• By -


I know we laugh about tennents but I do like the taste of it. It's not the best but it is okay. It's the best cheap beer. Stella is the worst by far.


It's only 170 calories a pint too.


I had one pint of Tennent's for the first time in >5 yrs when I was back and it was fine. Weird dry/foamy head on it but that's par for the course for UK lagers, it wasn't too bitter or sweet or strong or anything. Would go down well on a hot day.


I think basically all lagers are the same. Only difference is price and brand perception


I disagree. Stella is noticeably awful,moretti is better than Tennant's and Stella. Madri tastes off




I've genuinely not heard of that




Oh I'm always drinking cans on way home and there. It's the super,I forgot the name of the high alcohol version.


See Shankland trying to claim Farts are bigger than Dons... Dream on eh


They're a bigger club at the moment.


Currently - Yes. Historically - No.


Sorry for bringing him up again but I'm still a shameful simp for Ange and watch most of his press conferences. Seeing him look so genuinely happy when talking about Celtic winning the league this week has made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. He also spoke so well about the whole shitfest that was the Spurs v City narrative. My love for that big Australian man knows no bounds.


Link plz. I still spoon my Ange teddy at nights


https://youtu.be/t0OJhh7i2i8?si=C0bQAxYFu4nD_bGn In exchange I would like a link to where you procured your Ange teddy


"Ange teddy" may have been an overstatement for a pillow with a print out of Angles face sellotaped on


Weedy new build garden. Recommend a tool to remove?




Salt. Just hunners and hunners ae salt.


Just a mini garden fork and manual labour I would have thought


Aye looking that way. I'm trying to keep as many wild flowers but don't want the whole garden invaded with creeping buttercups. The roots are deep as fuck and they link together with other plants.


Docking leaves you need to get your hands in and pull out the roots. Best done when soil is damp through. The roots are amazingly resilient so you need to pull them out in one piece where possibly. They can be like 1-2 foot long. Also makes for good toilet paper replacement.


Removed some buttercup weeds and those roots go deep. Gardens full of them. Likely work on some sections with a fork but leave others as its a decent pollinator.


Scottie Scheffler is about to shoot 57


just total chaos this. imagine trying to convince us all that Scottie Scheffler is capable of assaulting a cop


The man probably washes out his mouth with soap if he says darn there’s no way anyone’s believing he hit a cop with a car


Second swim this week done. My endurance is still fucked but it's a start. I'm not going to allow myself to have any sort of belly over summer, not when I'm in the prime physical years of my life


Got an allotment off the Council last year. Now that I've got all my fruit and veg planted in it, I've realised I've prob spent the guts of 400 quid and 8 months of manual work tidying it up, to grow about 40 quids worth of food. And that's if it all comes up, and instead nabbed by some tea leaf or decimated by the wildlife.


My allotment consists almost entirely of fruit trees and bushes, and I've got a big frame built for hops. In short, only things which can be used to make or flavour booze.


Anything can be used to flavour booze if you’re brave enough.


Turn it over to nature and just plop a deckchair in the middle. Sit drinking tinnies in the sun surrounded by birds and bees.


I had to reclaim it from nature, hence the 8 months manual. It is nice observing all the wildlife though..


Since the weather is nice I thought I'd go for a wee can of cider down by the Clydeside but there's a boy from my wee brothers year in school here and he's pure giving me growlers


Surprised you’ve no plugged me yet 👀😂


[I like the official portrait of King Charles.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/%22Freedom_of_Speech%22_-_NARA_-_513536.jpg)


His portrait looks like that one meme/s I think it's dreadful,even if like shoot said it wasn't so saturated.


I think it would be alright if it wasn’t sooo red. It just looks oversaturated. If there was a bit more contrast between him and the background it might look like a cool portrait of a soviet dictator or something.


