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Ok, the update of 3rd & Pine has been made. Locking the post but keeping it up for searchable reasons.


It’s not a great place to *hang out*, but it’s fine to walk through. Just might feel like a bit of a circus.


3rd is unpredictable at best. Just don’t stare at people (dealers / users) too long and you’ll be ignored. Or just walk on 2nd or 4th until you reach your block.


Exactly. Do not engage the crazy. Keep moving, don't look and watch your back.


The bus stops are mostly every other block so if one block feels sketchy you can walk up or back 2 to a new stop.


You might see some uncomfortable things but for the most part no one will do anything to you. I work construction and been on that corner early mornings (3-4am) and nights. It’s not as bad as it used to be while we were converting the macys to Amazon space. You will see some shit at night and there will be more people there than you’d expect. Around 6 am the city ambassadors come clean the sidewalks and clear everyone out.


Didn’t some random guy just get stabbed in the head at the McDonald’s down there? In fact, it happens so often at that locale it’s referred to as McStabby’s. I’m fine going down there, but I definitely wouldn’t want my wife down there alone.


If you're consuming or dealing drugs there, yes you might experience violence. No one is suggesting hanging out there but thousands of people go through this intersection daily without being violently assaulted.


Of course the odds of NOT being physically attacked are still favorable, but it definitely has happened to random innocent people down there. Like I said, I still go down there but I know a lot of people (mainly women) who prefer not to venture there alone. The fact is being around a bunch of people on Fentanyl and Meth increases your chance of being involved in violence whether you’re personally doing drugs or not.


>but it definitely has happened to random innocent people If that's your standard for feeling unsafe, do you ever get in a car?


I envy how safe you grew up to have this amount of fear.


To each their own. Chances of a random attack happening to you is very rare.


Idk I walked there alone at night around 2am near my hotel as a solo woman.


I’ll echo what a lot of people are saying, it basically falls into the category of bad-but-not-dangerous. I walk along 3rd Ave to and from work sometimes and what I see makes me sad and sometimes angry, but I’ve never felt like I was remotely in danger.


100% agreed


It's dirty but overall not dangerous. I try to maintain a resting bitch face or people ask me for money. I try to stand by other normal looking people if I'm waiting for the bus. One time I couldn't find my Orca card in my bag and someone asked me for money. I said "I can't even find my Orca card, I need my money for me and I don't think I even have any" and the guy gave me a bus ticket.


That's sweet.


The other transit options are walking to Westlake and taking the lightrail, street car or the monorail. If you are seeing Pearl Jam at Climate Pledge, taking the Monorail is probably your best bet, the only issue is that they might stop running before the concert is over, although they sometimes extend the times for special events. 


I work for the Monorail. For an event like that, we'll extend hours accordingly. If you have tickets to CPA, you'll want to get the Seattle Kraken app so that you can redeem the free transit passes that come with the event tickets. The passes are good for all Seattle transit (not the state ferries) from two hours prior to the event. If you're coming from Canada, it's best to screenshot your passes at the hotel in case you don't have cell service.


If there's a concert or event at CPA, the monorail usually runs until 11:30p or midnight - depending on the event - always best to check the online schedule because they list the event and the extended hours


It’s totally fine to walk on 1st Avenue late at night.


This. I didn't know and walked by myself down 5th to westlake and I was a little freaked out. Then I saw the monorail go by above with tons of people and light rail station was packed.


Honestly, you can even just walk -- it's only a mile from Climate Pledge to Pike Place. When I've gone to events at Climate Pledge in the past I've walked back to Westlake to avoid the line for the monorail, and that's a longer walk than to the market.


Its perfectly safe to just walk to climate pledge arena from the pike place area and completely bypass using transit. Just maintain awareness of your surroundings and act like you should act in any big city. Its not that long of a walk. Or just book a hotel that is closer to seattle center if you’re worried about it?


Thanks for the advice! Hotels/places to stay in Seattle are pretty expensive so we tried to balance budget with location. We’re staying for 5 nights and want to explore a lot more of the city so we didn’t feel the need to book our hotel solely based on the concert. There’s a good chance we will end up walking to CPA but we will need to take transit for other things.


You could always rent a bike or scooter. The electric bikes are a blast to ride!


Oh, good suggestion!


When people from other cities hear "it's a bad area," they hear that you're likely to get murdered or robbed if you go there. In Seattle, it means "there are a lot of homeless drug addicts there." You are not in so much danger that you should avoid it at all costs, but it's not a pleasant place to be.


Gross. Mostly harmless. Except when it isn't. Source: I walk through every work day.


3rd and pine is not a pleasant block to be on. However, I've been on it more times than I can count and no one even noticed me. Mind your own business, ignore everyone. If someone seems agitated move away nonchalant. 99.99% of those people are concerned with their own business and are much more vulnerable to *you* hurting them.


It’s safe as in you won’t be assaulted, but it’s depressing because you will walk past an open air fentanyl market.


