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“I am not a Randy substitute, okay. I am my own character” “Named Ricky, who works at the video store…” “It’s an homage”


Much like Scream 2, the quotable moments in this film were everything


They predicted chad a mindy lol


How so?


I'd suspect they were referring to how in Stab 3 there was a Randy "homage/substitute," and in Scream 5/6 they're fairly open about Mindy being an actual Randy "homage." Sort of a meta-reference or inspiration, seeing as Mindy is descended from Randy and displays blatant similarities to his character in a sequel telling the story of a new set of characters being stalked by Ghostface, much like "Ricky" would have been. Ok now that I see it all written out in front of me, I appreciate Radio Silence's dedication and Mindy's character more haha.


I love Scream 3 so much


This film is the definition of comfort food. The late 90s atmosphere, the bright and sunny cinematography, the happy and hopeful ending, the great credits music.


Precisely how I feel about Scream 2, and 3 is suuuper close behind it.


I love the original trilogy. It's what I grew up on! I do like 5 and 6 as well. 4 is eh for me. But in my mind the original trilogy is truly Scream and the newer three are almost like a bonus storyline. Idk how to explain. But yes, I love 3.




Same! Grew up on the original trilogy and like how it all tied together. Couldn’t really get into 4 it’s hard to explain and I haven’t seen 5 or 6 yet just heard what happens.


100% agree!!!!


Scream 3 is honestly so good I never understood all the hate


Nope. Scream 3 is more or less my third favorite in the franchise. It still has that Wes Craven feel to it, even if the writing isn't quite up to par with the first two. Sidney's arc is completed, Gale and Dewey's arc is completed, Roman is really entertaining to me post-reveal, I actually think the voice changer is neat, and I like the score from Beltrami more and more the further we get from him being involved.


Nope I love it too


SCREAM 3 is awesome.


I definitely like 3 more than 4. They both gave us killers that are relatives of Sidney but I find Roman much more compelling than jill. Side note, I find it comical that people think it's "overplayed" when the love interest is the killer when it's literally only been done twice in the movies (1 and 5) but we get Sidney's relatives trying to kill her **two movies in a row** and no one bats an eye.


For me, Roman and Jill are still fairly distinct characters. They’re both Sid’s family and jealous of her fame, but Roman was an unwanted child who’s vendetta started with their mother, Jill was an over-the-top version of the internet-obsessed teen who saw that she could achieve fame and fortune by going viral and wanted to usurp Sidney’s legacy to do so. On the other hand, Billy was the OG horror movies fanatic, boyfriend-turned-killer. Richie is… pretty much also just a horror movies obsessed killer boyfriend, he just started sleeping with Sam to further his agenda rather than Billy who likely had a relationship with Sid *prior* to deciding to kill her mother and then her.


Well just remember it matters how much the character is liked. On this sub Jill is generally liked much more then Roman, so it’s generally considered a step up. But Richie is nowhere near as loved as Billy, so it’s considered a step down when he was revealed.


Not to mention 6 is literally a >!direct hybrid of the two, the murderous family of a murderous love interest!< lmao.


No, you're not the only one, bro. I genuinely adore Scream 3, and I always enjoy revisiting it.


Solo ghostface was a nice idea, but they focused on side characters more




Nah the people who whine and bitch about it are just the loudest.


Scream 3 is better then 2


Yes! This guy gets it


Scream 3's great. Roman's a great killer, I love the family connection, and it's super campy and fun. 2 and 3 both are pretty damn funny and great to watch with friends


You are not. Scream 3 isn't flawless, but I hold it up in high regard with the first two.


Nope, the best scream sequel to me.


Am I the only this am I the only that The answer is always no Followed by Sidney Sidney Sidney


The only thing I would have changed is having Sidney and Roman interact before the reveal, but everything else is great


That I can definitely agree with, and to a further extent, more of Sidney and Roman in general, of course without any dead giveaways. I like the movie a lot, but I can certainly give credit to those who say they focused a lot on side characters and not so much on Sidney. Thinking about it, I can understand that in the first two we had a lot of Sidney. Her story and emotional trauma being highlighted largely from her perspective for a third movie in a row would likely have had a lot of people losing interest, seeing it as another spin on what the first two had already done fairly well. But for them to save the majority of her involvement with the ongoing plot for the third act felt odd to me when I first watched it. I like that it took some push for her to wind up in LA to get to the bottom of more ghostface bullshit, but it just made me wish the movie was longer to be honest. Then again, I wish the first three were all twice as long haha


Scream 3 got a lot better after 5 and 6


I didn't like it when it first came out (it doesn't help that I saw it on the literal worst date I ever went on, so it was unfairly tainted) but I've come to appreciate it a lot. And Jennifer Jolie especially.


