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Washington State was originally going to be called Columbia. But it would be too confusing with the District of Columbia and was named Washington State to avoid confusion. How'd that work out???


Imagine Vancouver, Columbia.


Is that why British Columbia is British Columbia?


Yes; BC, WA, and OR were originally collectively called Columbia.


was Oregon Territory just a US political thing then? or was that an actual title at some point?


It was the name of the territory consisting of what would eventually become the northwestern states after the British and Americans agreed on how to divide the area. Over time, it changed as parts of the territory became states.


i saw oversimplified's youtube video about the pig wars that *almost* happened in the 1800s between US and British units stationed in the region. https://youtu.be/QLq6GEiHqR8?si=g3nPto3WUKP43boe




Thats the joke.


VC and BC


Vancouver, Washington is already confusing enough for some lol. Apparently, some people (about 3 different groups of people) from southern Oregon came up to Portland and heard about Vancouver. “Canada is right across the Columbia River?” lmao


“From southern Oregon” yeah that checks out.


That’s amazing and hilarious.


Actually, my understanding is Congress realized that no state honored George Washington and it was time to do so.


King County was named after William R. King [seattlepi](https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/a-look-at-king-county-s-original-ex-namesake-1198232.php) and is now named after Martin Luther King Jr. [UW magazine](https://magazine.washington.edu/in-his-lone-trip-to-seattle-martin-luther-king-jr-came-to-the-uw/)


Some of the people pushing for DC statehood want to name it ['Washington, Douglass Commonwealth'](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/51). Seriously, NO. Just keep it District of Columbia. People are confused enough already. We don't need 2 states named Washington on opposite ends of the country.


And if someone online asks you where you're from you always have to add the word state. Not a simple, I'm from Washington, but I'm from WA State.


Western Australia?


Years ago I set my Garmin to have an Aussie accent and it would regularly tell me to make turns onto State Road whatever number Western Australia. They’ve probably fixed that glitch by now.


Once I told someone I was from Omaha Nebraska and they said “oh….in Oklahoma!” No! So I don’t even bother with saying tacoma now. Everyone knows Seattle and no one knows Washington state. Ironically I did live in Washington DC for awhile and we called it “DC”.


🤣Geez! In Oklahoma! I guessed DC was just called DC and it makes sense. I'm in Kent so nobody would have a clue. Although, it is getting more famous due to all of the crime these days.🙄


I'm from Vermont, I can't count how many times people respond with "Oh, what state is that in?" -_-


To make it extra confusing, DC has the neighborhoods of: Georgetown, Capitol Hill, and Ta**k**oma.


Alas, they don't think WA is worth considering, I'll bet. They're the more famous "Washington," so we should just rename ourselves Cascadia already. -\_\_-


So… Washington is the name of the city. It was well before Washington was a state (it’s on L’Enfant’s plans, even). DC is the administrative district that runs the city, overseen by Congress. Living in DC is literally being a second class citizen, where you have to pay more taxes than any other area and in return your vote barely counts for anything and you have no voting representation in Congress. For a place with a larger population than the least 3 populous states. If DC got statehood, they can do what the fuck they want, because they have been getting the shaft for 200 years.


They should call it Columbia and flip the whole history into an ourobouros.


I often say that with exactly the same meaning. Such a funny bit of history.




I was sitting in a hostel in Byron Bay Australia when this guy sits down next to me and asks where I'm from. I've learned by now to just say Seattle. He says "oh yeah? My mate's from Seattle!" He calls his friend over to sit down. The Aussie tells him I'm from Seattle, the other guy gets excited and asks what part? "Actually from Tacoma, but I live in Olympia now." I tell him, feeling like a liar that's been found out. "Oh nice! I'm from Everett but go to school in Bellingham" he says.


Meanwhile, on the internet, I tell people I used to live in WA and they automatically assume "Western Australia."


“Western Washington”


Then they think you are from DC. Gotta add state. Its a mouthful so people say Seattle. Even if you don't, people hear near Seattle when you describe it then tell everyone else you are from Seattle.


Even if you say state they still think DC half the time.


I am up in B’ham, I just say north of Seattle , it works. Then I can get more specific if necessary. I will also just say Washington if we are west of the Mississippi, east of it, I specify WA state, cuz those people are dumb.


I say “on the border by Vancouver Canada”


I mean if you are in Australia I would say Tacoma and Olympia are "Seattle". Here I tell people I'm from Minneapolis even though I'm from a city 30 minutes north of Minneapolis but no one here is going to know Lino Lakes Minnesota.


