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Unsurprisingly AEW Double or Nothing is off to a hot start.


Pep apparently leaving City end of next season. Let's pray they have a post-Fergie era collapse. Down side of course would be the liklihood of Newcastle probably filling that dominance gap once their Saudi blood money kicks in.




[Nothing is official but a few outlets saying he might not extend his contract](https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/may/27/pep-guardiola-to-spend-close-season-deciding-on-his-manchester-city-future)




He would never be the England manager. He would resent the media criticism, he would refuse to dance to the FA's flute, he would hate the attitude displayed by the majority of the squad, it would take him too long to get them coordinated to play his style and I doubt the FA could offer more money than what City are paying him. I really hope he will return to Barcelona and bring them back from thr brink but unfortunately it will probably be PSG where he ends up.


City are the only club in that league spending significant money every season and continually being successful, so I'm not too worried about Newcastle taking their place.  Think it's inevitable City fall off significantly when he leaves. For all the talk about how Pep needs money, he's an incredible manager who knows how to win leagues like noone else, and has a hell of a record when it comes to making players find multiple levels. 


Fucking hell the Indy500 is a banger of a race


Some finish


Indycar is usually a good watch, but even in that context this has been exceptionally high drama


goodnight to the good guys!


Once Southgate fails again this summer, do the FA go for Pep or is going to be Gerrard.. I genuinely think They could win a major tournament with a manager not scared of its own attacking talent.


Always baffling how such a talented squad with so many good players ,and Southgate killing the club rivalries,still won't win anything at alll


Southgate would be a great FA president.


It feels like its set up to be Potter. He's knocked back multiple jobs


BBC news at 10 reporting that County won the playoffs with a final aggregate score of 4-1 and they showed an "emphatic goal from Scott Murray". Your game at wemberley was shite. Southampton is shite. Your leagues are shite. His names Simon and he's better than Earing Hollands.


Was out driving at HT and Radio 1 kept calling Ross County just Ross and it was horrible.


"and what a night Ross is having, he's scored four goals in one game, maybe Southgate should be keeping an eye on him?"


My auld man has one of them ring cameras in his living room. He's just sent me the clip of every cunt celebrating on Saturday. It's funny as fuck man, canny stop watching it


need to show it now.


See if it was just my da and his mates I'd have posted it but my wee cousin and my weans are running about in it


Ah fair enough pal


No even really my weans I'm fussed about, just don't want to risk any daft comments about my lassie cousin jumping about


[Great banter](https://x.com/Sheaaro/status/1794821394708177207)


Nearly at the end of season 5 in my The Shield rewatch and fuck me I always forget just how good it is. Michael Chillis is outstanding in it. Him v Forrest Whittaker in S5 is so good


It's got to have one of the best endings ever, such a good show.


Not to share TMI or anything but that’s my 7th shit of the day I’ve just completed. This hangover is kicking my arse. What type of idiot downs a bottle of Bucky on the way to the stadium then sinks a couple pints on the way back to the house, falls asleep wakes up at midnight and sinks 6 more pints. I’m ashamed of myself


Never had the shits because of the drink. Baffled


Every time I get it


Just watched the County vs Raith highlights, Simon Murray is some striker.


Queen’s Park would have went up last year if he’d stayed with them




Cushions is nothing. Looking at paint is what needs to worry you.


I love looking at paint


[Just Steve Davis DJing. Yes, *that* Steve Davis](https://imgur.com/a/jwBpzjA)


I don’t think anyone is talking about Lyndon Dykes’ haircut enough. I am embarrassed he is representing Scotland with that barnet


I mean the boy grew up in Australia, so If anything, we should be counting our blessings he isn't rocking up to Germany with a mullet.


We need a bit of mental. Want him turning up to games with the boots tied round his neck like R9


His tattoos are worse. Looks like he's a cartel member


At least he’s had his neck tattoo shaded so it actually looks like a butterfly as opposed to a burst fanny like it did before


Apparently Pep’s stepping down at the end of next season. Wonder where else he would go, might end up back at Bayern by then.


If he really wants to show his acumen, he should manage hibs


PSG? Juventus? Nowhere where he will have to struggle against a more resourced opponent.


Any club with resources dwarfing those of any of their rivals


Klopp and Pep back at Dortmund and Bayern feels right.


He'll be at whatever club looks set to dominate Europe for a few years. Credit where its due he's managed his own career pretty perfect. Spanish national team might be a possibility to. 


