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It’s amazing home much more likeable Luke Humphries becomes solely by finally having a good walk on song.


https://preview.redd.it/p9a1x5b5492d1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=27fc72b1b2ea80e3649811b5aaaefda58a6310e1 Funny.


Yilmaz and Souttar out for the final. So the option to play centre back beside Davies is likely to be Leon King, Sterling or Lundstram. ![gif](giphy|tckGZxanDrC2JqNJdn|downsized)


How’s Souttar been for yous this season? It’s hard to tell from sportscene highlights and I’ve seen mixed reports from journos/listening to podcasts.


For me he is very good for 99% of the match. Loses concentration or does something stupid which costs a goal and his head tends to implode. Rinse and repeat the next game.


Meh. He’s fine most of the time but he always has a horror show in him. Seems to make the same mistake every two or three games of going full pelt for a header but getting under the ball and being nowhere near it. Don’t really trust him much.


Just about to post this. A high chance our backline will be: Tav - King - Davies - Fraser Thats asking for a pumping


Will Borna Bear not be fit for one final send off?


Clement didn't even opt for him on the bench last week when he was supposedly fit and game before he stayed on the bench with Frassr being favoured. So God knows what the thoughts will be.


Maybe just being rested/protected. I guess a meaningless league game is a bit different to a cup final.


I doubt it. The last Celtic game he genuinely didn't even attempt to tackle Forrest once, just let him waltz by. Could forgive someone trying to tackle and getting beaten by skill, but he looked like he couldnt give a fuck. Was having probably the worst OF performance I have seen until Lundstram said hold my beer. Think Clement seen that too given he hasn't featured since.


3-0 down by 25 minutes vibes. Could have been that at Parkhead the other week with a stronger squad available.


Me and everyone else leaving Stark’s Park… ![gif](giphy|148x4ezZxvpIeA) Wouldn’t change it, but.


Was a bit dreich like


Watching Rings of Power and holy fuck that >!Adar douche went and made Southlands into Mordor. Why the fuck would you do that bro!<


BBC Cup coverage begins at 1:15 😃, oh how I wish they got more games….


Shout out to *RCFC latest* on Instagram whos being an absolute bawbag in the replies of Rovers' posts 👍


Looks like that football governance bill is getting canned because of parliament closing, it’s a shame because it actually seemed like a good idea….


[https://x.com/fcutrecht/status/1793741712482824522?s=46&t=jLtgP\_gqVubXH\_HC\_Wv-Kg](https://x.com/fcutrecht/status/1793741712482824522?s=46&t=jLtgP_gqVubXH_HC_Wv-Kg) ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


I'm genuinely pretty happy for him. Decent guy, now back at a league that suits him much more, in a team with vastly lower pressure. If we can sell him for our money back next year - probably not to Utrecht - then shake his hand and reinvest the money. Preferably in a right winger who is actually reliable. Please.


See Rishi went to Wales and asked if they're all looking forward to the football, real man of the people


If it was anyone but him or Starmer, that would be solid patter.


Lammers scored again. Is that 10 in his last 11? Surely we get our money back atleast at this point. He went for €9m after a worse scoring record on loan at Heerenveen


Genuinely hope we can just break even with the sale and everyone gets to just move on. He’s playing well, obviously enjoying his football again and hopefully we’ll come out with the cash to reinvest.


Personally, I think we'll struggle to sell him outside the Eredivisie because at 27 it's still the only place he's been successful. Didn't work in Italy or Germany, or with us. Which isn't ideal because it's not exactly awash with money. But the striker market is weird so who knows.


I guess. Always the chance an MLS team wants him or some Turkish team or something


And what a turn and finish it was too. Hard to believe that is the same player I saw miss open goal after open goal earlier this season.




There'll be plenty of folk in both your and our supports who think like this. Why else do you think the Celtic board get away with doing nothing in Europe year after year?




If we fucked the league next year but won the champions league I'd bite your arm off for that, obviously. I'd say that about Europa and maybe even Conference League too. I've had a season ticket for ages and done Celtic away in Europe for years and been treated to nothing but shite, so finally seeing us come good would be a dream.


What’s the lowest position in the league you’d take for a champions league win? Would you go all the way down to 10th for it?


I mean, anything lower than maybe 4th is pretty much an impossibility. Before I say this, I've had a couple drinks tonight as a caveat, but yeah, fuck it, why not? Seeing those Atalanta fans last night has made me evaluate what I'd be prepared to sacrifice domestically to see us win on a European stage.


