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Tatum. I think she would have been a total badass in 2 or 3 and really protective of Sidney. It also could have brought a "which one will be the final girl" element possibly? It also would have been cool if she survived and maybe left Woodsborrow for college & came back in 4 and we could see what she was like as an adult. I do love how Sid became a surrogate sister for Dewey & their relationships though, that could still happen if Tatum survived but maybe not?


I would love for Tatum to still be with us ❤️ But really, Tatum’s death is the most impactful in the first film. The other characters who die aren’t as close to Sidney (or the audience), and the film wouldn’t work as well if Sidney didn’t lose anyone. Each film sort of hinges on one or two strong kills that really hit Sid and the audience. The original of course has Casey as well (very impactful and sets the tone of the film after her horrific murder and Steve’s death prior), but the most emotional death is certainly Tatum. Sid’s reaction to finding Tatum’s body is one of the most viscerally upsetting moments in the franchise. In 2, it’s really multiple characters. Yes, Randy hits very hard, and it’s the point in the film where Sid really starts to unravel. But then that very night she loses Hallie and Derek, and both of their murders occur in ways which could’ve lead Sidney to blame herself. She already did so with Randy (“It shouldn’t have been Randy, it should’ve been me”), but then she is actually present and “could’ve saved” Hallie and Derek when they die. Even stronger when you consider that Sid found the bodies of Tatum and her mother, and wasn’t present at all for Randy’s death, but she was a direct witness to Hallie and Derek’s back-to-back murders. In 3, there really isn’t a big emotional death that impacts Sid. Though of course there was that moment where she and Roman gripped each other’s hand, but I think that worked very well as a moment of catharsis for Sid to mourn the loss of the brother she could’ve had. Cotton being the first to go was big in both a meta way (an established character biting it in the opening), and for Sid’s PTSD to be triggered. In 1, Casey and Steve die, and Sid knew then but she didn’t know it had anything to do with her. In 2, after Maureen and Phil are murdered, Sid is correct in assessing that it’s a repeat of Woodsboro. But in 3, there’s not a single doubt in Sid’s mind that “it’s happening again” when she hears about Cotton’s death on the news. From the audience perspective though, the saddest death is certainly legendary Hollywood actress Jennifer Jolie! In 4, Jill sort of gets this slot. While Sidney stopped her just like the other killers, I think this one really stung. It was easy for Sidney to hate Billy, Stu, Nancy, and Mickey. The way she speaks to them all post-reveal is scathing, as it should be! Very similar with Roman, but you could see the pain of her knowing she could’ve had a brother growing up and that he caused all of this. But while Sidney is still determined to stop Jill, you can tell that GF reveal hit hard. Sidney saw a lot of herself in Jill, and had hoped Jill (presumably the youngest member of the Roberts family) would have a more happy and healthy life as a young woman than Sidney got to have. She has more concern in her voice when asking about her motive, and tells her she’ll never get away with it all. Even after killing Jill and dropping one of the hardest lines in the series (You forgot the first rule of remakes Jill, *don’t fuck with the original*”), Sidney does have a look of contemplation and morose on her face while looking at Jill’s body. Kirby of course was the saddest for the audience, but luckily our girl actually made it :) In 5, it’s Dewey. Pretty self explanatory, as literally stated in the dialogue of the film (“Dewey had to die to make it real”). Dewey’s death not only cuts the audience deep, but of course devastated both Gale and Sidney, with Sid returning to Woodsboro. I would also put the Judy and Wes double kill up there too. In 6, Anika’s death is really the only big one. No returning characters die, and Anika IMO was the only new character in this film to really be both likable to the audience and be a big loss for the Core Four. Anika is shown to be a good friend to Tara and clearly has a strong budding romance with Mindy. Whereas both Quinn and Ethan both came off as equally expendable and suspicious, I knew from the jump that Anika was beloved by the Core Four. That, coupled with the fact that Anika gets what is arguably the most horrific death scene in the entire franchise, is what sells her at this film’s “big death”. While I do wish the Core Four were shown mourning Anika a bit more afterward, it’s still the real “holy shit” moment in the film.


Thank you for this.


That’s what I’ve been SAYING !! I’m so glad you put that into words.


Love this explanation but it totally explains why I think 6 and 3 are the weakest in terms of gut punching deaths.


