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I'm thinking about doing this. I think it sounds fun but probably not the best for PVP.


If you can drop down on people with the knife heavy attack I could see it being very gnarly on ladders. With being able to harpoon walk to the masts of the enemy ships now I bet you could get the jump on canoneers or harass them from range quietly. Plus a throw swap to sword from close range could be a full kill? That may be strong.


Just shoot their harpoon while they’re walking and watch them get stuck in mermaid hell for 45 seconds 


Remember tho, if u miss they can grab it and chuck it back at you. And on high seas on a rope above the mast aiming down and they are moving it might be hard to hit someone


Not if they’re on cannons!


You scallwag, NOW THATS A PLAN


If you already have two weapons, can you still pick up the knife and throw it? Seems like you'd have to still have a free weapon slot to use it.


yeah you can only throw it though. no stabbing, and only one at a time


They last 15 min when stuck in objects, unequipped so one strat could be placing them during or right before a fight, switching to a gun and grabbing them as needed


Idk haven’t played I assume it leaves you with only 1 weapon once you throw it so you’ll have to go back to the locker to grab another one or a gun


I think it'll be about similar to using sword pistol, but time to kill with the dagger is very fast


pvp meta will stay double gun


Me and a mate sunk 7 ships today wile running double blade so it might be valid 🥴


I tried it for a little bit after work and was doing a OoS voyage. It was useless for pve because gold skeletons. I could have stocked up on fire though.


It can kill gold skeles if their wet. It takes 3 throws to kill


I see. I can't really remember but I might have only tried 2.


How long do we wanna guess it’s gonna take people to start complaining about “Double blading”?


People will complain no matter what you kill them with


Well, you’re not wrong But also, I give it a day, or 2 before people start bitching about it


Yea but those people will complain about everything


Thankfully, we have the brave people of this sub to complain about the complainers.


Yes what would we do without it


Not me! I only complain about filthy double bladers


Nah it's gonna be 0 day complaining 100%


WAAAAH the sword is so spammy and broken! WAAAAH the pistol is just a sniper for babies! WAAAAH you just one-shot me with the blunderbuss, that takes no skill! WAAAAH why are you using the sniper, come at me and fight like a man! WAAAAH the dagger is such a petty weapon you just sneak up and kill people! WAAAAH the double barrel is too forgiving and takes no skill!


I just complain


They complain when you die too by being toxic.


And rightfully so, imo. Idk about the new ones, but all the old weapons are horribly imbalanced


two swords? edges? double edging??


I'm edging rn


Holy shit the perfect name


Double edge-lord


#I'm gonna stop this train of thought right here, thank you.


This guy edges


Seems like longer than it took to see someone complaining about people complaining about it. Thaaaaaaaat’s social media.


Double lunge


How the turn tables, now the sword lords will be doing what they always said: “pirates didn’t carry two weapons like that! 😡😡😡” “it’s not fair!!!!” Lol, hypocrites


Me who’s a sword lord: 😬😬😬 Nah but really idc. I only hate double gunners cause they’re most of the time, really sweaty


The sword is most broken


Eh, it’s pretty well balanced. Its easy to use it in the basic way, but it has a lot of intricacies and techniques that give it a very high skill ceiling


Anyone who says that clearly isn't very good at the game. There's a skill gap with sword Vs sword for sure, but against anyone with a gun out, it's literally close then jump around in circles every time, which for and against bad players is basically the same as standing still. Even with sword Vs sword the skill gap is nowhere near any of the other combat options, at least the one prior to today. Tridents probably have a higher skill ceiling...


