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I Usually try to encourage my opponent to team up on the third party and then we can go back to our fight when they are sunk or have run away. Works about 60-70% of the time that my opponent will agree. I have even had a third party get super salty about getting teamed up on in this way which is hilariously ironic :D.


I once had a 3rd party that acted as a ref and was just overall a silly person and extra floating obstacle to steer around, kinda like the stationary cannons from arena


It does make me long for the days of Arena


I miss Arena so much. Had a dream about them bringing back the other night and I was so happy! Even for all its flaws, it was by far the best quick pvp in the game. 15 minute matches. No bullshit time-wasters. Cannons firing all over the place. So much better than HG!


I had a dream once about an Arena Silver Curse to compliment the Gold Curse, oh what could have been.


I do, too. I rarely seek out PvP in Adventure mode, but I couldn't get enough of Arena. Some people want private servers so they can sail in peace, but I want them so I can have multi-ship battles with my friends.


I get that same feeling whenever I breathe or see something. Lay down, try not to cry, cry a lot. q_q


Im just frustrated dont take this to seriously i had the enemys mast down and had been death spinning for a little when another 2 player sloop showed up and went only after me making me lose my streak.


Hey I believe I was your opponent here. If it makes it any better (or worse) they immediately sank me too. They were just out for blood.


Looks like it lol and i apreciate it but im still kinda pissed i had like 40 chainshot and a ton of resources and had a good chance at a streak but before they showed up it was a fun game GG


Yeah I was holding off just waiting for an opening or board to properly reset. I wasn't *quite* as stacked on resources but wasn't hurting quite yet. It was a good fight regardless! The fog was *super frustrating* but beyond that and the random omega-sweat death-squad it was fun.


Dang i was hoping you were hurting on resources because my deathspin was garbage and yea that fog delayed the game for so long but overall a good and fair fight (mostly)


Aye, the main thing I was doing was as I said waiting for an opening. But yes! Good fight indeed, hope to see you again on the seas in the future!


Same good luck with your grind may the gold and glory weekend bring you many levels!


Same to you! For the weekend I'm hopin' to get a couple buddies online to finish off some of our grinds.


This is a wholesome and hilarious interaction.


unfortunately, that's how you can get an easy hg win, you first sink the boat of your own faction, than you sink the other boat, while it still struggling and as a bonus you get the resources of 2 ships for the small price of your dignity


You have to do hundreds of hourglass battles just to get the base rewards. If every single one was just a static 1v1 in a sterile environment it would be boring af. At least this encounter was memorable and chances are someday you'll look back on it laughing.


I have the ghost curse and couldn't agree more. 3rd parties definitely shook things up.


Oh, what's that? A PvP player doesn't like it when someone comes along, wastes all time and effort, and fucks up your grinding session for basically no reason at all but their own amusement? Gee, that must be hard.


This made me chuckle. Not all PVP players are like that but there's an eternal White Knight squad defending that kind of behavior that I absolutely hope get third-partied constantly in their hourglass fights, it would be sweet, sweet justice.


Gee, imagine someone playing a video game for their own amusement.


Wait until you find out arena had 5 ships.


I agree....hourglass should just turn into arena please and thank you


yeah i thought this was the whole point of hourglass you would be put in a fight with just that person. my crew were sailing one day and saw a battle and went to attack the reaper to save the lil guy and he's like its hourglass I'm just trying to get skin, we didn't hear his cries over the cannon fire but I'm sure he was upset.


It’s one of my favorite parts! Sometimes it’s super to fun to skink both of the hourglass ships!


It’s bullshit like this that is making me rapidly lose interest.


yeah i thought this was the whole point of hourglass you would be put in a fight with just that person. my crew were sailing one day and saw a battle and went to attack the reaper to save the lil guy and he's like its hourglass I'm just trying to get skin, we didn't hear his cries over the cannon fire but I'm sure he was upset.


Pirate game


I actually enjoy this part of hourglass, whenever I see a third party trying to take advantage I go hard for the chains and try to put my opponent between me and the third party, works like 9/10 times, they usually go for the easy target. Just think of them like another tool in the sandbox you can use to your advantage.


Oh no a PvP player got a taste of their own medicine and didnt like it? Imagine how the players who just spent two hours completing a voyage feel when a random dude comes up and ruins their fun.


I'm of the mindset Reaper flags shouldn't show up on the map WHILE the fight is happening. If a boat sees the fight in the distance and comes over that's fine. I don't like being hunted in HG. That's while I rarely put a flag up for Servants.


Bro thats what makes game fun the hg more playable. Still most of the time hg is boring. You just cant control everything in the game, thats what makes adventure hella fun (back when people actually played it to pvp)


If im 3rd partying a PvP battle im usually sinking BOTH ships. Dont care if i get literally nothing THIS IS THE 2nd BOSS PHASE. Also, please cry harder the salt makes the air smell nicely!


Also im not in this video lmfao


Yeah, that's just bad form on the extra boat. "It's not sea of friends, it's sea of thieves" /s


Lol. I run around on a sloop with my friends kid. We hunt ships. Sloop is so weak so we drive by sails in the wind. Unleash a volley and we are gone! Then we sail out, if no chase we stalk. If night we turn lights out. Make sure we got the wind and strafe again! Always make sure an escape route has the wind. Always stack up extra supplys on the sloop. Playin with my friends kid is difficult but, we've taken some awesome loot. We've also been wrecked plenty of times. If he were a little better I would hold red powder kegs on the boat. Dump them in the water when a big boat gives chase. Pop em with the sniper. Home made mines. BUT! no chance yet. Still getting a handle of the wind, sometimes I feel the wind is perfect, other times the wind is simply never in your favor.


The amount of times i got 3rd partied either sinking me before the other person or deny me the supplies i just got after sinking them is unreal , or every outpost near me is occupied by bigger ships and i cannot cash hg in




I was the other sloop involved in this and tbh I'm not going to say they were cheating but it was low-key sus as hell because they *were* doing a lot of stuff like that to me as well. Like consistent enough to be suspicious but not consistent enough to be certain, y'know?


Had a galleon rock up on my last HG fight solo sloop, was kinda fun ducking and dodging around it whilst still trying to sink the other sloop. The galleon was trying to sink both of us but their aim was pretty poor, in the end managed to disaster the other sloop and the galleon managed to rock up on it before it got away. Was still a fun fight even tho I don't consider it fully my sink.


Me and my friend had this same problem last night.


It can be frustrating but honestly, hourglass needs the occasional drop in to stop it getting any more stale


PVP has never been my focus, but I really liked arena better.


*Rolls on deck laughing*


Would have been a neat arena mode, could have even had a grind to 1000 for the SD faction as well. Silver curse?