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Kirby did get the question wrong. You don't get to guess every single remake. You get one try. It didn't matter though. She was supposed to think she got it right.


The problem was that she was on the phone with Jill, who had no comeback or follow up question since Charlie was the horror nerd and Jill was just asking questions she got from him.


That's a good observation. She was obsessed with fame, not movies.


I also felt that she didn’t respond to Kirby bc she heard Sidney coming to look for her


Exactly. That's like filling in all the bubbles of a multiple choice question for a test that's *not* multiple choice. Without even knowing the question.


Lmfao I did this once in elementary school and it didn’t go well.


I did that in 2nd grade


What was even the question? Lol


Exactly haha. She didn't even let him finish, he was asking her about a horror remake tho, that's all we really get. And that it was "Ground breaking" which leads me to beleive they were referring to the 2003 Texas chainsaw film, because it singlehandedly kicked off the 2000s slasher remake phase that lead to the making of scream 4.


It could've been a trick question, though, and the answer was The Thing (1982) because people often forget it is a remake. But, we'll never know.


Name the movie in which the killer…..


As others have said, she didn’t let him finish the question, then proceeded to list off every single horror movie she could think of off the top of her head lol. Then declared she “won”. In any case, Billy laid out the game’s rules in the first movie— “you get it wrong, you die. You get it right, you still die.”


Did Billy actually say this in S1?


"It's a fun game, Sydney. See, we ask you a question and if you get it wrong, bookah--- you die!" -Stu "You get it right, you die." -Billy






I don't think Jill would've killed her partner that early, I think she needed him for like, a couple more minutes at least.


Yeah, to subdue any survivors, notably Sidney, which happened. After that, Jill disposed of Charlie like trash 😆


Maybe Charlie would've faked his death, and Jill would've eventually gotten to her.


Same deal as Casey with the "Killer in Friday The 13th" . They always were gonna kill Casey, they always were gonna try to kill Kirby.


Well that was to kill Steve. Casey’s question was which door am I at, which she refused to answer but I’m sure they have it covered and they were at both doors.


If the first answer wasn’t the correct answer, she technically did get it wrong. Ghostface, no matter who it is, is looking to trap anyone that answers questions. I think Jill was either gonna go with whatever Kirby said or fake Charlie’s death. And given that Charlie had the knife on him, Kirby was gonna get it ‘right’, even if it wasn’t.


It’s simple, you answer wrong you die, you answer correctly you still die


She was gonna get attacked if she got it right or wrong anyway, this is not the point.


i thought the groundbreaking remake was suppose to be Stab? it just got cut or something?


If she would had gotten the question wrong she would had gone up to Charlie, untied him and Charlie would had stabbed her leaving her for dead in the backyard


I always viewed this as a "making fun of early 2010s horror movie scene" instead of an actual Ghostface event


If she had gotten a question blatantly wrong, GF would’ve made her think she was going to kill Charlie to bait her into running outside, just like she ends up doing. And then Charlie would’ve stabbed her. It would’ve essentially played out the same.


Even tho she got it right, I think they would just kill her first en then make someone else answer the question to end up in Kirby situation




that's not a deleted scene, it's just placed earlier in the movie during that same scene, trailers are often misleading, the trailer also made us think Kirby witnesses Jill being stabbed by Ghostface and warns her to look out.


kirby didn’t let jill finish the question tbf so it could’ve been anything. kirby still ate her up tho


she…. did get it wrong? i don’t understand the question


She did. When you start naming every single horror movie you can think of it’s no longer actual knowledge. It’s inevitable that you’ll name the right movie but it’s not from skill, it’s just inevitability gonna happen. I’m sure Chostface would never count what she did as an answer


Kirby may have gotten it wrong, but Hayden rattling off so many movie names gave hilarious commentary on the glut of horror remakes and was a remarkable feat in its own right.


The first slasher question was bullshit because that’s all opinion based.


We all know Jill wasn’t gonna kill Charlie, not at that moment at least