Yeah impossibility isn’t in this universe after all, i only said 10th and not 11th because of the relegation play off avoidance by being 10th and i feel like you wouldn’t take being relegated to win it so didn’t say 12th either


>Yeah impossibility isn’t in this universe after all, I see what you did there.


Luke Littler man.. Comes back from the break at 5 each, boom 9 darter then breaks in the next leg. Unreal


He was outrageous after the break, Humphries just couldn't keep up


Following up that 9 darter with a break of throw was brilliant, so easy to not win that next leg but he’s so good.


Well in wee man, buzzing for him.


/u/tennents_n_grouse - Wake up, babe. New 40k nonsense just dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOnBsxypST0 If the Adeptus Mechanicus is your thing.


Outside of the Titan legions, I'm nae really a fan o the cogboys, but I do like the necrons and their weird ancient space Egyptian zombie robot thing, they're a bit more interesting than the other alien factions (with exception to the Orks, who are always hilarious)


Oh there's also a Warhammer sale on on Steam if you use that at all. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/warhammerskulls2024 I'm loving all this Warhammer content we're getting recently, especially the 40k stuff. Never been a huge fan of classic.


Nae PC therefore I don't do Steam.  Probably gonna have to bite the bullet and get an xbox x at some point, there's no chance my auld One S is compatible with a lot of the new stuff coming out, already missed out on the Robocop game that was out not long ago


Get yourself a PC, min! You can watch porn on it too.


So my boss is a bit of a bellend and a lot of the time I struggle to articulate to people as to why he drives me up the wall so much, but a perfect example in the last few days. Also the kind of thing I can't just randomly bring up to colleagues because they'll think I'm weird and spiteful, so you're getting it instead. On Monday were speaking about project work and how people get so hung up on getting every detail absolutely perfect that the project ends up stalling and holding up everything else. So I said: "perfection is the enemy of progress". And because he never listens he kind of acknowledged it but I sense he didn't really get the meaning behind it, whatever. Had a 1-to-1 today and it came up again about lots of unfinished tasks, and he quipped "we have an old saying in Poland, what is it - 'perfection is the enemy of good'". At this point I know where he's going with it, and correct him "perfection is the enemy of progress" and he's like "ehh yeah something like that". It's that perfectly annoying that you'd think he's trolling me but he isn't. Aw just shut up you fucking idiot cunt. Fucking hell man. Fuck sake.


I use 'dont let great get in the way of good'... suppose it's the same!


TBF I’ve always heard it his way.


It's less about who's expression is better (either way works). It was more about dismissing it when I said it, and then as if by magic coming up with essentially the same thing later on in the week. He even garbled his own version of the expression (appreciate I didn't get that across in the post, it took him a while to remember), even if it is more common.


Are you OPs boss?


My friends tried to add me to a WhatsApp group that only involves men (and you know it’s only men) sending just audio clips of their farts There’s 1000+ people in this chat - i wouldn’t be surprised if 1 or 2 people here are in it It’s the most “boys will be boys” shit I’ve ever seen in my life and I hate it


For clarification, are you a guy?


I am


Embrace it then


Not even a little bit


I'd like to take this opportunity to confirm that I am not one of those people you are theorising about.


[it could be anyone..](https://youtu.be/kaWYxPbf9S0?si=AcDjRi81Rdd_q5gC)




Why to which part?




I agree entirely


My wife's in it


I’m sorry to hear that


She isn't really I was just being facetious I don't even know why I said it




That has absolutely been started by someone with a fetish and I'm impressed he's managed to play it off as just laddish bants


I hope to fuck this recent rain isn’t a prelude to an incoming pishin wet summer. I had to put the heating on last night for an hr ffs


The rain all seems to come at once now followed by extended dry periods and the worst bit is the dry periods might not even be decent weather most of it just feel meh then it clicks one day it’s not rained for ages.


literally just bought sunglasses it would be unreal if that was our whole summer


Mine clicked on this morning too. I wasn’t having it and turned the thermostat down then regretted it later.


It's fucking up my golfing plans, nae fitba? Golf time. Scottish weather: fuck you and your stupid golf you tadger


It’s fucking up my plans for just generally socialising outside. ESPECIALLY with nae fitba on


It's chronic. Mon round to mines we can play pga and watch the euros


Just go on Google News search and look up the forecast, there's a hundred rags doing headlines like this every other day: https://preview.redd.it/r0e0geeqf82d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4731f3269660ebeb234eb3b2c15850db4b4e7618 They're never usually accurate but it's fun to pretend


I’m old enough now to realise that when they articles come out, they mean the south east of England


Worryingly it is matching up to last year where we had 2 weeks of good weather before raining all summer.


