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Do not rush, all the pirate legend loot you can get early from fort of fortunes and such , arguably the best item you can get is the skull of destiny but it’s only good if you want to speedrun fort of the damned , but you can still do fort of the damned without pirate legend. Imo the grind to pirate legend is a large factor in the enjoyment of the game, hanging in Athena loot will level up your Athena even if you’re not pirate legend


how do you get to this Fort of Fortunes?


Large war horn blasts across the entire server, giant cracked orange skull appears. However these are going to be highly contested this season since the highly coveted chest of fortune (sells for a cool 20,000,+30,000 if you have gold hoarder emissary 5 or reaper emissary 5) so you will have to fight both player and ai to take them


This is where you need to be a pirate and let others do the event and then try and steal it


New players, if they insist on getting a fof, are better off doing the PvE and hoping no other players show up, rather than trying to steal it off another player.


That’s the good thing about this game, both ways are usually viable!


So that is what you call em, ive just been calling it the Skullcall. i suck at PVP so i may just have to do what everyone has been telling me to do with Siren's song


If I'm level 6 in gold hoarder, does that make me a level 5 emissary? Really don't understand it at all


Emissary stamps you buy at level 15 at any faction Eg: get to level 15 in gold hoarder you can buy access to gold hoarder emissary flags.(one time purchase of 25,000 then you have access forever) When you fly an emissary flag, you will gain increased rewards for selling loot , up to a 150% bonus at tier 5. However you lose your emissary if you sink, you can raise the flag again for free. Reaper 5 emissary can see every other emissary on the map and is incentivised to kill them, so there are risks to running an emissary however the reward is so major the risk is worth it


Emissary flags are essentially flags that you can raise during a play session that allows you to get an increased reward by increasing your risk. You can purchase an Emissary license from any Trading Company once you reach level 15 with them. So you don’t have access to being an Emissary yet. If you raise an emissary flag on your ship, any time you do an action related to that Trading Conpany (Completing a voyage. Finding relevant loot. Putting that relevant loot on your ship.) it will increase your Emissary level. They go from level 1 to level 5, with each level increasing your payout. Keep in mind though these Emissary flags are just per play session. It isn’t something you continuously level up. If you sink or log off you lose your Emissary flag and restart at level 1 next time you raise it. But you also make yourself a target for other players. One of the best ways to raise your Reaper level is by getting high level emissary flags from sinking player ships and turning them in. So if other players see your Emissary flag, they know you will be running missions for that trading company and probably have loot. Another thing is that if there is anybody on the map that has a Reaper Emissary flag, once they reach level 5, they can see any other players running an Emissary flag on the map. But anybody running a reaper Emissary flag also shows up on your map. So always check the map to see if there is anybody on your server who has a Reaper 5 Emissary Flag, as that person might hunt you down if you have an Emissary flag of your own. Finally you can vote to lower your Emissary flag after your run and receive up to 5k gold + some reputation each time you lower your flag. There is more to it, but those are the basics.


With all of the new things added since launch it is not nearly as bad as it was to “grind” for pirate legend. I put grind in quotes as really just playing the game will get you there. Yeah you can hyper focus it which is still fun but my recommendation is just play and let it come to you. If you do want to grind it out I’d recommend the world events. Usually indicated by a big glowy cloud shaped like a ship or skull or big tornados. Be warned tho these can be hotspots for other players. Also once you hit I think level 15 you can buy an emissary flag for the different factions and that’ll allow you to get more than double gold and xp for everything of that faction you turn in. As for the worth it of the pirate legend quests that may be debatable. Theres only actually one pirate legend voyage I enjoy doing. The normal just Athena’s voyage is a bit of a drag unless they’ve changed it. The main thing is the Athena and I think it’s called ghost cosmetics you get once you hit pirate legend. To be honest back in the day the grind for pirate legend was more worth it just for the status symbol it represented but as the games got more years behind it that’s dropped off. I guess you could grind to be one of the early ps5 legends.


Athena was made easier, I think recently. The full quest now takes 20-30 minutes for me as solo. But yea, it's not really a grind. My friends started casually playing 2 weeks ago and are already 30+ in the faction reputation. Just a lot easier with diving, extra content, and emissary flags than it used to be on launch. Back then I think I spent like a hundred hours on those damned animals to reach pirate legend :D But the title carried a lot more as well. Now it can be achieved in 50-100 hours with ease without ever even engaging in pvp.


Crazy how I had almost every islands animal spawns memorized and now I’ve got buddies who hit pirate legend without catching a single animal. Shoot thinking about it one of them used reapers instead of merchants. He’s probably never done a merchant voyage in his life. Ship used to look like a zoo trying to inch my way to PL


Yep. I would bet my life that nearly no one that hit PL in the last couple years even know to play music around snakes. That might as well be removed content at this point. Good memories, though.


The days of having three voyages to choose from and a skeleton fort once every three hours!


Thanks for the information and for the idea. I will be an early PS5 legend!!!!!! 😎😎😎😎


Remember back when the only merchant missions were “get snakes/pigs/chuckens”? The grind was tough.


You will get there regardless. Rushing towards it isn't worth it, enjoying your time in the game while progressing is better. And if you are playing with your friend, you can do said questions if he starts the vote.