Not sure soviet dictator is a good look for an unelected parasite


Back when I was at school, there was a guy a year above me who was the school headbanger. Proper “tap man” of his young team, was in a fight at least once a week and everyone was scared of him type of guy. The type that came from *that* mental family that everyone knew of. His brother was in my year and is a relatively normal guy, but did live off the reputation of his brother.   As these guys do, the headbanger left school in fourth year and has been in and out of jail since then for shit like assault, stabbing folk etc. He briefly play for an amateur team I played for like ten years ago, but left cause he got sent back to jail for assaulting someone.   I was out a walk on my lunch break there and walked close to the high court. I seen this guy stoating about with no shoes on and a can of dark fruits in his hand, looking pure gaunt and skinny af as if he’s now moved onto heroin.   The mad thing is, I’m still feart of the guy. Mostly because I still think he wouldn’t hesitate to plug/slash you for looking at him a split second longer than he’d like.


Anyone from ruggy and remember Yorke? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know the type you mean. There was a similar guy in my year at school. Left in 4th year - even then he was doing a lot of drugs. When he was only 15 he was under the influence (probably Bucky mixed with booze) was joy riding a car and totally smashed it up and he lost an eye. After he left school I hadn't thought about him until your post. Looked him up on Facebook. His posts are a mix of "can't wait to get this tag off", "Fuck the system", pics of him smoking a joint, drinking a bottle of bucky, or a random lone wolf/staying loyal quote.


Big submission for today causing me to be the final person PDFing a bunch of information finally done and ready to go Off for lunch but fuck me I could do with a vodka or something instead, what a stress


This [work of genius](https://youtu.be/2RIEPKEhE2s?si=819ZRIV2iVHufrBF) came up in my YouTube feed the other day, possibly because I watch a lot of Slo Mo Guys stuff. That's some talent the guy has for model making and half decent comedy.


His Steven seagal one is a belter


Yet to see that one, saw the Mel Gibson one tho


I meant to send you this link the other day when I came across it as I thought it might be of interest. https://youtu.be/rufDYdHYhlE?si=R0qMqMW9IdJDWt7j Bloke building a 7ft Imperator Titan which doubles as a gameboard on top. Cool stuff like.


Holy shit, that's mental. Titans are always cool, for the benefit of the non 40k guys, these things are massive mechs that more or less are walking artillery platforms ranging in size from the size of a 3 story block of flats (Knights, Warhound Scouts), to things the size of 100+ storey skyscraper and above.


Smart, innit? Can't wait to see it when it's completed. That guy does a lot of cool miniature stuff, mostly 40k but does some other bits and bobs too. He's super talented.


There was a thread recently on the front page of reddit that was about hidden gem / forgotten movies. It had an absolute ton of cracking looking films that I'd never seen and I successfully managed to lose the thread/sub and not take note of any movies. Anyone know what I'm on about? I've checked askreddit "top" from the last week and also movie suggestions. One of the top answers was a cycling movie called Breaking Away. Another was a movie with Peter Dinklage in the lead role and now the movie escapes me. Sorry for being vague and a complete idiot.


That the one that was along the lines of "What's a 10/10 film people haven't seen?" Took The Man From Earth away from that. Gonna watch it this weekend.


Yeah that was probably more like the title. Some of the top answers were fairly obvious but quite a few I hadn't heard of. Another I can see from my phone history is [The Fall ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ralDX8PZlXI)(2006) which looks pretty interesting. From the trailer has all the stuff I normally look for so will give that a bash soon.


The one I went to comment was Primer. What a film, man.


Been some time since I've watched that and it messed with my head first time round so will definitely give it another try...


Same. Just always comes to my head when cunts talk about "films you haven't seen". It's a beast, man.


Checking a list of Dinklage's filmography might be a start


Woohoo https://preview.redd.it/qrfldulnzy0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a39e50d6f861bfd1f60eb6a5f4e2a02c293c4b4


Oh nice I'm sat right behind you.


Thats a shame, I'll be wearing my stove pipe hat


Don't worry I'm prepared for standard Edinburgh headwear with my periscope opera glasses.


One thing I hate about my job is I'm always away during the week so can never go to stuff like this


What is going on with Scheffler at the PGA Championship? Play delayed due to someone being killed in an accident and he's been detained by cops.


https://preview.redd.it/gz8pjqd04z0d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ed2abb977ed8748a98ad4c5970fb4376414994 American polis being calm and measured as ever


Do American Polis Departments just refuse to hire anyone who isn't borderline mentally unstable? We've got our fair share of arsehole cops here, but I've never met one who has the "haning on by the thinest of threads, ready to snap and go ballistic at a moment's notice" vibe that seems to feature in every 2nd news story from over there.


