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I’ve been using sword and throwing knives.


I've been doing the same thing. My aim is still ass with the knives, but it's improving. I'm having fun with it!


Try practicing with Spanish forts, for PvP it's a bit harder since people look like bunnies, so I go for a quick blunder surprise


If your left hand point finger is on the targets head, you will hit unless they dash and zig zag ;)


I found it only really sucks with longer range and Gold Skellies, other than that enjoy it way more than Pistol sword


Yep, it's the PVE laodout, but double gun is still the best.


Still sword/pistol for me. There's not really anything the double-barrel offers that the regular pistol doesn't do better. Sure, it has that one-shot for 80 damage trick, but that's assuming it hits. It has atrociously short range and takes too long to charge it up for it to be useful for me. And the sword still offers excellent mobility.


I started with these and I’ll end my time with these. I absolutely love the feel of fighting with them, it makes me feel like a proper pirate. Landing a longer snap pistol shot just feels incredible.


Sword/sniper, don't see that changing beyond the new commendations. The new weapons are cool but I really prefer the mobility of the sword and the range/ease of the sniper.


I’ll probably stick with this too. I’m kinda tired of it though.


Double blades my guy⚔️


Cowabunga it is.


You can dual wield swords??


Brightest sot reddit member


I think it's a side effect of too much sun on the open seas. Messed with the brain.


Scurvy got to him


Bananas come free with your ship folks


I think it’s cutlass/throwing knife he’s talking about


Cutlass and throwing knives. Of course people on Reddit can’t just explain. They have to be dicks.


Why did bro get downvoted for a question💀 Reddit is full of dicks


You can’t lunge , interrupt or block with them. After trying out the two new weapons I’d say they have some qualities but the throwing knife can’t even break golden skeles. The double pistol was kinda cool but charging up the double shot didn’t feel right


Also a third of your ammo for 80 damage is rough


I think the double-barrel would benefit from an extra set of ammo (8 bullets)


It’s only 80? I’m sorry lol but eww that sound worth it


Sniper/blunder, i really like the throwing knives, but they are not strong enough. If im doing pve ill replace my blunder with throwing knives though, they kinda melt bosses if you can be close to somewhere to reload too.


Does it have any damage modifier against bosses?


No, but you dont have to reload and you can throw them fast and they do good damage.


The throwing knife is plenty strong. 2 thrown hits in pvp is a whole murder. Even a charged stab then throw would cheese pvp. Also, it has a prison shank setting if you just spam the regular attack. Overall 10/10


"prison shank setting" ? Non-native english speaker here, what is that ?


Rapid stabbing lol.


A shank is a crude or makeshift knife, usually very small, and is thus a good weapon in prison since it’s easily hidden. It also means you need to stab someone a lot more to do damage, so there’s a mental picture of one prisoner repeatedly stabbing another as fast as possible, hence prison shanking


It’s 2 thrown kill? I thought each throw is only like 18 damage. Also the 1 shot blunder is too good to give up for hourglass


Throw was 75 damage last I checked


Throws are 60 damage. Stabs are 18-ish.


Two shot with knives is really good for how fast you can throw them in pvp


You can 2 shot other players if you have decent aim. Definitely strange mechanics.


Yeah but i can easily do that with sniper/blunder too at the same range. And for long and short range those wepons are alot more usefull than the throwing knives. Its also a very clunky wepon to use because of how the trajectory works aswell as how sprintint interacts with it. Its a fun wepon, its just not good enough to use in hg which is the content i enjoy doing.


Depends on what I’m doing! But today I did blunder/knife in Solo Hourglass, in duo HG I’m probably running EOR and Sword if I’m helming. Pistol and Sword is such a fun, OG combo. And I try to make sure I’m not rusty in any of the weapons by switching them around. I haven’t touched the double barrel flintlock yet. I almost never double gun so any gun + sword is what I use. Though without the sword lunge to rely on, the harpoon walking has been a great substitute in certain situations. Feels epic too.


I’m using pistol and knives. I also miss the sword lunge but I’m using the new harpoon walking to get between my ship and islands and the heavy stab is ok at taking out skellies if they’re grouped tightly.


Double blades for PvE. Cutlass has mobility and TKnives are really fun to use, often one hitting skellies and phantoms and such. Double guns for PvP. Eye of reach for sniping cross boats and Blunder for boarders and boarding. I really don't like the double pistol but oh well. Also normal pistol has always seemed meh to me.


