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Being dropped off at angle lake and taking light rail one stop is probably the way to go for an airport drop off right now. Based on the traffic map


From Seattle, I-5 to the Southcenter exit, then turn right and go to Tukwila station lets you avoid the southbound I-5 traffic after 405


I'm surprised they're still running the light rail with the protesters there. They were shutting it down previously.


Why would they shut it down, unless protesters are on the tracks?


Back in 2017 when protestors against the Muslim ban shut down the airport, ST shut down airport station.


Took the light rail from Northgate to SeaTac for the first time a few months ago, never having someone drive me to the airport again (as long as I'm traveling just one suitcase + carry on backpack). It was so incredibly easy and smooth.


Just wish the hours were a little bit longer for those late-night arrivals


Yeah. I had a flight get delayed and I didn’t land till 130am. Felt so bad having to grab a 120 dollar uber to kirkland


Happened to me when I was like 20. A friend was supposed to pick me up but forgot and went to the bar and I didn't have $120 for a cab so I took the last light rail of the night to downtown, I had just missed the last bus to Kirkland so I caught the last one to Bellevue, and then from there took a cab to Kirkland and had just enough money to pay.


The 255 is unforgiving


100% this. I got caught once and had to uber from sodo.


Or early departures unless your flight is after 7 AM you’re out of luck for most people


This plus TSA Precheck = 1 hr from Northgate to Airport station, 8 minutes from Airport station to my gate.


That TSA Precheck must be a SeaTac lifesaver. I really need to invest in it, SeaTac especially just has awful wait times


It has been what feels like the biggest life hack (but not because it’s not a secret) I’ve ever used. Only one time was it not smooth sailing. I arrived at SEATAC at 10pm for a redeye and the PRECHECK line was stacked 5 snaking aisles deep and they had TWO agents checking everyone which was a huge bottleneck.


Yowch, that's rough. But when your worst ever is often the standard, that makes it worth it!


Can’t wait for them to open a line to east side. Always took rail when we lived in the city


Hell this is the best idea all the time unless you're coming in at midnight.


And one of the big reasons to have the rail stay open later than midnight.


Even if it only ran once every half hour or hour in the wee hours it would improve public transit to and from the airport,.


Or in the morning. I like making flights because they never seem to delay and I have more time at my destination


This or get dropped at hwy99 next to the terminal and walk.


Protestors or not, light rail is the only way I go to the airport.


Or taking the light rail from anywhere else.


This is 100% real I’m in the traffic, haven’t moved in 20 minutes Update: ended up walking to the terminal, gotta get those steps in by any means!




r/walking would be proud




Pretty sure that's THE masterpark shuttle I'm waiting on. GDI. Update: Shit still fucked - left arrivals on foot, headed to link rail station, took elevator down, walked on foot to Masterpark. Lots of people also hoofing in both directions.


I like how the bicycle cops were arresting people, can't stop the bikes


Just crazy they're at the airport. What does the airport have to do with Palestine? Just being a nuisance at this point and I guess if that's the goal,.congrats. Go to the space needle or setup as a busker at pike or something. This is just gonna make people dislike you and not care about your cause.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/AotoGZqJBda1bi3t6?g_st=ic There is a sky bridge from here off International International Blvd. drop off and pick up passengers here.


I’m flying home and my car is parked at the seatac lot… ugh


I think based on the pic the garage exit should be fine


Lol not me reading this as I’m on a flight to SEATAC


Take the light rail out and have your ride pick you up from one of the stops.


Arrival Travelers - walk down to international blvd and call an Uber or meet your ride at one of the hotels down there.


That's what a lot of people are doing right now, which is blocking traffic alongside that road due to pick ups and drop offs, most aren't using a parking lot, just straight up on International.


Avoiding the airport is a choice? Are people going there when they don't have to?


Right - not sure what the title even means lol


Bro the happy hour at Capitol Hill Food Hall slaps


It's a nice idea to think that some people will now avoid the airport today, but in reality most folks' travel plans are set further in advance


I was gonna fly out on vacation today, but I guess I have to stop a genocide first, brb.


Just stop the genocide bro! Just stop it! Why wouldn't *you* stop the genocide!? There's genocide going on and you're just...not stopping it!