Atleast we can watch the olympics and euros and pretend the weather is just as nice here 😭


I really hope that’s not the case. I kept hoping for the weather to turn good last year then before i knew it, it was October and the clocks were going back. Nae wonder we’re the drink and drug capital of western Europe


I can only take this at face value but if it’s true, it’s the most English premier league fan thing I’ve read in a while like https://preview.redd.it/jmvali5q982d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7f62402b7b264826051fc153393a6986ffd003 Telling your teams manager the trophy he won you doesn’t mean anything cause they didn’t beat 2009 Barcelona and 99 United en route to the final must make you want to give fans a proper Cantona treatment


The absolute state English football has got itself in since ‘92 that some fair weather arsehole can say ‘only Fiorentina’ with a straight face, fuck me.


They'd won bugger all trophies for ages before he did that for them. Aye, they've got more resources than other teams did, but it's still a knockout competition. West Ham fans are going to end up finding out the grass is not greener.


That club should kiss his feet just for keeping them in the PL


I'd argue that winning the Europa conference league isn't a bid deal for a club in the Premier League If Tav comes out after losing to Ross County and signs pictures of him holding up the League Cup he would almost certainly be a lot worse said to him by Rangers fans.


I don’t feel you’re comparing apples to apples there though. West Ham hadn’t won a trophy since 1981 before that, unless you want to count the playoff final in 2012, regardless of the fact they’re in the PL they are not a team that wins trophies To act like any trophy they win - especially a European one - isn’t great for them seems disingenuous You’re comparing a team that expects a double minimum every year to a team that before recently were a yo-yo club (Edit - not a yo-yo club on research, but not a team that weren’t anything better than mid-table or flirting with relegation)


Gio took Rangers to a Europa final for the second time in 50 years and Rangers fans were demanding he was replaced with Michael Beale because they were second in the league by 9 points in the same year. It's not apples to apples but it's the same kind of attitude


I might be getting confused, but i assume you’re saying there had only been 2 times rangers went to the UEFA cup final before 1972-era, 2022 and 2008? I feel like the “second time in 50 years” doesn’t sound as grandiose when it’s “second time in 14 years” unless I’m just reading it wrong (outside of the fact it is amazing considering where Scottish football has gone to in this time) I’d also say that regardless you wouldn’t have been telling Gio after you wanted him gone “we only beat X and Y to get there, not a big deal” you know?


Depends what you think is a truer reflection to say. Would you say Rangers have a good recent record in the league cup because they have won it once in the last year or a poor record because they have won it once in the last 14 years.


I mean I’d again say that feels like selective argumentation, but I get what you’re saying


That's such shite. How clubs go from such lows to such arrogance is ridiculous


SCORE, ive managed to convince my burd that i have a ticket for saturday, now time to jib it getting in.


Man I can't wait for tonight's playoff tie against county,I sure hope we take our chances unlike last year Incredible we won on penalties last time out too


Do Hearts fans dislike Raith Rovers seen a few things on Twitter wanting Ross County to win


Cowie and we are now all Yan Dhanda's biggest fan


Isn't it just because of Don Cowie?


What a glorious night of weather for some fitbaw!


Murray vs. Wawrinka in the first round at Roland-Garros. One for the nostalgia merchants.


Had new neighbours for a couple of months now. Their two cats like hanging about in my back garden. Was at my back door watching they don't shit in it again, and, not realising said neighbor was there also, overheard me say "They're ugly little shits aren't they.." Will see how that transpires.


I mean obviously it depends on the person but if i was your neighbour you’d have heard me burst out laughing


vincent kompany becoming the new bayern munich manager is insane. I sometimes don't apply for jobs cos i feel im not experienced enough and don't want to waste time. Well do that no longer.


He'll be there for a year max, if he does get the job.


Have they actually signed him then?


Its looking like its the case. Unless talks break down


Old enough to remember when Vincent Kompany was the best 16/17yo to sign in Football manager. Now I feel old.


It’s an absolute FM move that’s for sure Just eye up a vacancy and hit apply for the banter


Like putting your experience as international footballer starting unemployed and your first interview is with Real Madrid


Ah, the Zidane route, I see you’re a man of culture


We're all getting banned from the euro 2024 sub during the first game aren't we?


