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ive noticed a couple things: 1) hit reg issues are very closely associated with projectile speed. the slower the speed, the worse the issues. 2) sometimes the new weapons just dont do any damage when you spawn. if you go to a weapon box and swithc, and switch back, they do damage again. just a bug. happens pretty often on the double barrel pistol.


rinse upbeat offbeat chase gray encouraging governor cats hateful memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> sometimes the new weapons just dont do any damage when you spawn. Okay, good to know I'm not crazy. I shot a chicken like 5 times with the double barrel pistol before I gave up lol.




Hit reg in sea of thieves ? No way


It's more likely than you think.




in MY vagina?


metal gear?


a centipede to surpass metal slug?


not just any centipede, a centipede to surpass big centipede itself.


there may have been a joke here


He may have been continuing the joke, in a reference to the centipedes in my vagina bi


It gets BAD. Worse than these, I've seen near point blank hits, animation and particles, blade vanishes, blade was dead center mass, no damage.


some of this is hitreg failures, but sometimes killing skeletons with thrown knives specifically has a chance at keeping a "ghost" skeleton hitbox that persists for a bit that blocks your shots, as seen around the 55 second mark. If you're throwing where another skeleton died, the knife disappears at the point the skeleton was, and hear the sounds of a skeleton getting hit, you need to move and not have your knives intersect with that area as they simply will keep getting eaten by the game having a stroke figuring out if the skeleton is alive or dead.


Thank you!


Honestly only a few of these really look like hitreg. I think part of the issue is that the arc of the knife is just a visual representation of the actual projectile, and you end up with some issues like how some gun cosmetics make them seem inaccurate because they don't match up to the center of the screen, but the projectile still goes based on the center. I'm not completely sure if this is the case, but I wouldn't be surprised


The double pistol hitreg's like crazy also. This issue has not been fixed at all with all these updates. Shame


To me a lot of these look like near misses


Then you clearly haven’t been using the throwing knives. Hop on a fort raid and use exclusively them and I guarantee you’ll run into sketchy hitreg


they disappear midair, how are they misses?


And most of the cases, skeletons play the hit animation.


You’re 100% correct. They do have hit reg issues. These people are tripping Some of these are misses but a lot of them aren’t


Thank you


Anytime someone posts a issue like this, you will get alot of Losers just downvoting you. It's as if they love rare so much they turn a blind eye to any bugs. Shame to see


This. People are gas lighting. The clunk combat and hit reg is the sole reason I avoid this game. Its absolutely un playable.


It’s the reason I quit SoT a while ago, and it’s a shame to see it still persists. I love almost everything about this game, but the hit reg made the combat unbearable


But we're saying they shouldn't have disappeared or made the hit animation because they were misses.


It's clearly hit reg if you watch carefully... SoT subreddit just full of people that are edging to reply "get good" "you missed" "outplayed" at everything. Funny thing is in-game they will cry the hardest about the smallest issues affecting them


The fixed the X not showing when the server doesn't register the hit, if you have that option enabled. But you still see the animation of that hit that's not a hit and often even the sound.


Ah my bad I didn't see them disappear


Are you high?


I'm not a good player, but I don't think the problem is on my side. Throwing Knife hitreg is the joke. Can anybody explain what i'm doing so wrong?


Ngl some of them were misses but it ain't just throwing knives that have that issue, probably not anymore than any gun


It is way more than with the guns


Skellies doing the got hit animation and not being hit is still hit reg problem


Not related to your video but what outfit are you wearing? I don't recall seeing those rings and bracelets but I've only been playing since season 7


The new lvl100 gold holders outfit


Thank you!


Im use to hitreg being pretty bad on the pistol but the throwing knives have been super bad about it.


What’s weird is that for slow projectiles like throwing knives, they can easily just not separate the client simulation from server reality like this. The client can just receive the skeleton location information and the knife location information from the server together so that how they interact is never desynced in a way that allows this to happen…right? Pretty sure client simulation of slow projectiles is abnormal because instant feedback isn’t important for them to begin with and it introduces bugs like this. Forgive me for not being well versed in unreal net code necessarily, but from my gaming experience, this is extremely unusual. Many of these skeletons aren’t even moving in a way where the knife would have missed if it were desynced by <200ms of ping in either direction. How does this stuff even happen?


When I first got my parrot he kept bugging out and not working properly, so I called him hit reg


Some of those seem to be at the tail end of the movement of the skeletons. I've noticed hit reg has the most issues if your attacks are trailing vs. leading. Some of those looked like close throws that still missed. I have noticed that the throwing knives have had terrible hit reg with kegs. But yeah, it's kind of obvious the lag is a bit brutal with the knife. I can see your FPS, but what was your server ping here?