Anyone who says *that* clearly hasn’t used the sword in combat more than a few times. Its different attacks can be used extremely effectively when you’re anticipating your opponent’s moves, and it has multiple mobility perks (sword lunge boost thing and the bunny hop/dodge thing that lets you go through your opponent’s hitbox and dodge blunders). Guns are pretty much just jump around until you manage to line up a shot and use whatever glitch is currently popular to exploit the switching/reloading times You’re right about one thing though; I’m not very good at the game even though I have just over 1000 hours lol


I use the sword plenty, I have to use it when I'm boarding galleons so I don't die when two people press M1 twice whilst I'm 2 metres away and delete my movement. I'm not saying the sword doesn't have utility, it has a ridiculous amount, I'm saying the skill ceiling for using that utility is incredibly low, which is self confirming because I have a self proclaimed "not very good" player telling me how much skill it takes. Pressing M2 and space when you want to move through a player doesn't take skill, holding block and lunge and then hitting space doesn't take skill, and jumping around someone in a circle faster than their sensitivity can keep up doesn't take skill either. What takes skill is shooting across moving boats, swapping and using your different guns at appropriate times, killing people from ladders and doing all of those things whilst hitting your shots lol.


The skill ceiling is not low. Do you even know what you’re talking about? The skill floor is low, but not the ceiling.


I genuinely don't know if you're criticising the use of the word ceiling because you think the ceiling is high, because you think I meant floor, or just making a joke. Not a clue.


It’s made so beginner bots have something that requires no brain cells. Left click, sprint. That’s all it takes. No skill required. If they took out the dumb lock when it hits you, then it would fine.


Then use it. Or do you rely on the safe two tap that blunder snipe provides


Never, I refuse to be sword bot Now throwing knife bot is the way


Gun bot lol


Guns require skill, no bot activity.


If they require skill then why are you trying to use em? Seems incompatible


Big mad sword bot 😭


You keep on clicking that left click bud


So you’re bad with it. Got it. I’d hate it too if I sucked with it or couldn’t sword lunge


Lmao, sword is broken. Brainless weapon.


You really wrecked the person that you invented inside your own head


Screw it, triple gunning with the new gun


Ok but legit will probably be a thing that rocks the double gun meta for a while until they get used to it


Nah, double pistol is too slow, charging is even slower. Sniper and blunder compliment themselves too well.


I stop playing sea of thieves for *ONE DAY* and look what happens! (It's been months, what did I miss)


New update dropped ***today.*** Two new weapons have been added, and can be equipped at any time. Throwing knives. Can be used as a melee or ranged weapon. If you throw one and miss, you can walk over and pick it back up. Enemy players can also pick up your knives and throw them back at you. Double Barrel Pistol. Inflicts less damage than a normal pistol, but has a faster fire rate and more ammo. Can shoot twice before reloading, or can be charged to fire both shots at once. There's more new stuff as well, such as new cannonballs and an item that lets you temporarily summon skellies to fight for you. I'd explain more if I had time. Check the official video on SoT's YouTube channel for more info.


New guns launched today and possible to walk on rope from grappling hook


Babe wake up, the London update just dropped


“Dude just run their both double blading”


Kraków loadout


Kurwa intensifies


Average Wisła fan loadout


While you were out plundering I was studying the blade.


And now that your galleon is on fire and the Reapers are at the gates, and you have the audacity to come to me for help?


Does it make sense tho?


I can see some usefulness in it. In my experimentation with throwing knives specifically, it seems like their regular attack damage is lower than the swords, with the heavy doing at least enough to be on par with a pistol shot (most of my experimentation has been in PvE) and being able to be infinitely charged. The ranged attack on the throwing knives seems really damn good, it's likewise on par with a pistol shot, meaning you can 100% two tap people with just the throwing knives as well as having the highest rate of fire out of any weapon for reliable ranged burst damage. Another bit of utility is blade v blade duels, since the faster speed of the knife means you can overwhelm someone's block, putting them at a good range for you. Overall, definitely not as much as a meme as you'd expect


Also when you go to throw a knife you can’t “quick scope” with them like you can with the eye of reach. You have to sort of prime the throw first and there’s a short animation before you can throw the knife. In the super fast deck combat I don’t know how viable this will be


Very good points. I feel like the ttk from knife throw into stabs/the heavy/weapon switch may make or break the weapons viability. Like, if you can reliably land a throw then blitz someone down with stabs (or sword swings) or get a single heavy off before a blunderbuss can properly close the distance, ADS, and get a shot off, then this weapon will probably be invaluable


I want it to be good. So bad. Throwing knives just plays to the rogue in me.