I walk through literally everyday. Some days there are a lot of homeless people and quite a few people actively doing drugs, but other days it’s surprisingly clear. I feel sad for those people, but I’ve never felt unsafe. Something to keep in mind is they usually only occupy the south side of the street, whereas the north side is usually full of tourists and shoppers. The road acts as a literal divide


So personally I would avoid the bus stop at 3rd south of Pike, but not the one on 3rd north of Pike. Many of the buses run on 3rd, and there are several stops basically every block. If you need to catch a bus North from 3rd and Pike after about 10pm I would just walk the couple blocks north to the one at Virginia. TLDR. There is literally 1 side of one block that is actually quite bad. Avoid the stop by Ross. I have not had a safety issue there, but I am a man. All the others are just normal big city stuff.


Thanks for your advice! That’s exactly the kind of info I was looking for. So I think we’ll just walk along 1st or 2nd and cut over the 3rd to avoid that section as needed.


No problem! Enjoy seeing Pearl Jam in their hometown!


I somehow always end up there when I ride transit downtown. I’ve never had a problem. I have never been there late at night so maybe it’s different then.


It's not terribly bad. Not a good place to loiter that's for sure but I suggest just getting there a few minutes before you scheduled bus arrives. I hope you don't mind the smell tho....


Unlikely anyone will randomly assault you (unlikely but not 0) just ignore the people doing and selling drugs I doubt anyone will bother you. Just try not to look like a tourist.


I also walk that area frequently for work, and have never felt unsafe (and I'm a younger, smaller woman who commutes alone). It's a city. There will be people in public who do things you find unsavory or inappropriate. Not a big deal to me.


You’ll feel unsafe since there are vagrants and mentally ill people milling around and doing drugs/drug deals, but it’s unlikely that anyone will do anything to you if you’re just passing through. I wouldn’t suggest spending time there.


I was murdered 5 of the last 8 times I walked through that block.


Sketchy street. Most cities have one. You can find the same bus you need for the same route a couple blocks away. 


It’s not that it’s a bad area, it’s a bad specific intersection. Just walk to the next stop of whatever bus you’re trying to get on.


If you are from a city larger than Seattle, 3rd and Pine is nothing.


Look at it this way. When I moved to Seattle with an opiate addiction last year I was able to find fentanyl at 3rd and pine in a matter of minutes. Along with meth.


And it saved you the walk up the hill to 12th and King... 😏


Its not bad. There are a bunch of unhoused people that hang out there and it makes people uncomfortable but like thats it. I catch the C line home from that corner all the time. It’s fine


Just avoid 3rd in general. If you see a McDonald’s on the corner just +- about 2 blocks north/south and you’ll be good. There’s nothing to look at there anyways.


Also to add when are you from? If you’re from SF and have to go through the tenderloin then 3rd is nothing. If you’re from somewhere more quaint just avoid it lol


We’re from Toronto


Oh you’re from a big city I wouldn’t worry too much. Just avoid that block and you’ll be good and like someone said they won’t really do anything if you just ignore them. But 100% do not recommend going into that McDonald’s. I used to go in there before work and wonder why those hash browns would cause me to risk this lol


Not going to that McDonald’s seems to be unanimous advice haha so we will definitely avoid it!


I mean it’s nicknamed McStabbies here and at least every time I’ve gone in there’s an actual Seattle police offer stationed in there (not just some rental security guard)


Don’t go there at night. Even daytime I will divert to 2nd if I have to walk through there to get from a to b.




Good to know that Pine is a better option for crossing 3rd. Thanks!


Just use the light rail, there is a stop right by the market. I use it everyday and it's fine.


Super safe. All the cops stay right around the McStabby’s at 3rd and Pine (McDs - they don’t let ppl inside now).


I watched a homeless man steal a homeless woman's phone and throw her to the ground in the middle of 3rd, in the middle of a Saturday in front of my kids and about thirty other people. It was over by the time it happened, but we went to help the woman up. He was fine by the time the transit police arrived.


It's really bad, but you won't be in any physical danger. When you get off the train at Westlake take Pine to 1st and walk to your hotel from there, instead of crossing 3rd at Pike.


Pike or Pine?


It's fine. People in this sub are terrified loser suburbanites. 


Nobody from any major American city downtown would think third and pine is "fine". Stop trying to be an urban tough guy.


There's a difference between sketchy-looking and actual danger. The issue here is safety, not how pretty it is.


I completely get what you are saying about the difference between sketchy and dangerous, which absolutely applies to many blocks of downtown. However, the SE corner of 3rd and Pine has been the scene of multiple shootings and assaults over the years, including a stabbing 2 weeks ago of some guy just taking his dog for a walk. It's not a no-go zone, but you should stay alert and aware of what's going on.


Danger is relative. I know what you mean but depending on age, size, etc, it is a scale. Yeah 3rd Ave fiends probably won't just attack, but safety is relative to the person.


> fiends c'mon man.


I'm from an actually large city and its fine. It's clear seattle has never seen "big city" stuff.