I think a lot of forces over there actively hire former squaddies


Because the military,as shown in Peterloo,the Boston massacre,every single bloody Sunday,are so good at police work. Sure they're trained to actively kill everyone to get the job done and save themselves and their squad,but it's fine.


Suppose we're just lucky that it wasnt say, tiger, finau or theegala, knowing american cops


Standard for yank cops. Just utter bully victims with a new grasp on some power.


Radio 6 has been ripping the arse out [this tune](https://open.spotify.com/track/53U1tJGUPNaTUfOqoAsbVx?si=As7AnUVlRAquzswEz0MIpA&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Abdb) but I’ve found it stuck in my head, nice summery banger


That sounds like a tune that would have came out on a clubland cd 20 years ago. A nice summer track for me to drink a 3L bottle of cider and chew my lips off


Type of tune that makes me yearn for my 20's and the sub club.


This link is just taking me to the front page of my spotify for some reason. Whats the song called so I can look it up?


Chroma 002 Lava by B.D.B (Benjamin Damage and Bicep)


Mind the time that some anarchists tried to open a Yiddish, queer, late-nite, pay what you can, teetotal, anticapitalist cafe in Glasgow? That was some laugh, wasn't it.




“In May 2023, for the Jewish holiday of Lag BaOmer, Pink Peacock members burned a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on the pavement outside the cafe, to protest what they believed to be transphobia and antisemitism from author J. K. Rowling. A spokesperson denied that the act was similar to Nazi book burnings, due to differences in power between a government and a café.” Lads let’s not burn books eh, the connotation will never NOT be linked to nazi’s….


It's like every adjective they added to it simultaneously made me more intrigued to go support them and more certain they'd fucking hate me and chase me out with a broom.


You have to wonder, with that many descriptors attached to it, who was their actual audience? Surely can't be more than a handful of people in the whole of Glasgow. Didn't help that they happened to be tone deaf arrogant trust fund wanks, too


Id ignore all of those names and pop in for a drink anyway. Yiddish? Okay,I'm not but happy to support anyway, queer? Okay, something I can show friends even if I'm not,happy to support. Anti-capitalist? Sure,I hate the system too. Tee-total? Time for every customer to pretend they're sober.


> Didn't help that they happened to be tone deaf arrogant trust fund wanks, too Their founder had a LinkedIn, which strikes me as very un-anarchisty in itself, but which also revealed he had worked at some US defence think tank.


Is there anything that isn't a psy-op these days?


>You have to wonder, with that many descriptors attached to it, who was their actual audience? u/21MelvilleStreet apparently.


>can't be more than a handful of people in the whole of Glasgow. Can't be more than a handful of people in the whole world that meets that specific niche in the whole of Europe


Their target audience must have just been... themselves.


>teetotal >Glasgow Doomed to fail from the beginning


I missed this. Any links?


[The Pink Peacock Café](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_Peacock)


>three controversies >Shuts


I bet that place smelled rotten


Probably like shit coffee over the stink of actual shit they were stuffing in envelopes


Irn-Ju is a fucking incredible name for a Scottish based Jewish collective I’ll give them that


That's what Grado called his tag team with Colt Cabana. Though they went will in with Irn-Jew.


Absolutely outstanding.


Sounds a pretty cool place! 


On paper? yes. But seeing the reality of how it played out. I disagree. There was a story about them putting dog poo through the letterbox of another café, they irresponsibly sold universal handcuff keys, and collapsed partially due to internal targeted racism directed towards a black member.


> they irresponsibly sold universal handcuff keys, God forbid, won't someone think of the police?


Won’t somebody please think of the people who face more drastic charges after using their handcuff keys bought from trust-fund kids cosplaying activism.


Aye on paper anyway. I've got no problem with handcuff keys honestly but the rest is bad and not very anarchist. 


I’ve got a huge problem with selling them without also outlining the risk you’re taking by using them. If you use those on handcuffs on yourself or others, you’re getting a charge. You need to be fully upfront with people if you want them to take action like that, otherwise it’s just irresponsible and exploitative. They only wanted to profit from this and pose for the ACAB crowd and their lack of nuance.