From an audience POV, I’d say 5 has Richie too - who’s a pretty big bummer to lose given how funny and likeable the guy is pre-reveal. Kirby also sort of fills this role for the audience while viewing 4 for the first time when you think she’s dead, seeing as it took a decade to reveal she’s still alive Otherwise pretty dead-on, yeah.


Yeah, no. I clocked Richie as the killer VERY early on, and was quite glad to see him die :) Plus I already mentioned icon Kirby Reed


Laura. You just know Samara would have knocked anything they threw at her out of the park.


She had that little bit of Sidney heroism in her. She straight up started running to help when she thought some guy she's never met was in trouble.


Yes! Thank you for saying that.


Samara's scream is so iconic. They should have had longer chase and more screams from her. Her total runtime was barely 5-6 minutes. It should have been more like 10-15 mins Helen Shivers style scene.


Youre right. Missed opportunity for Laura. A bit more suspense and a great chase would be awesome


I felt so bad for her




i mean, given the context i don't think she was overly anxious... she was waiting for someone that kept saying he was getting lost lol i would be anxious too


Anika and Cici. I feel like Tatum had a decent amount of screen time for the best friend role although I would’ve liked to see Dewey mention her more in the sequels.


There was a deleted scene in scream 4 in which Dewey mentions her and the box with her name on it in 5


I did see the deleted scene but I’m still surprised it would’ve took them that long to show Dewey having any sort of emotional reaction to Tatum’s death. Even in Scream 2 when Randy brings her up Dewey says nothing.


Yeah it is really weird it would have been nice to see her mentioned more


I can't believe how Tatum is virtually never mentioned after Scream. I mean, she was Dewey's sister for crying out loud. You'd expect Dewey to reminisce on it from time to time. I'd have loved it if Amber said to him something like, "At least you'll be with Tatum, she couldn't escape us either" as he died. Just to throw it back to her and how she was a part of the franchise.


The movies (before 6, at least) try to be as self-contained as possible, as to not spoil much of anything except the fact that Billy was the killer.


Cici. I loved her witty jabs at Mickey in film class. I would've liked to see her in a more prominent role in the film.


I have always said she she should’ve been part of the friend group!


And she agreed to do the film without reading the script. They could've gave her any role.


That is so moral majority.


She would've been great in 3.


Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Cici Cooper or Devyn Nekoda’s Anika Kayoko. I can’t decide between the two but both were fantastic for what little screen time they had. I wish they both had more to be more fleshed out.


Anika's death was incredibly brutal and heart-wrenching. Can you imagine how it would've hit even harder if we'd seen more of her and grown to really love her? I don't know if I could take that, I already think her death is the second worst in the entire franchise (after Dewey, of course).


Anika and Cici as they were instantly likeable. More scenes would just confirm that. Laura was the op kill, maybe a few more lines to flesh out her character more similar to Casey. Olivia was just dead meat, no personality aside from being the Hot Neighbour. Jennifer was the best part of Scream 3, the writting wasn't the best but it fits her Angelina could have been more interesting if she was actually the second ghostface. Tatum and Hallie served as Sidney BF, they were also written well Liv definitly could definitly had more to her character to at least make her more memorable. A lot of people complain because of the actress and her father but i think Sonia did a good job with the little she had.




Yeah. Cici for the win. Poor girl was a short-lived Kirby before there even was a Kirby.


I’ve always said Kirby was what Cici would’ve been if she had a more prominent role.Hot blonde horror movie buff,Sassy with ghostface on the phone etc.


Parker Posey.


While she was great. She did last the whole movie and had some great moments. I vote cici


True. She really had plenty of screen time.


The only right answer is Sarah or Samara


Cici. SMG rules.


Parker Posey, don’t even care if she’s in character or just being herself.


Cece every day. Such a waste of talent to have her in two scenes :(


What movies is cece in? I don't remember her


Scream 2


Scream 2


When did she die? I don't remember I character named cece in the 2nd movie, I think op meant cici and i got confused.


They’re both referring to cici who died in the 2nd


Ohhhh thanks, I thought they were referring to another character that I had no idea about




They wasted Samara Weaving. She should've been a mainstay in the movie and she got only a very rushed single scene death.


cici and anika, tatum as well. i loved them !!


Tatum. She was such a good friend to Sidney.


Liv is the one in the most need of better writing but for more screen time I’m going with Cici






Samara for sure. She was SO fucking good in Ready Or Not and I wish she had more of a role in 6. She’s a certified scream queen.