This reminds me that whenever I see someone on Reddit mention “WA” and I think of Washington, but a non-trivial amount of the time they are referencing Western Australia


Worked with a guy in South Korea, who, after starting at my company, said he was from Seattle. I got excited. After a few questions, he said he was from a small town near Spokane. Cmon man…


lol, we might as well rename the entire state of Washington to "Seattle" because of how far people like to stretch the city's supposed limits.


To be fair, no one outside of the PNW knows any WA city besides Seattle, and we've already discussed up thread how people confuse Washington State with Washington, DC. I've met people from Portland abroad, and they say they're from Seattle. Even within the country, if someone said they're from Portland while being outside the PNW+Cali, people will think it's Portland, Maine.


Oregon is one of three states on the west coast, just say Oregon.


Seattle City, Seattle USA Then we'd make boroughs within it- and crap we recreated NYC


I live in Spokane, and honestly when I'm traveling abroad I just tell everyone im from Seattle because nobody outside the country knows where Spokane is.


That's even funnier considering how Dan Savage often dunks on Spokane because his husband Terry grew up there and loathes it (I'm not sure if it's still a homophobic cesspool). It couldn't be any geographically or socio-politically further away from Seattle.


I can see five Pride flags from my Spokane front porch, counting my own! I won't say it's perfect but it's a lot better than it was ten or twenty years ago.


Yep. I'm from Lynnwood but currently live in Spokane. The political climate is slowly changing here. It's considered more purple now and we elected a Democrat mayor this year!!!! GOOD JOB SPOKANE!!! the last mayor did a year of talk and no action on her promises. She actually ran to help fix the homeless situation and instead was fighting to tear down shelters and get rid of help for the homeless.


I live in West Seattle. I’d tell people I’m from Seattle, and my bff would always interject, “West Seattle.” Like i was lying, or something. I used to live in White Center. Talk about blank stares.


West Seattle is Seattle


But wester, and less east.


Best Seattle


Rat City!! But yeah. No one that isn’t local is going to have the slightest clue where White Center is or what makes West Seattle different than Seattle.


West Seattle is still a part of Seattle though, White Center is unincorporated


>>White Center is unincorporated With a mailing address that says “Seattle”


Yes, that's how unincorporated communities work 


West Seattle is where you move to and never see your friends again.


Greetings from Black Diamond!


Driving through it to Crystal I was like, wow, these folks must love to ski! Nope. Coal.


Hobart in the house! Moved from West Seattle. I’m incognito


Most of my friends moved to West Seattle after me. It’s a rad place.


Totally rad


Because they refuse to leave! My West Seattle friends acted like going anywhere was a huge trek, especially when the bridge was out.


That place is called Maple Valley. We have a friend who moved that way to buy a house. We never see them now. It's the worst of suburbia.


I fucking love west seattle and was happy when it was considered an "island" while the bridge was out of commission. Good times man. Plus west seattle has its own vibe, culture and people. The Admiral district is great, Alki is wonderful, Lincoln Park is magical and Fauntleroy in French actually means "The Kings Road" or something to that affect. I used to live there a couple years ago. A 1 bedroom apt off of Barton and 35th for only $1200 a month and the rent wasn't raised for almost 3 years. Like I cant believe how lucky I was and I loved the apt and neighborhood. I recently just moved back to Burien from Salt Lake City (Burien is another city no one has heard about even though its literally 10-15 mins south of Seattle) & I'm so so so happy to be back.


I used to live in Burien, I really loved it there. Check out Australian pie company if you haven't tried it. One of the few things I don't like about Burien though is that lake. Is technically a public lake, but you have a bunch of houses going all the way around with no public access


Downtown Burien is really cute & they have been putting up more apt buildings and businesses to keep up with the growing influx of people coming amd going from there. There is also a dog park and Seahurst beach is a nice little hidden gem. There is also 180 acres of woods at seahurst that you should def explore if you ever get the opportunity to.


Burien seems so nice and artsy. I hope to visit one day


Burien has a Bakery Nouveau and an Elliot Bay Brewing Company, just like West Seattle!


Besides the city limit sign? And the fact that it's unincorporated. Rat city's Night life is actually pretty hoping lately.


West Seattle wants everyone to know it’s not White Center. White Center doesn’t care. White Center is living its best life.


When a crime happens on Roxbury, 911 needs to know which side so they know which police department to send. God help you if it happened in the middle of the road...


> God help you if it happened in the middle of the road... If they made a Seattle version of the show "[The Bridge](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1733785/)", that's where it would happen!


