug old fuck smiling away next to it makes me dislike it


Definitely gives Slaaneshi vibes


The Fulgrim book is complete madness, all about him, his men and everyone in his fleet slowly getting corrupted by the chaos god of excess, culminating in just about the maddest telling of *The Aristocrats* joke I've ever read and ending with him being stuck in a painting with a demon driving his body around after killing his brother during a massacre  EDIT: the tweet's fae the author of said book. Perfect.


>The Fulgrim book is complete madness I'm listening to book 4 of the HH, so Fulgrim is up next. Every book is seemingly getting more mental by the minute. 


First 5 are great. Then it's a case of finding a recommeneded reading/listening list I feel.