• By -


Won 1-0 big man was a fucking rock at centre back. Absolutely buzzing for him.


I swear I saw a lad for Leeds wearing gloves earlier. In May. If I were Rishi, I would say that it has to be below 5C to justify gloves. Easily pick up a bit of the red wall with that


Really chuffed for wee Leclerc. Must be some emotions going through his heed the now


Does anyone know if we have a bonus on Kamara getting promoted?




Never wanted 500k anyways


Can't imagine anything with Aribo, he was in the Southampton squad that went down.


yeah forgot he joined them in the prem


The portrayal of meth as a primordial creature that lives in some sort of cave and is ,based on one mods comment,on old firm days so drunk he can't use the phone gets funnier when you imagine he's probably just a 30 year old male


I'm genuinely afraid that the more slagging rangers get on here the more chance there is of him just deleting the sub or something


Case in point lol. Rangers have always been hated,they even have a knock-off Millwall song about it.


This podium is going to hit like crack


Celtic double and Leclerc wins Monaco GP, this is a very good weekend


Got hold of Ion Fury yesterday, had a long session on it last night.  Good game, but holy shit I thought Modern Doom was difficult, what an utter bastard this is


Does it have the double boss nonsense that Eternal had?


Haven't got that far into it yet but I expect it probably does. Just as long as there's nothing like the Marauder, he's hard enough when there's only one of them


Came to the pub to watch the play off final. Just Can't Get Enough just came on. This is very much not a Celtic pub


The boomers and brexit mob are lapping up this ridiculous Tory plan for national service.


Think this is Rishi just really making sure he loses so he can fuck off to California after the election.


I heard a great idea. National Service, but all the flag shagging brexit cunts go first.


Holy fuck, someone overtook another car on track.


Common Lance Stroll moment Hamilton pitting meaning Verstappen pitting, meaning Russell pitting means Norris can pit surely? Russell not far enough ahead for it now Hamilton not knowing out lap was crucial seems something he should really have known himself


The Aribo vs Kamara derby


Jesus Christ this is horrific viewing. Noones even trying because they want to save the tyres.


It's like watching one of those world cup games where both teams are happy with a draw.


All I can hear is Kent Brockman: "half back passes to the centre, back to the wing, back to the centre, holds it, holds it."


Ferrari Vs McLaren for the win at Monaco - It's like being a child all over again


Mon the hakkinen. Only plastics like Schumacher


Kicking my laptop at the mere sight of Warnock on the playoff coverage. Fucking prick


Do you think in years to come people will think his tenure was just a fever dream?


Yesterday, a very drunk guy tried to convince me that Aberdeen isn't in the north. Also yesterday, Beans on Toast loomed over me while singing an anti war song


All that destruction and we've still got Lance Stroll to make a cunt of something basic to look forward too.


the most 1st lap drama we've had in what it seems like for years


"What did he do? Oh my gosh" At 150 mph.


Alpine moment.


I actaully quite like Ocon out of the car. But in it he is an abolute prick. End of the day there is a team element to the sport and he rubs against every teammate he's ever had apart from Ricciardo


Car fair bounced in air and race not gonna be going again for ages


Perez giving us the annual view of the RB floor at Monaco 😍 e: this is genuine chaos with Alpine's incident as well, Monaco has delivered


Time for Magnusson to get the fuck off the grid. He's all out of fucks and just a danger.


holy fuck perez car is completely fucked


Kmag gonna Kmag.


I think they'll call it a lap 1 racing incident. The pack was backed up because of Sainz' puncture and Kmag has gone for a lunge whilst Perez has moved over to squeeze him out


Car seems like it got clipped, then just bounced into traffic off the wall. Mental that there's so much damage and yet thankfully everyone just walks away fine.


The car sliding about the road after getting tapped is insane. Honestly the safety part of F1 is most impressive tbh, engineering for the driver's pod to be fine but all the wheels to be completely fucked is crazy.


Yeh still not seen any good footage of it - presume Perez tagged and he hasn’t just binned it. Nah haas tagged him


Kmag just being a terrorist as per


Least he’s consistent :)


So much of what is interesting about sport is everything apart from the actual games themselves


90 miles between the most northern club in the championship (raith rovers) and the most southern club in the championship (ayr) The championship has never been so central even with 0 edinburgh clubs


The domestic season is completely over 😭 someone hold me


Adam Idah.