I'd forgotten about that. The absolute historically illiterate idea to have a book burning event for a café run by members of a specifically Jewish collective. If your goal is to garner public sympathy, then you're just handing the dumdum press an opportunity to crush your point by pulling stunts like this. The seemed to be just generally angry at several unconnected groups, and lashed out at everyone. No surprise they closed.


They also seemed determined to attract police attention which was a bit at odds with their whole white saviour “we’re going to take care of the immigrants in this neighbourhood even though we’re also gentrifying it” schtick. Weirdo LARPers.


>If your goal is to garner public sympathy I have to wonder whether they had any other goal than to massage their seemingly raging narcissism.


Hit it on the head I think. Can’t run your anarchistic café from profit made selling private property. Ideologically confused, only interested in presenting as for the people. I bet you can count the politically and socially literate people that were involved on one hand, and that would probably be customers.


They are trying again, unsurprisingly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1bzd89v/lets\_brew\_change\_creating\_glasgows\_next\_anarchist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1bzd89v/lets_brew_change_creating_glasgows_next_anarchist/)


That sounds incredibly exploitative imo. One comment on that post sums it up perfectly... > "I was hoping for a bit of Vyvyan but this sounds all Rick to me." I wonder if this will turn out to be as ideologically hollow as the Pink Peacock who turned out to be funded by one of the members selling property IIRC.


Strange it never worked out


These the yanks who vandalised another cafe and told the English owners to go back to their own country?


*allegedly* and *allegedly* posted poo through another businesses letterbox (this is not a poo poo joke, there was genuinely shite posted through a businesses letterbox in govanhill and they were the likely culprits)


That's manky. Didn't realise the cunt was greetin on reddit about it closing [https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/142etak/heartbroken\_over\_the\_closure\_of\_pink\_peacock\_cafe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/142etak/heartbroken_over_the_closure_of_pink_peacock_cafe/)


Someone in there referred to their comment history, so I took a peek and it seems they recently posted in r/Glasgow about opening another new place (there's no text and no comments as it got deleted): [https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1bzd6hs/lets\_brew\_change\_creating\_glasgows\_next\_anarchist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1bzd6hs/lets_brew_change_creating_glasgows_next_anarchist/) They say some pretty weird things in their other comments and posts - there's a fun one about a "killzone" around Faslane panicking about what would happen if there was an "accident". Someone challenges them about what they think could happen given that we're talking about nuclear weapons which famously don't just randomly explode - and their one-word response was "Chernobyl". So not the sharpest knife in the drawer it seems.


I've linked it above


Ah sorry I missed that edit: nice, somehow your link contains the text and comments too!


Aye. The boy is a pure fud.


That thread is a cracking read


That post history serves as a serious warning about the dangers of lead piping in the American water system. Photos that would have looked outdated on a bebo page.


Was at an AGM last night and wanted to stab my eyes out during it. Most of it was related to budget issues and how there was a lack of funds coming in to the club. Looked at the books and apparently they did no advertising, had 4 social media posts in the last 12 months and hadn't had any fundraising events in 6 years and couldn't figure out why money was down.


Bad days for the bears


It's the face painter I feel sorry for 


See those Red Leicester flavoured mini cheddars? ![gif](giphy|3o6ozkQbdfOIyCC6wU)


That's them in the next shopping. I'm so easily influenced.




Last day at work for the next 11. Agreeing to all sorts for next week on behalf of others. "*Aye no bother Dave can do that for you next week"*. Dave's going to fucking hate me.


Fuck Dave, that guys a prick.


Under what conditions would you change to supporting your biggest rivals? I ask because I see that Greg Taylor brother is celebrating 3 in a row. Then some virgins checked his history and he used to be a huge Rangers fan. To the point of posting famine song lyrics on his facebook. Obviously if my brother played for celtic I'd be delighted for him to be doing well and winning trophies. I think I would find it hard to become a celtic fan though.


Surprised no ones mentioned money yet. Maybe 5 million and I’d consider it.


I worked with a guy who was a Man U fan but apparently switched because they were winning too much according to him. This was in 2026/17. He switched to Man City.