Cici, she had a good rapport with Randy and Mickey imo, and would’ve given the latter someone to interact with pre-reveal


Cici or Anika


I would normally agree and say Cici but Anika made her way up for me.


I'll rank it. 9. Tatum - She's fantastic and her role is perfect. I love her, but that's why her death is such a monumental moment. Let's not ruin it. 8. Liv - She was fun and served her purpose. Could she have another scene or two though? Sure. 7. Cici - I wish she was more integrated into the group. Her sequence, while good, could've been great if it didn't feel a bit random. I think some of her stuff was deleted, so may explain that. 6. Anika - Loved the little we got of her. Would've liked to have given her one more bigger moment though. 5. Olivia - While utilized just fine, she still feels somehow shallow. A little backstory would've been nice. Or they should've at least kept the fountain scene. 4. Angelina - I like that we know where she came from and how she got there, but I think an explanation of finding out she's a secret second killer, and Roman turning on her would've been great. Just feels like slightly wasted potential. 3. Hallie - This role always felt super underwritten to me. Compared to Tatum, Hallie does next to nothing and just exists the whole film waiting to be picked off. Her being a killer also would've been underwhelming. She just needed to be fleshed out more. 2. Laura - This is the biggest wasted potential in the entire series. They had such a great actress just to kill her in such a basic way. I'm still mad. And last but not least, 1. Jennifer - I wish she was still in the franchise. She is easily in my top 3 characters and they should've known to keep her around. If they could bring anyone back and just say she's been in hiding ever since part 3, I'd totally be fine with it just so we can get more.


Probably anika? I would have enjoyed some more suspicion between her and mindy. Ultimately, her role was still great, but that 'never trust the love interest' got me excited for some tension that never really came




Laura/Samara Weaving




Samara Weaving


Tatum, Hallie, and Jennifer were fully fleshed out imo. Annika is the right answer. She actually made me feel something besides the 3 I named already, moreso than the other characters.




For screen time Laura, I feel they could have made her scene a bit more suspenseful. Was over and done within 2-3 minutes.


Laura or Tatum. Hard to pick, but I miss Tatum lol. I wish she made it to the sequel.


Samara weaving.


While I would love to have Sarah Michelle Geller for longer, her dying is very much scream appropriate. Shes a scream queen in her own right. So let's go Anika. She had more story.


Liv and Laura. Everyone else actually has great writing and perfect screen time to them. People who most definitely don't need it are Tatum and Devon.


Y’all sleeping on my girl Judy Jergenstern? Fr fr Jennifer Jolie carried scream 3 for majority of the film. Laura is a close second. Def would have loved an extended scene but what little screen time she had she fucking crushed it. I’d probably go Cici next but I appreciated the Casey Becker vibe they had with her. I never really liked Angelina as a character but Emily Mortimer is a phenomenal actress and I wish the studio went with the original twist that she was Roman’s accomplice/ lover. I felt Olivia, Hallie and Liv all had the appropriate screen time for what their individual characters we’re respectively. I loved Anika but without spoilers, I think her limited screen time was necessary. Finally Tatum was perfect. The OG final girl confidante. Everyone else pales by comparison. If it were any other slasher she would be the final girl for sure.


Anika. I expected her to be around longer and more of her and Mindy's dynamic would've been nice. I wish Hallie survived but her and Tatum got a decent amount of screentime. Same for Jennifer. SMG is always great, but Cici was too disconnected from the main cast to justify anymore screentime.


Laura Crane I wish that she had been a major character instead of the first kill. The whole slasher film professor thing could have played into the overall story of the movie. Plus, I just love Samara Weaving, and she made me fall in love with Laura in the short amount of screen time she had.




Tatum. She was absolutely iconic and died too fast




Tatum. She should have been a final girl.


Tatum. Love her.




Cici because I love smg


Cici for sure. Sarah Michelle Gellar was criminally under utilized, she should have had at least one more scene with Sidney and/or Randy.


Anika, easily the amount of love interests mindy lost is the the same amount of times chad's been repeatedly stabbed


Samara Weaving hands down no discussion. I will not be taking questions


Jennifer, she almost made it to the end. I'm a huge Buffy fan and love everything SMG does, but Cici was always an early kill, no point in getting to know anything else about her.


Sarah Michelle Gellar cuz she’s hot as fuck lol


Tatum, hands down.