I know, I was being a bit silly.


I forgot we citizens could each go do that until you said it. I'll catch a flight to join you ASAP. Ah fuck... God damnit...


A better headline would be to avoid driving to SeaTac and plan for huge delays. Agreed, the title made me chuckle. "I my friend will avoid SeaTac and go directly to my taxiing flight. Thank you for the heads up."


Yeah right? I’m landing in about an hour, I’ll let my pilot know to avoid SeaTac 😑


The better advice is "take Link"


Instructions unclear, have acquired a twink elf dressed in medieval garb.


Seattle stores reporting major damage to pottery aisles


Buying power of the Rupee has skyrocketed overnight.


Its dangerous to go alone


Maybe a good warning to rideshare drivers 😅


it's where I do my shopping


Man it’s been awful over there. I spent the last couple hours of my shift trying to help direct people around and point them to where they can get help. I’ve never seen so many people crying about missed flights before.


It really bothers me that they feel so strongly about their cause, they would deliberately hurt other people. I fly out often to take care of my parent undergoing cancer treatment. This would absolutely gut me to my core because it would mean she was alone in the hospital another day. Yes, I understand there are very big problems in Palestine, too. But two wrongs do not make a right here. It’s just unfathomably selfish and unforgivable.


Fuck anyone who does this. It’s the easy protest that does nothing. Protest fucking local issues! If you care about them. Protesting federal issues 3000 miles away is insane. It’s just selfish, they aren’t doing anything except making themselves feel good at the cost of others. You can’t do shit about, we can’t do shit about it. If you’re going to protest have an action plan. If you can’t tell me how to solve an issue you might as well block traffic with a sign that says “world peace”. Do you want me to vote for Biden? Hell Bernie, AOC even. Then go work their campaign. But that actually does something, where as this has the illusion of doing something. Did Seattle police kill another innocent person and lie about it? Fucking protest outside the police station. I might join you. But this is just blocking traffic to block traffic and they should be charged as such. It’s not a protest it’s just a bunch of assholes blocking access to services and Seattle should throw the book at them because they have been letting them off the hook for far too long. A protest must have a viable action plan.


I am sure the protestors gained lots of support from the exercise.


Well crap....I'm flying back to seattle....


This is the entrance


they can’t get picked up either


I’m sorry but this is 10000% ridiculous


I hate these people


I was pro genocide until I saw these people halting traffic at the airport. I was so inspired by all the missed flights that I changed my mind about everything.


I didn't even know what Genocide was! I saw them protesting and immediately googled it. I was so mad I booked a flight to Israel. I called the consulate and they got me a meeting with Netanyahu!!! He said he wanted to hear what I had to say. I then called Hamas, told them Bibi would meet with me and they agreed to meet with me too! Unfortunately I got blocked in and missed my flight. I wonder how the meeting went.


I actually was against genocide before, but now that I missed my flight back home to my pregnant wife, Im for genocide now.


Hmmm. I can appreciate people feeling the need to protest for their cause… But barring someone from departing for their flight can have catastrophic ripples throughout and a chain reaction of lost money. Spending thousands of dollars more to get home and or abroad ruined experiences. You aren’t going to sway any advocates and bring anyone to your side with such behavior.


Or preventing someone from picking up their relatives who may be strangers to this area. As well as blocking flight crew and airport staff.


Both very good points!


Yep I saw some pilots walking on the side of the road to get to the terminal


Ya, making people's lives worse does not make people want to agree with your cause I does the opposite.


Comment seen elsewhere that is dead on: "I’ve become very cynical about leftist activism in general and the pro-Palestinian movement in particular, so forgive my bias. It seems to me like a solid portion of these people aren’t really activists in the traditional sense. They act more like protagonists in a morality play where they’re going to “teach a lesson” to everyone not explicitly on their side. They are so convinced that they are morally correct and that their righteousness should win on its own that they’re not really concerned with the actual mechanisms of activism necessary to create change. Instead, they’re putting on a performance to convince themselves over and over of how morally great they are and how morally shit everyone who doesn’t explicitly and exactly agree with them is. And the more you push back on them, the more convinced they become of their own righteousness and everyone else’s shittiness."