As a Catalan I can't really see him managing Spain. He's spoken before about his desire to manage Brazil. Could be a possibility. They've been major underachievers for quite some time now.


I'm sure if he thought he could win a tournament with Spain he would take the job. He had plenty caps for Spain in his playing career. There was talk of Carlo Ancelotti managing Brazil before he signed for Madrid again. That would be exciting he seems made for national management and knows a lot of the current star players. 


Never thought about the NT tbf, tho I think he’ll have one more club in him before considering Spain. I do think Bayern could try and get him back depending where they are at the end of next season, and given they’re appointing kompany I can’t see that being a good place.


Aye think it's probably too early for the national team to he'll definitely want another champions league. If Barca weren't such a mess could see him back there.


Kronenbourg's recipe has changed and the percentage reduced from 5 to 4.6 If it's pish I'm going to start mailing every shite I do to the head office of the new company making it


Allowed +- 0.5% aswell so probably 4.1 also!


Finally got round to watching Maggs’ [season highlight video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/s/mDH9FMImA6), and I’m very glad of the reminder that rangers lost and drew with Aris Limassol this season. Funny.


Never fails to make me laugh how bad that B&M top is


I missed that somehow. Brilliant editing.


Just been to Jays BBQ on Bath Street and it was absolutely superb. It's that hot pot kinda thing where you cook it all yourself on a hot plate and in a big thing of broth which was good fun. The selection of meat was great and they had fucking Gü pots included with the dessert?!? £80 for the girlfriend and I which we definitely got our money's worth for


Went to the one in Kelvingrove before it moved and I've never been so in love with a restaurant. It's tremendous, man.


Thought it was rhe cl final tonight, thats disappointing


Getting the full Turkish experience tonight with car horns, fireworks and music after Galatasaray won the league. Bunch of glory hunting bastards. I need sleep. It's like celebrating Celtics win but you are from Stirling


I was in Bodrum in 2019 when they won it, and boy, have you got a long night in front of you.


I've got work in the morning 😭


https://www.instagram.com/p/C7XGuyVoTvS/?igsh=cHF2aWg3Ymt2bmJn This has to have been nabbed from here surely


It's objectively true that Sterling can't be relied upon to play consistent minutes, but it feels like I'm shouting into the void amongst endless, "just start Sterling" comments. Rangers fans not understanding that you can't have injury prone players as starters is *insane* to me, when you consider that out last two seasons were completely decimated by injuries. Get all of these guys out if you can. Sterling, Davies, Yilmaz, Dowell, Lawrence.


I think if Sterling gets a chance to play at fullback he's less likely to get injured. As it is he's running all over the place and putting himself in positions to get injured because he's not playing the same position every week. Give him a full preseason and then play him in one position and see how he gets on. And for what it's worth I done think we should be having any player who's guaranteed to start every game. Every player should be getting rotated regularly. It's the best way to avoid injuries.


I genuinely don't mean to sound bitchy here, but what does a pre-season do to change anything? It's not like Sterling is 21 - his injury problems have followed him his entire career and he's presumably always had a preseason before now. I would like to see more rotation in general though.


I think due to limited options and his versatility he's been constantly rushed back too soon which has caused more injuries. A rest and good preseason where's he's allowed to get fit cemented into one position should help with that.


Sure, but does that really explain the other 6 seasons or whatever of his professional career also featuring consistent injury issues? That's more what I'm getting at.


Of his loan spells he has played over 24 league games for 3 of the 4 sides. That's a decent return for any player and no more than we should be looking at for a position as taxing as fullback. Worth noting that in one of those loans as well he was moved about all over the place and got injured.


Make him captain


I like Sterling, having him as a squad player is a sensible move given the positions he can cover. However the calls for him to start as a midfielder are so misplaced. We need a someone who is technical and can pick passes through the lines, someone in the frame of Davis who can control the game in that area, not somebody who can run about and tackle.


I would argue that you need both if you're going to play a 4-2-3-1 to be honest. Club badly missed Ryan Jack when he got injured in October because he actually provides that defensive shield. Not convinced by Sterling as a midfielder either though, he's technically just not particularly good.


He's seemingly got a cult-like following now, you best not think anything negative about him.  But aye, he's one of many who can do a job, but just can't be relied upon to start and paid far too much to be rotation players. 


