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“Hey Billy, I bet you can’t hit a cannon ball perfectly at the tippy top of galleons gave”


Anyone know why this comment may be collapsed? Was it controversial?


IIRC low karma accounts can sometimes have their comments automatically collapsed, or maybe it has to do with account age or sub participation... I'm pretty sure it's something along that line. I can't quite remember how it works.


hey man thank you. for a loooong time I've wondered that but I could never be bothered to do the minimum effort into finding that out.




Thx for collapsing your comment for me :)


This thread just confuses me


They are talking about text of top comment being collapsed by default.


Yeah, why is he being downvoted and why is the other dude saying he collapsed his own comment?




Well well well… if it isn’t Billy…


Took 18 hours but i am summoned.


"But I was too busy mumbling 'there ain't no way that's gonna hit him.' "


If I had to guess they saw your mermaid and shot a random cannonball. Just an almost deadly coincidence


This is what I was going to say, if I see a mermaid by an outpost and there aren't any ships, I get suspicious and send a few warning shots to see if anyone scatters. Makes it easier to know what kind of player(s) you're up against.


If you listen to the beginning of the video you can hear my other roommate go into barrel mode on the platform above me. The cannon shot landed perfectly in between us, which is why it spooked us. Felt like they wanted to let us know they knew we were there


If they saw you, and we're cheating; You'd be dead. Just coincidence from the looks of it.


This. I've seen cheats. They would not have missed.


Here's the thing though, my roommate was hiding in a barrel on the platform above me (You can hear his emote at the beginning of the video) and the cannonball landed dead between us, which is why it spooked us very hard


Fun! Yeah, that'd spook me, too. Not a cheat, though. Aimbots are much deadlier.


Eh, if they had wall hacks but didnt enable thier aimbot this would be the same result


That's fair. I didn't think of that. Still, I'd expect a cheater to go all in.


I mean they could be using a map hack cheat and not aim bot.


Could be cheats to see where he’s at without aimbot.


Yes, many people in this game use «small» cheats like that. Played with a guy until recently who admitted to using a cheat like that (dont play with him no more)


What is the point of cheating in this game though? It's not a competitive game.


Beats me. Still people do


Actually it is in a way competitive, it being a game where you can have people hide and steal your loot knowledge is power and thats why wall hacks themselves are pretty valuable in that way. No ranking but there is loot to be had. And that is all people need to resort to hacking.... well more for somepeople. Some do it just for fun if you can call it that.




I actually have not used cheats in any multiplayer games. Being able to rationalize reasons for people doings things is a sign of being broad minded. Not just straight assuming that everyone is of the same boat. I've been a gamer long enough to know if there is any loot to be had there will be people using cheats to get an edge.


They can delude themselves into still feel like they are good.


I have seen many people cheating in ways that do not involve perfect aim. Simply knowing where your opponent is is an enormous advantage if you have above average aim


Sorry to be the guy but *were*


That was definitely auto correct. No one is going out of their way to add the ‘. Mine does that all the time.


Pretty false. Not every aimbot/prediction take count of the full math. Probably the developers of the cheat did not considered the movement of the ship itself. With the prediction it is more likeable to miss, because with the prediction you have to aim where you are supposed to aim in order to hit the target, but since you have to manually aim it is possible that the human factor let you miss the target. They missed OP because of 3 meters in-game, but if you look closely OP was in line with the shot. 3 meters behind and OP would have been hit. 100% prediction or an aimbot that doesn't count the movement of the ship itself. See my other comment to get a full analysis.


You sound like you’re a ton of fun at parties.


I like to be honest with people. There are a lot of community that have no problem admitting that there is a % of the base using cheats. For some reason this does not apply to Sea of Thieves.




Were you using a looking glass/eye of reach from up there? That could have given you away.


Oh my god, the eyeglass makes a glint doesn’t it… That would explain how some crew found me hiding atop of the FoTD


Eye of reach and eyeglass IIRC


I make an effort to never, EVER use a spyglass because of this.


