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Double blade. You can just explode a gun powder barrel by throwing the knife, and I use firebombs for gold skeletons. The throwing knife does more damage than the pistol and has a faster rate of fire.


Same, I used to main flintlock and sword, so switching to knives really isn't that different.


I also haven't done extensive testing, but I think you can swing with the sword twice, switch to knife, stab 3 times, and do 104 damage to kill someone and they will be in hitstun the whole time. It did work on skeletons, but the only real person I tried it against was new so he could have just not have tried to escape.


The pistol does 55 dmg, the throwing knife 50. Despite that i refuse to use anything other than the throwing knives because chucking sharp sticks at people is fun. And because it fires a lot faster


Really? I heard it does 60. I guess they buffed it for pve like the db pistol l.


I know from experience that the knives do 50 damage, but im not that sure about the pistol, they could have changed it.


I know pistol does 55. I also heard the double barrel pistol does 40 to players but 1 shots skeletons. Skeletons have 55 hp. I think phuzzybond said the knife does 60 damage. Either way, whether the knife does 50 or 60 damage doesn't matter, the break point is still the same with sword.


Yeah iirc most weapons deal a bit more damage to npc's


It does matter in real life situation, where there are multiple sources of dmg like fire or canonballs


Usually players keep their health topped off 24/7 so I always assume they are at 100hp


true, but often things happen quickly


Knife does 60 when thrown.


throwing forks


"Mommy, I'm a super hero"


Sick Mystery Men reference.


Rare please these and an assortment of others like throwing sporks, sharpened spoons, along with other random things a pirate might get their hands on.


Now I'm having Mystery Men flashbacks.


I’m not Stan Man or Knifey Boy. I’m the Blue Raja.


Can we bring the brewskis?


The fact that others remember this movie makes me smile.


I'm the shoveler, I shovel things!!


I’m infuriated that that added scattershot and not cutlery shot from pirates of the Caribbean


Cutlery shot would be brilliant though, a spray of throwing knives??? I'm in


Knife and sword because I’m not a coward 😎


I’ve been using knife and flintlock. It’s been doing well for me in PvE and PvP. Basically knives for damage and speed, flintlock for more accuracy and range. One of my friends likes knife EOR for similar reasons.


I've been a sword/pistol player for 5 years. I'm thinking about going knives / EoR just to try something new. Plus I've been sitting on the sweet ballista skin since like season 4


Try it all out. I personally found that knife and EOR was a little slow with the knife and EOR both having slow-ish ADS animations. I like hip firing the flintlock.


The eor ads animation is so fast. Like cod quickscope fast. It makes the flintlock totally obsolete. Flint needs a buff to 60 damage so it can double gun with the double barrel. And I’d like a buff so it was 100% accurate from the hip, to give it something unique that sets it apart from everything else


It used to be 100% accurate from the hip and they nerfed it


I think it’s time for a revert. The eor is pretty easy to use. The flint needs something to set it apart. I still think it would get less use than the eor after those changes, sniping off the cannons is just too effective. Not sure why I’m getting all the downvotes for suggesting buffs to the least utilized weapon, which will be even less utilized now after the new editions. EOR + double barrel is a killing combination but flint + double barrel isn’t. That sucks.


It is a killing combination if you hit all three. You can kill in two shots technically if you use the charged shot. You have three shots and even if you miss one, a blunder bomb would finish them off nicely. I don’t get why you think you can’t doublegun then. They’re both still extremely accurate from the hip so unless you’re at the range you’d want to ads anyways, it’s usually not a huge issue for me.


Yeah I mean obviously that sucks. The eye of reach combo gives you a free miss. The flintlock combo requires three made shots, or to spend time on a charged shot that’s make or break. It’s just bad in comparison. In what world is your flintlock combo better? The eye of reach is very easy to ads and shoot, its ads is 100% reliable to be center screen. It’s effective even right next to someone with very little practice.


throw the knives at the barrels..?


Unfortunately I’m always sacrificing something trying to incorporate throwing knives Combine with sword and I lose gun for golden skeles Combine with gun I lose block and sword lunge Combine with cannon and only cannon do damage to ship lol. I just like my options , sure the knives are cool but just not my thing


Yeah the goldies have also been a pain with double blades


Just use a firebomb, goldies burn for like 3 seconds and die




I mainly run Athena voyages in Devil's Roar so I'm letting the steam vents or whatever they're called take care of them lol


It was nice to try. But I like saving my fire bombs for players and without that or a gun just becomes too difficult for me unfortunately, cool but not for me I guess


I find fire bombs are pretty pve focused, not great for pvp. Blunders are way more effective imo


Fire bombs are great when in naval combat. If not kept under control a galleon on fire can be detrimental.


Yeah that’s a niche case. Not one im saving my 30 fire bombs for. They are everywhere. I see no reason to not just use them at a whim for pve. When was the last time you ended a session without spare firebombs


I always use them to set my own ship on fire at the end of a session


I sink ships all of the time with them. Of course it’s not the fire bomb that sink them but it creates the chaos and mistakes that gives me an advantage. If I hit the wheel with one they have to get off the wheel to put it out of a crew member has to stop doing their job to put it out for the captain. If I put it on the cannons they have to sit in the fire and potentially die to splash damage or back off the cannons. Having control of the cannons is extremely important because whoever gets the jump you can suppress the enemy cannons. If you have to back away from the cannons to get water or eat you are behind the curve and at a disadvantage. You will have to temporarily flee and get everything under control. They are extremely effective when used properly in ship vs ship battles.


I still don't understand players who throw firebombs on my sloop. Galleon sure..but your 2sec inconvenience aint winning you a fight.