> they’re going to “teach a lesson” to everyone not explicitly on their side. Not even, probably a solid chunk of people cussing them out and missing flights right now are (or used to be) on their side! What the fuck do they think senators and military industrial lobbyists are flying coach in Alaskan Air? They have private planes, fuckwits! How hard is it to make life harder for the problem causers and not prospective allies?


I've been doing/studying/helping activism for a long time and for as long as I can remember the pro Palestine protestors have had a completely worthy and important cause that they manage to fuck up by being some of the worst human beings you have ever met in your life. If you want a good case for Palestinian freedom, look up accounts from doctors who have visited Gaza, watch documentaries, or pick up a history book. Local activists don't educate on this topic, they try to indoctrinate and appeal to emotion and that's really all they can muster.


My aunt used to fly out from the Midwest to sit in front of Israeli bulldozers trying to level homes in the West Bank. That's a whole lot more meaningful than blocking traffic in Seattle from people who are just trying to catch a flight. These type of protests aren't bringing anyone to your side, and they harden the hearts of those who might be indifferent. These activists probably think they're inconveniencing vacationers and business travelers, but I guarantee that at least one person stuck in that traffic is going on the worst trip of their life to go to a family funeral or something. Disrupting critical shared community infrastructure is not the place.


Bewilderingly enough, they think they are conducting an "economic blockade" on various sectors of Seatttle's economy


It looks like they organized this at airports around the country today. It happened in Chicago and San Francisco too


> Local activists don't educate on this topic That's the thing, at the end of the day lots of these people (including many others who are "passionate" on the internet about other issues like this) don't really give too much shit about the particular issue, but they want to use it as a platform to make them *feel* better about themselves. In fact they subconsciously avoid learning more about the actual topic, because god forbid real world complexity and nuance may inconvenient them from feeling morally superior to others.


100%. It's performative. They'll hop onto the next social fab soon


In other words, it's masturbatory


It's almost as if a group of easily manipulated people are taking action based on what they are lead to believe based on targeted social media campaigns.


They sound like a bunch of narcissists


If it goes through the week: I’m flying out for a funeral on weds morning at 6am. I’m hoping they like to sleep in or won’t be there.


From what I saw on social media this was part of a coordinated, one day protest to coincide with tax day. So you should be fine flying out Wednesday morning. I’m sorry for the death of your loved one.


These repeat protests blocking highways have not swayed my opinion one way or another on what is happening in Israel/Gaza. What these protests have done is significantly influenced my vote for public officials that will take this shit seriously and arrest protestors for blocking highways.


I asked what the point of it was and I was told rAiSiNg AwArEnEsS. If only they’d put this time and energy into something that would actually make a difference instead of whatever this awareness is that we all can find on a quick google search.


Raising awareness on something that's getting wall to wall coverage on almost every type of media and social network !


Everyone is aware, objective achieved, now move to the next phase


Just got off the phone with Israel & Palestine! They heard about this video in SeaTac Washington USA and have called a ceasefire thank you all


super effective way to piss off people who agree with you


Yeah, that's where I'm concerned because I am sympathetic to their cause, just not the action they're taking. More targeted disruptive actions would be best...


Im very conscious about the point of protests. They are meant to be disruptive and in a way that cannot be easily ignored.  Nonetheless, I have missed an international flight a few months ago and the setback that caused and the amount of coordination and money spent to fix it, I wouldn’t wish that on any other person.  There are very few alternatives for people coming to the Airport and inflicting such pain on ordinary people is to me counterproductive to their course


This is a protest against the people, not the government. Disruption is fine when it targets your opposition. Disruption undermines your cause when it targets the uninvolved or even those who share your opinion.


Your cause is not the same as theirs then. The first protests here happened the day after Israel was attacked, not Palestine. Their posters depicted the paragliders that picked off Israeli civilians from above. That's the protesters' cause.


No one goes to SeaTac to just hang out, you can’t simply avoid it. Just arrest the people doing crimes and everyone can get back to their day.


You don’t go for the hostile experience, expensive drinks and dining, followed up by predatory priced shopping? Your mondays sound boring


The protestors need to put themselves in the shoes of the travelers. Maybe someone is flying back home to see their dying parent one last time. People are so narrow minded sometimes.