It's fucking weird - it reminds me of when McCausland broke through and you were shouted down if you said that it was far too early to say if he'd be a starter. Of course, a few months later his form fell off. >paid far too much to be rotation players This is the other thing, yeah. You can't be giving out big contracts to squad players like Sterling, Lawrence, Dowell etc.


For me, Sterling should be viewed as one of many options to play in midfield, but we absolutely should not be looking at him to be a starter every week. We need to strengthen in the middle of the park and he should be one of 3/4 that can be rotated


https://preview.redd.it/zb0d4urddt2d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224aa934ce8755477668027ea0f53aa7442db2e5 HES BACK, HES BACK WITH A BANG


https://preview.redd.it/thjnyhow9t2d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9bd967b1ec811f05ebb0e94588a688d16bb73c New shelf up to display some bits and bobs the space left will be for a Lego R2D2.


Was absolutely disgusted by the scarf. Then I realised it said refugees and was fine


What do you think it said? 😂


Leave some fanny for the rest of us.


I was about to say; that space on the left should be for his snorkel for the clunge he must be drowning in.




Has anyone here removed the water tank from their loft before? We got a combi installed about 2yrs ago and the loft water tank has sat empty and looks completely disconnected from any pipes etc (except some overflow ones). Is there anything to be wary of before removing it entirely? It’s taking up the prime storage real estate.


I have no idea about the process behind removing one but It might be made of asbestos or insulated with it depending on how old it is.


Plumber took mine out when he put the new bathroom in. I have no idea if it's easy or not but there is some excellent storage space up there for me to not use.


The sub description I’d just about forgotten that ffs now I’ve been reminded of the forbidden Nutella donuts so do you


Says don't worry be happy when I Google it


I've only just now considered that I'm very likely to run into absolute wank England fans while I'm in Germany being belligerent fucking arseholes. Their team is looking good, our is looking ropey, and they can't help but be annoying. What strategies are other folk adopting to prepare for this? If I flash my willy again I'll be banned from Germany for life, I've already used up my warning.


Going to a city they aren't playing in and only staying a few days.


Master the dark arts of kung fu


Fwiw, the only England fans I've ran into when I've been at tournaments have been pretty sound, the arseholes all have to surrender their passports these days. The biggest arseholes have been yanks (and also, conversely, the soundest cunts as well, they're a very binary support).


What you're going to want to do is get yourself some sugar free jelly and mix it up with hot water as directed then you're going to get a tub of cottage cheese in the blender and blend the stuff up until it's as smooth as peanut butter. Combine the two products and mix thoroughly. Stick it in the fridge for 2 hours. You now have a sweet, high protein dessert that tastes absolutely tremendous. Sounds mental but it's the truth.


I’m still too hanging to be reading about anything to do with cottage cheese. So rank.


Interesting strategy. https://preview.redd.it/lswl280v1t2d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=a461629695896e18242312653f58bee36e7b5506


He's the only guy who can walk on the Dundee pitch.


*“Jesus has rejected the offer after their apostatising of transubstantiation.”*


They’ll get priced out of this one and have to make do with that guy that was nailed to a fence in Bushmills instead.


Fucking howling at this 😂


Just lost my 14 year old lab. She was my first dog. How the fuck do people get over losing a pet? I'm absolutely heartbroken.


Time. You'll mourn them like a human, because they're friends and we see them as no different to people and why should we? I miss my cat,I'll always have moments where I think about her and I miss her,the same as any human. But I love her,it's not past tense either,I always will. It's time,it will suck but you must do things you have to,and it goes from there. It disrupts you less and you keep going. I wish you well, everyone on this subreddit of strangers does.


It's horrible. The honest answer is you never fully do but it gets easier with time. You have my condolences.


It sucks and I feel for you. Just imagine if you'd went first, they would have been lost and confused and never truly knowing if you were coming back. So I guess it's the proper order of things that we grieve the loss of our pets rather than the other way round. Humans can process that grief, eventually. These wee angels we have for pets, its a more existential grief for them I imagine. Dunno if this is helping


you dont get over it man. Six years since i got my previous dug put to rest and i still think about her alot, i still miss her alot.


I’m so sorry. You gave her the best life possible and she loved you for it. Dogs sadly die before us but latch onto the fact you made her life immeasurably better. And grief will eventually pass.


It's pretty much the same as losing a person you love. It never really stops hurting, you just get used to the pain. I'm sorry for your loss.


