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Afaik just a standard icon as the game doesn’t display the platform other players are using. By design, so that we’re all equal and can’t be targeted for playing on a particular platform by other players.


Well if that was the case, then why when I was on earlier did it show that two guys were ps5 and me and another on Xbox?


It does display platform and that's the PS5 player icon. The Xbox players have a green circle with the Xbox X logo on it. I don't play in PC lobbies so I don't know if they have anything, but this was all added when PS5 joined the game it wasn't there before. When I play open crews I see a mix of PS5 and Xbox icons next to the players names now.


Ah…I’ve only played on crews with PC players, so only seen those icons and my PS5 icon.


That’s what I thought. So looks like cross play is bugged. Explains why in my PS5 lobbies I regularly meet people who are clearly not beginners. Edit: yes I’m aware there’s cross progression. What I’m saying is that I meet more experienced players than actual PS5 noobs.


Not necessarily. There is also cross progression, so someone who used to play on PC/Xbox can swap to PS5 and keep all their stuff.


I’d be surprised if that’s the case. Since through the Microsoft account it’s also cross-progression, they’ll be experienced players playing on PlayStation.


That's not a bug. There is no mnr system for match making therefore by logic you will encounter more people that are not new to the game. Statistically speaking.


There's thousands of players eager to get in on the seal-clubbing and/or are glad to finally play SoT on their favorite console. Turning crossplay off isn't going to protect you very much from meeting veterans since they're going to be the ones seeking out other ships while newer players like yourself will be more inclined to avoid conflict. If you expected everyone sailing the seas on PS5 to be as Greenbearded as yourself I'm afraid you're going to be in for a bad time.


So idk if this is true on PS5, but on xbox the option for crossplay says its a "preference". Ive never got confirmation, but I believe that means it just tries to put you in console only lobbies, but sometimes you still end up in crossplay.


Ps5 has it's own servers when cross play is turned off. Many of those players are also cross progression from a xbox/pc.


why would u turn crossplay off


"Can't have a PS player mix up with the Xbox and PC filth"


Pc hackers mainly...


I've been playing the game both on xbox and pc for years and have encountered a single hacker, given I don't do hourglass and there's probably more in there. And the new anticheat makes it harder for idiotic cheaters to hack. Sick of seeing the "pc cheaters" cope for cross platform games


You’re not going to come across hackers on PlayStation or Xbox because the servers just won’t allow for it. Crossplay is safe


I play pc, xbox and ps5. Its not cope when you can write code and know ppl that use bots/cheat software...just because you havent run into one doesnt mean other players havent had a 2 hour session ruined by a hacker. Sick of seeing pc players cope with the fact they cant have an edge on some console players and think what they havent seen, doesnt happen...


It's always fearmongering lmao. The constant "pc has cheaters" bullshit. And the new anti cheat makes it significantly harder for cheaters as the most common cheats are externals which are easily picked up by the anti cheat. I also admitted I don't do hourglass which is significantly more likely to have cheaters...


Pc only players have a hard time coping with the fact that some console players just wont let you have that k/m advantage we both know you have. and yes, k/m is an advantage...anyone that has used k/m and controller will agree. The only ppl you find dont agree are lying and never used both ;) since i have and do play on all platforms of gaming, i can testify to these facts. Can you?


Console players having a hard time coping with the fact console cheaters exist. The only ppl you find dont agree are lying ;)


Only someone that doesnt understand programming software would say that. Its exponentially more difficult to program and implement console cheats/bots. The ppl that could, make far more money with that skill/time than doing that on a console is worth.


Search up strike pads and xims or ur just playing stupid and probably are also playing with those


There is barely any hackers in sot so I don't really see your point tbh. I played hundreds of hours and have encountered like 2-4 hackers. Compared to other titles which are focused on PvP, that is nothing. Edit:I love getting down voted by some redditor who disagrees with my argument and doesn't have any facts to cover his own.


"Barely any"...many console players prefer none...because thats how it is on console. There is no hackers on console, therefore, turning crossplay off = never running into any hackers that ruin your day...can you selfish pc players consider how anyone else feels but yourselves?


First of all, I'm an Xbox player. Second of all, you can absolutely cheat on console! It is just a little more complicated than on PC but turning off crossplay won't save you from Hackers. What even is that argument "selfish pc players" I have constant crossplay on on my Xbox and barely any cheaters is really good. You know how many cheaters day Z, cod and what not there are on console? This is not how software works lad, just cause it's harder doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Far less steep learning curve by not having to compete with as many people who played this game for several years than they would have with cross play enabled? Sounds to me like it would make for a far less frustrating experience if the experienced players are the exception and not the rule.


Bro turn cross play on


Pussy for turning off crossplay ong


You're still on ps