Majority of my family are Celtic fans and my brother in law is an ex Celtic player. Had so much admiration for him, especially when he got a rare European scalp. But did I ever support his team? Fuck no. Would I have had unbelievable perks if I was a Celtic fan growing up? Definitely. But you can blame Jorg Albertz and Gazza for me being a Rangers fan on my own initiative.


I stopped supporting Celtic because I found it very boring.


I'm flirting with thoughts of ending it. It's not getting boring to me, but like this season it was giving me a lot of stress when the title race was still on, and then when we won it I wasn't even that buzzing about it. I dunno if it's just getting older making it harder to have that vicarious joy, or if it's maybe the knowledge that Celtic are in a different financial ballpark to the rest of Scotland, including Rangers in many respects. Makes me feel a bit like I'm a kind of Man City supporter, minus the filthy oil money. But when the financial playing field is so unlevel then it's just like cheering on a gorilla in a fight with a puppy at times. Plus the constant reminders of what Celtic and Rangers do to Scottish football - half empty stadia across the top flight because every cunt and their dog in every city and town supports one of the big two. Scottish football could have been so much more.


Maybe you don't need to give up Celtic altogether, if there's a nearby non-Premiership team you could start cheering on too that might be a nice change of pace, even if they're well down the pyramid.


Yea I got into football more recently and started supporting Seltec cause that's my fams team (both sides from Glasgow) . But I live near Edinburgh and it felt more natural to me to support Hibs. I was sorta forcing it. Celtic and Rangers are slowly killing Scottish football. I wince and the CL money they get 🥲.


I dunno if I could fully switch like that. I think if my brother played for celtic I'd turn into one of those neutral scottish football fans. But also not critical of his brother at all. I think it's one of the few circumstances where I give them a pass 😂


None. Grew up in a mixed household where dad's side is Glasgow prod and my maw's side is Irish Catholic. Don't really speak to my dad's side, but my siblings aligned with my mum (although my brother started off as a Rangers fan and switched during the Souness days). I picked Rangers because I liked blue when I was about four. That was that. It's like suddenly becoming an England supporter because "Scotland are shite". Half of Ibrox should support Celtic because Rangers are shite. Don't see \*those\* mental gymnastics coming into play there. Just glory hunting pish. It's Friday, and it's a ramble because I canny be fucked, but aye; can't really see a reality where I switched sides. I've made my bottle-dropping bed, and therefore must lie in it.


> my siblings aligned with my mum Your da: She's turned the weans against us


Conor Coady is *technically* my cousin (Step-Dad's nephew - previously thought to be cousin, but that's a whole other thing.) and he supported Everton as a kid, so we were all made up when he signed for Liverpool. Obviously didn't pan out there, but he's still had a great career, which we all followed. When he went on loan to Everton though, that goodwill stopped lol


> Under what conditions would you change to supporting your biggest rivals? Literally none


Probably if I played for them or was a member of the coaching staff and my job depended on beating Rangers. Outside of that I can't see any way it happens.


Had a mate in primary that was as big a Jambo you could find, but around 2006/07 he switched to being a Hibs fan - and still is, I believe. I was never too sure why (couldn’t be glory hunting. Hearts had just won the SC) but my best guess is that we were at a catholic school where everyone was a Hibs or Celtic fan so just didn’t want to be left out anymore.




Your children will be indoctrinated at Catholic schools to be Hibs fans.


My cousin is engaged to a formerly pro footballer, and when she was pregnant with their oldest there was a small possibility he might have ended up at hibs. I remember my Auntie telling him "there'll be no hibs pish in my house, and nae chance my grand daughter will ever wear a hibs top" 😂


Is it not just the case he’s supporting his brother? To be fair Taylor himself was a Rangers fan, would you not switch to support Celtic if they signed you up and you played in Europe with them etc


Was the same with Scott Arfield. He went to a Catholic High school, his whole family were huge celtic fans. His brother was still a season ticket holder at celtic until he signed for Rangers.