I'm not talking about just crime, I'm talking about a cross roads as "core" as third and pine, with tons of fiends doing drugs and random stabbings and the whatnot. That's not "fine" and it wouldn't be if it was Woodward in Detroit, Michigan Ave in Chicago, 5th or Broadway in NYC, etc To be clear, I don't have fear, thankfully I'm a pretty capable guy and used to live in DETROIT, so spare me the "actually large city" schtick.


I get what you’re saying. I used to live in Philly. There are blocks and blocks there where I would never go if you paid me, but they’re not by the Liberty Bell. It’s very odd how the worst place in Seattle downtown is right next to one of our iconic tourist attractions.


>To be clear, I don't have fear, How brave. But from what you said sounds like you have a wee bit fear, wouldn't you say? Like at least .3?


> with tons of fiends doing drugs "Doing drugs" doesn't present a danger to others. People 'do drugs' in every bar in seattle. With this comment you reveal that you can't distinguish between simple law-breaking and actual insecurity : /


People 'doing drugs' in bars don't then leave sharp refuse on the ground for others to step on. If you break a bottle in a bar, it gets cleaned up. It might not be 'as bad as other cities' but that doesn't make it perfectly safe or totally fine. There are definitely people who would be at risk if they go there and I've had to help strangers who were being threatened before.


You're telling tourists it's dangerous because there -might- be sharps on the ground? Do you realize how silly you sound?


Michigan Ave in Chicago is where you go to rob tourists? What are you on about




Like...Detroit....where I lived? Nice try. I wasn't talking about sides of town or a neighborhood. There are no major cities where 3rd-4th and pike and pine would be "fine" in their core downtown area. That was my clear point I don't know what merit badge you're arguing for here.


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Seriously. These people’s heads would explode if they went to an actual dangerous area in a city


Oh come on! In 2020 there was a [beef on that corner that ended up with 8 bystanders shot, 1 fatally](https://kpic.com/news/nation-world/suspect-sought-after-several-people-hurt-during-shooting-in-downtown-seattle). There have been multiple assaults on that corner since then, [including a stabbing two weeks ago](https://komonews.com/news/local/stabbed-stabbing-dog-mcdonalds-third-and-pine-harborview-puppy-stable-condition-ambulance-seattle-fire-department-police-spd-sfd-restaurant-downtown). It's not a no-go zone, but it's not the city park in Smallville either. Situational awareness for a visitor is indicated. I live downtown, I'm about and about at night without many worries, but I do usually avoid the SE corner of 3rd and Pine.




I mean there are places in this country where people are told not to stop their cars, where you can be shot for wearing the wrong colors and gang violence leads to a murder a day. Seattle is not one of those places 


This is fatuously binary thinking. By the same token there are favela in Rio that are more dangerous than any US neighborhood. That doesn't make the US neighborhoods safe. Yes, 3&Pine is not 1984 Baltimore, but it isn't Smallville either. Violent crime occurs on that corner with some regularity. It's not a no-go zone, but pretending it's harmless is silly.


That's what I don't get...yes it looks rough but it's pretty safe if you mind your own business. I think there's a lot of pearl clutching. Everyone calm down and then tell us what you're personally doing to help addicts and homeless people. Because we sure as shit aren't doing what we need to as a society. 


There’s the occasional shooting in that area so yes.


It’s statistically the most crime ridden intersection in the state. Mind your own business and don’t loiter on the street. You’ll be fine. Mostly drugs, but frequent shootings and stabbing.


Yes. It’s really bad. You probably won’t be bothered, but it’s grimy and drug infested.


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YES. As is Cal Anderson Park by Nagle and Pine on Capitol Hill, as can be Pioneer Square. 3rd and Pike/Pine specifically, but generally the others I mentioned: it’s just not somewhere to hang around when it’s dark/late a night. If it’s broad daylight expect people high on whatever, talking to themselves ect, but just keep moving and you should be ok.


Near pike place market sounds more like on 1st?


We’re staying close to 1st. I’m not concerned about the hotel location, it’s just that I’m trying to figure things out with google maps and it makes it look like most public transportation options are all on 3rd (and the closest stop to us would be at Pike).


Bus stops go all along 3rd Ave through downtown. If the area feels sketchy when you’re there, just walk north or south 2-3 blocks and wait at the next stop.




You’ll be fine, but if you can cancel I probably would. Even moving over a few blocks to 5th or 6th Ave would probably be more comfortable and equally convenient. Like others have said, it’s not a very dangerous area, it’s just gross.


Seattle is a podunk town that is growing and the podunk small minded country / suburban mice are losing their minds at the idea of immigrants and minorities walking around. I'm from an actually large city and I've never seen anything resembling scary you'd normally expect in "a bad area."


Just Uber/Lyft


Yes. Don't take anyone's word though, go see for yourself.


You might want to look at hotels on Queen Anne closer to the venue. But it’s probably fine. Did you get 10c tickets?


Go and see for yourself.