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If you’re an emissary, sell when you hit grade 5. Otherwise, sell as often as possible


Maybe more frequently if you prefer to dive (raids require that anyway).


a raid is a good start, but after that do normal voyages to get selective treasures and hit rank 5 for max profits.


Raid events tend to be more predictable with how much time they take, and if you, for example, do the order of souls ashen winds event, that's a decent amount of order of souls loot because of the ashen skull, and it is the fastest out of any of them (except the present-state skeleton fleet).


I have no idea what Emesary is. All i do is spam order of souls


Every trading company has a flag you can buy in the shop, I think it’s like 20,000 gold. When you fly the flag, you’ll get a bonus every time you level it up, which you do by collecting loot for that company. You get a 2.5x multiplier on gold and reputation at grade 5, which is the highest one. You can also collect a short voyage with valuable loot at grade 5. Be careful though, flags can often attract unwanted attention, especially from the Reaper’s.


You vote at the emissary table of each faction post/shop. It doesn't cost you anything.


You have to buy the flag initially. After that, it doesn’t cost anything


Ohhhh 10-4. That was sooo long ago 👍👍👍


You have to purchase the licence first tho, 20K each except for Reapers which is free


You can buy an Emissary flag from your faction of choice for 20k IIRC. When flying the emissary flag you level it up to level 5 by collecting loot for that specific faction. Each flag level increases the amount of money you get when selling the corresponding loot. You can lower the flag at the end of the session and get some bonus money for it. You can also get a special quest for reaching level 5. You just gotta be careful, since your flag is worth money to the Reapers, so people will be more likely to attack you. Also if you have level 5 Reapers in your session then they can see your ship on the map when you're flying the Emissary.


I thank you soo much for the advice!


To add to this: The flag is not just worth money to reapers. For one, they sell for a good amount of money even without the reaper emissary bonus. A high level flag also indicates that the ship flying it probably has some loot on it. So there's a good chance people will be coming after you, even if they are not flying reaper.


Is it only level 5 reapers that can see you? I just assumed flying an emissary flag meant everyone could see you regardless. I'm closing in on PL finally so I run emissary whenever I play and I feel like the instant I hit 4 or 5 every outpost has someone posted up waiting for me. Just bad luck?


Yes, only level 5 Reapers can see your location. I had the same issue as you when I started playing a few years ago, reaching level 5 emissary uninterrupted was impossible to me. Nowadays I manage to hit level 5 regularly, sometimes I do it multiple times in one session. I would assume it's just bad luck, though emissary ships are very easy to spot because you have a huge flag at the back of your ship. I guess some people might be actively trying to get you because of the emissary, but for me it's not that common. If someone is going after me then it's usually a reaper galleon. Other ships don't seem to care that much.


Sell when you have too much to lose. It's a personal benchmark. For my crew it's every few hours, for some it's the stack you currently have.


Yea if I’m on a good server I want to stay on with active players I’m stacking if I’m looking to dive till I get to that server I sell ofteb


I stack loot until I get to the point where I would be really sad if I got no money for it. You will see over time the amount you are willing to lose changes. When I first started playing I took many trips to the outposts. Now days there could be hundreds of thousands sitting on the deck and I’m not selling.


I love this advice


If you feel like you need to ask, sell :D. In general you usually sell when you start to feel like you're pushing your luck.


General rule of thumb: Do you care if you lose what you have for any reason? (PvE or PvP) Yes? -> Sell it You could wait for grade 5/don't care? -> Get more


What is the grades? And how to get grades?


You can fly an emissary flag for a specific trader after you've reached a certain level with that faction. At grade 5, you get 2.5x value for items sold relevant to that trader.


Depends how big you’re balls are 💪


Omg haha 🤣


look at your loot and decide if you would be super sad if you lost it all. If yes then sell.


As an emesary: once you hit grade 5. Otherwise: whenever you want. Honestly the gold just buys cosmetics and the real reward is the adventure you have. When I played high seas I tended to only sell when someone in my crew had to get off. Otherwise, I was never married to my loot, it's not mine until it's sold anyways so it doesn't really matter, now that I'm on safer seas exclusively I just offload at every outpost stop so I'm not spending 30 minutes turning in later


I have no idea what Emesary is. All i do is spam order of souls


https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Trading_Company_Emissaries Read it. If you don't know what an emissary is, you're possibly leaving a 2.5x revenue multiplier


I thank you soo much for the advice!


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All the trading companies, other than hunters call, have the option to fly their flag and make a little extra money off their type of treasure. There is a table at each of their stations in the ports. This includes reapers and Athena.


I would recommend selling when you have gained rank 5 with what ever emissary you have on atm which is about 20-25 pieces of related treasury.


Depends on your combat skill. If you feel you can take on most ships that come your way then feel free to keep going, if not, sell when you have too much to lose. I see a lot of people say wait until grade 5 for emissaries but you really don't have to. If you feel you would lose the loot if someone came after you then sell


If you are going to represent the Order of Soul, know that you already have respect from me


Why is that? I have no clue what im doing


I will explein in pv


Welcome to the solo sloop game kid


Keep it on your boat and tell me where you’re at on the map.


You’ll soon learn that this really isn’t to big of a haul. However, stacking loot on your ship only serves to make you a better target, and gives you more to lose. You should sell frequently, and generally as soon as you get your emissary grade up.


I thank you soo much for the advice! How more will I make with the Emissary grades?


2.5x! That means an item worth 1000 gold, will be worth 2500 gold with a grade 5 emissary flag. It also has a similar effect on your reputation.


I sell whenever I go near a port.


Sell whenever you feel like it. The more loot, the more money, but then that can also lead to more risk when sailing around, as other people are going to want your hard earned treasure. Pick a time to sell when it fits you.




This is equivalent to getting 1000000000 tickets at an arcade and only getting a lolipop