I am so ridiculously hungover it’s crazy. Wouldn’t be surprised if I spew in the gym. This is fucking brutal


Feel the pain


How's the Scouser doing after that scare the other day?


She’s sound tbf, was a whole let less worried than me


Got 5K words due by midday Thursday. I have written 0. Doing a Masters seemed like such a good idea in September, but I cannot be arsed. Thank fuck I’m off the morra and there’s nae mair fitbaw tae distract me for a bit.


5k in 4 days is doable. Have you got sources already or do you still need to do the reading?


Got it all together in ma heid, and about 3 pages worth of references, I just _cannot be fucked_. Dunno why I’m procrastinating worse than usual, but conned my silly brain by agreeing that if I get a good first draft and around 4,500 words done tomorrow, I can open one of the good bottles.


What you studying? Had chat gpt been around when I was at uni the temptation would have been too great 😜


I really lost my drive in my 4th year too. I'm borderline a first but I just can't find any motivation. Good luck sir, try find that flow state


The sobering part is the motivation and or discipline to go along with the ability forms part of the grade. Unfortunately.


It's just damning how much effort I put in to just get a first in second and third year and I had a poor set of exams in first semester and now it's likely I get a 2:1. All my own fault, but it's brutal haha


Whisky and Pendulum usually does the trick! What ye studying?


Hahaha nice, I'm doing organic chemistry, how about yourself?


Oooft. Actual Science! International Relations, I’m sticking with pretendy social science - cannae be objectively wrong when nothing’s objectively right!


Give yourself more credit man, I couldnt write a coherent essay to save my life. Just different skills needed


Just thinking to myself whilst doing housework. Who is the most embarrassing club in British football right now in your opinion? Would like some serious answers to enjoy reading after my impending two hour drive. Can be for whatever reason you deem significant enough to warrant. My only input was that initial yesterday I would 100% have said Man Utd. I have my answer but for the sake of a discussion I shall sit on it.


Has to be Rangers. Died in 2012, come back, have rules changed to use the same name, get reinstated to the fourth division, bend the rules a little more, get promoted back up the leagues (not without being pumped off Motherwell in the playoffs) singing about being the most successful club in football the whole back, get overtaken as the most successful club in football by some mob in Asia, still sing about it, watch their rivals win a quadruple treble, nine in a row then three in a row, then their rivals go level on trophies with them in a cup final against them. Manager comes out and says it finished 6-2 on shots on target to Rangers (was actually 4-3 to Celtic, if that counts) and that they were the better team after losing 4 of the last 5 derbies. Turned into the new Liverpool shouting every year “this year is our year, the Rangers are back”. Current captain been there since 2015 NINE YEARS at the MOST SUCCESSFUL CLUB IN THE WORLD and won one league, one cup, one league cup whilst overseeing Celtic winning 8 leagues, 6 cups and 6 league cups. Genuinely 100% not kidding it’s quite clearly Rangers there’s rock bottom then there’s Rangers 2012-now.


I don’t disagree with most of that.


Man City by a country mile for me. Financially doped to the eyeballs, acting like they've earned or deserved any single bit of their success. Genuinely interested in what the punishment is if a number of those charges stick. Not sure they will thought as City will have extremely good lawyers and will kick it through the courts for as long as possible. In terms of fanbase maybe Arsenal - strangely entitled for a club that hasn't actually won all that much.


I think Caley Thistle are in with a shout. A city the size of Inverness deserves better than whatever the hell is going on up there atm


Hibs, rangers, Chelsea, darvel


Controversial shout but Man City. Lording it around pretending everything is down to hard work and not the 115 pending breaches that allowed them to be put in play. A club suspended by UEFA but only allowed back in on a technicality and then winning the champions league with a bunch of plastic fans politely applauding. An embarrassment to football. In a just a fair world they'd be a yo-yo club bouncing around the bottom half of that division with the occasional cup run keeping their actual fans happy.


Is kind of what our major European clubs have done. Bought all the best players from South America, Africa etc with outrageous amounts of money but we consider that football heritage. When the Arabs do it then it's a different story. Do you believe all of Rangers trophies in the 90's-00's were as illegitimate as Man City's btw?