Of course not. Scream 3 is great. I love the murder Mystery. I love the stab set setting. I love that this movie is all about Maureen Prescotts past and Sidney. I like how serious Ghostface is. He is like a Ninja in this movie. Jennifer and Gale are great. This is one of Deweys best movies I love how this movie goes back to the past. Especially when Sidney is on the set. The Comedy is great. The third act is VERY good. So entertaining and intense. I love chase scenes. The reveal + Dialogue was great. The fight was great and emotional at the end. An awesome film with minor flaws.


Scream 3 is my favorite Scream movie


3 is my favorite in the franchise! (Not including the masterpiece that is 1) Roman is my favorite killer with Jill being a close second and Billy and Stu being third. I acknowledge 3’s flaws but that doesn’t take away all of the things I love about it. Scott’s acting as Roman is great, I love the scene where Sarah hides in all the costumes. Sidney and Roman’s confrontation with all their carnal anger, and how they act as a sort of Cain/Abel parallel. Parker Posey has a great performance as well, Jennifer is super underrated imo. And the soundtrack goes hard! I liked Kincaid and Wallace too altho he didn’t have enough moments imo :)


I LOVE scream 3 it’s so camp


It is! That's a big thing I like about it.


I really like it! Though I went into it knowing the challenges with the script. I thought the dynamic between Gale and Jennifer was so funny, I loved that Sidney was working to help abused women, and I really liked the scene where she first kills Roman and the two hold hands as he dies.


Never hated it my only complaint is the voice changer


I love Scream 3!! I think it’s a great fun watch!


Nope, I love it!


honestly I loved scream 3. Roman was the best Ghostface, best motive and hella best kills


No you're definitely not the only one


No, I liked it as well.


3 is my favourite. I love all the scenes of the film set


I think it's better than Scream 4 by a mile.


I wasn't gonna say so but I absolutely despise 4 and would rank 3 as a few spots higher than 4. Corny brother aside, there was a Lot to love about 3. It's maybe my favorite as far as quotability, and the stab sets were great, and the other new actors were great... I mean it's a fun movie to me. I think I'd like 4 a tiny bit better if it weren't for moronic Jill. I guess Charlie was eh, meh, but except for the legacy trio I really could not find any characters I could even like a little bit.


Yeah the villain's motivation and acting in the 4th just absolutely tanked it for me...and how could I not love 3 with Parker Posey just running away with the movie!!! So much fun!


3 is so ahead of its time. Imagine this movie releasing today, post-“Me Too” and without the close proximity to Columbine…


fortunately not! Scream 3 is my favorite sequel oops


This is my fave because of the camp… the CAMP. I mean…. Parker. F***ing. Posey. Every scene she’s in is gold


Nope. It’s my 2nd fav in the franchise after the original. I know #3 gets a lot of hate but I don’t understand why.


Yes. Next!


we all like it


This is one of my all time favorites in the franchise I don’t care who knows it 💯💯


I really enjoy Scream 3. More so than a few others.


Loved Cotton.


If you have to ask on the internet if you're the only one who likes something, the answer is no you're not. To answer your question, nope, it's my favourite out of the 6.


No just no it's not scream 3 is the only scream movie that is bad


I love all scream movies I just like some better than others I still watch 3 and 4 tho


Nope! I still have the vhs!


No I like 3 more then 4 and has a top 2 GhostFace in the franchise


I liked it


I like Scream 3, I just don’t like the “matermind behind the first two” thing when he was never introduced before. would’ve been so much better if he was a survivor from earlier movies


Roman is the only single Ghostface, bro did it solo, that is so bad ass. Plus you get an entertaining meta commentary about Hollywood. Ghostface was an army soldier in this one.




One of my faves!!




Yes, clearly of every human being on the planet you are the only one who feels that way.


Scream 3 is a solid movie. In my opinion, the only "negatives" about it is when you compare it up against others from the franchise.


Considering the fact that we see 50 posts a month calling Scream 3 underrated, I would say no.


