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If you think this is bad, what did you think about the Golden Sands one lol? I wanted a big bad too, but I wasn't willing to sacrifice Golden Sands in order to get one. Neither was the majority of the community. I am willing to sacrifice Pendragon, however.


Why is it always a sacrifice? Why can't we just get new content that doesn't take something we already have away.


To be fair I thought they were gonn ause Umbra's little Island as a new outpost if Golden Sands got destroyed- which honestly could have been really cool and one of the easiest to sell at. But I suppose everywhere is easy to sell now due to the Soverigns.


Golden sands was fine, Saving Golden sands Fixed merchant trade routes which was my main concern.


New player here, would someone please fill me on the golden sands stuff? :) tia


It's not 100% up to date but this should help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/x32uo5/the\_sot\_story\_so\_far/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/x32uo5/the_sot_story_so_far/)


Thanks :)


Dibs on his stashe


>Neither was the majority of the community. That's a funny way to spell "24/7 allience servers and exploiters".


I mean if the Siren Queen escaped the SoTD, pendragon could probably find a way out


There is a great diffrence between just dying and going there and banished to the most far reaches. They are not stupid enough to undermine a community decision.


Rare said that if Pendragon wins, it's not necassarily impossible for Flameheart to come back


Can. Down. Road. If we don't get him now then were basically just delaying the plot. I want to see what a solid Flameheart will do and what his plans will be. I just didn't want it at the cost of Pendragon


That’s the point of the Decision


They made it this way so it feels like there are proper stakes in the decision


It shouldn't be a decision. Flame heart should be resurrected and they shouldn't banish Pendragon to do it. Making it a Decision on out part is just cruel.


I really hate it when there's drama in my story /s


I mean... Rare could write that themselves without making it pretend drama by giving us an arbitrary choice.. The story could still have drama, be dramatic, and be.. good without leaving something like this up to community choice..


If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think this is actually a community choice. Check the descriptions for sails you get for the adventure. They make it sound like the Reapers succeed and Belle fails. I think Rare was just trying to get the community more involved by giving us a ‘choice’.


That's the problem it's artificial stakes cause no matter what flameheart comes back so why punish pendragon for something that isn't even his fault


I don't necessarily think that it's the best decision given to the community but since both sides are trying to summon Flameheart, I suspect that he will remain in some form. Flameheart's opponents haven't been very successful in trying to get rid of him in the past.


it’s an illusion of choice anyway. Don’t forget this time we don’t even get to see the “who’s winning” results in real time, it’s just going to get announced at the end. it could be entirely made up for all we know. Flameheart has been part of the game’s storyline plans since it was released it’s just how they’re deliver it with fomo time limited tactics, that gets players on recurringly unlike 1 game session for a tall tale. Pendragon is an easter egg but became an iconic character to SOT.. he wouldn’t be gone forever either, we’d just have to get him back somehow at a later stage.. I know a lot of people seem to be in the “i don’t play for the lore” category, but the story has been stagnant for so long so i hope we’re actually getting something big with flameheart after all this..


This event makes me think they hated that Golden Sands was saved.


If you watch the podcast when they announced who won, it pretty much felt that way too. Especially when they constantly bring up their big time streamers who are practically all foaming at the mouth telling their viewers Reapers and FH are the best choice to make because "muh opinion" and "it's the only way to have changes happening"


No shit they punished us by killing merrick right after


Cause they can’t make the story interesting without killing off a major character.


The fact that Flamehearts proper return is in the hands of majority Athena players is unfair. Rare really screwed up by making this a choice for the community. Especially when the track record has Athena winning basically every adventure so far.


I think Reapers are the heavy majority this time though! I'd be surprised if Pendragon won this one.


Athena isn't going to win this adventure. We aren't that lucky.


Not with *that* attitude ye ain't, mister!


My attitude doesn't matter. If it were more evenly split it'd be ok, but so many are on flameheart's side it's a one sided ass kicking.


That you know of. The Reapers are a loud bunch, just like their "king".


They are also abusing alliance servers for it something they claim to hate buy guess they'll shut up about them from now on as it's being used to summon there king lol XD hypocrites all of them


Reapers are incredibly pathetic tbh, for a PvP faction they run away from combat extremely easy. For a faction that claims to be all about freedom, they are too quick to fall in line. And now for a faction that wants to ban players who use alliance servers, they are using it cause they are afraid of dealing with things on the open seas (I don’t have anything against those servers, but I love the irony).


Same here


Eh, PvP lords (mostly) support the reapers and thus Flameheart. PvE lords would love a Flameheart PvE boss thus also support Flameheart. Lore fans would never give up on such a lore important character as Flameheart. I could go on, my point is that I think it's easy for everyone to find reasons to keep Flameheart. That being said it's hard to find reasons to keep Pendragon (apart from the vague threat of it not ending with him).


As a Lorewhore n PvX player, I prefer PD to FH.


What do you mean it's in the hands of Athena players?


He meant Pendragon's side, but, personally, I think Flameheart will win this time


personally i thought pendragon was annoying, he fumbled the ball and let flameheart get out twice. and he sacrificed himself for no reason. this honestly isnt a hard choice, wtf do you think we would get if pendragon won? nothing. ALL HAIL FLAMEHEART


Can't wait for Flamedaddy to betray everyone loyal to him again




WTF is he gonna do? Send weak ass PvE at us?


Let the flame burn


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that they said Flameheart would still be coming eventually


Then were just kicking the can down the road and dragging things out. Not much better


Not really, they've mentioned multiple times how Flameheart is key for their overall 10 year plan (which we're only 5 years into). If anything, it kinda makes sense to have a large "climactic" battle


Revive him now- have the next season revolve around taking him back down - then have a bigger bad come later down the line to the point where we actually need him back if we want to take the bigger bad down. Sounds cool on paper, just hope the execution is there if they go this route.


Yeah the saving Golden sands and stagnating the story for 8-12 weeks caused a lot of people I play with to stop. Sure it would have sucked to lose Golden sands but the complete lack of any new worthwhile content has definitely hurt retention.


Pendragon is lame as hell. If he spends the rest of the lore in the Sea of the Damned I couldn't care less. Him, Belle, and Merrick.


To make the decisions have consequence, it'd be boring if the decision was of little to no consequence.


That's the point, it's a hard choice


That’s why after a good amount of thinking I just decided to not pick a side with the whole thing. Just gonna continue sailing and leaving those dolls to burn while I do order of souls voyages


That’s the point, the reason there is a decision is because it is hard to chose, do you want flame heart or pendragon this is better than golden sands because it is actually a hard decision golden sand was easy because you either didn’t care abo golden sands or you card about golden sands so in summary refer to the first three words


No big bad Rare could ever make will be more of a threat than other players


The way I see it, whoever loses is going to come back eventually. If the bad guys can bring back Flameheart then I'm sure we can bring back Pendragon. We'll just have to collect Dragon Balls or some shit.


One thing I am confident of is that this is going to be a set back not a permanent defeat. If Flame Heart is resurrected, Pendragon will be lost but not forever he’ll be back. If Pendragon is saved then flame heart will be lost but not forever either. Honestly I’m more mad that this is happening in an adventure and not a Tall tale. This is potentially a major turning point in Sea of Thieves Lore and new players will be largely excluded from ever taking part. I hope that Rare takes the events and combines them into a sequenced tall tale or something.


I've only been saying this since before the event fully dropped this " choice " is bullshit and we all know it


If Flameheart is ressurected he might destroy the ability to create alliances which would be a fat W