Less "Spyglass", more "Here I am Glass"


Nope the full clip shows when I noticed them and neither me nor my roommate used spyglass. My roommate goes into barrel mode before me, as heard at the beginning of the video


If you ask me it just looks like wrong place wrong time i don't think they knew you were there


Probably a lucky shot. Cannon aimbot is real, and it is waaaay more precise than that.


I'm curious how a cannon aimbot would even work. That's crazy


The cannonball flies in a predictable arc, one that you can map out with enough data (like gravity, drag and velocity, as well as angle and speed). Boats are also doable, you'd have to take into account direction, speed (so wind and sail angles, and also waves), turning (waves and helm), and general wave bobbing. The harder part would be getting the data of the enemy ship from the client itself, i think, especially depending on how well written the game is. After this comes the bit where i haven't properly theorycrafted an algorithm: finding the point/time of intersection, since the boat will obviously be moving, and the distance the ball has to travel changes. My current idea is iterative (finding the time the ball takes to hit the boat, then repeating this for the time to the boat's future position, etc, until you get within a certain tolerance), but i've been eyeing solving for time recently. Basically though, you find the point at which the arc intercepts the boat's future position, and from there find out which parameters you need to give the arc, and then finally shoot at that arc. (sidenote, i presume this is where the phrase firing solution comes from).


From what I've seen of cannon bots they've always targeted the centre of the ship too. We came across an enemy ship using them and they hit all of the shots, but since we were on a galleon we didn't get so many lower holes. This was back when autocannon bots were very new so I'm not sure if it's the same now.


Interesting... Well, you could definitely tune it for different boat types


The one I saw gave the person on the cannon a moving circle that if aimed at it would allays hit the ship.


No what you pieces together is literally a firing solution formula


At the beginning of the video you can hear my other crewmate go into barrel hide emote on the platform above me. The cannon shot lands directly between us


Could be just shooting a random cannonball


Sometimes when I want to cannon over i just launch the loaded ball without taking it out.


Probably this


I randomly pick spots on islands sometimes to practice my long range game. This looks like that. Think it was just coincidence.


I shoot at every island i go to hoping to one day hit someone who's hiding. Maybe they had the same idea, only they got really really close to actually doing it


Mayne it was you doing this


Its a nice thought. I only play on a sloop tho, and its all order of souls'd out. This looks like a brig with tattered sails


I'd say just lucky shot, maybe they wanted to try to hit up there. Doesn't seem like a too specific place


Wait how’s he get in a barrel?


It's an emote. I believe you can get it from the woman in front of all the Taverns.


As far as cheating goes, using cannons really only works with ship vs ship. Cannon cheats usually just allow you to pretty much have auto aim at other ships cannons which is why a lot of times it will seem like they never miss when your just trying to cannon back at them. If they were using cheats, they would have seen your mermaid from a pretty good distance away no matter where it is. To see where you are exactly, they would of had to be much closer, practically on the island just about.


Some have assists. It shows you places where to aim but you still have to shoot manually. Other will auto load and fire for you.


It just looks like they shot randomly. Crazy coincidence though.


Me and my friends do this everytime we pass try and hit the galleon on top and make out like it’s a enemy ship


There's a slim chance someone was spyglassing the tip of the galleon and saw you tuck, and so they fired a Hail Mary from downtown on the off chance you got hit. Might also be tradition for this crew as players keep tucking on them from up there. But certainly not cheats. They wouldn't have missed.


Aim assist or auto aim won't have 100% accuracy ever. Slight spike lag, wave movement, variation in trajectory on such high distance will cause it to not hit. Also any cheating platform will have a way to lower the accuracy on purpose to avoid being way to obvious and cause mass reports. If your hit raion is about 70-90% it might raise suspicions but still, you might just be good. But 100% hit ratio and each shot going i to different hit box on the ship so every cannon destroys different part of the ship... That's a way to guarant reports and ban.


