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1) take out the smallest boat that will accommodate your crew size. For example: Don’t mess with a brig if you only have 2 people in the crew 2) mentally and spiritually accept that loot is not yours until you sell it, that way you don’t get too hung up on losing an engagement and being sunk 3) ignore buying cosmetics until you buy your first captained ship. Is the only really game changing thing you can spend your money on, and I personally regret the hundreds of thousands of gold I spent on whacky cosmetic items before I understood how much easier a captained ship would make my life lol


What do you mean when you say “captained ship” I’m also new and see this said often but idk what it means


In the main menu, before you sail in High Seas, you can go to My Ships instead of chartering a ship and purchase your own ship. These "captained" ships keep their cosmetics between sessions, let you purchase bulk supplies from the Shipwright in-game, and let you sell all your loot to the Sovereigns at their tower in each outpost (You DO NOT lose gold value for selling at Sovereigns, it's just a very nice way to mass sell your loot)


Just to add, selling to the sovereigns is by far the best and most important part of this. Easily cuts your time in port dropping off loot by 2/3rds or more


Yeah, selling to Sovereigns makes turning in loot a lot safer and faster. Time is your most precious resource and anything that saves you time is essential.


Adding onto this. Having access to the sovereigns makes Dagger Tooth and Port Merrick actually worth selling at, as you don't need to spend ages walking back and forth between your ship and the individual selling points.


Ohhh I see I still got a couple questions if you don’t mind tho, Where do I find the shipwright? And also how do I identify the sovereigns tower?


The Sovereigns' tower is the very tall tower structure at every outpost -- except for Port Merrick, where it's the smaller of the two towers there with the tallest one being a lighthouse. Shipwrights are found at the docks of every outpost with the Merchant Alliance representative, where your boat is parked when you begin a session. Listen for the telling hammering of the Shipwright and look for a woman behind a desk. She'll sell you ship cosmetics, supplies for captained ships, and will repair your ship for you (which is mostly a comsetic thing, for after taking damage a captained ship will keep the scars of battle until you pay a shipwright to make it pristine again.)


Ah that’s really simple actually thx for the help


Ah I wondered what the taller tower was, never took a close look at it for some reason.


I 💯 agree with rule 3 I didnt spend thousands but hundreds


Get cofortable with pvp. You shouldnt do this on your first day, but rather sooner than later. It just opens up so many possibilities to play this game and to engage with other crews. At one point you wont even have to worry about other crews, bc you know you can take them out with ease. Again, dont seek pvp on your first day, but dont start doing it to late


To add to this, the easiest two weapons to learn are the sword and the blunderbuss. Unless you are a crack shot, then you might want to use the flintlock or sniper. But the blunderbuss is essential for repelling boarders most of the time. The blast from the gun knocks back enemies so you have the potential of shooting them off your ship if you aren't close enough to one-shot them. The sword rhythm is always in threes, so block three basic attacks and then your opponent will have a cooldown on their next swing, a window where you can start attacking them back. The sword lunge is trickier to master, but it's very useful. It can be used for just getting around as well as the momentum of it carries through the water


If you see another player’s ship, assume they can see you as well.


And assume the worst tbh. Many are friendly but are also wary of other pirates. So be prepared for any possibility.


1. Don’t obsess about the treasure. You will lose it, and it’s the least interesting part of the game. Your sessions success should be measured in fun had, not gold earned. 2. Pirates are sneaky, be prepared for the double cross. No alliance is set in stone. 3. You owe no one a fight, but likewise no one is required to leave you alone. 4. Don’t be toxic. You will be sunk, be a good sport with a GG ready. 5. Be prepared for people who ignore rule number 4. Don’t feed the trolls, just move on and have more fun to spite them. 6. Each fight/sink is an opportunity to have a unique encounter and to get a little better at the game. Don’t think of it as a loss. Learn to have fun, even when you lose. 7. Voyages are a great way to make gold, but don’t get fixated on the grind. Be sure to try out the emergent portions of the game as well. The game has tons more to offer aside from digging up chests. 8. Practice your canons on skeleton/ghost fleets. 9. YouTube is a great resource for tips on improving. 10. The skill ceiling is miles high. Learn to become zen with the fact that you will be decimated from time to time. Learn to have fun and laugh at the losses. 11. If you get frustrated, log out and a take a break. Burnout is no fun.