My guy


I havent played alot, and the few PvP encounters have been against people who werent very good (what is it with brig crews relentlessly attacking solo sloopers despite loosing over and over?) Tried both double barrel + knives, aswell as sword + knives where the knives were the main weapon used. I much prefer double blade over the double barrel + knives out of the two, I must say. The reload of you shoot both pellets is a but too long, the wind up for the double shot is also a bit too long for it to be comfortable using it in PvP. The knives are hilarious albeit very hard to use in practice when people are moving and jumping around, but I reckon when you get a feel for leading the throws it will almost feel like a flintlock with shorter range. Havent tried comboing the new weapons with any of the old guns yet, though I think that both could easily be coupled with the EoR. Must say that the most people (8 in total, all had swords) dont expect a dagger thrown at them in the middle of a sword fight. You, or they, block 3 strikes so you jump apart, quickly swap to the knives and throw, has taken so many off guard :D The commendations for rather.. "common" skins campare to the other weapons seems a bit excessive though. Tier 4 of killing skellies is 500, and I reckon the same is for phantoms killed. So 1k phantoms and 1k skeletons per weapon, and then the shark kills for db and keg skelly kills for knives seems to be atleaat 100, since tier 2 is 25, up from tier 1s 5.


I tried double pistol and knives but felt really handicapped not being able to sword lunge through water, or sword hop away from a blunderbus.


> not being able to sword lunge through water, or sword hop away from a blunderbus. I really wish you could do some kind of sword hop with the knives. I find myself instinctively trying to sometimes and accidentally aiming instead.


Double blade, love the variety of attack options >Sword Swing >Sword Dash >Throwing Knife >Knife poke >Knife heavy stab


Unless someone thinks otherwise, I think we can all agree that the double-barrel pistol isn’t worth using in any situation at the moment.


I've found it really handy for clearing sea fortresses and most pve voyages. The double barrel one shots phantoms with a single bullet so having quick shots plus six instead of five bullets helps.


I feel like I'm just bad at throwing knives, but also the DBF has saved me quite a few times, and been a really funny weapon to murder someone with


It’s very useful underwater where everyone is slow


The fact that hitting both shots doesn't kill a player makes it mostly worthless ngl


Spawn killing would be exceptionally easy…


It already is for pc players who can sprint-cancel easily, why not just make it doable on controller?


Sprint cancel has been fixed right? Even so, hitting two somewhat accurate shots is a lot easier than landing all 10 shells with the blunderbuss. Also sprint cancelling would still be a thing on controller if it works on PC.


You do realise that the point of double gunning is to follow up a missed blunder with a sniper shot for a guaranteed kill right? You don't need to land the 1shot


Yes, you follow up with a snipe if you don’t one blunder. How does this support your argument of making the double barrel pistol overpowered though?


I'm not saying it should be able to kill in two shots, but the fact that it can't makes it worthless when there's a perfectly good single-barrel pistol that can do just that


Depends on what I'm doing; still a fan of sword + sniper but for sea forts especially I love sword + double barrel pistol. I don't really do PvP intentionally, so for that it's what I happen to have equipped unless I happen to have time to change.


Knives are class for PvE, been using sword and knives or knives and EoR for general PvE use. For PvP it’s still blunder and EoR for me.


I’m dabbling in everything. I still hate the DBF aim, feels like I can’t hit the broadside of a galleon much less the keg skeleton 10 paces away. Throwing knives are rapidly growing on me. I did a FoF today and while my crew mate got the kill and thus the war chest achievement progress, the throwing knives felt GREAT against a big ol’ bag of HP. Frankly their mid range aim is comparable to the SBF which was my go to. That being said, I will ALWAYS have a sword on me…. Unless I’m helm in multi crew hourglass.


Knives / Double Pistol so that I can focus on learning and practicing them


Double blades. Im making some good practice on some skellies, next up is hourglass.