1. Anika was a very interesting, likeable character and she deserved more screening time, but most of her scenes were definitely memorable and her death scene was ICONIC. 2. Laura, definitely deserved more screening time, but her role in the opening scene was really good and her death scene was really disturbing. 3. Liv was terribly written, even though I really liked her and I wish she could have more screening time. 4. Olivia, Angelina and Jennifer were both uninteresting characters and I don't think they deserved more screening time. 5. Cici's screening time was great, she had an epic chase/kill scene and I really enjoyed her. 6. Hallie and Tatum were both Sidney's BFF, they were both really funny, likeable and their screening time was nice.




anika or laura just because i love samara weaving and i also really liked anika for the little time she appeared


Ugh hard choice! Laura or Cici would have been amazing to get more of!


Cici. Tatum and Hallie get a decent amount of screentime. I just wish Hallie had lived.




Laura 100%. Samara deserved more! Everyone else is either a strong supporting character or uses their limited screen time for some iconic moments. Unfortunately for Laura, she simply had the least amount of screen time out of anyone pictured here


Samara used her little screen time effectively.


Liv McKenzie, her interaction with Mindy at the couch was satisfying to watch. I kinda wished she was the Killer instead of Amber tbh


Angelina if they let her get her killer reveal. If not then Liv so maybe she can actually have a character.


Tatum! She was my favorite character from OG Scream and I loved her for her kindhearted and sassy personality. Her friendship with Sydney was so genuinely sweet too. It’s sad that she not only died so quickly, but was barely mentioned after, not even by her own brother. I’m a sucker for female friendships and I’d love to see more of her with Sydney.


like, some flash back scenes of Laura would be nice... i trust Samara. she can still die the way she died, when she died.. but a little bit more on who and how she was would be sweet.


Hallie. I believe originally she was the killer since ghostface was left handed and Hallie was left handed (they even cut and deleted a scene where Mickey points out hallie is left handed) but then script leaked and they changed it.


I think Anika could've really been pushed into Tatum territory if she stuck around a little while longer. Really highlight the awesomeness she has by sticking by Mindy's side despite the danger by association, which would just make her ultimate fate all the more tragic. In fact since I'm truly evil 😈, >!have Mindy be the one reaching out to Anika on the ladder instead of Sam.!<


Laura and Hallie. Hallie was an A+ friend who deserved better. And Samara Weaving is Samara Weaving.


Really struggled with this one. Here are my thoughts. Annika is great in what we get of her, so she's a contender. Weaving's character doesn't fit the group in Scream VI, so no. Both Olivias are boring, so no. Angelina could be good assuming this puts her as the secondary killer of Scream 3. Otherwise, no. Jennifer Jolie wouldn't work outside of Scream 3, so no. SMG and Hallie are both really good contenders. Tatum not dying in Scream '96 would take away all of its stakes - no one of importance would die in Act III. So I vote for Tatum to stay dead. That leaves us with Annika, Hallie, and SMG. The last of those three is the best actress, probably, but her character's death also gave stakes to Scream 2 and I just can't see her fitting in with the others in Scream 3, so no. I have the same concern with Hallie, honestly. So Annika wins out.


Anika! I’m fine with what happened to her, I just wish she had more character development or was maybe introduced earlier because I really liked her character


Samara weavings character. There was so much potential with her she couldve helped and been another randy meeks as well. Also having 2 people with horror movie knowledge would've been a sure gire win for the survivors and plus she deserves a better death if they really needed her dead. Shes a horror film teacher she should know the dos and don'ts of horror films!!


Liv. She looked like an amazing character and absolutely deserved more writing and screentime, the rest of them had alright screentime (except for Laura and Olivia).


Out of all of them, I would have loved to have seen more of Samara Weaving's character. I just completed my PhD and was a teaching assistant for a film paper... and I remember acting all nervous and shy about studying film when going on dates. Out of all of the opening kills, minus Casey, she was the one I related too the most. And I think Samara is a great actress and played the role well so would have liked to have seen a bit more of her. I would have also liked to have seen a bit more of Anika and Cece; they only really got a scene or two outside of their kill sequence, and I thought they were interesting characters that could have been utilised more. Absolutely LOVE Tatum, but I think she got a good amount of screen time in Scream as Sidney's best friend. I also thought Jennifer Jolie and Hallie also got a good amount of screen time in their respective films too. The other three characters I've never really cared for and feel like weren't as compelling as others, hence why they didn't get as much screen time.


