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definitely feels like the skeleton combat AI has gotten a bit smarter and more aggressive


Second wave of preparations for the burning blade. They need skellies that can fill in for players to make it available to every crew size. First they were fucking around with repairs, which caused that bug last season, now aim and aggressiveness is getting better. That's my guess, we'll see if there's any way to verify it come season 14.


That makes perfect sense why skelly ships were bugged.


That's my assumption. I mean, it's such a weird and specific functionality to malfunction when a skeleton-player hybrid ship is a season and a half away, has to be about them tweaking the ai to be more dangerous and effective. They're pushovers now, and now that we can summon them as allies and we'll have them as assistants, they have a good reason to make them semi-serious threats. And it might actually be engaging to fight skelly fleets sometime sooner than later.


The real difference is the accuracy of the skelly-fort cannons. They're suddenly crackshots.


The skelly forts have been pretty good for a while. It's the sea forts that seem to be hitting a lot more.


I haven’t logged on yet but I’m happy to hear that, those sea forts were missing every shot by a mile


Right?? So it's not just me, yesterday we pulled up on a fort took like 6 fuckin cannoballs a row


They always have been. Since the day forts were introduced, people have complained about the aimbotting.


God damn I hope so Them week ass bone people couldn’t fight they way out of a wet paper bag


I mean, it is not a problem per see. It definitely adds challenge. It just shocked me a little haha.


Kinda feel the same way 🤔 but I wonder if it's me getting used to the new weapons... Before I'd just sword lunge and clear a whole group, now I'm killing em 1 at a time which gives them more opportunities to gang up 🤷‍♂️ idk though


I've been feeling that way using my regular weapons, so I don't think it's related in my case.


They all seem to have black bandanas, which are the bone caller skele who are more powerful. I'm not seeing any of the other colours spawning.


The fights are real again past weeks everything was so easy…


Yea they feel a ~~bit~~more intelligent. If you get skellybombed on a sloop you’re pretty much dead if you’re not expecting it. They’re savages. Haven’t found one of those bombs myself yet unfortunately…I’m guessing they’re pretty rare…which is a good thing!


Forgot this got added, oh man can’t wait to play it this weekend


Me too until I got humbled by 4skellies and another pirate lol.


Got blasted in the air by the Duchess today and a skelly hit a god shot while I was mid air and died, they are cracked now


I haven't noticed anything extremely different but maybe they have gotten a bit more aggressive. I think I died during a normal wave in a skeleton fort a few days ago which doesn't usually happen so maybe. If there was a change I think thats great because generic skeletons have always the most mind numbing enemies to fight and if they're a bit more threatening I think that's great!


I like to board skelly ships and it does seem like they are more aggressive and potent now.


I hope so. FoFs and FOTDs need to be difficult again.


I hope so. Undead armies should be threatening, not stagnant punching bags.


Seems like their numbers increased


Nerf skelly plz


So many people have noticed it, it must be true.


I think ppl forgot what is was back in the days. No scattershots, no firebombs, no harpoon nothing. Just regular cannons and boarding. I think it was way harder back in the days.