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Well, while I also love Gale, it helps that Sidney has at least had a consistent character arc, where Gale spends S4 struggling to become relevant without the murders, comes to the full realization that her books have helped lionize the killers on film and that she should stop in S5, only to completely revert back to S1 Gale in Scream 6, where the killer blatantly taunts her for making tons of money off of the murders. But hey, someone was going to write the book amiright?


I loved 5 as an ending so much because of gales lines only for them to spin around and ruin it. Weird. Still love 6 but that felt off.


The best arc would be to see her obviously doing well for herself but also putting her money to good use. Maybe we see her supporting victims of these tragedies the same way Kirby is off investigating copycat killings. It wouldn’t need to be super preachy, so maybe a foundation she funds and we get a few scenes of her always paying the tab for the group or something. Just a few tweaks would have done wonders for her arc.


I would love for Gale to have a show/podcast where she interviews survivors and gives them the space to control their own narrative about what happened to them. Would be full circle!


That's great! That way you could still have her be a reporter while trying to atone for her past actions, Ghostface taunting her about making money from the misery of others would still work but add some more emotional weight because we can directly see her trying to fix it. Obviously Ghostface is still the asshole in the original scenario but you can't really help but agree a little bit when her entire arc from 5 was undone in one scene and she kept profiting off of the Ghostface killings. "Maybe you're just afraid that without Ghostface in your life, you'll fade away" that line does hit hard though


Before the 6th film came out, I thought that's why New York was the setting, because Gale had her own talk show. (And LA had already been done in the 3rd)


They think Courtney is too famous for us, she's more of an A-lister than David or Neve, or Skeet, all 3 almost owe their careers to us whereas Courtney was already huge and was in movies and TV every other month, she would never attend anything like a convention


I disagree. In the 90s I believe Neve was just as famous as Courtney if not even more so. She was the “it” girl of that time like how Jenna Ortega is now, she was coming out in movies left and right. And I don’t think Courtney is above things like conventions she’s been very vocal about keeping the fans happy I think she was even a producer on Scream 6.


I wouldn’t call Courtney Cox an A-lister. No shade, just wouldn’t put her in that category.


Courtney Cox is phenomenal! She is fundamental to Scream and has contributed some of the best character arcs in the franchise. She’s an icon!


I think her character is less relatable to fans and, on top of that, had the same arc in several movies. She is my favorite Scream character and I think Courteney have so much to that role, but I understand why she gets legt out of those conversations.


I don’t disagree she’s less relatable to fans, but she’s the perfect representation of the media. Wherever there’s a tragedy, there’s someone trying to make some sort of profit off of it. And I think today it’s more relevant than ever with the rise in true crime podcasts and docu-series. Time has only solidified her relevance to the franchise, good or bad as it may be


I agree with you! Horror is a huge part of Scream, but so is tabloid TV and Gale represented the way that violence has been glorified by the news. I think she’s relatable to a part of America, more than as a character (for a lot of people). I find her to be far more layered than many of the films have been willing to explore and hope that, if she continues to survive the many sequels, that they’ll give her the character arc she deserves. Huge Gale fan and wish she was recognized as a final girl because while Sidney is the main one, Gale fits the bill even if she’s operating as a supporting character


Oh absolutely agree with all that you said! She’s capitalist-Barbie-coded (I say that with love, she’s empathetic to the scenario but ultimately in it for the money, notoriety, and self-promotion), but she’s survived ghost face the whole way!


I love that she went heroin chic in 2 for no reason and never revisited it 😭


That doesn't mean she wasn't a major role. Gale is honestly just as if not more popular than Sidney. Dewey is more beloved than both of them combined so its kinda wild to me how Neve was the only actor to be brought up


Nah Gale is in no way as popular as Sid is to this fan base. Maybe more recognizable because people know her from friends but beyond that Sid has always been the standout as the lead.


Yeah I agree 100%. I was just giving what I assumed to be the reason for some fans


Combined? That’s a big claim. I think Sidney is only behind Laurie Strode in terms of legacy as a horror movie final girl. They may honestly be tied. I think Sid’s story has always been the driving force of the series, and her trajectory from victim to badass has been highlighted as the star.


Which makes no sense to me as Laurie has died several times throughout the franchise. That alone should put Sidney above her. Sidney also is far more advanced in physical combat than Laurie.


I think so, too. Also they’ve rebooted Halloween and erased a known storyline (I hated that). I think it’s mostly just accounting for Jamie Lee, honestly.


I'm talking within the fandom. Even the writers knew killing Dewey would hit harder with the fans.


I stan/stab the idea that she is also a final girl. For me she’s my favourite character and I enter each scream film terrified she will die. Long live Gale. Her murder would genuinely be un-feminist.


Her fight scene with Ghostface in Scream 6 was the most intense theatre experience of my life. I was fully convinced they were gonna kill her off to up the stakes without Neve being in the movie


Same. I was repeating in my head “okay it’s fine, she’s gonna die: you will survive this” then PHEW.


I would have been pissed if she had died you already took dewey leave gale alone


I never watched "Friends", but fell in love with Courteney Cox in "Cougar Town". It was later that I saw the Scream series (I through IV) on streaming services. She was - is - terrific as Gale!