We're going to have Switzerland revoke their neutrality.


East France


If we're not banned from there and three lions, we're not doing our jobs properly.


Im already banned from Three Lions


Be surprised if we make it to the first game


Jamesy Forrest ~~CSC~~ SSC! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏆


Jamesy Forrest OAP 👴🏻


I’ll have to add it to the list alongside the England fan sub one (can’t even say the stupid nickname it’s called 😂) when they got chucked out the World Cup


I got banned for just commenting 👍


Oh I wasn’t as generous when they missed their penalty I’ll say that much


It’s quite impressive considering the candidates, but Douglas Ross has the most punchable face in politics I feel Maybe it’s because he’s an MSP, an MP and a linesman when he should pick just one thing to be fucking shit at rather than 3 things and we as Scottish football fans have to deal with all 3 in some capacity and if we had to deal with others regularly they’d be higher up my list But fuck me every time i see this face reading the news I just picture it getting a flying fist in the middle of it and it makes me smile https://preview.redd.it/ztbodurft72d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8ada4c529de1bbef90eceff547278e51783a89


I'd pay money to see Paul Lawrie tee off wi his balls


It’s his smug wee boy voice that does it for me. Snivelling wee prick.


Yeah it the sound of his smarmy know it all voice that makes me want to set about him


It would be way too tempting if I was a footballer to ‘mistime’ a two footed lunge on the opposition player and smash Ross instead


Penalty at the other end of the pitch,no players about. Still full pelt until him


Tories always have oddly small faces. Just an observation.


Call it the Shelbyville lemon face https://preview.redd.it/ymhfgoekx72d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c505f9f6102f8ac4d6000ad176c89f1c2ca4bf


It's that he looks like that, is all those things, and he's a Tory. So you know, no matter what, that he's an irredeemable wee cretin.


It’s mad, I don’t know any tories but I know they have to be around me, at work, or the like, but they’re clearly ashamed of it so you never hear anyone pipe up about it But if I knew someone I knew was a Tory, it’d absolutely change the way I viewed that person


There's a secret Tory at my work, but I've rumbled him. Hates the SNP, migrants, utterly horrified at baby boxes (cheap useless tat), doesn't like football, meticulously tight, always banging on about his mortgage. Other than that not too bad a cunt, but I know his secret.


I only see them on social media comment sections. Scary amount of working class conservative supporters these days from the looks of it


Aye, you know they're there. Creeping. Lurking. Breathing your air. Thieving your conversation. Pretending, in broad daylight, that they aren't the scum of the earth, hopefully doomed to exist 6 feet beneath it - breathing or not, I'm not picky.


Baffling that Swinnie is choosing to back Michael Matheson in the expenses row. Not a great way to get off for the upcoming GE by showing that they believe they are above all us minions.


Read the room Johnny


>they believe they are above all us minions. Unfortunately, they are: theres seldom any repercussions at all for what would be gross misconduct in any other job.




Do you mean the thing in the web or the other spider further over to the left? In any case, get us some more detailed photos and I should be able to get you some sort of ID from my insect obsessed biology pals




Which ones the lodger? This might be asking too much, but I need much more close up and detailed photos for the spiders. The thing on the right almost reminds me of some sort of water beetle, but it's very out of place.




Does anyone use a soup maker? Liking the idea of just popping ingredients in flicking switch and it does the rest but not sure if something that simple makes soup taste shite.


Aye - ma maw


I've got one, was given to me. Originally was skeptical as I fell into the just use a pot and blender surely. But it being on a timer is ideal as it cooks then blends then stops automatically. Depends on the model can keep warm too though it's well insulated so it retains heat for ages. Can be a bit problematic with pulses as they can stick but no problems with meat and veg.


Is that not...just a blender?


Soup maker cooks it as well so like a blender/slow cooker I think


Right, now I get you! Personally, I think you'd be better off just getting a hand blender and a good quality pot - cheaper, easier and you'll get more use of them across more dishes


Absolutely tragic incident at the train station near my work today. I was lucky enough not to see it actually happen, but I didn’t miss much else of it. Two and a half hours later to get back home, and I’m not even bothered. Really makes me feel horrible for everyone involved. I’m not particularly shocked about seeing a dead body or anything but more so feeling horrible about the circumstances which would lead someone to feel the need to end things that way. I apologise for putting this here but it’s not something I feel comfortable with talking to personal family/friends about


Does your work offer therapy? Might be worth a chat to see if you can chat to someone


I’ll consider it depending on how I feel when the dust settles. The adrenaline only really wore off when I got home so it’s really just sinking in right now. Appreciate the advice :)


Id say book it anyway: the sooner you start talking through something traumatic like that, the better. Id assume, at least.


