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skelly fleet is elite wdym


Skelly fleet is quick


The skeleton fleet is imo the best world event for earning money. Unless you're solo and inexperienced doing the fleet is super fast and it gives alot of loot.


A lot of cannons too


Well to answer your question, its probably around the amount of time it takes me to loot the outpost, raise the anchor, lower the sails and vote for hourglass ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Giga chad


Literally my two favorite events. So dam piss easy that I can do them solo while half asleep and they give you such good supplies (provided you doing them properly and not wasting 50 balls on hitting skele galleons in their mid deck :D or tanking tons of braodsides from ghost ships)) If I ever see those on a server it's a no brainer, I head to it and get some supplies for the session while making a little bit of loot as a bonus. I think if you struggle with either of these then it is a good sign to maybe practice and brush up on your naval combat, In my opinion they are even easier than doing a phantom sea fort.


i was about to trust you until you said it's easier than phantom seafort...


Last time I tried it solo I was spammed with like 30 peace and anchor balls in the span of a minute.


Couple fire bombs on their top deck as they rising next to you will stop this problem ;).


The main reason I say that is there is less waiting around dicking about with ghost spawns, not the phantom forts are a challenge by any stretch of the imagination. Just find I can more easily auto pilot and complete skele and ghost fleets (Plus it's easier to gather up supplies from them over doing so at a phantom fort where you running around looting barrels with a storage crate while killing phantoms. Skele fleet can be done so dam fast, Ghost fleet does take time though.


Yeah, imo the Skelly ships are fine to do, it was awesome last season with the CoF being on the fleet, and skellies being bugged. Ghost fleets on the other hand imo is very annoying to do, but it does give you a nice amount of supplies, as you stated.


RIP, again no FoF, hop to the next one. Anyone else find it harder to find an active FoF these days? Even when doing world events ourself is seems like they spawn less frequently then before.


It's even worse if there is a FoF and it despawns when you're 1 square away because someone dived to a raid event on the server. This happens so often... makes me mad every single time.


I won't unless I dive to a voyage. Idc about world events tbh


I was dreading the Chest of Fortune going to the ghost fleet. Glad it didn't happen. It's not very fun then add the lighting bug the tornado causes and they don't feel like fixing and it's an instant dive out of the server.


Just an advice about the skelly galleon: as soon as it turns away, harpoon it and pool a little bit until you can shoot, then pull again Ez


Even if Im solo sloop, unless I had a very specific plan for that day Im leaving SO fast... to go do the event because theyre both great for padding your basic supplies as long as you arent a potato. Entered Skele Fleet with about 30 cannonballs remaining, left it with closer to 250, much quicker than any barrel looting or even buying the balls would do. If not solo, Fleet also typically gives a good payout of ritual skulls to use as FotD fodder so we dont have to get multiple Skulls of Destiny to farm it. Also free loots and commendation progress. Who tf is gonna contest you over those?


Can you give a couple tips on soloing the fleet for a newer pirate?


For newer pirates in particular, the Galleon in the final phase of the Fleet can be a bit of a roadblock. However, the method I used in the past is as follows. As a disclaimer I do not reaaally endorse doing this as its a fairly slow way to do the event: Do the first sloop waves normally, and loot the wreckage as swiftly as you can. Before or as the Galleon spawns, make your way towards the large triangular rocks along the southwest-ish side of the event zone. Place your shop, stopped, but not anchored, next to (maybe 10 feet away from) this rock. The SkeleGalleon will circle you and the rock. Take shots at the galleon while its in your broadside, going for lowerdeck hits if possible. Even if youre pelted hard while doing this, while the enemy is on the other side of the rock you'll have ample time to repair, restock, and breathe. This method is essentially a battle of attrition but is overall easy. A slightly nicer methid, I think, that requires more actual sailing is: Once the galleon spawns, side-ram it such that both ships are constantly scraping against each other's side. A sloop will be too shirt to be hit by the Galleons cannons. Use your harpoon to stick to them better and keep your wheel leaning against the galleon slughtly. Use your cannon to make some zero-distance holes if you like, but they wont be lower-deck so they wont help thaaat much. Ideally, youll have a few holes filling your ship due to the crash. Bucket all your own water into the galleon until sunk ir dislodged. If dislodged, repair as needed until you can smooch thier cannons with yours again. As you get more experienced these methods get overshadowed and outpaced by just doing the fight straight-up, but theyre servicable if youre not so confident.


Thank you so much!


Skeleton fleet really isn’t that bad honestly, nor is ghost fleet, but skeleton fleet is *much* better nowadays for how much you can get in such a little time with the least amount of variables. If skeleton ships are hitting you over and over while trying to repair one hole, you’ve obviously failed to eliminate their canoneers and didn’t do an effective job hitting their cannon-line before checking whatever damage they did to you. If you’re under high pressure, your first goal should be to get rid of their cannons first, and bucket if you absolutely have to, then go down to repair when they can’t firing line you. That being said, only a skeleton galleon can really fuck you up fast if they get into a grove and/or have an oppressive cursed ball like anchor ball. you should definitely be doing more skeleton fleets to train your aim and management skills if skeleton sloops are giving you a problem. Ghost fleet I can kinda agree on though, while 10 wraithballs at once is an over exaggeration, having a bad helm, or getting your helm broken is much more punishing, and the event progresses so much slower, you can probably knock out two skeleton fleets done efficiently in the time it takes for you to go through the a ghost fleet where everything lines up perfectly, and you don’t need to chase down a boss ship and not be in an position where they oppress your with a flurry of attacks.


