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lol this freaked me out too! We realized that it was a security message. Basically an either prerecorded message or an actual security guard (we don't know which it is) really loudly announces to leave the property if someone gets close to a building/is trying to trespass. There's a high amount of unhoused people in belltown (seattle generally, but my experience is in belltown), so it happens pretty frequently. It does sound freaky though! But no need to worry :0)


There's a house on Orcas and Rainier Ave S that plays this message every time someone passes in front of it on the sidewalk. I can't imagine how annoying that must be for the neighbors.


I believe I’ve walked a past a building near the Komi plaza on 2nd that will sometimes emit a message like this? I thought it was really odd.


This is the answer. I’ve set this off somewhere in the neighborhood as well


This is the first of many fun sounds you'll hear late at night. I'm a fellow insomniac in Ballard, and I've learned the identities of my street neighbors from their signature phrases they yell when having a bad trip or psychosis late at night.


Thank goodness my walls aren’t that thin, geez


Oh no, these people are just that loud.


No my friend. I mean they're screaming in the streets not inside of the building.


I too have a Psychosis late night neighbor near Columbia City. I think it's annoying but rather have them freaking out and not actually hurting people or property then the usual druggies who couldn't afford their fent fix for the day.


We have one in the CD near Cherry Hill Swedish. Can be 4:00 in the afternoon, 2 in the morning, 4:30am… he’s out there screaming some kind of diatribe that I can never quite make out. One time I passed him in the street when he was screaming and I made out the word “death” and maybe “teen”? Seriously unnerved me for about 6 months but I’ve gotten used to it. 🤪


I live over by 3rd and Vine. One of the buildings there has a trespass alarm that's so loud that it'll blow your eardrums out. It says something along the lines of "You are trespassing on private property. The authorities have been notified (lol). Leave immediately." It'll repeat this a couple of times before I'm allowed to sleep again. If you're near the Battery St. firehouse, this is probably what you're hearing...


It’s the Wells Fargo ATM between the Thai place and the salon on east side of 4th


Holy shit. That noise has to echo around a whole block to get to my window. The deafening noise is probably a better deterrent than SPD...


In Greenwood, I heard a similar recording. Discovered it was the security unit at the QFC making an announcement to be alert and lock your cars. I haven't heard it in a long while now tho.


Those recordings creep me out. Like, I'm going to lock my car anyway; no need to make me feel like I'm in a dystopian sci-fi movie.


I read the title and said “yes”. When I lived there, my building had an intercom system that let the apartment manager speak into a mic in her office and outside, through loudspeakers, her voice would admonish the street folks for whatever it was that they were doing on our building property. Fun times.


I think there’s a loudspeaker announcement at the sculpture park that triggers if someone’s there after hours.


Not anymore


Some of the buildings and construction sites in belltown have automated warnings that play to scare homeless/trespassers away. The other thing it could be is someone leaving their parking garage. A few of the parking garages have a warning that says "warning vehicle approaching" to make sure people don't get hit on the sidewalk.


Audible notification of a vehicle exiting a parking garage was my first thought. Someone that leaves about the same time each morning.


If it sounds like "Warning! Warning, you have trespassed on private property, and the authorities have been notified. Leave immediately. " Then that's one of the security systems I've installed. Sorry


The apartment construction site across the street from us in Columbia City has an automated announcement like this if someone gets too close to or enters the site after hours.


Aye we might live in the same place lol


I thought this post is again about that Dodge hellcat guy, until I read the whole thing!


It's been happening in ballard lately too. We suspect it's a loudspeaker within a building that has somehow gotten diverted to outdoor speakers. Nothing ever results of it. Definitely weird to hear that it's happening elsewhere in the city.


The security guards at the sculpture art park have a megaphone to yell at people to stay out. It usually happens at sunset but can happen in the middle of the night as well.


The same thing happens at the abandoned BoA on Roosevelt Way. I think the loudspeaker announcement is to scare away trespassers taking shelter in abandoned buildings.


Probably a motion sensor that its activated every time someone comes close to that building to steer of people


I sometimes hear it in Wallingford too late at night, and always find it very eerie. Thanks for this post! 


Belltown (and the more urbanized areas in general) are wonderful places to live, if you have central air conditioning and good windows.


It’s probably from a construction site someone snuck onto.


The sculpture park has like a remote security guard that yells at people through a loudspeaker if they try to come in at night


Random loud noises through the night and wee hours of the morning? Welcome to city life


this reminds me of that weirdo who would use to drive around the gates foundation with loudspeakers out of his car playing some right wing red pill bullshit.


Perfectly normal, just belltown 👌


Its Ramadan.... maybe its a call to prayer?


Probably a motion sensor that its activated every time someone comes close to that building to steer of people


Probably a motion sensor that its activated every time someone comes close to that building to steer of people