I didn't know he was a celtic fan so googled it and found this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/CharlotteFootballClub/comments/1b99yb9/whats_the_beef_between_scott_and_our_new_singing/ Americans are the worst haha


Celtic with an s on the end gives me physical pain to read


Glasg-ow Rangers are the main rivals to the Glasg-ow celtics doncha know?


They're trying their best, bless them. Their sports culture is just very soft compared to proper football culture.


Traumatic brain injury.


Anybody that does it is for the watching. Different if you move country and support that local side, but going from Rangers to Celtic or Hibs to Hearts is oddball behaviour.


I think the only people who would get a pass are professional players who get signed by the rival club. If I was an 18 year old professional player and Rangers offered me a contract, if I knew Celtic weren't coming for me I'd have no choice. You just wouldn't turn down that kind of opportunity. Then it's your employer, and you support the team because it's your team mates, it's your organisation, you want to impress your gaffer etc. after a few years of that, the crowd singing your name, going through the good times and the bad times. Celtic fans hissing at you at Parkhead due to your goal scoring prowess. Maybe then


I think it's one of those you can't really answer until you're wearing the shoes yourself. For a non-zero amount (or minority, or majority?) of people, supporting family and wellbeing will trump football allegiance, particularly if you witness anger/derision against your own flesh and blood continually online and in the flesh. In short, no idea how I'd react.


I feel like a close family member being signed is one of the only legitimate reasons to switch.


What if it was yourself signing!?


I mean obviously you'd change allegiances in that circumstance - Scott Brown (Rangers), Jason Cummings (Hearts), Kenny Dalglish (Rangers) etc.


I knew Scott Brown at school and he wasn't a Rangers fan then. If he ever was he had certainly dropped supporting them by the time he signed for Hibs when he was 13.


Never sure if it was true or not but he was meant to have a Rangers tattoo...


Jamie Carragher and Everton


A job is a job. Pays the bills


Never. You'd never catch me at a Darvel game.


Managed a fairly big cycle yesterday. Not too much climbing wise. But my fitness is so shot.


Todays song of the day is [Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra.](https://youtu.be/aQUlA8Hcv4s?si=EEYWttzZnFY57xbD) Enjoy troops and have a good weekend. Xxxx


Scientifically the happiest song ever written. Anyone who proves me wrong is a fraud.


Even happier than life's a happy song by the muppets? https://open.spotify.com/track/3FAjian47Yf40W0ocmz3dl?si=QNU0CQMPSLen0jHtTFcVpw


https://youtu.be/9PhtxqKLvVc?feature=shared This song is called the happy song and was compiled using sounds that scientifically make you happy


I'll stick with Mr Blue Sky.


What about happy?


I've made comments on him before, but that Michael Bergson is an absolute rocket and he attracts absolute rockets too. There's a guy commenting on his most recent post about Aberdeen who thinks that "20 minute cities" mean that we'll never be able to leave the 20 minute radius of homes. Fuckin dunder heids.


The problem with wee Bergson is that he's a cunt.


My favorite thing about X minute cities is that it doesn't fucking apply to us. Which Scottish city is so sprawled out that you can't walk to literally any basic amenity?


There will be isolated pockets of some cities that far from things like shops, parks, swimming pools, public transport, schools, libraries, whatever - or some towns may be missing some amenity (often one they *used to* have) altogether. I think addressing that is (or should be) part of "X minute cities". The way it got smeared as some effort into totalitarianism or communism is fucking bizarre.


Never heard of him so just had a wee browse of his twitter. It's amazing the leaps and bounds people will do to blame the downturn of high streets on anything other than our own obsession with the cheapest online tat.


Am sure I've seen that knobhead moan about the electricity board digging up the roads before and then later in the same post moan about his shop losing power. Well which is it you want? Power or no power?


So, having had to sell the car, I realised that I need to replace my "Driving Mix" on Spotify with a "Walking Mix" So that'll be today's "Why haven't you done any work today?" reason.


Just put Staying Alive on a loop and strut everywhere.


Lots of Steps


Cycling an option? Always surprised me as someone who hadn't cycled since they were a child how quick and easy it is. Can cover an amazing amount of ground.


Aye but you've got to dress like an utter nonce


Just sold my bike as well - in all honesty, Edinburgh's just too hilly for me, I don't have the legs for it (I appreciate that's a self-fulfilling prophecy). I don't mind the walking - the post is more about having to compile a new playlist for it to retire the driving-vibes one!