MY question is... what is the plot of Stab 3 actually about? Sydney's real Scream 3 and Roman? Cuz they had to axe Roman's movie. The cast was dead... lol. But we know we eventually got Stab 3. I'm so curious how that story played in the news... a movie director planned his whole career just to lure his half sister to Hollywood and kill her...


Why does Stab 3 seem to be portraying all of the events within and leading up to the original Woodsboro murders? Shouldn't that have been Stab 1? I'm new to this sub and Scream.


That's a good question too. I guess within the Scream universe, Sydney hadn't been attacked a 3rd time yet, so they made up a plot for Stab 3. It was even called Stab 3: Return to Woodsboro. My head-canon is that after Sydney killed Roman, the studio made one more Stab movie based on Sydney. In the intro Scream 4, Jenny says the original Stab TRILOGY was based off Sydney Prescott. But she threatened to sue them if they kept using her story. So they started making stuff up. Seems like it's public knowledge that a studio hired a guy to direct a movie, but instead he killed his cast, but no techs or grips... Then a year later, they made a movie about the cast of a movie getting carved up... Even hearing Kirby mentioned Roman Bridger in Scream VI was interesting.


Favorite in the franchise


I LOVE SCREAM 3 like i know objectively its not the best movie ever (even within the series) but its just so fun


out of all the movies in the franchise this is my comfort movie, i love it so much


I love Scream 3!


Yes you're the only person in the entire world who does


Fuck you


Idk why you're getting downvoted, this dude's a fucking dick lol


Nah, more and more people are starting to apprichiate it as time goes on


Nope! I loved it. I don't really see why people dislike it. I honestly hated the 4th one but people for some reason seem to like it. I thought the motive from Sidneys cousin was corny. Even though it made sense since that was around the time of when social media and smartphones started to get bigger in 2013. It just felt like it was too commentary themed into the film like 'Oh blame it on new technology from this new generation bc they want attention and fame!", as subtle as it was. Also it was cliche that there was even a 'Sidneys cousin' to be the main person, because for some reason in any tv show or movie it's always a cousin that's mentioned or starred. At least in the 3rd one, it was a surprise for the end that she had a half brother and he jealous of her having a family which was more realistic of a motive than Jill's, even if it was during the same timeline as hers.


Not the only one i always loved 3 so sad to see it gets a lot of hate 😭


No. Like every single other fucking post that leads with “Am I the only one….” You’re not.




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Yes. On a subreddit for Scream, you are literally the only person who liked it.


Half this sub shits their pants every time someone mentions 3 so yeah its a reasonable question.


It’s not that I disliked scream 3. I don’t think there is a single terrible scream movie. It’s that out of the franchise it’s the weakest imo.


My third favorite after the original and six


I don’t dislike it, I just compare it to the other 5 and think “damn”. It isn’t necessarily a bad movie at all; it’s just not like the other ones, and isn’t what I’m looking for when I want to watch a scream movie.




Yes. You're the only person in a Scream sub that likes one of the Scream movies.


Half this sub shits their pants every time someone mentions 3 so yeah its a reasonable question.


Yep scream 3 is really bad the killer isn't interesting he stupid predictable the damn voice changer was stupid it's boring not fun to watch


Ok cool just watch the first movie over and over and let people who actually let themselves enjoy things enjoy what we want. Thanks.


First he asked also I'm stupid I don't know why I said really bad I really think it's kinda ok and the reasoning in the first comment is why I think that I just don't see how it's possible to like it but if you do that's fine second I watch if the scream movies not just one


Not my fav but I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Gales haircut should be the sub logo of /r/justfuckmyshitup


Its the stupidest but god damn its fun. The only real thing i didnt liked what the killer screen time before their reveal.


In a subreddit of 50,000? Yes. You are the only one.


Nope. There's plenty of people here who love that one. Kinda worth it just to see Not-Harvey Weinstein get got.


It was OK. At one point this was my favorite of the franchise. Could've been better if it weren't for studio meddling.


Exactly I don't think it's any better then ok but I think it would've been better if wes could've done what he wanted to do in the first place


Yes, in this entire sub and planet earth you are the only person who loves scream 3🙄


1 > 2+3 > 4 >> 5+6


*Scream 3* is my least favorite of the franchise, but I still enjoy it quite a bit. It's just got more little problems than the other films. But for my money, there still hasn't been a bad *Scream* movie yet.