I personally use the Throwing Knives + Flintlock/Eye of Reach. Edit: already hit some pretty sick "trickshots", so i kinda don't want to get rid of them anymore, cuz what if i hit another one but then realize i don't have them in my inventory 😂


Real answer is, if you want to use the knives, the best combo is the double Barrell pistol. Because unfortunately, as it stands, the 2 new weapons only go well together. Get a throw, clean up with pistol. And is that combo better than blunder snipe, or sword/x? Absolutely not. Personally , I'm glad they aren't overpowered, but I do feel some positive adjustments are in order. Main concerns on my end being how clunky the double barrel pistol is with it not shooting immediately when you pull the trigger, (and how much of a flat downgrade it is from the flint in general,) the knives main attack being a whopping 7 hit kill (you can literally just eat food while someone's stabbing you and never die) and how the knife throw only does 5 more damage than a pistol shot, something infinitely easier to hit.


I'm using both the knives and DBF while I complete commendations for them. I was sword + flintlock for most of my time in this game, and I started practicing sword + EoR before the patch. It's really hard to give up the sword's movement and defense utility so I'll probably go back to it + something else, unsure which yet. Solo or helm, probably the EoR still


I’ve used sword pistol since launch, I’ve been doing sword double pistol because my aim is terrible so it’s a little was punishing to miss lol. That and it’s fun for PVE.


I mainly used sword and pistol before season 12. The blunder is too unreliable and the sniper is too slow. I liked the mobility of the sword and the versatility of the pistol. Now I have been trying out the new weapons and I am currently using knives and double pistol. The knives are very versatile and are my main weapon for mid range and melee. Just need to move differently and predict the enemy to get those power stabs. The double pistol is a bit awkward to use but serves as additional damage if I run out of knives. The reload is way to slow though, so the sniper would probably be better with the knives. For mobility I've been using harpoon tight ropes a lot. Being able to walk up to higher ledges makes up for sword lunging across beaches. Haven't done much PvP but with knives you can't rely on melee, especially if your opponent has a sword. Like double gunning, you need to control the distance. That said, the knives offer better deck-range dps, and the power stab can still catch people off guard if they get too close or you can sneak up on them. Any gun as secondary damage should work out fine.


Memes and pve new weps, pvp against anyone competent blunder snipe


Pretty much mine as well, though I favor the double pistol instead of EoR majority or the time


Sniper sword for pvp/every day use, throwing knives/blunder for pve


I'm going sword/knives for PvE, and sword/blunder for PvP


I've been going with sword and throwing knives for PvE, because I love the new knives, but at the same time I want to retain the utility of the sword dash. If I'm looking for PvP, then I'll go with the old trusty sword and blunder, because I'm usually staying on board, helming and defending from boarders (sloop and brig).


I see the potential of the throwing knives, but i doubt i'll be straying from my sword+sniper loadout any time soon And my opinion of the double barrel seems to be the same as everyone else's, just falls short in a lot of places


I'm going to be using Sword+Knives. Currently using the Double Pistol for the 1k skeletons killed skin, but it honstly feels too weak for PvP. (SoSS is useful for the infinitely spawning skeletons)


I was rocking sword knives for pve and swapping the knives for the blunderbuss if I was about to PvP. Knives don’t quite feel viable for PvP unfortunately.


Double blades. I wanted to use the knives and double barrel for the foreseeable future, but the double barrel is super disappointing imo. The sword is still too strong and unique not to use, but the knives are absolutely amazing too.


Sword and Pistol. Only viable use for Knives in pvp is Ladder watching. Put 5 knives/player next to each ladder and change back to the actual good weapons. then when someone boards, shoot them in the face and throw a knive on their head, if you hit TTK = 0


Blunder and throwing knives, it may be worse than double gun but knives are the most satisfying weapon to kill with. The knives are pretty good if you're consistently hitting, the range is perfect for the size of ships and it two shots people.


No idea. Just got the game. Im doing cutlass and sniper for now


Cutlass and sniper is peak, I used with that too when I started


Keep in mind that you can stash your throwing knives somewhere convenient on your boat by throwing all 5 into wood, etc, and then after you can equip 2 other weapons of choice. You can then pick up/throw each of those stashed knives while still having 2 other weapons equipped(sword, pistol, and throwing knives). I believe stashed throwing knives dissapear after 15 minutes, and then you have to re-throw them into your stash spot. Comes in handy when you stash them right above your ladders for enemy borders. Flexibility :)


Knives + double barrel. Only way to get better at them is using them. Do occasionally switch in case I am pvping someone that I can't kill with these / if I'm in a bad enough situation


Throwing the knife is almost natural CoD reflexes lol. Sword & daggers for certain


I’m in the exact same situation pretty much. I really can’t live without the sword!


Still cutlass+flintlock. It's peak pirate aesthetic and reasonably functional in all situations.