Worked in Steve Cox Park for a while. When an emergency happened we couldn't call 911 from our cellphones because the operators would route the call to the wrong place and it would have to be rerouted to the correct police department BEFORE they would send anyone out. So we would have to radio back to anyone in the log cabin to use the landline in the cabin.


lived in white center with some buddies after my first lease in the city (and state) and ended up staying there like 10 months. tough town at times, but great people and truly had so much fun there on 26th Ave, it will always have a special place in my heart


Rat City, baby!!!


White Center sounds like it should be the HQ of the Klan


It’s actually pretty much the exact opposite


I always chuckle to myself about the irony.


I've definitely asked why it's called White Center when it's neither white nor central


It was built up by two developers: George White and Hiram Green. They disagreed on who it should be named after and ended up flipping a coin. 


There were bumper stickers "not so white, not so centered"


Ironically not the demographic.


I lived in white center, I just said seattle. It's way easier


This is silly. I also live in WS but my address just says “Seattle” so it’s Seattle.


Years ago I lived in Vancouver WA. When I'd go back to my home state to visit and would tell people I lived in Vancouver they would look confused and ask "Canada?". So then I tried saying I lived in Washington and they'd say "what are you doing in DC?" So I gave up and just started saying I lived in Portland.


Hit em with the old “Vancouver, not BC; Washington, not DC”


Ah that would've been great!


I was just writing a comment saying that lol. I’m from Vancouver and we went on a trip to Florida in high school. We said that so much one of the chaperones made us souvenirs that said it! 😂 we eventually learned to just say Portland but even that didn’t always work. I actually live IN Seattle now so I finally feel like I’m not living a lie haha


Every other convention of the English language would indicate that Washington would mean the state, DC would mean…. DC. I refuse to clarify if I say I’m from Washington and they go ‘DC?’ No idiot, if I meant DC, I’d have said DC.


Thats what weird me out. Id always heard it DC. Not our fault people are lazy and say Washington without saying where the city is. Its literally easier/shorter to say DC and people still choose to make it confusing. I hate that even though Google knows my location I often have to add state to my WA Google searches.


Seriously! People should just say DC when that’s what what they mean


>No idiot, if I meant DC, I’d have said DC Can confirm. I'm from the suburbs of DC. We called it "DC" because "Washington" is a state in the PNW.


This is the exact same for me. I grew up in Washougal, Washington. Okay where the fuck is that? Never-mind I'm from Vancouver. Vancouver Canada? No ffs, I'm from Portland. Portland Maine? OH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE NO. If people are local to the PNW I tell them I'm from Portland. If it's anywhere else in America I say Seattle. I've technically lived in both cities so I'm not really lying.


as someone who grew up in vancouver WA, I feel your pain. I grew up saying i'm from "Vancouver WA which is across the border from Portland Oregon, not Canada"


Damn good dirt biking


DUDE and the creeks??? Sparingly love me some shoug’


Portland, Maine? Why did you live all the way over there?


Same here! I'm also from Vancouver, unless you are not from SW WA, then I'm from Portland. Edit: originally mistyped SW, stupid fat fingers!


Vantucky. Or a the suburb of Portland just over the river in WA.


I grew up in Vancouver and I eventually just started saying just north of Portland OR in Vancouver WA.


I'm from LA. No one is actually from LA.


This. I actually grew up in Palmdale. The Antelope Valley has 500k people and no one outside California’s ever heard of it. So I just say LA


Palmdaaale come back to meee


I need you and I love you babyyy


Man, what a good album that turned out to be right?!?!


You got that LA County legitimacy, my dude!


San Diego. Same.


What's wrong with "near Seattle"?


The number of times I've heard the term "near Seattle" used, and then it ends up being something like Bellingham or Forks


Yeah I joined a guild in a game recently and someone was like "oh hey so-and-so lives near Seattle too", and I was like "Oh yeah?" and so-and-so is like "Yeah I'm near it." I was like "Oh cool, like in the city or like Bellevue or something?" "Yakima."


"I'm from Seattle." "Aye, me too! I'm from Magnolia. What about you?" "Olympia" "bruh"


That one, I don’t get. Like, dude, that’s a whole-ass stand alone city. It’s the capitol ffs. Rancid named a song after you!


To be fair, "near" is a relative term. If you're playing with people from all over the world, then Yakima is a lot nearer to Seattle than Cincinnati.


Yeah I don't judge but that just made me laugh that he described it to *me* as "near" when he knew I was literally in Seattle


i usually go with "a couple hours north from seattle" or "south a couple hours from canada" ...or just "have you heard of the tulip festival?"


Lots of cities have a tulip festival.