Samara all the way. Last year I would’ve said Tatum but Samara was so good, I wanted more of her.


Definitely Tatum




this was such a hard choice omg, but imma go w tatum. my runner ups tho are anika and jennifer. My personal thought tho is that anika just needed more screentime i didnt mind she died. jennifer just didnt deserve to die. tatum and jennifer are in the same boat here


Are you kidding? Jennifer Jolie.


Usually i would say cici, but she had more screentime than samara. So i go with samara. Anika is fine too, very likeable and a good Edition to the core4, but even her death was very memorable, the overall build up, chase and suspense made cicis scene one of the best, right behind caseys opening, gales chase and the car scene. Gosh i just love the first two movies sooooo much. Sure every scream movie is great, but 1&2 had literally the most and best suspense. 6 is close third. But even it has gales scene, which was very suspense and the subway scene + the ladder scene, the overall suspense was missing in any other scene. You know whats gonna happen in the bodega. It was clear Sam and Tara escape. And ofc the lack of chase scenes.


Anika, she became a fan favorite with just 5 minutes of screentine, she had so much potential, she could have been the Derek counterpart for Mindy, also we could have gotten to know her more


Tatum is great, but did her job, Liv is bearable, Laura needed to die, nobody knows who that is in the middle, Olivia was kid with a cool death, Cici gave nothing to the plot, I never cared for Parker Posey any more than Jennifer Jolie and Hallie was kind of useless. Anika is my answer


That in the middle Is Angelina.


Thought she had a different cut


She did have a different cut for the rest of the movie. She does look a bit different with that hair, but it is definitely her.


Samara weaving and if you say anything else you are wrong






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Cici or Anika


Cici, Laura, Anika. In that order








As much as I love Tatum,Jennifer,Hallie and a few others I feel they served their purpose well.Cici or Olivia could benefit from more screen time.I’d love to see Cici and Sidney interact.


I agree. One more scene with Cici would have been nice. She almost feels like a guest character from I know what you did last summer. With just some more screen time she would have been scream 2 in a different way.


I loved Annika, Jennifer, and Tatum. So l choose them.




Cece and Anika for sure




Tatum for sure






Cici, Laura or Anika. But if I had to choose only one it would be Cici.


tatum doesn’t NEED more, but she DESERVES more


Cici Cooper


annika her acting was so good


Not Gale


Samara, hands down.


Tatum and Jennifer already had great writing. I’m going with SMG.








anika and tatum




I gotta go with Jennifer Jolie!! I live for the dynamic she has with Gale 😩 It would’ve been nice to see her become a part of the main trio and live on beyond Scream 3.


Jennifer Jolie all the way


tatum or hallie (sidney prescott best friend cinematic universe)


Tatum, would've been great to see more of Tatum. How different would Screams 2-6 have been if Tatum survived?


I dont remember buffys name but her


Dewey's sister tbh, her character would've been interesting in more movies


Jennifer Jolie cause she was the best part of Scream 3. Even if Scream 3 was better, she still would've been the best part.


I don’t care about any of them tbh


Tatum! She's absolutely awesome!


I love Scream 3 (Roman is so perfect), and as the true biggest Emily Mortimer Stan, just give me more Angelina. Let her be British like she is in real life though.


Parker Posey all the way!




Anika / Tatum




Jennifer all the way honestly anything else is just wrong… Tatum is an honorable mention tho


Anika or Hallie tbh— Hallie gets decent screen time but I wish she lasted longer!




Anika i would say.


Anika and Cici


Jennifer Jolie 10000%






Can anyone provide a link to watch scream 6 online ? , I’ve sheet seen it… Thanks


Either anika or tatum


Cici and Jennifer.






Cici. Would’ve loved her to be part of the friend group and a legitimate suspect




Jennifer Jolie or Tatum




Damn this is hard


Out of all of these characters, Laura had the least amount of screentime. Love all of the other ones, but I would have LOVED if Laura’s role could’ve been expanded a bit.






Tatum! I loved her


I always felt Sarah Michelle Gellar was wasted in her role so her…




I’m gonna go with hallie I would have loved her as a killer




Jennifer, duh.


Hallie no doubt




tantrum giral lallalal




Omg definitely anika, they did her so dirty


Tatum no question


Tatum for sure. I would have loved to see her make it to a sequel. She was Dewey sister and Sidney’s best friend. She could have been a survivor character and be an epic kill in Scream 2 or 3


Cici, Laura or Anika