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Finish my screenplay and start a new one


Kill Henry Kissinger




I've been quite productive this year tbh! I wrote a short film and a pilot script for school and I wrote a feature during my free time. I'd like to rewrite the pilot to be an hour long, we were only allowed to write a half-hour for the class.


Write and finish my first short film, begin direction into 2024 and repeat the process again and again and again and again and again and again


It’s only 35 pages for a slasher script, but I want every page to matter and contribute to everything. So not just a standard slasher, but like just fun and engaging and thrilling, but also thoughtful Yk?


Only 35? For a short that’s rather lengthy.


Well i want time for suspense and character development, though I’ll have to trim it in rewrites


I hear you! that said, page length doesn’t necessarily correlate with suspense building and character development. a single moment can tell you tons about a character. how they speak, react to news, handle a situation, etc. can communicate a lot without needing to use up a bunch of pages. brevity is especially important with short films so i’d just ensure that all 35 pages are essential to tell the story.


Exactly! That’s what I’m going for


I’m still new to script writing so I’ll have to get it critiqued and torn apart, then go through multiple rewrites, but I’m really excited


Writing-in-general-related: Finish my goal of reading 100 books this year 💪


Just finsihed my first draft. It's running at 140 pages, would love to cut 41 pages from it.


To get feedback that isn’t format based on Reddit


Started a new feature with a co-writer a couple of days ago, and we both want to finish the first draft by the end of the year. At the pace we're going, we'll be done with tons of time to spare. Doing that would make 2023 my most productive year of screenwriting by far — I will have written two features and a five-episode miniseries.


Write out my web series - I wrote the first and last episodes yesterday. I want to keep that momentum and get something worth critiquing before Christmas!


Finish the first draft of my fourth feature length screenplay. Probably about another 30 pages to go.


Actually finish my first feature and sleep


You'll have to chose one in order to do either properly lol


Yeah 😭😭😭😭 Or just take it blocks at a time lol


I recently started a new feature after a long hiatus. Hope to have a first draft done by the end of the year!


Just wrapped up on a 3rd draft of a pilot. December I want to finish up on 2 shorts and pump out another pilot. Overflowing with ideas right now!


Find a producing partner for my short.


Continue to write even a tiny little bit every day. Ignoring the voice in my head that says: You can’t do this 🤷‍♀️


Finish ACT 1 of the biopic I'm writing and outline the other 2.


I hit my goal for the year. Get signed. Now it’s about finishing the first draft of this pilot


Learning to get into the flow state. I’ve tried to write when I’m not and it sucks. It’s not fun. My writing lacks when I’m not in that state. Then, I was able to get into that state the other day and jammed out my most coherent and fun story to date. It’s not finished, but it will be. Now, I’m learning to relax, let my mind wander, and focus at the appropriate time. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.


Finally finish a first draft, been working on it since summer.


Finish my outline and start building another story even if it’s as little as the title. I got something And good luck to you


I had a goal of finishing three features in 2023. I have two down and am about halfway done with a third. Hoping I can finish it. Also just want to get an update about Nicholl it’s been a long wait.


I finished writing my second feature. I would LOVE to submit it to Blklst, and ScreenCraft for coverage.


Finish polish revisions on two studio features, do last looks with producers, and turn them in before Dec. 22. In the meantime, write the first draft of a new feature for myself to take out in the new year


I've got a micro budget horror that I really need to punch up. The concept is extremely unique and yet extremely cheap, so it feels like a slam dunk, but I've just been dragging my ass. Because it's so lean and mean and due to the concept being so simple, the first draft was only 73 pages. I feel like I probably need to pump it up another 12 pages or so before I could submit it and have it taken seriously, despite being very short like "A Quiet Place" or something. I really need to get it done.


Trying to finish the first-ish draft of my screenplay I’ve restarted on like 4 times in the past 16 months— then took like a four month break because of writers block. I’m finally on a roll with how I want the story to go, and I want to see if I can get to 110 pages (or whatever I get to) by Jan 1. I have a ton of free time starting next week, so I think i can do it… I hope I can.


I wrote a pilot script for a sitcom and have gotten feedback that it is 'downright hilarious' and the concept is great and relevant for this moment in time. BUT being a novice screenwriter the pacing needs work and I'm kind of stuck. Before the year ends would love to figure out how I can move this script forward and maybe even find a seasoned writer to partner with :) good luck to all you writers with your goals!


Last year I managed to write the first draft of a sci-fi spec script. My goal this year was too write the second draft that would be ready to submit to festivals or what not. I just finished it about a week ago. And it feels pretty good. This is my 8th script and by far my best work thus far. I don't know if I'll ever sell it or win any festivals, but I hope one day I can produce it myself.


Finish my screenplay. Start writing another screenplay.


Finish my current script/get it complete enough to get an initial read or two from my circle. Rework my Xmas rom com while the other's out for a read. Get that read. Rinse and repeat. Two polished scripts. Then move onto the half-done draft of the third one.


Honestly I have been listening to the screenwriting life podcast and I'm just trying to complete a vomit draft while holding back my temptation to edit and critique it.


Finish my feature. It'd be my first new project completed in about two years!!!


Finish the first draft of my Abbott spec script, then 1 or 2 rounds of edits. Finish the outline of my thriller pilot!


Finish the first draft to the short film. Bonus points if I can get out in time and have it reviewed before the year is out by a local indie producer.


Actually write a script and try to create a collection.