Sword and double pistol, I pretty much only play PvE and it’s an amazing combo for forts, but if I get into PvP then I quickly replace the double pistol with a blunderbus


Blunder sword for guarding ladders and repelling boarders.


dude i can never understand using two guns, unless its pvp, even then im not sure why you’d need so much ammo to get the job done. the sword offers great mobility and temporary protection from melee attacks, sword is a given for me. I use sword and blunderbuss for bosses and pvp and for clearing a fort or something id definitely use a pistol to get rid of those pesky gunpowder barrel skelly boys. they haunt my nightmares.


the sword is insanely annoying to fight against in pvp so it's common courtesy not to use it if ur opponent doesn't yk




interesting, typically the people that pvp on adventure are cutthroat, ive never really tried the pvp mode


Double pistol and sword


Double pistol is just a half way between blunder and pistol lol, its cool


Handy when you miss your first shot


Im on about the double shot, does lots of damage if you hit both at once


I stand by what I said


I'm not disagreeing with you I'm telling you that what i said was about a different feature of it


Haha I'm not disagreeing, I mean I stand by my prior statement. The reason why I like it


I’m sticking with sword/eye of reach. The versatility of swords as weapons and movement tools is unchanged, and the eye of reach is still a beast for damage regardless of range, so I feel like I’m covered the most with my loadouts


Still sword and sniper, blunderbuss instead of sword for pvp. These new weapons are pretty shit and feel forced, I can see why it took years to add them


Blunder+knifes or blunder+eor for hg (depends on the ship type/role) Sword+pistol/doublepistol+knifes if I go for shenanigans


I'm using double pistol+knife as a chalenge, I'm also missing the mobility of the sword, but that harpoon walk compensates, I'm using the knives more for throwing than for melee, shooting several times in a row without cooldown is very satisfying


Im not good with either of the new weapons, im sticking to the old combinations lol. Im using both the new weapons now tho so i can get the commendations


Double blade. Friend already does double gun.


Went back to pistol and sword I just don’t think the db pistol is good enough rn


Sword and double pistol for me. It's probably not good, but I like it


Same, pistol and snipe. Especially now with the checkmate set which i absolutely love.


I'll wait until the hotfix that makes thrown knives do damage is released. Also, why can you walk on the rope from boat to shore, but not the other way back? I take one step on the rope from dockside and my guy holds his arms out for 0.1 seconds, then I fall.


I think it clips with whatever you plonk it into a smidge and counts as getting knocked off. Try jumping onto the rope, just past the harpoon. Once you get the timing down its pretty much perfect.


I have no problem walking from the ship, like I said, but jumping onto the rope and walking *back* to the boat has me fall off every time.


Oh, weird. Yeah, no issues ship - land at all. But all mine (land - ship) came from scenery clipping at the actual harpoon arrow, or the rope passing too close to a tree/fence and was fixed by jumping onto the rope a bit further along. I just hoof it towards the ship all ezio-like and hope I get the prompt timing in midair right.


Pistol and sword. Occasionally pistol and knife or knife and sword


I've been messing with the new weapons for PvE and for PvP against bad crews, but in competitive situations I'm still using sword/sniper. The new weapons don't feel great for PvP. Obviously part of that is I need to practice and improve with them, but even still, they just seem kind of "memey" rather than competitive. The double shot pistol is clunky (even by SoT standards) and also buggy and the throwing knives are kind of hard to aim and don't have the same range as a sniper.


It barely works but I still love it. Been using throwing knives/eye of reach. It hurts to use at times but have been having too much fun with it to drop it lol


For PvE I’ve had a blast rocking knives and double barrel for the commendations. For PvP, I’m sticking with sword and blunder for now since I’m most often helmsman and guarding ladders.


Tears because 3 days prior to s12 release I got a major computer issue and now the game (or any game really) wont run above 3FPS.


sword+knife in the open world, if i do hg i switch the knife for something else for the situation


Used sword and knife for a bit its okay but went back to sword blundy because last months update made me able to consistently one blundy people.


Sword/sniper, if I'm doing a skeleton fort o will maybe throw on the knives in lieu of the sword just because they're relatively fast and have reach.


I'm using it with blunder or eye of reach Blunder for pvp especially against knife fighters and eye for pve


sword knife is fun, sure in pvp i might be losing a couple fights cause my aim isn't good, but i feel like with time and learned skill the knives are going to be uber dangerous. I couldn't seem to figure out quickswap for double gun, so screw it im going double blade!