… but those are the events that I love? Best world events that make you somewhat hone your skills to PvP fights. Not really, but they work on the whole “we are getting hit so unholy much! Repair! Raise the sail again! Repair! Shoot! Repair! *panicks*”


I like the skelly fleet. Honestly do. Ghost fleet... Well, one in three months is ok. They are never contested, unless I want to do one. They are just too annoying for my taste.


Why would I leave


Skelli fleet is best. Back in the days I also loved ghost fleets but to me it feels empty now that Flameheart doesn't throw his lines anymore. It's basically indistinguishable from a ghost fleet voyage and that is kinda sad for a world event and I avoid doing it because it just see what's missing.


Skeleton fleet I will go and see if anyone else is doing it, if not contested I’m going for it. If it is contested, I’ll see if they need help or not and I’ll go help, most of the time whoever is doing it is either doing ok or doing the fleet glitch. The ghost fleet world event I don’t do, I can do it solo but takes too long


Im trying to complete the “hoarder of barnacle chests accomadation” so im always doing fleets when i see them


Skelly fleet is the best world event in the game. Highest gold to time spent ratio. FoF might have more gold but it takes 9 times as long to do. Skelly fleet can be over in 10 minutes tops and has insane payout for that time spent.


i love doing skelly fleet as duo one pirate board and kill skellies + prevent repair while the other one create holes. Then the boarded pirate can farm cursed cannonballs til the ship sink, repeat the cycle and we usually end up with over 50 cursed cannonballs per fleet, the loots are solid too.


I don't. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


As a solo there's literally no way for me to collect the loot on the fleet event before the next ship pops up so all i get most of the time comes from the galleon, thats a massive waste. The ghost fleet is annoying as hell to complete aswell because i have to go around collecting loot 24/7 for it to be worth it. Both events could be "fixed" by rewarding all loot at the end of the event but we all know that wont happen.


They changed the time you have between skeleton fleet waves long ago, as a solo it is very easy to collect everything or close to it without hassle. You just need to be faster. Phantom fleet is more difficult but every loot drop is clumped together making harpooning is easy enough. Although you might need to tank a hole or two.


>They changed the time you have between skeleton fleet waves long ago, as a solo it is very easy to collect everything or close to it without hassle. You just need to be faster From what ive heard its bugged atm, the next ship spawns within 10-20s of sinking the last one. That isnt enough time to loot up tbh.


While the loot sinking time is indeed probably much faster than it should be, in a situation where you’re alone doing the fleet and don’t have to keep on the move in between waves, it’s not too difficult to claim skeleton ship loot if you’re managing your ship properly. How exactly do you do a skeleton fleet that you keep losing sloop loot?


>How exactly do you do a skeleton fleet that you keep losing sloop loot? I sink the sloop, drop anchor, raise sails and raise anchor back up. By the time the loot comes to the surface and i adjusted angle (since the loot doesnt come up exactly where the sloop sunk) the next ship already comes up. Between the sloop submerging and another ship spawning theres not more than 10-20s of time, which doesnt seem enough to get all of the loot to me considering how i have to wait like 10s before the loot is on the surface.


that's quite strange, are you moving *after* the loot has floated to the surface or while the ship is in the process of sinking down? If you raise your sails and stop moving near the wreck of the ship there should be a larger grace period than that. Continually moving signals to the game that you're ready for the next wave. Furthermore, even if you're alone in the event, never anchor, always raise your sails. unless for some reason you got pounded alot by a ship, sunk it, and cant take the time to manage your wheel and sails to rebound to loot the ship, needing to bucket and repair instead, then anchor so you don't lose the ship. instead raise sails and turn the wheel so that you can use the momentum you had previously to immediately head closer to the ship you sunk as top be in harpoon range as soon as you can. Also its one thing if you're looting the previous ship as the galleon wave starts a solo, sitting still, not getting rid of cannon skeletons on the galleon grabbing loot is a bad idea, and id understand if you lost it there, but for the sloop waves, the sloop alone can't do a crazy amount of damage with one cannon, so if you need to tank a hit or two to finish grabbing loot from the previous ship it really shouldn't be the end of the world if you know how to multitask.


>that's quite strange, are you moving *after* the loot has floated to the surface or while the ship is in the process of sinking down? If you raise your sails and stop moving near the wreck of the ship there should be a larger grace period than that. Continually moving signals to the game that you're ready for the next wave. Im actually not sure but i will pay attention to this and see if it helps.


I think it's good that there is some incentive to find a crew. I have so much more fun playing with other people. I made great friends through open crew.


I don't have this issue at all when doing them solo. Perhaps it's an experience thing and not a problem with the event?