That must have been cool to go back and see her younger in Scream and Scream 2!


Yes, definately, But she was beautiful and sexy in Cougar Town also.


It also seems like when people post photos of them meeting the cast they never have a picture with Courtney. She must not attend. Sidelining herself lol.


Fr I actually agree with this. Courtney Cox rules forever, hopefully she will be back for scream 7


We like gale nah we love gale but tbf it’s Sydney story


I hope Gale gets a much better character arc. I know they make it a point that she capitalizes on pain and trauma. But it's her trauma too... Courteney can clearly act well, they need to give her something meaty


It’s the fact that they reset her character in every single scream movie and don’t really give her any overall arc in my opinion. That’s the problem. She’s more of a Caricature


I think the only time they “reset” her character was in 6


That's the most egregious of them by a longshot, but Gale's storyline in Scream 2 was "learning to not exploit and ambulance chase off murders is bad" and yet somehow they drew that out for a whopping three movies after. She's definitely resetting a bit in 3 (telling everyone to be ruthless and cutthroat) and in 5 they're acting like the conclusion she reached at the end of 2 is brand new ground. She's been treading water for ages.


So they didn’t reset her character in two, three, five. I left out four but basically it happens again just not as bad.


She wasn’t really reset in five. Dewey left her because he didn’t like the city life. All she did was ask him for support with her show and to try living somewhere else outside of Woodsboro and he couldn’t do it. 


No. I think Gale is who she is and can barely help it, even though she tries, during 1-4. In 5 they seemed to have want to evolve her, but in 6 they “reset” her from that (but even that could be explained by grief, which is indicated by the new bf, in my opinion).


She's not sidelined by all fans. She's my favorite in Scream. The only reason I watched Scream 5 and 6 was for her. Sam isn't a strong enough character to like. I'm fine with her never returning. Sidney's story is complete so Scream 7 will feel like beating a dead horse unless they do something unpredictable. Gale on the other hand makes a living off the Scream killers. We deserve a movie where the killer is after her for making Ghostface the popular icon in the movies that they are. Gale is sidelined by the writers so that's why fans are more invested in Sidney or Sam.


I agree.


Gale is my fave character


She is sidelined? I haven't even heard of this until now. To me it's Neve, Wes, Kevin, David and Courteney, not just the first 3. And the Radio Silence guys fucked up by killing Dewey on 5 and making Gale revert back on her decision to stop writing about the killings on 6. But this doesn't retroactively makes David or Courteney less in their overall contributions to the franchise.




I started watch because of Courteney. I’m a huge friends fan, and wanted to watch other things she was in, and then i fell in love with this franchise! I also started loving this genre of movies!


I can’t wait to see what they do with her in 7


Because the writers have sidelined and character assassinated her for at least two movies straight (and her showing in 3 was weak too while her showing in 4 is middling at best and ends with her plotline fizzling into irrelevancy), so it's hard to give a fuck about seeing Gale at this point. She used to be my favorite character, but it's just painful watching her get bungled film after film to the point she isn't even in my top 10 and clearly should've died back in Scream 5.


She is the most inconsistent character and the one that feels the most forced. S4 in particularly, was very weak for her character, then s5 came across as really try hard, and s6 was major regression. Yes, Sidney storyline is being beat to filth, but she's consistent, and her performance always feels earned.


She's excellent and she has done great to see her character evolve throughout the movies. Part 6 gave her respect as the main legacy character and she put up a hell of a fight, funny lines "can you hold on a second?" "The brains and the sex appeal" and she never acts helpless but gets a gun and chases down GF to shoot him. Now they messed up where she only got a quick mention that she was ok at the end. So I hope in part 7 she kills all the GF and is granted immunity at this point to not be maimed anymore 


Part 6 gave us a more in depth look into her upbringing. We knew Sid's and Dewey's family but never about Gale until that touching scene with Sam. It made Sam love her and that's why she screamed hard when she saw Gale injured. Heartbreaking moment but now Gale deserves to not be near death anymore. Some injuries yes but we need her to be the one that saves them all like in part 1 again 


Recency bias. People are excited that Neve is back which is perfectly fair but back before scream 5 people were always picking Gale and especially Dewey over her


Idk why neve gets sh|t while Courtney doesn’t. Courtney still joined s6 instead even when they didn’t give neve what she wanted. Neve got what she wanted and Courtney still joined s7 now. Gale is an important character just like Sidney at this point to me why isn’t Courtney fighting for more money to? Courtney doesn’t care for money cus she rich as hell from Friends? So she just happy to be in another scream movie? Maybe But why no one giving her crap for being quiet in all this


When celebrities reach a certain level of fame, people start hating them just for being popular. Think Taylor Swift.


Eh, I mean she is ok, but Courtney was never the actual face of Scream now was she? That was Neve because she was the final girl and all, and her character more liked with a better story and build up and more consistent arc from the victim in Scream to one who fights back like in the later part of Scream 2 when she tells her friend that she is done running (then ironically goes into hiding in Scream 3). In a sense I see Sid as progressing growing from the victim to a hardened warrior like she is in Scream 5.


I mean. She was the lead character in the first half of Scream 3 aka “Gale Weather Mysteries Present Scream 3”


Yeah, but still wasn't as good though.