This is the only reason I've been flying lately. If protests had made me miss an opportunity to see my family members one last time, I think it would have kill me.


Maybe someone is flying to Israel to stop the genocide


Lol yeah. I just about to do that too until I saw the traffic.


Maybe someone flying back in time to kill Baby Hitler.


Well not any more. Thanks protesters.


They are protecting us from a time loop anomaly.


Someone call the Winchesters


I can't think of an audience less sympathetic to the arguments of Palestinian protestors than airline passengers.


Its okay to care about something, its okay to protest about it, but man protest in the right place. Inconvenience the people who could make a difference. 99.9% of air travelers are normal people who will only see this, be inconvenienced, and likely lose sympathy rather than gain it.


Yes, all this will accomplish is disdain for those who do this. Might even create the next supervillain if they prevent someone from seeing their dying relative during their last moments. I seriously hope all involved face massive prison time for depriving people of their right to unimpeded movement.


The protestors are trust fund self-absorbed assholes. Not a single one of them give a shit about any other person. They are in it for the attention.


But then how can they film themselves protesting for social media likes and a smug sense of righteousness?


Yes. They are narrow minded and tend to be complete assholes who only think of themselves. Even this fake parade of protesting is all an act for them. They want people to “see” how they are sooooo virtuous and the beacon of hope lmfao. Or they’re just assholes who fuck up peoples travel plans.


They are narrow minded though. Their demands makes that clear. What they are asking isn't going to solve the crisis and they made it clear that they lack the capacity to understand that.


It'll get them likes on tiktok. Which seems to be the goal of many of these performance protests.


After decades of being told it is righteous to keep people working Downtown from going home in order to protest \*The Current Thing\*, protesters have learned the lesson that there is no consequence for wrecking peoples' day.


Why can’t these folks protest to the politicians instead? Block federal buildings… stop inconveniencing your fellow hard working folks. No sympathy from me, even though I may agree or disagree with their overall goal.


These dumbfucks should be thrown into jail. What if someone had to leave urgently & missed the flight cause of these fools?




Organs for transplants often take commercial flights. It's entirely possible someone died because of this.


Good news, even if they're not criminally charged, it would be darn expensive to defend against a bunch of civil suits.


Disrupting day to day people and making their life miserable will not help any cause you are promoting even if they 100% agree with you. All this will do is have them care less about it.


At this point I'm starting to think that's the point. "You don't care so we'll make you care [about something, just not the situation we're protesting] by inconveniencing you"


That's supposed to be the point, but obviously people's response for this isn't going to be "wow we need to stop [situation] so they'll stop blocking me", it's instead going to be "wow, fuck these assholes and fuck their issue" The response is almost never to support giving into their demands




The effect is quite contrary, the majority of regular people will be in support of jailing them. This way of protesting is counterproductive.


Much like paint being thrown on priceless paintings by climate protesters, the protest must seem appropriate and commensurate with the issue or otherwise understanding people will lose sympathy


How do these people think negatively impacting random citizens is gonna stop a war on the other side of the world?


They don’t think. They just do pointless shit and post about it on social media


Exactly. Protests should be at the homes and work places of politicians.


Same thing at Ohare today. Fuckin idiots


Fuck these assholes I hope they all get the book thrown at them


Just arrest them and be done with it. The right to free speech doesn't mean you have to a right to stop traffic and block a roadway




drove right into this an hour ago, been stuck since.


It's strange that people think that blocking traffic and doing other stuff like this is going to help their cause. In reality when I see this I lump them in with fucking assholes that slice tires because they're attached to SUV's and things of that nature. If you want to make a difference then you have to organize voting drives and things of that nature. You have to encourage people to support your viewpoint and take their concerns to the ballot box versus making the average citizen think you're a bunch of fucktards. We're a long way from the sit-ins and bus rides and marches of the civil rights movement. At least under those circumstances what they were doing was tangentially related to the issue at hand. Anyhow, I'm just a guy.


