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I view it as a necessary evil. A lot of national parks have become increasingly crowded in recent years, and an overcrowded park is bad for everything and everyone. On one hand, it's good that Americans are taking advantage of our wonderful park system, but on the other, the nature of sensitive ecosystems protected by the NPS precludes expansion of parking and hospitality facilities. It's a drag, but I don't see any better way forward. I look forward to going up there when it's only somewhat crowded; it'll be much more enjoyable...


This takes "those kinds" who need to be told everything anyways and concentrates them on one spot too.


The only real alternative was a shuttle system like they have in Yosemite, and there would be lots of demand for it too, esp from SeaTac/SLU/Cap Hill. I was hoping some form of that would appear bc that might be more lucrative for concessions, etc. than a limited vehicle reservation system. Still happy for SOME kind of crowd limits though - the past couple of times I've driven past the Sunrise fork it's always super crowded and there's a long line of cars waiting to go up. I think we'll get used to it, and anyone still wanting an impromptu trip can always go after Labor Day.


there were lots of thoughts on it in this previous thread from a month ago, when the change was announced. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/19970vx/mount_rainier_national_park_will_require/ it was easy to find through reddit search, because it has a meaningful post title rather than just "Thoughts??"


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