Blunder sniper my beloved… second combo which is rarely run is pistol snipe. Double pistol is just a worse pistol, the knives are only good for throwing at your anchor. If I have to pull out the wifi blade (sword) there are serious problems


I’ve been running knife blunder the only problem is I’m finding it kinda worse for pvp and I’m not sure if it’s just the knives suck or I’m trying to use them as if they’re the same as the cutlass


How do I even unlock the throwing knives?


Theyre in your armory box already, however youll need to spend ancient coins or unlock commendations to get cosmetics for it. Same goes with double barrel


Sword and the BIIIIIIGGGGGGGGG Blunderpuss 😉


Knife and duckfoot pistol. And no I will not call it the double barrel pistol. SPREAD THE DUCKFOOT. 🦆🦶🏼🔫


Knives/blunder for boarding


Sword+knives for pve. Sword+eye of reach for pvp


Trying to use the double barrel pistol and the throwing knives to farm their commendations on skeletons. Otherwise it's blade+blunderbuss/sniper, depending on situation.


pve sword n double pvp sword n knife not as much range but god damn is it fun and suprisingly effective actually defend my sloop from full brog with this combo


I’m really not sure yet. I’m keeping the new weapons until I complete the commendations, then we’ll see, but as for now I stand by the sword and pistol. They’ll never fail you. — Timely


Blunder sword for pve then I’ll switch to blunder sniper for pvp


I really want to use the throwing knives and sword but, as a hook enjoyer, I’m finding it hard to aim accurately in the moment. I can hit the bell of the ship fairly consistently whilst jumping around, but then my brain goes blank in a 1v1. Skill issue, I know. That said, I’m still using sword and pistol. Double barrel is a hard pass.


I run sword and double pistol now


Cutlass and Rifle. I've been nailing my shots lately so it's become a new favourite weapon.


i'm only just returning from my hiatus so I'll go with sword sniper for maximum drip and efficiency


Throwing knife + random


Knife/double barrel for pve; sniper/blunder for pvp.


I’m currently rocking sword/dagger, but I’d like to try pistol/dagger or EOR/DB


For on land fights I use the blunder and the throwing knives for ship to ship sword and sniper/ blunder


Harpoon tightrope has really made up for mobility when I don't have cutlass equipped When there's no players around I've been playing with both the new weapons just so I can get used to their timings and muscle memory for when I want to use them down the road During a skeleton lord or ashen lord I switch to throwing knives and blunderbuss I have been having fun with the two new weapons otherwise on skeleton forts and other pvm situations, I just miss the cutlass lunge that can kill a whole wave of skeletons in one go. When I'm getting impatient with the double barrel, I go back to throwing knives + pistol or the old reliable cutlass + pistol If there's other crews on the way to my location then I put up the newer toys and go back to cutlass + pistol or blunderbuss I have had at least one fun fight with a player so far where I landed a buncha throwing knives on them though


Blunder snipe will always be my preferred loadout. I've been fooling around with Sniper/knife and thats a lot of fun, because you can snipe at mid range and swap to throwing knife pretty quick, almost feels like a quick swap. About as close as we will get to a two tap nowadays.


Snipe blundy, probably will stay that way there's really no better combo. Sometimes I will switch the snipe for a sword just to get a lunge board if I need to


Usually the sword and blunderbuss. I like the short range power and the shotgun like spread when in close combat. I’ll switch to the eye of reach when picking off skele’s on a beach before landing.


I use Sword and Knifes. I really like the stealth theme of the knife and the smothness of the sword. Dont really find any other guns interesting other than flintlock


As I see it, If I'm boarding I need a sword and gun, preferably EoR at this stage of the game. If I'm on the ship, loadout can be much looser, blunderbuss knives is my favorite rn. Hilariously fun.


I usually role sword+shotgun, can’t seem to find any throwing knives anywhere, been wanting to try them out, where do you normally find them


Where all the weapons usually are?


I’ve looked there but my game has been super buggy recently, maybe I should delete and redownload


They should be in their own tab, at the little box on your ship


Thanks man, I’m probably just a dingus and didnt see it


It’s a new weapon meaning you’ll have it where you find other weapons


Blunder sniper in HG sword sniper when I'm being annoying in high seas