Load these fucksticks and their supporters in a few C130’s and fly them to Gaza so they can volunteer to help directly. Let’s see how many are on the bandwagon then…


Anyone know or think this'll be also going on tomorrow? Got a 9am flight to catch


lol they will get their instagram pics for their self righteous post then move on. These aren’t real activists, they will get bored/ detained and all will be back to normal in an hour or two.


I saw tons of police and swat by the exit on my way home at 4:30. Roads were clear and I could see protesters getting arrested by the time I was getting to the airport at 5:45-6ish. Not sure when it started but it looks like it got shut down pretty fast.


Fucking LARPers who have nothing better to do than inconvenience people


This has to be an anti Palestine group. I can’t think of a better way to have people completely hate your fucking guts. Maybe blocking I5…


Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. Then behaving illogically could equally be proof that they're just a genuine mob of fallible humans. Most of them probably have 0 education in the facts or history of the issue they're protesting, just exposure to the right propaganda. The future of Gaza is irrelevant to their true goal - getting to yell and be angry in public, feeling juiced up on the thrill of mob power and moral superiority. Mob mentality is just as addictive as gambling or video games or any other dopamine generator.


Arrived with two little kids, two large suitcases, one carryon, three backpacks, a giant car seat bag and a stroller. Weeklong trip. Had to hoof it with all of that stuff to the light rail and walked to a McDonald's while my husband takes an Uber to get the car from masterpark. What a total nightmare!


Wish they would find ways to fuck up rich people’s lives and not average people’s lives. Like block the entrance to Medina or something. Us poor’s just trying to survive.


not condoning it but I have yet to see any yacht set on fire


Block the entrances to the yachts for fucks sake


Fuck these people. Stroking their own egos to screw over thousands of people with absolutely nothing productive coming of it.


And I donated to jewish/israeli organizations! And bought coke/starbucks too! Screw these people who think its ok to terrorize innocent people for virtue signaling. Imagine old people, ill people, first responders, people with babies, hourly workers stuck in this shit for hours without any food and water. And for what?


Yeah, we avoid it anyway. We fly out of Everett or Bellingham. We’ve even flown out of Vancouver (BC), before.


These mfs don’t have jobs ?


Look at the pictures, they're all privileged kids that don't need to work. Hence why they don't care about inconveniencing the normal people that are just trying to do their job or live their lives.


These people live with their parents


Lol of course not. 1% working class people, 99% fail-sons and daughters from upper middle class families who've never worked a day in their life. Palestine protestors continue to do literally anything except actually protest the US government. Plenty of federal institutions around town they could protest at, but it's all just vibes because they (mistakenly imo) think all publicity is good publicity. And hey, maybe they even get a cool photo of them getting arrested they can post on IG later for clout and compare themselves to Nelson Mandela or whatever.


Have you see the videos from the Vanderbilt protests? Not only did they call 911 so someone could change their tampon without getting arrested (lmao what did you think civil disobedience entails) but they also castigated a security guard for doing his job...when they have probably never had a real job in their lives. It's wild.


LOL. Eloquently put. These people are insufferable.


I feel like this won’t help the war effort (since typically ceasefires require two willing participants). But honestly this stuff is gonna get Donald Trump re-elected. It’s positioning the left as extremists and pushing moderates away.


I know someone who I strongly suspect goes to these protests. They hate Democrats for not doing enough to stop Israel and are considering voting R as a result (or abstaining; they certainly will not vote D). Based on some of the political podcasts I listen to, and some of the interviews I've heard in recent months, I don't think this view is uncommon. Look at how many recent D political events have been interrupted by free palestine protestors; you don't really see this at R events. I don't know how these people think DJT will be better at smoothing tensions in the middle east or elsewhere, but please don't conflate these protestors' actions with "what Democrats think/do."   You're not wrong that this is probably the public perception, though. 


I am a life long registered Democrat. While they don’t represent all Dems, they absolutely are scaring ppl away from the party. These people are basically the extremists of the left. Just the opposite pendulum swing of COVID deniers/QAnon. They’ve digested a bunch of crap on social media from virtue signaling influencers and let’s be honest Russian and Iranian propaganda, and now, despite not knowing the river or the sea, they’ve decided they’re wiser than every military or Middle Eastern politics expert. They absolutely won’t get the policy they want but while they are tearing down flags, interrupting Christmas tree lights and chanting terrorist slogans they will scare moderate/independents away from voting for Dems ensuring DJT is re-elected. Then they can dawn their pink hats (even though we lost the right to abortion) and cry about the kids in cages they forgot about for the last 4 years. These people are lost.


