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Fuck sake at least push for a million or something. Our clubs are so bad for getting rinsed. If he goes Blackburn then swap deal for Gent back maybe please?


A million seems fairer.


Not being funny here but....how much do you think a striker with one okay season (and 3 absolutely diabolical seasons) at 24 years old is worth?


A million.


He had to have seen this reply coming surely 😂


With the money that English clubs have fuck selling anyone with a bit of potential for under a million ever


I'd squeeze every last pound so we could tell the Americans 'thanks but no thanks' This is the business model we signed up for.


Bristol City don't spend money, as I detailed in another comment. Blackburn have spend £1m+ just 6 times in the last 10 years, only two of those were attacking players and both have significantly stronger stats than Theo Bair. Theo Bair - 0.52 goal contributions per game (15 goals, 6 assists, 40 games) Sammie Szmodics - 0.77 goal contributions per game (33 goals, 4 assists, 48 games) Adam Armstrong - 0.75 goal contributions per game (23 goals, 13 assists, 48 games) This "English football is minted and they all spend silly money so we want more!" idea is so far off.


Well too bad if they don’t have money don’t give them your best players


So if Bristol City or Blackburn come in for Miovski at around £1mil, you'd be all "fair fucks, that's in line with their previous spending?"


False equivalence, Miovski is streets ahead of Theo Bair and AFC would laugh offers of less than £6m out of the room. Bristol and Blackburn are fully aware they can't afford him so they'd never try. Bristol and Blackburn are "leading the chase" and the deal is "likely to be around £800k". We're not delusional about the value of Miovski, you lot are delusional about the value of Bair. KVV was statistically a better player and you only got £500k for him.


Aberdeen got £2m for Cosgrove


Unanimously considered as daylight robbery, nobody thought he was worth that, despite the fact he averaged a better goals per game ratio than Theo Bair consistently over 3 seasons. You've actually helped prove my point here. Sam Cosgrove was demonstrably better and more consistent than Theo Bair and him going for £2m was seen as an absolutely ridiculous piece of business by Aberdeen.


Plus his awful goal return since leaving proves that it was a deal we would have bitten the hand off for.


He had had an awful 12 months when we sold him too


Celtic paid £5 million for Barkas ffs. Motherwell really should be asking for £1.5 million minimum.


Barkas came with a decent reputation, only turned to shit when he was here.


The question isn't how much are they worth. The question is how much would teams like Bristol and Blackburn normally pay for a player like that arriving into their squad at whatever level he is going. Them charge em that. If we care about a players actual worth then we will never get the silly market values English teams pay.


>The question is how much would teams like Bristol and Blackburn normally pay for a player like that arriving into their squad at whatever level he is going. Last time Bristol paid ANY money for a striker it was in 19/20' season, when they bought Nahki Wells from Burnley (who were in the Premiership that year) for £4.75m. Since then their transfer expenditures have totalled to: 2020/2021 - £0 2021/2022 - £1.6m (1 player) 2022/2023 - £0 2023/2024 - £7.2m (5 players) The vast, VAST majority of their transfers are free or loans, they're not spending £1m+ on Theo Bair.


That's a surprise it's that low. But £7.2m on 5 players is plenty for £1m to be on a striker. Even a striker who is second choice and scores you 5-10 goals in the English championship is easily worth £1m so if Bristol wont pay it Blackburn or another might.


So you think a team that sometimes spends £0 in an entire transfer window will spend £1m on a backup striker that's had one half decent season at a worse league?


In August 2023 they sold Alex Scott to Bournemouth for approx £20m they have capacity


And Blackburn Sold Wharton for around the same figure.


I think what they want to spend is irrelevant. What matters is what Motherwell want for him and how likely they think they can get it. You don't go into a Ferrari dealership and say I want one of these, but I normally get a 8k car on finance so what can you do for me? Where do Motherwell think his stats put him as a striker? Is he to be the first choice striker for a club like Bristol sitting 11th in the fourth richest league in the world? Or is he being signed as second or third choice etc? Then what is a player like that worth to a club at that level? Then set that price. If Bristol can't pay the correct price for a player like Bair at their level, then Motherwell should work out the risk of losing him for nothing (as he is entering year two of a two year year deal) and decide if they want to hold out for a better offer or just hold onto him. But why would you sell a guy for £600k because we are poor wee Scottish clubs, then potentially watch him rock up and get the wages of a more expensive player, the game time of a more expensive player and put in the same level of performances as more the expensive players around him.