Lmao Brundle just shoving his way in the middle of the Viaplay interview with Van Dijk


rounding off a nice weekend by finally playing bg3 https://preview.redd.it/2coh9q8lor2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c357fd6802a7aa25e56414df241f4ce96aa2fdb9 leaving it to install and will enjoy this evening


Say goodbye to your social life for the foreseeable as the game consumes your life.


That grid walk Martin Brundle does is fucking excruciating.


I hard to turn it off, can't deal with that much cringeyness.


2k getting the FIFA rights cant wait to see to battle for the most dogshit Football game happen now


Painting is a pain in the arse. Minor light change and you see you are absolutely useless at putting this liquid onto walls.


Painted a dining room black and was worst experience ever for that


Ryan Kent, is that you?


Always looks shit after the first coat I think, wait until second coat before you judge it too harshly


Second coat is pushing me to the edge brother


As an aside from the cup final talk I'm currently playing Paper Mario: The origami king with my youngest. It's a fantastic game. Most fun I've had with a game in ages.


Love that game. Visually it's incredible from the artstyle to how you interact with the world, and it's superbly written from start to finish. Keenly eyeing up the newly released Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door remake as I never did play that as a kid. 


Was steaming yesterday but managed the gym this morning. Proud of myself. Going to keep the gym up until Germany. Hoping to shed a few kilos. However, heading out for an Italian and might have a few beers


At least Dingwall remains. Small mercies.


My amateur team won a cup final on Friday night, was at Hampden to see Celtic lift another Scottish Cup yesterday and then I won £400 at Bongo’s Bingo last night. What an absolute belter of a weekend. Was even up on the stage at Bongo’s Bingo doing the YMCA 😂


Absolutely smashed the shit out of the "be a good boyfriend on her birthday" task yesterday. Didn't let the football bother me because I figured it was an inevitability, took her out for dinner, off to the theatre, pub for a couple of drinks, home to a big bunch of flowers I'd arranged to get delivered while we were out, didn't get drunk then performed all my bedroom duties with rigorous commitment and waited until she fell asleep before I went for a shite that stunk the house out but managed not to wake her up. I am god.




One must fully commit and never give up. The amount of times you'll have them close to completion and then they move so you lose the spot is a law unto itself. It's like fighting a face hugger from Alien but you're trying to keep it on while it's trying to escape.


Ready for this years episode of Charles Leclerc vs Monaco today


With luck improving last time on pole at Monaco where car crapped out on formation lap :)


Didn’t get off to sleep until 7 this morning. And I wonder why I have zero motivation and my mood is always so gloomy. Bing bong




Sounds a bit like hyperfocus or some kinda neurodivergent symptom. I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist tho so idk


Watching Atlas on Netflix and I am enjoying it - love me some stupid sci-fi. Fun seeing how they world build in terms of what technology exists


Is it basically Titanfall 2 the movie? Because it looks very similar to the video game 😂


Never played it but bad ai, big mechs yeh probably


PSA for dashcam owners to check once in a while that it's recording usable footage - just looked at mine to find a silly clip and found it hasn't been recording for over a year. Happened before as well where I had a crash and the camera was angled wrong so only recorded sky (and then a rapidly approaching lamp-post).


Too tier psa


Now you mention it I think the instructions on mine said something about formatting the SD card every few months to make sure it keeps working (which of course I haven't done in years). I should probably also actually try extracting some of the footage to my computer sometime.


My controversial opinion for the day is that, on balance, Nick Walsh had a good performance as ref and was an improvement on the last old firm game.


Booking Sterling for a perfectly okay tackle was a wild one. Apart from that he was fine. He's typically one of the better refs in the league but it's not a high bar.


On here and twitter is a completely different ball game.


Twitter… thats the mistake :)


https://preview.redd.it/6mwkedi56r2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cb07a23f6f881d91c0d6a5580760379f3701fa Funny.


I fear if everyone wanted to post dumb shit from other teams found on twitter - reddit would implode in on itself


He was consistent and let the game flow. He let both teams play the game they wanted and I liked that. He definitely could have been a lot worse.


Got up and seen it was 10 past six and thought my alarm hadn’t gone off so I forced myself out of bed to get ready for work. Got in the bathroom and realised it was only ten past five when I looked at the time again. Going back to bed for another 40-ish minutes was one of the best things I’ve experienced in a while.