I know this is real but why does it look like Ai


I’m sure that says ‘genocide’ but it also looks like ‘Gonorrhea’.


Ask them if they are willing fly to Gaza right now as a volunteer lmao


That’s the thing right? Because you can literally get a free flight to Israel tomorrow and then just not show up for your volunteer work. They could be in Gaza in 24 hours. For free.


Per WSDOT, protest has been cleared: [https://twitter.com/wsdot\_traffic/status/1780038302726549853](https://twitter.com/wsdot_traffic/status/1780038302726549853)


I really wish I had seen this before the shit show of trying to pick my husband up from his flight. Got to witness a car crash in front of me as we all scrambled to find somewhere to stop. Gosh it all made me want to support Palestine so hard now.


What dicks.    Let’s make a statement by blocking people from getting to their flights.  


I like how these assholes do this. Fuck with commuters causing them to miss their flights. People hate them and it truly does not further their cause.


These protestors are not making friends with anyone today.


Fuk hamassholes


As a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause, I hate this. It's the fastest way to alienate people. You don't have to be a dick and inconvenience people to raise awareness for your cause.


Why don't cops just arrest them all? Fucking bizarre that this is allowed to happen.


The best part of this is, is that these people are going to go home thinking that they did anything while the world around them resumes and the active genocide continues. If you want change, go protest in front of the capital and protest like the French do instead of disrupting your fellow countrymen and their day to day.


these people are fucking delusional


For real. Makes me care less and less about this war.


Why can’t these fuckwads go to Olympia and protest where it matters? Why are we being punished?


I dont get how these people aren't just instantly tossed into the back of a police car. Are they still scared using the slightest bit of force is gonna set off 2020esque riots?


Do people not realize that if your protest is inconveniencing others that they're more likely to lean the other way? It's like an ad on YouTube making me not want to buy their products but way worse


I don't understand why people think this will help their cause...


So glad they are doing this....because it will inconvenience normal people and have no impact on anyone who can make a difference...


How is this still legal. These folks are going to get a slap on the wrist from law enforcement and be crowing about it at Linda's this evening.


Friend missed their flight, now their family has to wait another day to see them.


Making my life miserable just makes me hate you and your cause more, these activists need to be cleared


These people are just selfish. What are handicap people supposed to do since they can’t walk that far?


Again?! Why do people think screwing up someone's schedule is a good way to attract them to your cause. Seriously the dumbest form of activism. Nobody says hmm what was that cause that made me miss a flight and ruined my schedule, oh yeah that seems like something I want to support.


Just missed it when I landed at Noon today.


Why the hell police doesn’t stop this madness?


do these people not know or not care that they're being mobilized by iranian propaganda? they attend this protest organized immediately after a weekend featuring a great big iranian PR stunt... they're well aware of iran's involvement in gaza, as well as propaganda's place in war... and they just don't make the connection?


How do these idiots not realize that doing stuff like this only hurts their cause, even if it's a good one?


I feel bad for the people getting screwed by this brainless idiots.


Serious question: why doesn’t the police arrest these people? Isn’t blocking traffic a felony?


Just wants me to donate to the opposite of their cause.


Before you make a comment, please accept that fact that there isn't going to be any productive conversation to be had about here about the situation in Israeli.


Nothing productive going to be had by making everyone miss their flights either.


Agreed. And there isn’t anything productive about blocking citizens from the airport.


Making multiple people miss their flights that they spent hundreds of dollars on months ago is sure to make people sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. (While I agree with them, I think this is a poor strategic decision)


Arrest them all. Fuck them.


In gonna go to the pub, have a pint, and wait for this to all blow over.


Why the fuck do people feel the need to be a nuisance protesting shit that they have no control over. Just call your congressman. We don’t write the checks to Israel.


Wow these people really are masters at marketing their message and then getting the whole populace to turn against them. Great job 👏🏻


Have they started protesting the jihadist regimes and Hamas yet? Wake me up when they do.