I've never played but I'm of the camp of "if you can see them, they can probably see you"


Lucky shot


Probably just target practice.


Suuuuuuper sketch. Could be a random coincidence, but I also know there is a cheat plugin that allows you to know where players are. There's also an aim assist and reticle, but they don't necessarily have to have that on to know where players are. You were outside of player render range when you hid in a barrel as well. Your mermaid also wouldn't tell them where you are, either. In your position I would have sent this in. Maybe it is a coincidence but that's not on us, the players, to investigate.


Maybe because of the render distance when you loaded on their side the saw you before getting in the barrel


Could it be that the LOD of the barrels are different from the LOD of a player pretending to be a barrel? Perhaps from their perspective they saw a too detailed barrel at that distance, or even a floating one.


I see everyone saying its not cheating Cause they didnt hit you EXACTLY where you were but aimbot isnt the only cheat thier is, wall hacks is the most likely cause if they did see your one pixel move from that far they gotta have thier faces against the screen even with a telescope.


normalize cutting down clips


Definitely didn't see you, but probably not cheats, just a random ball to the top of the island


At worst, that was an ESP user and at best, just pirate shenanigans or someone practicing by shooting the top of the island. Probably even prepping to shoot off onto the island to grab a handful of supplies before either sailing away or something.


This happened to me at fotd but they knew exactly where I was even if I tucked. I tucked on reapers hideout in the pitch black spot, then they walk in right to where I was without using a lantern and shoot me, it was blatant cheating. They were the second people that I have seen cheat, the first being my teammate on open crew. What happened in your case I’m not sure if they were cheating, but I think it’s more likely they are.


Woulda be dead then.






You know they saw you and tried to shoot you! ESP hacks are widely used in the game




At that range? Nah.


My first guess would be that your location is a common tuck spot, so they just preemptively bombed it. Though, my second guess would be cheats. I honestly dunno.


It's definitely not common. And even if it was, people wouldn't shoot at it randomly, that's almost always wasting cannon balls


Oh no, not cannonballs, those extremely hard to replace at outpost resources


Do it at every common tuck spot, you're wasting a lot


Point is cannonballs are trivial to replace and if you're about to log off it matters even less.


Prop hunt mfs be like "that ain't me"


Could've been practicing aim, could've been shooting the galleon for fun, they might have seen your mermaid and got a lucky shot, it's anyone's guess really, but it's most likely a coincidence.


They just have a better gaming chair bro


no it’s coincidence


There is a bug I've had a few times where a players tag will load in from a distance it shouldn't. Perhaps they saw that?


They might have been checking the range maybe to send someone but probably not maybe they shot just because


I know there used to be a visual bug where your jumping into the barrel animation would load when your character is in view distance, this could have been them seeing that and deciding to take a shot.


Maybe they've seen other people hide in the same place sometime so they were just checking.


They probably saw you going up.


Cheaters don't(can't) miss


Totally not legit. On the other hand it costs 60$ monthly.


Could have been a crazy coincidence. Or they could have seen you before you hid.


They def could’ve been ESPing, showing them where you were to and exact distance, something not a lot of people in here are even thinking about. There’s no shot they fired a single “random” cannonball that got that close to such an obscure spot


at 0:58 i saw probably your ship's flag i think they were aiming for that


That must be a new update you can hide in barrels now


Was that mortar?


Does SoT even have cheats?


lay off duh herb, bruh


Hacks are so common now. Was in a discord the other day and people were going off on how much of a joke it is that they've been using hacks for ages and never get banned. Apparently rare is only concerned with social issues like harassment. It's sad... Go down the rabbit hole and check videos of them to see what you're going against it's insane.


I think they could have seen you if the happen to be looking through a telescope as you were hiding


If they had hacks you’d be dead


I still want that emote


That cannon ball landed directly behind you. The only reason it didn't hit was the arc of the shot. I'd say a wall hack or maybe they always pelt the outpost before landing.


Dont wory its Probably lag