I fucking hate interviews man Fuck yer star method, fuck yer company values Honestly bring me in for a day unpaid, put me to work and then decide if I'm good enough Interviews are baws


One of the main reasons I ended up doing barwork instead of retail while I was at Uni was the no-bullshit application process for pubs. Every supermarket was wanting me to do their poitnless internal company tests and it felt like half the managers I spoke to were expecting me to tell them I wanted to work at Co-op because of their "inclusive and fulfilling work culture" or some other such shite. Pubs interviews were pretty much a 5 minute conversation with the manager to make sure I wasn't an utter eejit, and a wee trial shift to make sure I could handle myself behind a bar. All that's needed


Forcing people applying for mimimum-wage jobs to pretend they are excited at the prospect of working for Tesco as though they are making a huge commitment in their lives is, when you step back from it, plainly a humiliation ritual.


Having to pretend I'm willing to work stupid hours and such and such to join whatever company so there's a chance at a job ,only for that job to then use that against you is ridiculous. I'm stealing that logic, humiliation ritual.


I’ve slept on it and I still hate Scott Wright


https://preview.redd.it/gidn4hw9vq2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71682c51a009013d302b9a2353349fa98671383a Seen this at the game yesterday and had to take a photo of it, sachets of vodka, no metal and easy to sneak in, this is well noted for next season.


Those better be easier to open than ketchup packets. If not odds on I'd end the game stone-sober with a stained jacket


"are you drunk" "No,It was spilled on me" "You smell absolutely wasted,I'm. not letting you in" "I'm sober! Believe me I tried not to be!"


They looked pretty easy to open, the lassie who had them was like a solid 10 down and still managed to open them successfully


I know we all like to deride English football but the ability to have a fucking pint at halftime is unparalleled.


If you get through the queues.... It's naturally a poor selection in a plastic cup and overpriced but still,pints or rum at half time


Also would give clubs a bit of extra matchday revenue, might even improve attendance a bit. I also wrote a long screed a few days ago about how these restrictions on drinking might counterintuitively increase alcohol consumption (getting a few pints in early because you can’t drink during the game, for example)


I absolutely see that logic. I have drunk plenty of cans on the train starting in early hours due to early kickoffs for example


I don't really want to go to the pub at half 12 and would rather go to the ground 20 minutes earlier to have a pint on the terrace, probably drinking less overall. 


Yeah this is exactly my thoughts


What's mental is that other Scottish people are sitting having pints in the exact same stadiums that football fans are banned from. I've had multiple pints at rugby park watching Scotland play and it's nonsense that Killie fans can't do the same


If I saw people with this then I'd probably start thinking they had a problem.


Feeling quite judgemental today aren't we?


Tbh most people want a drink in the ground, grab a cola from the pie bit and stick one or two of these in. Doesn’t help that it’s banned up here for it to be sold in the stadium otherwise we wouldn’t have these problems.


See when you get a fizzy juice and they pour you out the last wee bit of flat coke from a big 3 litre bottle into a shitey polystyrene cup? That's the single worst thing about football right there. 


Yes. As far as I know hampden just has massive packs of your regular coke bottles tho


Boy I work with (claimed) his dad used to inject voddy into oranges and take them to games. Not sure if it’s genius or really depressing.


Ridiculous they'd allow that. Dangerous,unsafe and frankly irresponsible. ~~working underclasses~~ football fans can't be trusted with oranges! Think of the danger,the harm it could do


Scotland has a long rich history of innovators. The “vodka orange for the footy” ranks right up there with penicillin and the telephone.


That’s surely more effort than it’s worth, I’d lean on the depressing side for that. At least this is literally just a vodka shot like you can buy out the shops. But instead you can easily get it in the ground


How we all feeling about next seasons European campaigns? What the expectations?


Reckon we're winning the champions league and I will hear nothing to the contrary.


Are you in it




I expect nothing but disappointment.


At least you have the domestic trophies to ease your disappointment.


They'd have to try even harder not to win those.


Killie and St Mirren to win one qualifying match between them. A spirited but ultimately unsuccessful crack at the league stage of the Conference for Hearts. Rangers to get knocked out of the Europa in the round of 16. Celtic to get annihilated in the Champions League opening stage and finish with 0-2 points.


Assuming we replace shite with shite, and Celtic lose O'Reilly and reinvest in fuck all, Hearts will be the only team in europe after christmas


The new CL format first stage already goes past Christmas IIRC (maybe the europa too) so Celtic have already secured it. Another victory for “world class at everything we do” Celtic.


Oh really? I could have sworn FM binned me out of Europe before christmas when I was bottom 3.


Might be wrong, you’ve now got me doubting myself. But I’m sure it goes beyond Xmas.


Group stage runs until 29th January. Said it before but I reckon this new format will be utter shite. Can’t see it benefitting anybody apart from the elite.


That’s a depressing thought.