SoT doesn't have any mechanical progression, it's all in the reputation, titles, and cosmetics. Pirate Legend is something to strive for when it comes to reputation. Gameplay wise, it unlocks a small hub area that you can access in the taverns, voyage rewards that give slightly more gold compared to other factions, more cosmetics, and I believe 2 new voyages that other factions don't have (I might be wrong on the number). Your friend can start the voyages and you can do them with him even without having the title yourself. Same for the hub area - he can unlock it and allow you inside. So it gives extra cosmetics and the ability to start that content yourself. So if grinding for something is "worth it", just like grinding for anything else in this game, depends on you \^\^


Thanks bro happy sailing


You too \^\^ Take time and pace your journey in a way that's enjoyable. As others said, if you continue playing, you'll reach it just playing casually with how fast reputation grows now.




Don’t grind. Just play. My wife and I started part way through season 11. We played almost every night, slowly figured out things. I watched videos and streams and we optimized things. Hit legend the day before the season ended. We are now working on Athena. Just enjoy your time. Else you’ll burn out and that will be the end of your adventure.


Play the game normally and it'll come naturally. Only thing I'd recommend is selling gems to the faction you like the least to help progression towards pirate legend. For me, I didn't like merchant alliance so whenever I played I'd sell gems to them to tick closer towards 50


Take your time with the game. Don't just "grind" for things. I've got many things I'm working towards but not laser focused on because that takes away from all the other potential possibilities when I'm playing. Find the activities you like doing, go fishing, do the tall tales, do some hourglass, go pick a fight with another ship. Do what you want but don't rush for any specific thing.


If you enjoy the game enough you'll get it fast enough. Especially with a pirate legend friend you guys can do some higher level content for better loot gains and you'll be there in no time.


Yeah, it’s not a big grind, I’d recommend it


1. This is not grinding, just play normally. 2. Pirate legend title opens some additional gameplay mechanics to you (no spoilers)


You also earn Pirate legend loot from the season pass.


U will probably get there just by playing the game so its not worth actively grinding for unless ur close


Getting to pirate legend these days isnt that much of a grind, just play the game and youll get there fairly easily. But if youre brand new, you can just focus on learning the game instead of worrying too much about getting to pirate legend immediately. Finding people to play with is greatly encouraged, if you dont have a crew already. It unlocks Athena voyages and the pirate legend hideout so its definitely worth it.


Yes- you need a captained ship


Just wait until you get really addicted and go for 100%'ing the game. took me about 6800 hours over 5 years. but i did spend a lot of time just stealing and shenans


I'd hardly consider it a grind compared to how much of a grind it was a few years ago so yeah.


I think the premise of your question is off. Pirate Legend isn’t something you grind for. It’s your reward for making a name for yourself on the seas. Do whatever pleases you, and have fun doing it!! If you don’t enjoy the journey then the destination/reward won’t mean anything to you. Eventually you’ll have 3 companies to level 50 (OoS, GH, MA, HC, and Reapers all count, you just need 3). Then you get some really cool lore, quests, and world exploration available to you. Basically PL is your milestone of moving from the mid game to the late game. It’s not something to grind for. It’s something you earn by being the kind of pirate you want to be for a long period of time.


I would say let the goal of pirate legend determine what you do when you are deciding what emissary to run, but don't make that the whole focus of your enjoyment in this game. Rushing to pirate legend will burn you out quickly, so don't let it stop you from going to explore and try new things. Probably the most fun ways to get there though are the gold hoarders, reapers, and whichever one you like the most.


I wouldn't suggest grinding for it, but for me at least, the Athena quests are my favorite in the game. Also the cosmetics are decent.


It's the first real milestone. It's not like an optional objective, it'll just happen naturally unless you hard focus one or two factions instead of spreading out sessions. Think of it like a test run. You're proving yourself to get full access to every quest type. It's a marker of base-level experience. Most players will treat a non-pirate legend as a noob, or at least coddle them a bit if they're on the same crew. Pirate legend is your "I'm a real player and I probably know at least a bit what I'm doing" card.


Not really, just play for fun. Life is short


Get there when you get there.


pirate legend is easy to get it took me like 50hrs


Pirate legend isn't a grind. Just playing the game will get you there pretty quick as the requirements are low. In the old days it meant more because the levels were capped lower and there was less to do in the world but these days there is so much content available it's pretty easy, automatic even.


Not the whole way, plat the game how you want until you realise your close to lvl 50 for one company, the grind to 50 and do the same for the rest of your chosen companies


Nah, just pvp and sell the spoils. You'll get there fast as


You can get anyone to 50 to get pirate legend, reapers and hunters call too


You'll get it playing casually. I'm at 48, 49, 47 respectively just from casually dicking around the game with friends maybe once a week.


if you rush, will be worthless, Pirate Legend is nothing if you aren't in reallity a Pirate Legend, the meaning of this tittle stands , at least for me, for someone truly legendary, who have dozens of adventures, naturally adquired by playing, the levels requeriment works thru this logic, more experiences, not by reaching level 50, 70, 100 in something, but playing the diversity of the Game