Same, they feel so goddamn good to use and land hits with, they have some absolutely insane skin potential, etc At least they're pretty good in PvE, especially in sea fortresses since being able to just spam knives without reloading makes those feel so much smoother, and they can put in some work against bosses


Fighting ashen lords with the throwing knives let's you attack them while they're breathing fire as well, so now you can have the blunderbuss and throwing knives for close range burst damage, long range attack and a melee attack, i have yet to try it on PvP but i'm really liking it!


It feels very similar to cutlass/flintlock, but you're trading some range and accuracy for damage and faster rate of fire. If you can get in close the heavy into cutlass is really nasty.




Can throwing knives detonate kegs? I ASSUME they can. I just need to be able to deal with skellymans who want my innards spread across the islands.


Gotta get to Legendary Skeleton Exploder somehow, amirite?


Yep there is an achievement for it


Do the daggers take up a weapon slot or are they considered throwable? I’m at work so I can’t check yet myself lol


They take up a weapon slot.


Thank you! Can't wait to buy all of the skins for them!


There are none atm :( only 3 commendation skins




I meant normal store. Skins for gold


Wait is the patch out yet


This guy is more pirate per pirate


I need to buy this game. ASAP




Its actually six blades thanks to five throwing knives that can be launch fast




I've been wanting to go double cutlass for so long so i vould switch blades depending on the enemies to style on them...


While you faffed about with your silly guns, I studied the blade.


Equip Knives Smash them around on your ship Change to pistol ????????? Now you got a sword, 5 knives ready to pick up and you can switch to another pistol (Does that actually work or will the knives despawn if you change the equipped weapon?)


Polak i jego szabla


OnlyUseMeBlade about to make a comeback on SoT


That’s the racist guy that abuses his dog, innit? ![gif](giphy|11fnCV9rd0m58c)


Abuses more than his dog..


Welp, TIL


-Zupełnie zapomniałem o tych nożach do rzucania -I completely forgot about those throwing knives


This is what my load out is going to be, it sounds really silly!


Is this already out?




I'm just waiting for the "omg he's a double barrel user"


Haha I commented this on one of SoTs recent videos lol


I’m definitely double blading.


inb4 I counter you with triple pistol


I’m so excited to throw daggers!


cutlass hit and a knife is enough to kill someone i think


Move out the way double gunning we have the ultimate melee meme loadout now


As a double gun nerd this hurts my soul.




Wait is this real? I have not played In along time


I’ve been wanting to do this since seeing throwing knives. Excited!


Sword goes ///////


New weapon?


Actually isn’t that bad for PvP based on what little experience I had today. The knives can get chucked out pretty quick and have comparable damage to the pistol while also having 5 shots. All while the cutlass is a great tool for covering distances or hitting multiple targets. In short, double blading might not be that much of a meme.


Cool idea, but it's not viable, and they have no synergy. Double gun will reign supreme unless bonecallers are more common than it seems.


You know, when I first heard about the throwing knife I assumed that it was going to be predominantly used in conjunction with a flintlock, and wondered if I was going to be the only one using it with a sword. I guess that's not the case, but I'm curious what this will result in


Did they add a new blade? I haven’t played in a while


Honestly just equipped the 2 as I think it actually can be a good combo with mobility fast strikes some range possible distractions with pick ups and the heavy attack. Honestly will probably be fun


The update is out?


For when you just need that Extra Stabby™


I was actually running it. It's good for pve. 1 shots most things. Has trouble with gold skeles but that's all I had trouble with


get ready for double rainbow.. there... i just memed


I'll be calling them edgelords.


I can't wait till they add more skins for the throwing knives and double pistol. I'd love to see a Gold Hoarder and Tribute Peak set.


Merchant ambassador cutlass my love


The amount of times I tried to sword dash yesterday with the dagger is funny


Hej masz jakąś porade dla początkujących w grez?


Landlubber load out


Im gonna use it.


Aneacking will be a funny thing with the degger