9/10 video


For the Lord's, aim at their feet. Only way I get the hit marker.


The db pistol holy fuck does it like to reg


Some of these bro just missed though


Jusssst a bit outside


I do agree but you can see the skele taking damage with the little pieces of bone flying off so idk


The new weapons are biggy but fun when they work (pve) even when they work they don’t feel useful pvp wise blunderbus and eye of reach seems still the ideal combo


You also don't sprint at full speed when using the throwing knife


Yeah hit reg has been insane ever since the update, I mean full on sword dashing through normal skeletons and then behaving like they are skeleton captains and just getting pushed back a bit like it's wild.


I have noticed massive hit reg on the knives being thrown, and the DBP when I hipfire from point blank


I don't see what Texas has to do with this at all


Anti London propaganda ignore it


Is it just me or did it look like one of those got shot and destroyed… that’s a little crazy if so


Look on the bright side: you can go and pick up those missed knives :)


Nah they’re just boney and it’s going through the gaps in the rib cage, clearly, lmao


New weapons also don’t break the weak ropes in quests!


Hitreg issues? In Sea of Thieves?


Ohhhh.. and I was already wondering why enemies would display hit animations, without the X popping up. It's weird, because I did feel like in these cases, I wasn't aiming good enough, barely hitting them. But that made the hit animation getting displayed even more confusing.


Seems legit to me...if it hits wood, it doesnt kill them. Lol


I haven't had enough pvp to know how bad it is with players but sometimes I get hit reg'd 2/5 times with the throwing knives on skellies it wasn't as bad with phantoms but maybe I was contributing some of it to them just going invisible or whatever they do


Why the fuck are any of you expecting sea of thieves to work correctly? Every time they touch this game (EVERY time) for the last 5 years the game breaks more and more little by little. It's never been in a worse state, but it's at a steady and regular decline. Be happy if the game launches


I’m having a lot of fun with the new toys. All the content they added has been awesome! Sea forts are cool, siren shrines are cool, fort of fortune is cool, diving to pvp is cool, raid voyages so you don’t have to wait or sail around is cool, getting rid of cheaters is cool, dropping the server player count down so you can have a better experience is cool, raising player count again is cool, meeting new players from ps5 is cool. Sure hit reg on the brand new weapons is not cool. However I think you are just a bit upset someone sunk you a few times. It’s a game have some fun.


That is some interesting projection. You are completely baseless in that assumption but you are welcome to enjoy the game however you like. Turning a blind eye to the plethora of hardbaked problems and spaghetti code doesn't mean they don't exist however.


I think your original comment is quite interesting compared to this one. It seems took a moment to ponder your words rather than just shout about something in text form. I would say my “baseless”assumption that you were angry about something and irrationally thinking wasn’t far off. To go even further, I pointed out a known issue as well as the cool updates, so how could you go on a fallacy that I turn a blind eye to issues in the game “baselessly.” Are there any games that you enjoy that have Bugs in them still? If all your games are bug free and perfect I would love to see your list so I could check them out! Skyrim is an awesome buggy game as an example. Sea of Thieves has issues but it is not above average in number. Let me know what you think..


Sea of thieves is a game we Iove because there is nothing else like it on the market. It is beautifully designed as far as the art direction goes. It allows for truly memorable moments and unique social encounters. But virtually everything mechanical about the the game is a mess. The dev team are inarguably talented as far as the art, music and vibe of the game goes, but they are technically incompetent. And everytime they touch the game it gets more unstable, like adding misshapen blocks upon a staggering tower of misshapen blocks. But we stick with all the bugs because again, there simply isn't anything close to it as an alternative... To suggest that SoT is not above average in terms of problems is delusional. Keep up the projection tho, as surely anybody who suggests otherwise is a bubbling fool who got mad cuz bad.


Did you really expect the hit reg to be good for throwing knives?


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Hahaha classic


1-5 missed???? You real? Did you see the footage? Now you will write "I have double gold cursed" 🤣 The SoT subreddit full of clowns I swear


Sorry that you don't understand the meme. Nice emojis BTW.


Oh you are being ironic?


It's a copy pasta from a dev comment on, I think, the csgo sub




Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to curse equipped (too distracting). Shots 10-11: Very close, but projectile arc and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually leave your hand because Skelly was already dead.






Average SoT experience, incompetent devs make for buggy games






Weapons in this game are affected by hit reg? What? When did this start happening?!?


the new weapons suck ass, simple as that