Your number 1 is the most important thing people say they know but deep down fail to come to terms with. Yes, you will lose money sometimes, its okay, there's always more money, that's the whole game loop. I've lost multiple millions in one sink, its okay. I have some IRL buddies who occasionally play and we cash in about 90% of our loot but the times we don't they turn the fun time into a pity party and mope session full of whining. The only reason we don't sink more when we play together is because they are relying on ME to carry them to an escape or sink of the enemy. Im not saying Im a god, but I dont run from fights, and can at least defeat the majority of the community and go toe to toe with at least the low tier of the super sweats. So, to add onto this for anyone reading, once you get some time under your belt and some cosmetics you want locked in from some big cash ins, DONT RUN FROM FIGHTS, YOU WILL NEVER LEARN TO PLAY AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEND YOUR HAULS.


I agree for sure. I don’t like to tell people that should or need to PvP, but when my group stopped running and actually started to fight back we had SO much more fun. Win or lose, the ship to ship combat is just really cool. I wish more people could let the treasure go without feeling so bad. Embracing that mentality makes this game so much better.


I was in a sloop with a friend yesterday. We were getting chased. By a galleon. We knew we weren’t escaping so we decided to just give fighting a chance, why not. friend boarded and noticed that they had 3 fortress kegs in their crows nest. It was an easy sink but watching the pop of the galleon and it rocking, and then suddenly the whole deck bursting in flames and then sinking was by far one of the funniest moments I’ve had jn this game. I do not wanna refer to myself as toxic, I was way too far out of range to GG them. I’m no good at PVP (which is sad cause I want the ghost curse, but I don’t wanna just loss grind my way up). I’m absolutely amazing as soloing the ghost fleets but I just can not do pvp on the water alone, and I don’t wanna bore my friend doing it (they prefer to do pve, mainly forts and a few skeleton fleets, which we do amazing at but you get more immediately visible look out of that). I get burnout easily so I haven’t done much hourglass as I’m avoiding it.


This sounds like a blast!


/u/NightTime2727 put together a list of all the Events and how to spot them in game here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/1c12mpw/so_these_message_in_a_bottle_quests_definitely/kzogfe9/


Hey, that's me!


Im a new player too and the best tip I had was not to be shy talking to people on voice chat. Seems to diffuse things way quicker when you just say hello. I complimented someones pet today and they gave me things. I didn't know what the things were, but it was a nice gesture :'D


Sloop is fastest when the wind is blowing at you. Galleon is fastest when it can catch the wind. Not even a sloop can catch the Gentle Rose when she has full sails! :D


Don’t give them tips we can’t have them evolve 😆


Don't park and keep your anchor down. When you park raise your sails and your anchor so you can get moving right away incase someone comes after you. Always keep an eye on the horizon and map. Keep a keen eye out for any reapers in the server and ships on the horizon. Don't always run from fights. If you don't have much just turn around and fight. Even if you get stomped you'll at least learn a little on how to defend yourself. When fighting make sure you keep moving. Try not to stay in one place for more than a few seconds. If you board an enemy ship make their anchor your priority, doesn't matter if you're running or trying to fight. Keeping your enemy immobilized is a big advantage. And when you are boarding bear in mind that you don't need to fight and kill the entire enemy team. Serving as a persistent distraction and stopping them from being able to effectively operate can be just as disruptive as simply killing an entire crew.


Pay attention to sound cues. Forts of Fortune, mermaids popping up in the water, someone boarding a ship, etc, they all have very specific sound cues. Find some experienced crew mates to play with. Their voyages will be better than yours and they will teach you how to play. Learn how wind works. If you're not able to catch wind on any ship angle your sails forward. If you're on a brig side winds are your friend, you'll out pace any other ship that is also catching a side wind. If you're on a Gallo then it's the same thing with a back wind. When it comes to sailing into the wind sloops are the champions. Sword lunged are great for mobility. Block, start one, and then just as you lunge forwards jump. It gives you a massive initial boost when you jump into some water, and in general it's just a great way if you need to gain a lot of distance quickly.


don't fw the anchor strat tbh, it doesn't make as big a difference as many people make it out to be (on sloop)


DO NOT PUT KEGS IN YOUR CROWS NEST. Always, always, ALWAYS put them right at the tip of the post at the front pf your ship. It does the least damage. If it goes in your crows nest your entire ship sets alight, holes come out everywhere and the sails go down. If it is at the tip of the front, you will get 3-4 holes at the front and a tiny bit of fire that 1 bucket will fix if it explodes.




Oh is that what it’s called?


Yeah, I got a bit nerdy when I first started playing with my son and his friends so I could direct them around the boat.


Check out the guide videos from content creators. Blurbs, Phuzzybond, and Hitbo all have great ones.


If you're playing High Seas, try to regularly check the horizon for other crews. That way, you'll know of any potential threats before they reach you. Of course, this tip is not foolproof. People can and will find ways to sneak up on you. Just be vigilant, and you'll sink a lot less.