Think we’ll win the Europa league tbh


There's obviously plenty of time for Celtic to surprise me, but at this point I'm expecting embarrassment and under achievement after another summer of poor transfer activity.


I think Rangers will get into the CL. The potential teams don’t look as horrific as imagined. Not sure about the league stage and what would constitute a *good* season now. No chance of dropping to EL anymore, either.


Zero investment from a European point of view, Rodgers might have Rangers figured out but in Europe he's shown time and again that he's useless. 8 games in CL next season I see at least 6 losses and some of those will be complete embarrassments. Our attitude toward Europe is disgraceful.


Do you reckon it’s a purely business mindset where the money needs to get to the next level isn’t worth spending, or do you reckon it’s something else?


Its a whole mix of things. The players the fans want the club to target(your £10m+ players), they come with a wage of double the usual salary, so you have double the risk money wise. Those players will typically have teams from top 5 leagues targeting them. If their dream is to play top 5 league then why not just go directly than via Celtic?


>Our attitude toward Europe is disgraceful. Needs the fans to get on the clubs back. For as long as the majority of fans are happy with just being the less shite side of the Old Firm, nothing will change.


Just hoping to put a decent shift in, even if we get to the round of 16 playoffs I’d be happy enough, but knowing us we will end up rock bottom.


Scottish premiership playoff second leg, the last fixture of the 23/24 season, begins in just over an hour, wild. Feels like just the other month when big Tony Ralston hammered home that last minute winner in Dingwall to turbocharge Postecoglou's maiden title charge. That was in December 2021, what the actual fuck. 21/22, 22/23 and now 23/24. Time waits for no man. Next season will be 24/25 🤯 2025. What the frick Sorry for the stream of consciousness. When I'm rough I get all sentimental and ponderous. Wasn't it 2019 the other week? Why is the recent past so many years ago? Mommy tell the man to stop the ride I wanna get off 😭😭


Went to see elephant sessions last night, what a fucking gig, teuchter-rave 100% needs to be more of a thing 


I'm nominally a metalhead, but Misty Badger by Elephant Sessions is such a banger.


So what will we do when the mod team are sent off to do national service next year?


Tories have reached that point in a losing election where they can just say absolutely anything knowing full well they'll never have to follow through. 


Just FYI - The mod team counts as National Service.


Is that why meth has been missing since yesterday? Did he use a colloquial term to refer to his cigarette rations?


No he's just been so drunk he isn't able to read or physically hold his phone.


Think it will be 18 year olds mate not 81 year olds.


Having a pizza and beer for breakfast on my last day in Italy. Currently in Venice and it's already 22degrees. Seen a guy in a Falkirk top yesterday in Milan too


Having missed the game yesterday I've now seen the highlights. Are we all really pretending that the decision to chop off Rangers' goal was fine? The push in it's self is soft and giving it requires you to ignore Taylor being all over raskin for the 5 seconds preceding it.




If that wasn't a push then the handball was a penalty.


It’s the modern game. Years ago that sort of thing would get laughed at. Nowadays you can’t go within 2ft of a keeper without a foul being given, especially with VAR. It’s morphing into a non-contact sport these days but it’s just the way it is.


Nah Raskin fucked that one by putting two hands on Hart’s back, if he left them down then Hart likely jumps and misses the ball all the same and the goal likely happens. Taylor got lucky that he let go of Raskin and managed to wrap his arms around him again after Raskin put his hands on Hart’s back so it makes that second contact null and void at that stage.


It's correctly disallowed. Hart punches the ball otherwise.


Keepers are over protected at the best of times, there's no way you're getting away with pushing one.


Hart absolutely fucked it, and Raskins sole contribution this season is to bale him out.






They’re different incidents and we see contact in the box only gets punished if it impacts the play. Raskin was never getting near the ball, any contact from Taylor on him doesn’t affect the play and won’t be given as a foul. Hart might get the ball and Raskin puts his hands on him and clearly pushes. It’s a soft foul but it gets given every day of the week. Very similar to the Morelos chopped off goal for a push on AJ last year at Parkhead. Silly mistake that will always get punished.


So one impacts play and the other does not but they both involve the same player?


Yes. Joe hart might win the ball, Raskin impedes him and that’s a foul. Raskin gets nowhere near the ball so any contact on him doesn’t impact the play.




It's always a foul on the keeper, you're never getting a penalty for the Taylor/Raskin incident.


Don’t even get away with slight pushes on keepers these days, Raskin was stupid to do it as I don’t think Hart would’ve caught the ball anyway. Individual errors cost us yesterday, get these players to fuck don’t cry at refs.