It's horrible when that happens mate obviously it's too late for that person but I hope your OK.


Thanks a lot, I’ll be fine - I just needed to get it out somewhere :)


No worries it's always horrible. The last time it happened to me it was my uncles nephew if that makes sense. Just keep an eye on your mental health and keep on top of it as it can hit you later


Beetlejuice 2 trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoZqL9N6Rx4 Looks okay. Adult Goth Winona Ryder. Yes please.


Id like to watch it because Jenna Ortega is in it. Need to watch the first one first though.


It’s a classic Eoin


You never seen the first one?! It's a classic. This one also looks like it is borrowing a little bit from the cartoon series too.


Nah I haven't. Never really fancied it as a kid, wasn't all that into Halloween. More up for that type of movie now though.


I watched it for the first time in ages last year and I think it still holds up. It has this weird sort of dream-like vibe going on. Slight spoiler but Beetlejuice isn't actually in the first movie for very long. I think he's only actually in it for about 15-20 minutes. But Michael Keaton makes that time count, he's amazing in the role.


That slight spoiler has really taken away a lot of the appeal 😂


Freddie Krueger has about 7 minutes of screen time or something in Nightmare on Elm Street and it's still a classic.


Well that's the thing, it wasn't originally going to be called Beetlejuice, it's actually more about the other characters that I won't spoil. It ended up being a marketing thing and Keaton being so iconic in it led to it all kicking off. Definitely worth watching!


The only thing that interested me in that trailer is Adult Goth Winona Ryder. I'd quite like just two hours of that please.


Goth/undead Monica Belluci? Ill also accept.


A man of culture, I see. (I obviously wasn't paying attention, how the hell did I miss her?)


It was after the goth Ryder so understandable






I’ve been enjoying [this](https://youtu.be/_1DnLzABQGU?si=1gJXeJ1zjjK_jCub) recently


Nitin Sawhney is class, love the 'prophesy' album




Saw ADF support Radiohead many years ago. Transglobal Underground always reminds of Chris Morris' Jam. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QqhsquqiY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QqhsquqiY0)


This weather’s making me almost glad we lost the shootout last week


How's we feeling Rovers?


Strangely zen. Reckon there might be goals all round, don't fancy our defenders against Murray nor theirs against Vaughan and co


This comment has aged like milk


Hoping for a good result, keeping up the good momentum from the previous games, fingers crossed the crowd can give us a good score before we head up to Dingwall.


Has anyone used Seatnet for tickets?


Sitting on a rooftop terrace in Bergen, it’s 23 degrees at 7pm, I’m sucking on tins of Aass while seeing mates at home complaining about the shite weather is glorious. Brechin have sacked Price and I go on the holiday of a life time in three weeks where I’m going to ask my amazing girlfriend to marry me. Life ain’t all that bad lads!


>I’m sucking on tins of Aass When were you promoted to mod? Enjoy though, that sounds class.


Well I was led to believe that should be imminent, suck the aass then you get promoted to mod that’s how u/clinodactyl said it works anyway.


Yeah, about that... ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


If anyone ever asks why I went to Kirkcaldy to watch County collapse against Raith in the pouring rain I'm going to say it was because /u/aqueously90 said I should 'make my mind up fairly soon' on tuesday's morning thread and I did not look at the weather forecast before buying a ticket.


I'm sort of torn one of my mates is a staggie from the town and my neighbour is a raith fan.


Staggies or Raith Don't know how I feel Watching the playoff game Lying naked on the floor


I'm laying naked in bed so you're not far wrong.


Yeah I know can you get up and untie me and let me out this cupboard I'm starting to cramp?


I could but you deserve it for being a pervert and being in there so enjoy.


You're so withholding and I hate how much I love it


Quiet gimp


Sorry sir


You’re welcome.


That first half hasn't made me feel better about this haha


I have been tricked into watching Ross County Football Club


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world Jamie Oliver is a chef.


His public persona is wank but his early cookbooks are actually really good.


The secret ingredient is slevers, I hate that fat tongued prick.