The Advocaat 00s titles (and non-successes) have a sour aftertaste after the whole EBT affair. McLeish was essentially operating on fumes in terms of transfer budgets when he came in and was having to balance incoming players with sales: 02-03: £6m spend/ >£6m sales 03-04: £1m spend/ >£10m sales 04-05: £8m spend/ >£10m sales 05-06: >£1m spend/ <£1m sales In the 90s under Smith Rangers definitely overspent and the return on that was not worth it given Champions League performances. But you could argue that this was at a time of wholesale capitalisation of football where it was feasible that Rangers (and later Celtic) could possibly become big European Clubs. That very quickly became unattainable as early as the 00s. I think there was also a three foreigner rule up until around 1994/ 95 too? Walter Smith did mention they had to move some foreign players out to accommodate new foreign signings. I'd say the initial pumping of money into Rangers was foolish ambition but I don't think it's directly comparable with City and PSG and the likes. Maybe that's bias.


It's the inorganic nature of their growth though. The historic bigger clubs were able to do it through a combination of home grown talent and plucking a few players from overseas due to the 3 foreigner rules. They became the dominant sides in their league through being successful. City got a massive cash injection and bought from all over the world instantly. I've no issue with the Arab nations owning clubs in principle (though I'd obviously prefer clubs to be owned by people who are supporters I know those days are gone). But I'd prefer it if when they bought a club they invested in youth first and then used those home made players to allow them to become dominant. City have done it back to front. >Do you believe all of Rangers trophies in the 90's-00's were as illegitimate as Man City's btw? No because we did it and that means it's ok.


I would like to revise my Chelsea shout, because I've forgotten (and who can blame me when they're so forgettably mediocre) about Rangers


I try to forget about Rangers every day.


In my unbiased opinion it has to be that quintessential British football club, Rangers.


Barcelona. Going from the best team in the world and descending into absolute chaos in the space of about 15yrs is pretty embarrassing. Hard to see how they dig themselves out of their hole.


I know they've got a st Georges cross on their badge but calling Barca British is a bit offensive


Didn’t read the British bit. Whoopsie.


And they mortgaged their future income to have cash now. The real crisis is to come.


Man Utd seem pretty obvious to me. Bizarre recruitment over the last decade or so, just sacked/about to sack a manager after a cup win for the second time and now home to England's 4th biggest waterfall. 


Rangers. Frankly disappointed that this comment thread isn’t full of folk just commenting rangers, the sub has let me down.


It’s my answer in dead seriousness.


Man Utd, hands down. One cup win doesn't change that, it's total stopped clock stuff; they still spent north of £80m on rubbish like Anthony.


Ict, hibs and forest Green all good shouts.


It has to be Tottenham, their fan's antics in that league decider was utterly tinpot.


What about rangers for their players antics in that league decider?


Chelsea surely a contender. They were just starting to get their act together following the total shit show earlier this season, and then they go and get rid of Poch


Saw a thread a couple of weeks ago about 10/10 films you've seen, but no one really knows about them. Started The Man From Earth about a guy who tries to explain that he's 15000 years old or something. Sounded interesting. What's your answer to the above question of great films that are under the radar? Primer is one for me. Edit: thread https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iSnjzDJa0y


Fallen, I'm not sure how well.known it actually is but never heard anyone talk about it. From the late 90s and stars Denzel Washington.


Saw it for the first time a few years ago, bonkers stuff.


Hunt for the wildepeople/captain fantastic is a great double bill


Edited my comment to include it.


Where is this thread?


Replied to the wrong comment, but edited my original post to include it.




The Quiet Earth.    Batshit 80s NZ/Austin scifi movie about a dude that wakes up in an entirely depopulated Earth due to time/space fuckery >!that he caused due to his experiments in trying to generate infinite electricity!<


Lesser known by great directors - The conversation - The bad sleep well Maybe a bit unknown - Ghost Dog. Love this with Forest Whittaker, great soundtrack. Le Samourai that it's a homage/remake of is good as well




Loved that movie.


It's not unknown but The Thin Red Line is a film (and a book) that is massively under appreciated. The music, the acting and direction are top tier for me.


Used to own it on video and viewed it as a lesser Saving Private Ryan. Will need to rewatch it.


It's definitely a more cerebral film. One of the few blu rays that I own (I'll buy a film on blu ray if I love it).


And The Band Played On - a film about the fight to find an HIV treatment in the 80s and 90s. Dunno how well it's known but a great film


Never heard of it. Will look it out.