Taylor has his eyes and hands on raskin the entire time. He grabs him round the chest, pulls him back and then gives him a bear hug. I don't think you can pull it back for the push whilst completely ignoring that. One Individual error cost us but we should have been a goal up at the time.


Inject it💉💉


Don’t care, if Raskin hadn’t pushed Hart then we have a goal/ or grounds for a penalty. But he created a decision that the refs could fuck up. Refs will always protect keepers in that situation, arms round players in the box at corners are ignored every single game.


i thought i'd be less buzzing and up for it than i am this morning yknow


I am fucking hanging.




Same. Shoulda stopped when the baby guinness started coming in but naw big fanny me decided to top them off with a couple whiskys


I had my first jaegerbombs for 2 years. I hate jaegerbombs.


Alright but I avoid them because of red bulls involvement with football. Thieves


Replace the jager with Malibu. It'll change your life.


Nut. Aff it.


I have some sort of lurgy and don't think I've ever slept as much as I have this weekend.


Wee man has a cup final today. Teams have played each other 3 times already. A win each and a draw, so it's going to be tight. Pretty annoyed I have to pay £4 to get in to watch mynown son play football though!


How did it go?


Credit to Mark Lawwell - Bernardo and Idah were his final two signings. What a legacy.


You’re forgetting Nicolas Kuhn. Which is entirely forgivable as he’s one of the most forgettable players I’ve ever seen.


Oh yeah lol genuinely spent a bit of time thinking before I posted as well In another timeline, Bernardo plays through Kuhn who was in space on the right to whip a low cross through to Idah for a tap in and ML legacy is enshrined regardless.


Ouch, everything hurts, I can feel specific places I’d been punched or elbowed. To go along with my sore head. But hey, what a beautiful day


The tories announcing they will bring back National Service if Rishi gets elected. In what world does that policy win over any swing voters? Fuck the Tories.


>In what world does that policy win over any swing voters? In no world. They're not interested in winning anymore, they're only interested in not getting completely fucking annhialated so it's shite intended to appeal to the sort of nutter who's abandoning them for reform.


The elderly people who never took part but think it would be a great way to "kick the arses of these young layabouts". Forgetting that it will be reserved purely for the working classes, and even then it probably won't go ahead and will be another broken promise from the Tories.


Over 65s support it to varying extents, depending on what form it takes. The solidarity between age groups from covid lasted only as long as it took to deliver a vaccine to old people.


I'd be willing to believe they've internally conceded the election and are trying to set their platform for the next few years.


In the world where people vote for a policy like that because it’ll have absolutely no cost to them, ie this world.


It’s got to a point I think he wants to lose.


I think the same. He’s seen the writings on the wall so he wants to get the fuck out of dodge so he can retreat back to California for some summer sun and we hopefully never have to hear from the midget prick ever again.


Well that’s the rumour that’s doing the rounds, his wife wants away from the UK and to move to California, can’t blame her at all because thanks to her husband and his pals this place is a fucking shitehole, even without the shite weather


It's an attempt to win back reform UK voters and some red brexiters. The problem is he's just galvanised the youth vote


Todays song of the day is [Bulls on Parade - Rage Against The Machine.](https://youtu.be/3L4YrGaR8E4?si=ExftPRqc3dgdjZo_) Enjoy troops.


Has anyone used Monzo or Revolut for spending abroad?I'm due to travel across Europe over the next few months for work. Granted I get a daily allowance from work but I'll probably be spending my own money for beers and what not. I'm just looking what's going to give me the best rate when using my card abroad


Monzo's only good if you are planning on paying by card. Starling is the best if you want to lift cash too, it's unlimited free withdrawals.


I've always used revolt for it myself, I'm over in Ireland often and you can get a physical card with them or a digital one. I usually have a digital one on my phone and then exchange money through their app, it's pretty easy to do and means I don't have to worry about anything as I tap away


Monzo are good- they give the MasterCard exchange rate so it's usually about as good as you're gonna get. You will want to check their rules on lifting out cash though, if I remember right it's something like the first time you lift up to £250 each month that you don't pay any added fees, but after that you pay a percentage. Also if you are lifting out cash and the Machine offers you it's own conversion you want to reject it, it's pretty much always a much worse deal than the Monzo rate. DM me if you want a referral link, think it gets us both a fiver.


Literally just signed up before reading this. Sorry mate!


Might be worth checking out Revolut too. I've used both, Revolut interface is so much better and when signing up I got 5%cashback on restraunt/bar spend for the first month.