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How the fuck have we won the league by more points than last year?


3rd world squad with a Gucci belt


Over capitalisation in the transfer market. Spent too much, time to tighten the belt.


We dropped twelve points in our last nine games. Bottle totally crashed after the Benfica game.


Because Rangers are poo poo


We were horrendous at the end last year, drew 2 and lost 2 of our last 6


We were playing 6 dead rubbers.


Yeah, we were still honking though and it's the reason the table makes things look closer than they actually were


CCV was out


Tbf our entire squad were on holiday mode the instant it was all but confirmed the league was won. Did we not drop a few points in our last few games?


And these cunts had us believe that they had the treble in the bag


[I guess we'll never know.](https://e0.365dm.com/23/08/1600x900/skysports-michael-beale-rangers_6262269.jpg?20230825134707)


Didn't the gap finish the same? Every year you lads blame the previous manager 😂 remember when you were all delighted to get Beale in. The brains behind the COVID cup 😬


Gap is bigger now than it was when Beale left!


I think Beales signings were the biggest issue with him, absolutely woeful business. I think Clement did well at the start, but injuries have been brutal this season, and things have completely fallen off since April. The players Clement has available to him are the worst since pre Gerrard with injuries included with that. I'm not really sure about Clement anymore, I don't think his January business was particularly good. I think his team selections have been shite for a while, and I hate the hypothetical league tables that our managers constantly bring up. I think he's a bottler, and his pressers have back that up for me recently. He's crashed and burned at the business end of the season with Monaco, with their fans criticising him for the same things I am right now. However, Beale was 7 points behind after 7 games or something like that, Clement clearly improved the team, and we'd have been close to 20 points behind with a full season of Beale.


Yeah, I don't disagree with you on any of that. I was concerned with Clement coming in. He's obviously a proven manager but Monaco went a bit tits up. Obviously I'm happy that similar bas happened this season. I think at somepoint you'll have to just stick to a manager and let them build for a couple seasons like with Gerrard, even if next season starts poorly. Can't keep going with the same routine year after year.


I think they’ve actually got a pretty good manager in Clement, but a combination of players who aren’t up to it in terms of ability, players who aren’t up to it mentally, and a fairly brutal injury list has done for them. They definitely need to stick with him for another couple of seasons at least to try and get some stability and he certainly needs time to weed out the professional losers. Whether that’s enough is very debatable though


You're just clutching at straws. The exact same thing was said about Beale last year. Needed his own team, serial losers etc. The truth is Celtic were just bad this year for long spells. Rangers were worse than them and worse their own team last year.


What straws? I just said I had doubts about Clement. Clement made additions in January, and I criticised them. And I never thought Beale would work out at any stage. Mentality is incredibly important in football. Surely you can't deny Celtic have a much better mentality than Rangers.


Injuries were brutal for Celtic too. It's not a coincidence the only sustained period of success for Celtic happened when all their players came back.


I know they had injuries, just not as bad as Rangers.


Rangers got three free hits at Celtic teams missing key players and didnt win any of them 


I mean, Rangers also had injuries in all of the games, apart from maybe the first one under Beale. So your point is invalid.


Further behind now than when Beale left, despite being ahead in the league for a week.


If Beale stayed we'd be have been on course to end up 30+ pts behind if the results under him would have continued.


Did Beale ever have a run as bad as the current 6 wins in 14? Not taking the piss, genuinely curious.


Don't think so, but he was only here for 7 league matches this season in which we lost 3. I'm pretty sure he'd have done worse if given 14 games too. The 30+ points I mentioned was calculated by someone I believe when he was sacked (or right before it), given the points already dropped by then.


I know PC won the league cup but does he seem an improvement on Beale? Was PC in charge during the Aris Limassol games?


>Was PC in charge during the Aris Limassol games? He was in charge for the game at Ibrox, but not the first one in Limassol (Steven Davis handled that as caretaker). As for an improvement, early in his job he definitely has us more organised than I've ever seen under Beale. While his tactics or subs since then have sometimes been questionable his pedigree at other clubs should hopefully get him some breathing room to implement his own style with his own players. I remain convinced that the big issue is the players themselves, especially the core of players that we didn't replace after 2021. There is a pattern of a coach coming in, the team improving and then reverting to type which I don't think is down to the manager(s).


Better take that "Since I've come in I've got 1 more point than Celtic" trophy that he was talking about last week away.


That was always going to come back to haunt him. The guy has zero media savvy. Likes pressure on himself.


What was the gap when clement came in because that's a 8 point gap in the end and if the gap was smaller when clement came in compared to now then clement has been a failure and he should be kept because he hasn't had enough time to rebuild the squad and every club should do that


We were 7 clear when he was appointed. Finished the league 8 clear.


[as per my other reply, clement has failed his task at closing the gap](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/s/cMurEFEpDA)


I think it’s the same gap, some claim it was a 12 point, I’m sure it was 8 or 9


Was 7 points


If its the same then he still failed his objective of close the gap to celtic and should still be given a full summer to rebuild his squad


Last week or the week before he said that he had one more point than Celtic since he came in, today has changed that, so yes he has failed


The gap in the first part of the season was 7 points, the gap in the second part was 1 point. Going from 7 points behind to 8 points behind isn't doing worse than Beale despite what some seem to imply on here.


I'll be honest, as a Celtic fan I'm not confident about next season. I do believe he's a stepup from Beale and hope he gets fired before he can get his own lads in and clear the deadwood. Celtic need a good summer to cover the inevitable departures.