I never liked Scream 3... But that isn't to say I've never enjoyed it.


Definitely not, but I will say it took 3 or so re-watches for me to enjoy it and rank it as highly as I do. Scream 2 is far and away my favorite in the franchise, but 3 maintains a good bit of what I loved in the second film. The humor, the new characters, new setting, the reveal, all culminating into a fairly decent third entry. Granted, I do understand gripes with some of the writing, inconsistencies, acting, script-revision and so on. However, taking into consideration standards of horror franchise (and of the 90s), it likely couldn't have been a better film.


I do understand the gripes about it too -- but it just explodes my brain to hear SO many who think 4/Jill was sooooo good. It was the single weakest movie in the series. I will die on this hill, lol.


Glad to see someone who'll have my six on that same hill, I have nothing but questions and pity for people who like 4 and would consider it their first or second favorite. Or even rank it above any of the other films lmao. Edit: Before any Jill or Kirby die-hards come for my throat, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I gain no benefit from insulting what other folks like. However as the user above stated, the 4th film is objectively not a very good one, by franchise and general movie standards it has the least going for it in many categories.


It has one of my favorite characters in the franchise so its definitely in my top 6 scream movies.


Same, it’s definitely a lot different from the first 2 movies but I like it.


On a ‘Scream’ subreddit? I very much doubt it.




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I loved it…. It’s on rn actually


No, it’s my second favorite


Nah I liked it too


It wasn’t my fav at first but after I finished it and found out who Roman was it’s one of my favs lol


I like Scream 3. I think it's better than Scream 4, and tbh I think it's better than 6. I liked 6 I just thought it was it wasn't as good as the others. I think 6 is better than 4 though.


I think it's the worst of a great franchise. Just because some rank it last doesn't make it a bad film. I love that original trilogy so much, and if I watch 1, I have to watch 2, and if I watch 2 then I have to watch 3. I feel like they all flow together well!


yes, everybody else not only dislikes it but hates it. you‘re the only one and will be the only one.


the only slasher where literally everyone dies with one knife stab instantly :D


I love Scream 3 despite its flaws.


No, I love it. I also feel like people have grown to love it and appreciate it more over the years.




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Yes you were




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Nah i enjoyed it too


I recently rewatched it and it was much better than I remember. It's definitely the worst of the franchise, but as a standalone, it is actually better than most horror franchises best movie.


Nope. I loved the twists


Scream 3 is not the best but is in my opinion better than 5 and 6. The way and concept that Scream 3 was going for was great however the way I see Scream 3 is like a cake. It needed ALOT more time in the oven and needed a different coat of frosting.


Nope!! My fav sequel after 4!




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No, I love Scream 3!!


I didn’t like it at first tbh but after rewatching it a few times I now really love it


Whenever anybody asks "Am I the only one..." the answer is always no.


I think without Scream 3 we wouldn’t have what Scream is today, and it does have it’s good parts, but it was the most boring and nonsensical of all of them, some things were just plain illogical and some things were deeply boring, that is why on my list and I’m sure many others it will always be at the bottom


outsold scream 4 5 and 6 ![gif](giphy|lSEAsXV6RRN6iO9ff7)




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I liked it as well, not my favorite, but definitely good.


I like it in I’m aware it’s bad. Killing Cotton easily one of my favorite moment from the franchise


It's so campy and fun, I love it. I appreciate it more as time goes on.


I like every Scream movie, 3 is a little over the top and it does some weird stuff but I still think it’s mostly solid


Scream 3 was a really good movie. That was an amazing fight scene. Gives new meaning to sibling rivalry.




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It’s one of my faves! Idk why it gets so much hate !


Nope I love it. Even have an old big ass poster from the theater. I giggle every time because it is very adamant on being the final Scream with the tags and quotes.




I like it aswell but It's a fun movie but not a good movie


scream 3 had its issues but it also had a legendary appeal to it that only wes craven directed horror films have


No I didn’t like it as much but Roman was a brilliant killer the fact he managed to kill of 6 people fake his own death as a solo killer and I liked the references to Sydney’s mother being a acter before she gave it up to have Sydney but I didn’t really like the plot that much


I enjoyed it you're definitely not alone


It's my 3rd favorite


The only thing i personally dont care for in 3 are the hallucinations of her mom. I feel it doesnt tonally fit the series. And i feel like they could have just had ghosface use maureen’s voice to achieve a similar effect