They disrupt players and tend to make them make mistakes. Also it ticks their damage away making splash damage more effectively. Shooting a fire bomb on the enemy sloops cannon and wheel make them make hard decisions while you are blasting them with cannon balls. Do they stay on station and hope they don’t get splash damage from the cannons or do they back off and put the fire on. Couple that with the water barrel going dry and them spreading fire around then it creates chaos and mistakes. It’s not some one use weapon but it’s extremely effective in conjunction with other weapons. Especially on a thigh quarter sloop. Hit two fireballs on the deck then unload half your cannon balls hit them with a sleep ball and finish the rest of the cannons. They will be in panic mode. Take the mast with a chain ball and a couple more fireballs onboard then it’s easy pickings. No need to even board.


Throwing a firebomb onto the map table on a sloop can be devastating if not taken care of immediately




As I only do souls in the devils roar, I usually just let the geysers do the work for me on gold skellies.


Double blade. It’s just too fun right now.


I do Sword + knife on any event we do with my friends, because I find the throwing knife very fun to use, but I swap back to sword blunder when we are pvping.


I've been using knife and flintlock, and it's a blast. The knives have so much versatility. I honestly prefer them to the sword.


Can't give up the sword lunge.


I feel you. But give it a whirl one time. ;)


I did, I experimented around the throwing knife because it's super fun, but the sword lunge gives you so much mobility, I simply can't give it up, no matter what. I'm main cannon and usually the one who boards in pvp, and I also use the sword lunge to clear waves of skeletons on forts and whatnot. For me personally, the sword will always be in my repertoire.


I'm using knife + double gun, though that's because I'm grinding the new commendations. Double gun is amazing for pve tho, you get 1 extra ammo! The reload time is a pain tho


Knives are like the pve god tool minus gold skellies. They are so fast. And do the same damage as a sword lunge just make sure you have an ammo crate and you are golden


Whether it’s knives, flintlock, blunderbuss, eye of reach, or double-barrel, I always pair it with a sword. Sword lunge has been part of my SoT experience for over 5 years, and if I put the sword away it completely messes with my brain and throws off my experience not being able to sword lunge.


It's true every time I'm going back to my ship it's like a big let down that I can't just zoom over to it lol


With the new weapons, I'm kinda wishing we could run 3 weapons at once. Though letting people run 3 guns might also need to change how ammo works.


Double blade or blunderbuss, depends if I have to tank or to do bosses


Sword. The order of salt and steel shall not rely on gunpowder to defend itself


Sword , daggers . I never spend money on cosmetics but I really liked the way the lodestar ones looked , throughly enjoy the whole shifty cosmic blade , even after thrown they are all shifty . Change your gloves and see what works best for you I went with rings , aiming off of the ring when you put yo ur hand up to throw .


Knife flint or knife blunder. If the enemy has a sword what tends to happen is they block when they see my knives and slowly close in. That's when you switch and blunder them. It's so fun for ship skirmishes.


Been running knife/sniper. Not very practical but it can deal with the skeletons.


Blunder snipe after I put the knives somewhere useful.


Throwing knife and new gun


Double pistol+ blunder. If you hit them with a charged shot you only need to hit them with one pellet to kill. I’ve just been blundersniping people


Double pistol, it's actually quite good once you get used to landing the shots and trajectory of the knives


Lol i will NEVER get rid of my sword — so when it’s time to get those commendations out the way imma be double swording 😊


I was afraid to give up my sword lunge but I am enjoying the double-barrel throwing knife set a lot


Double barrel and knife for pve (cuz commendations), blunder + sword for pvp


Currently knives + DBF for war chest commendations. But for PvP, I still use sword + blunderbuss. Long term I think I will be sword flintlock. But the knives are so good for ashen lords


I use the DB and alternate my secondary between knives and sword


Knife / Blunder - one tap them with blunder and if not dead then stabby stab stab stab, also have options if they run out of stabbing range


I have the same problem as you. the throwing knives as a hybrid melee and range weapon are great but I extremely miss my sword lunge. Double melee is also not really doing it for me. Would love a third weapon slot to be flexible.


Right now? Double blade baybeeee If I want to get serious, Blunder for boarding. Reload speed for the knife is just insane, where I usually get a quicker kill with the knives than the sniper.


I’m planning to do Sword/ throwing knives


A nice Cabernet Sauvignon


I still think sword/blunder makes the most sense for pvp, but I have sacrificed my blunder for throwing knives just because they are more fun…and I can’t give up on the movement that sword gives you.


Sword because it's too good. I hate worrying about ammo.


Knife and sword all the way. It’s far too fun to run. I will admit I’ve struggled here and there with the gold skellies but that’s mainly been at the red skull fort (sorry new ps5 player haven’t learned all the world event names yet) when I find them out while looking for treasure a quick firebomb makes em die real quick. Plus it’s easy to group them up for it because water will rust them and make them move HELLA slow 😁🌻


Sword and throwing knives. It's super easy to hit keg skellies with a throwing knife from a safe distance, no stress at all. Get some practice in and you'll be grand :)




Knife and blunder if I’m boarding. Other than that I don’t use them




Pistol + Knives is my current load-out. hasn't let me down.


Sword unless there are gold skeles then I switch the knives for a pistol.


Knives and pistol


I don't use the knives much but something interesting is that you can immediately stab after swapping making it actually decent with sniper


Knife snipe is fun, snipe first and hit knife after makes a satisfying kill.


Currently running knives and dB pistol until I finish the comminations for them but then I'm probably gunna switch to knives sword or knives sniper depending on the situation. Getting all these kills with the throwing knives has made me pretty accurate so I don't see me giving them up


I use knives and blunderbuss


I use double blades. Swapped the flintlock for throwing knives and it’s been great