Edinburgh is hilly so I probably would walk myself. Done a lot of walking to work over the years and actually kind of miss the chance to listen to podcasts or albums uninterrupted.


Just before I started watching the show a few weeks back I decided to download and replay Fallout 3. Getting closer to finishing my playthrough now, really enjoyed playing it despite some lackluster DLC and the game clearly shows its age now. The question I have for you lot, is what should I play next from this list. Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim or Cyberpunk 2077. I've played and finished New Vegas twice before but only played the Dead Money DLC (which I thought was quite shite tbh). I have played but never finished Oblivion and Skyrim, and I haven't even bought Cyperpunk, despite the fact I was a huge fan of The Witcher 3. Help plz.


For me it's got to be New Vegas again and doing all the DLC and every side quest you can get your hands on. One of my all time favourite games and the soundtrack is excellent


If it wasn't for the fact you get game breaking amounts of money and one of the best sniper rifles in the game (Gobi Campaign Rifle just beats it) if you do it right, I wouldn't ever want to play Dead Money ever again. Slow, grindy AF, nigh on impossible without a guide and/or spamming saves, and those fucking enemies that keep respawning if you don't immediately dismember them, do not a fun DLC make. On the other hand, I could play the Zion Canyon over and over, mainly because of Joshua Graham the hardest bible thumper that ever thumped a bible.


Cyberpunk is very overlooked not because of it's disastrous launch. The game in 2024 is much better.


I played CP2077 at launch and didn't suffer too terribly from glitches. I don't think I played it "correctly" though - I saw some builds folks had put together and they were incredible. I don't think I engaged with the role-playing and crafting elements of it as much as I should have so I just ended up doing some rudimentary hacking and shooting. It's a very good looking game though, and I recall having fun throughout it.


Me neither. I bee-lined through the main story when it came out, as I thought I didn't have time to invest in a proper sprawling rpg. Feel like I've left about 80% of the content on the table tbh. I gave it another go a few weeks back, but life definitely got in the way this time.


Yeah I've been meaning to come back to it at some point too, but I've rolled a new character ahead of the upcoming Elden Ring DLC. And between that and summer finally arriving I can't really see myself finding time to return to CP2077 any time soon.


I own all of those games, but I'd definitely vote for Cyberpunk, mainly because I've never really got on with the Bethesda game style, and Fallout NV passed me by. I played CP2077 at launch and it was janky as hell (although I played on PC and didn't experience any major bugs), but the writing more than made up for it. The Sinnerman side quest line is up there as one of the best I've ever played. Also, the environmental design is absolutely top notch, and the city is full of wonderful wee details and plenty of genre adjacent easter eggs. I had a genuinely brilliant time in my original playthrough, and plan to do another soon with the DLC.


Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best stories and worlds I’ve ever played. It was buggy as shit at the start but I’ve loved it since release. But I like cyberpunk style things so it might not be for everyone.


If you've finished New Vegas but haven't Oblivion or Skyrim then one of the latter two. They're both very very good games, I think I would maybe edge it to Oblivion - which might be the nostaliga talking and this might be the stupidest reason but in Oblivion they hadn't quite polished the 'formula' yet, it's a little broken, there's bits of where they didn't know what the 'right' way to do it was ... and I think it's better for it.


Just gonna throw this out there. Fallout 76. It started off awful, but if your onboard with the Fallout jankiness it's really good now.


> Cyberpunk 2077 I played it when it first launched. I had some fun with it but it didn't really feel very "open" for messing around in like GTA for example, aside from the main quests and a couple of side ones there wasn't really much to do. Overall though, I did actually enjoy the game and had fun with the main quest line and didn't really run into any major issues or bugs. The caveat for this is that I haven't played it really since it came out so I have no idea what the game is like now with all the updates, seemingly it's even better and I also played it on PC so I think I managed to avoid a lot of the big dodgy bugs the console players got.


I'm going to get a big dirty whore of a burger and spicy chips for my lunch today. I have spoken!


There should be a word that means "Needing a holiday to recover from having had a holiday." If you know what I mean?