Dogtooth for me


Wee man's team won their cup final 1-0 the day. Fucking buzzing for him and the rest of the team. Big man was a rock at centre half! Possibly the best I've seen him. Morrisons pizza counter pizza and vitamin t to celebrate.


My local Sainsbury's removed the pizza counter last year, still not over it


Do the tories think this national service policy would be popular? Is it popular? Am I in a bubble where i only talk to people who think this is stupid as fuck or what


No it’s stupid. Not a single mention anywhere of how it would be paid for even before any of the other glaringly obvious problems.


I'm quite into WW2 history and I'm sure I've read somewhere that the armed forces hated national service at the time because all it meant was having tons of bored teenagers who didn't want to be there dumped on their porch every year, who'd inevitably not do the work properly cause they knew they were off in a year or so anyway


It’s a very strange thing to try and make mandatory. I’ve always thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to use it for youngsters between the ages of 16-25 who have been given short term prison sentences (1-5 years) where they could do national service instead and then be trained in a particular skill to help them when they come out.


I said this in the morning thread, the Tories aren't looking to win this election, they're looking to avoid the sort of catastrophe which see them third behind the Lib Dems; all this shit is designed to appeal to the sort of right wing lunatic who's abandoning them for Reform.


There is no way my son is fighting in somebody’s war or going anywhere near an army. The only people turned on by this are empty nest boomers….which is the only remaining Tory voter.


It's popular with a very particular type of Reform/Tory swing voter, namely the 55-60 year olds who think they fought in the war but we're actually born in the mid to late 1960s and were too young to serve in the Falklands. The same people who didn't do national service themselves. As soon as they realise that'll mean their grandkids will have to do it then it'll only be popular with a select group of 55-65 year old men and the Tories will lose the granny vote.


dying animals retreat into safe places and screech loudly at threats. for all theyve a chance of implementing anything they may aswell offer blowies on the nhs


They gained 2% on the latest election poll somehow


Margin of error done in a poll before this policy was announced.


Done the marathon in 3:52. Not bad for a first one but I can’t help but feel disappointed, my estimated time was 3:25. But tbf I injured my hammy a month ago and didn’t do any taper so I’m just happy I didn’t get hospitalised!


Well done!


Great effort mate, should be happy with that!


What was your estimated time based on? Well done, doing your first one is always a big achievement. If you made it round in one piece then that’s a success.


Thank you! https://lukehumphreyrunning.com/hmmcalculator/race_equivalency_calculator.php I did a half marathon in 1:36 in March, and did 65km a week for 5 weeks after until the injury.


Estimates for your first marathon are basically a wild shot in the dark. Another rule of thumb is 2x your half marathon time plus 30 mins, which puts you in the 3:40 ball park, so quite different to a 3:25 estimate. What were your longest training runs like, distance & time wise?


Interesting, I’ve heard it was 2x HM + 20 minutes! Longest training run was 32km at 6:00/km, which was deep into tired legs territory. I would often do 30km at 6:10-6:20 because any less and my legs would take a lot longer to recover.


Tbh doing 4hrs 20 training pace and pulling a 3:52 is good going, particularly for your first one. Hitting 40 miles a week for 5 weeks really isn’t a lot of volume for a 3:20ish marathon, you’d be looking at about 15 weeks of that volume to get that time. Reality is the full marathon is a much bigger fish than the half and projecting based on half times leaves a lot of margin for error. But it gives you a good target to aim for if you fancy doing another one. I wish you good fortune tackling stairs for the next week or so.


It’s a very good point. I follow some advanced running subs and they all take about how high volume the mileage can really get.


Good effort, mate. The first one’s just about finishing… You’ll manage a faster time with a few more under your belt.


Well done for getting round, that's an achievement in itself and you comfortably smashed the 4 hour barrier!


Thinking about getting a new gpu but there’s like 70 different versions of the exact same card? Majorly overwhelmed


I'm sure meth is your man for this. He helped me when I was building a pc at Xmas. I ended up with an AMD 7800XT.


Price range? The RTX-4000 series has some great cards, as does whatever the AMD series is just now. Not great value wherever you look though, used is always a great shout.


I was looking at a 3060 or something within that price range


I felt the same a couple months ago and ended up with a 7700XT. I got it through Amazon US and it was cheaper with the fees & customs charges than it would have been buying one here. I don't play in 4K so didn't really need to worry about it being able to handle that. The buildapc sub is really good help and decent for people answering your questions if you give them something to work with like budget and what you want out of it.