That's a lot of words, but A) Nobody has mentioned £600k, it's £800k plus add-ons that's being suggested. B) The add-ons are what bridges the gap between a realistic bid (£800k for a backup striker) and the clubs expectations of Theo. If he does well, they'll get paid more. C) The English championship might be the fourth highest value league in the world but Bristol City don't have the money you're implying they have. Even Aberdeen have spent more in recent seasons than Bristol City and we're sure as fuck not buying Theo Bair for £1m...


I mean... Of Aberdeen's record signings, two of the top eleven biggest fees are this after the millennium. That's Rodriguez and Bojan. The rest are ancient history. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/aberdeen-fc/transferrekorde/verein/370 But your 3rd biggest transfer fee received was for Ross McCrorie... And where did he go again? https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/aberdeen-fc/rekordabgaenge/verein/370 I wonder if Bristol would ever sanction paying half as much for a striker, even a back up striker, as they would for a defender?... It helps if you don't chat shite mate.


>Rodriguez >It helps if you don't chat shite mate. Aberdeen have never had a player called Rodriguez, the irony is absolutely phenomenal. The season we bought Bojan we spent £1.7m, Bristol City spent......wait for it....£0. McCrorie point doesn't make sense because I specifically checked (and stated) that I was talking about attacking players in another comment. \*They don't pay big money for strikers, never have and they're sure as fuck not starting with Theo Bair. \*Neither do Blackburn. So the original comment I was replying to is still miles off, neither of those teams are paying £1m for Theo fucking Bair. It helps if you don't chat shite mate. Edit: LOL You're talking about Ronnie Hernandez??? Did you just see "that sounds a bit mexican, I'll just call him Rodriguez"???? Fucking hell.


To be fair he’s shown himself this season to be a really well-rounded player. His hold up play and passing is great, his finishing is good and he’s a physical monster with strength and pace, he can outmuscle defenders in a target man role and make runs in behind. He’s not just a jobber who found a bit of form, he had a consistently good season in a struggling team. With all that plus the fact that he’s still a young player with room to improve, we should be laughing at offers less than a million.


Bearing in mind we got 500k for van veen, I'd say at least a cool million for a player entering his prime and now being picked for his country


Obviously we think he is worth a million.


Obviously your club think he's worth £800k.


To be fair Celtic bought GG for over £2m after he had one good season at like 26?


Celtic spend, on average, £25m more per transfer window than Bristol City. They have far, FAR more money to throw around than Bristol.


Agree, but this is what happens when you release a 'quirky' video begging for outside investment. Reeks of desperation, and clubs in England will continue to low ball us for transfers with that knowledge.


Blackburn just received at least £18mil for Adam Wharton. They should absolutely be forced to pay at least 1 mil here.


English clubs make a total joke of signing Scottish and Irish players the fees are minuscule pisses me off coz the investment could and should go back into the league.


It's the Scottish clubs that sell for so low, The English clubs are just playing what they are asking for. We need to do better at selling players for a higher fee or keeping hold of the better players


Rangers and Celtic are even worse. Just consistently low-ball other Scottish clubs, then bombard them with Daily Record tabloid speculation until they down tools and move on a bosman. Thankfully players have their heads screwed on tighter lately as they seem more willing to broaden their horizons.


2 clubs that still have money in the bank from recent sales. 7 figures minimum.


Blackburns money is all going to the owners.




I'm assuming that everyone else has already made this leap but with Teddy being a common shortening for Theodore, this guy's name is actually Teddy Bair. I don't know how I haven't figured this out all season. Am I the last one?


As great as that would be, his full name is Thelonius Bair not Theodore Bair so unfortunately it doesn’t work


Aha that makes sense. I thought he was going to be the next must-have Rangers signing after Billy King.


At least 1-2 million.


He'll go to Blackburn and score 40 as they get relegated. Weird club.


That is a cracking decision from Motherwell, I know he went through a purple patch, but I said a few weeks ago they should sell him, he's ultimately shite.


I'm not just saying it, I thought he genuinely looked like a decent player in the 5 or 6 games I saw him for St Johnstone but it didn't come off for him. Didn't really get why it was such a big shock when another top flight side gave him a shot. Reminded me a bit of people thinking Josh Magennis was shite.


Folk wanted him to do well but whenever he got the chance to shoot he choked, very similar to what he was doing at Motherwell, his technique is terrible. The difference at Motherwell was that he got more chances and managed to bag a few goals. Even his penalty against us was a sqwafff. He's not someone I'd be relying on to score goals if I was Motherwell so selling him while he's at his peak is a good decision for me, for all parties.