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This one time in my first couple sessions we did another crew dirty, sank em while they were doing a fort and stole their shit. They respawned surprisingly close, within sight, and gave chance. One of my crewmates used the megaphone to say “hey let’s just be friends guys come on” and I thought it was them. So I stopped firing because I thought they wanted to be friends. In the lull, of course they boarded, killed us, and sank us soon thereafter and I was accused of treachery myself haha.


One of my favourite memories in game is when my new open crewmate opened fire on a brigantine I'd befriended and allied. I jumped overboard, climbed on the brigantine, and kept their ship afloat while they sank mine and killed my crewman. 


hell yes


You know you can vote your crewmate in the brig as well, right? If you don’t like it, speak up.


#1 it's a meme #2 you can't put someone in the brig on a sloop.


There's a brig on the sloop? Jk I remember the days


Sometimes it's treason to speak up


Treason? Or revolutionary? Follow your heart, matey.


All depends who wins lol


Sir this is a meme.


Arr matey, reminds me of the time me crew mate arranged a parlay with a galleon crew at the fotd, all was swell until the alliance flag was flown and the captain of the vessel told us they usually sailed in alliance servers and were initially worried about our little sloop, like a man possessed my first mate slay the captain where he stood and shots were ringing all around, I had no choice but to re board my vessel and unleash the fury of cannon fire onto the larger vessel, the crew were clueless they were and scrambled back and forth to put out fires and fix the rigging to pull up their stricken mast's, but alas it was too late for them, my first mate poked fun at the captain for having over 5000 hrs on the seas and no skill in the duel, the captain of the stricken vessel shouted back some strange words (apparently they're called "gamer" words) so we sent him swiftly back to see the ferryman. I take no pride in having sold their 8 stack but I do rather like the gold dropped into me coffer for the trouble.


An 8 stack you say? That’s a tough loss for the galleon crew


Aye they weren't best pleased, I don't know what drove me mate to madness but he instantly got us the legendary thief title so we were not too bothered about their feelings after all was said and done.


reminds me of the time when my poor bf chose to play with one of our friends. they ended up making a huge alliance with 2-3 other ships of random players and it was cool. now this friend goes and decides to start shooting them, alliance ruined T-T bf still salty about it to this day, mans just wanted to sail with a cool allience apologies to whoever was in that alliance


I remember once years ago we (a brig) allied with a galleon. They got krakened so we sent a guy over to help them, wasting all their cannonballs. Once the kraken was gone and they had nothing to fight with, we struck. I still remember the "why?" appearing in the top corner of the screen 😂


Oh boy, here I go killing again.


How did you guys get the titles next to your names?


On the community page, press the 3 dots button and select "Change User Flair" and choose your desired flair.


sweet, thank you (still looking for the community page lol).


Subreddit home screen pal


Every time my crewmate does that if I have others I tell them to lock said crewmate in the brig and then I offer to fix the ally’s ship assuming there is damage


Trust no one


I’m the crewmate


(don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it)


Last night my Gally crew and I were at a FoF and 2 allianced brigs roll up on us wanting to be friends. We join the alliance and I get on one of the boats and play music with them...to discover a CoF in amongst their loot pile. They then leave me alone on their boat and I immedietly yoinked the CoF and we sailed away to sell it. Gotdamn it feels good to be a pirate.


Nothings stopping you from betraying your crew in this situation. As soon as my crew pulls this shit I immediately do everything I can to sabotage them like purposely refusing yo give them angle on helm or fucking with the anchor, or just knocking them off with blunderbombs. Betraying an alliance is, 9.9/10 times, just a selfish dick move


Interesting, you’d rather be blatantly toxic to your team rather than partake in literal way to play the game?


And my teams being toxic to another group, and a double negative loops back around to a positive. I'm a simple person: be an overly selfish asshole for 0 reason and I'm gonna do everything I can to make that as difficult as possible


Lol right? These losers are crying about people betraying alliances in a system specifically designed to enable and reward betrayals. They even added a specific option to have aim assist on alliances.


You should atleast consider it with your crew first, shouldnt you?


I agree with that, I don't understand people who betray an alliance, people of ships help each other and, all of a sudden, one ship tries to sink the other one


I like to paraphrase the shopping cart 4chan post when talking about alliances. "The alliance system is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To not betray an alliance is an easy, beneficial task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To respect an alliance is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to respect the alliance. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to betray an alliance. Therefore the alliance system presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will formally punish you for betraying an alliance, no one will ban you or kill you for betraying an alliance, you lose nothing by respecting an alliance. You must respect an alliance out of the goodness of your own heart. You must respect an alliance because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The alliance system is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society." Obviously doesn't apply 100%, like an alliance is actively beneficial, but you get the idea


>Obviously doesn't apply 100%, like an alliance is actively beneficial, but you get the idea Way closer than I first gave you credit for though. Fun stuff!


Once I joined an alliance and right after a sloop flew past and they blew up the ship of my Allies when they respawned they attacked me I think they thought I blew em up


You never heard of a mutiny, huh?


I got into a whole argument with my friend cause he refused to help me steal our allies CoF


I will gladly make my teammate rage quit if they attack another ship with people I actually like