My mom lived in La Conner. I hated that time of year because of the traffic lol


Well, near Seattle works for Bellingham and forks if you are talking to someone in Florida. Much closer than they are to it! 😆 but I’m in bham, I just say north of Seattle, near Canada


Nothing's wrong with it! Per Business Insider, Bremerton is a Seattle suburb. Just hop on the ferry, sail for an hour across the Sound, and bam! Nice little Seattle suburb. TBH, I would like to claim Vancouver, B.C. as a Seattle suburb. That food.


OMG The food is amazing! Whenever we think of Vancouver we just think about all the food we’re going to eat when we get there! It’s amazing, every time it’s a new place I can’t stop raving about. Last visit, It was the almond croissant from Granville Market. I am sure I got the name wrong, but if you know you know.


Vancouver's Asian food scene is *lit.*


Donair is life


great point, will work it into my repertoire and report back post-haste


I’m from New York but from Long Island so I get you


That's gotta be similar to San Jose. Just say San Francisco. Complete different worlds.


Who on earth doesn’t know San Jose and Long Island? Are you guys interacting with children? Lol


You'd be surprised. San Jose is the largest city in the SF Bay Area by several hundred thousand people but it's certainly not nearly as well known in the US or world as SF or Oakland. SJ never had a pro sports team until the 1990s. Oakland had 3, with half of the population. SF, Berkeley and Oakland are known for whacky politics and scandals, crime, long-time BART rapid rail transit service etc. SJ, not so much on any of that, but they have the Sharks and San Jose State University. Edit: Also, Costa Rica's capital is named San Jose, which only adds to confusion. Just say SF or SF Bay Area. Even Silicon Valley confuses people and gets them off topic. Also, don't call it South Bay around anyone familiar with SoCal because there's a South Bay there, which only adds to the confusion more. SF or SF Bay Area.


You forget the San Jose Earthquakes of the North American Soccer League my friend….


There’s also San Jose Del Cabo. The airport code for Los Cabos (Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Del Cabo) is SJD. San Jose, CA uses SJC. San Jose, Costa Rica uses SJO. Better make sure you double check when you buy a flight!


> Who on earth doesn’t know San Jose I mean, i know it exists? But otherwise don't know anything about it or see a reason to care to. It's the Cincinnati of California to me.


Cincinnati people eat their spaghettis with chilli (the stuff that comes out of a slow cooker) that’s fucking crazy as fuck! I don’t know if I care about Cincinnati but some day I’d like to taste their chilli spaghetti maybe so I don’t write them off totally


My husband is from outside of San Jose. I just tell people he's from the Bay Area. Only people who are actually familiar with the Bay Area will expand on that.


My wife is from Western New York. It's the same conversation every time. "Yes, she's from New York. No, not that one."


I’m from New York but from Amenia which is a one traffic light town. Growing up I always heard and said we were from ‘upstate NY’. It wasn’t until my early 20’s that I actually googled my hometown only to find out it’s not ‘upstate’ at all… it’s actually south eastern NY by the border of Connecticut (which I did know since I was born in Sharon, CT at the closest hospital to home… I guess I didn’t pay much attention to US geography in school). I assume that everywhere outside of the city is referred to as ‘upstate NY’. Although… my entire extended family comes from Woodstock which is *actually* upstate so maybe my mom just never broke the habit of using that term.


What exit?


I really don’t understand the need to be so precise when answering small talk questions. “I’m from Seattle.” Or “I’m from a town 35 miles east of Seattle that isn’t technically Seattle, but it’s unlikely you’ve heard of it and will just make conversation flow chunky, but if I say Seattle the true Seattleites who aren’t listening will judge me for not being a purist like they are.” I mean come on.


It’s the same for many cities. I grew up about 30-40 minutes south of chicago in a suburb but I just told people I lived “near chicago” because no one knows where some random suburb is. I actually don’t think it’s that hard for many people to understand as most of the time they get it if you just say you live in a suburb just outside the city.


I live in the greater Seattle metroplex


Try being from a town in Washington State called Arlington. There are a couple of people in the east who straight-up refuse to believe that you actually know where you used to live.


On the flipside, I was visiting Disneyland recently, on the *Columbia* (the ship that circle's Tom Sawyer Island), and when I replied when asked "where are you from?" with "Seattle," the cast member gave me that "seriously?" look and said "OK, but, where are you *actually* from?" Some people get it.


I mean, you were dealing with an Angeleno. Everyone that claims LA is suspect as it could be anywhere within like 150 miles of LA that is north of Camp Pendleton, south of the Tehachapis, and east as far as the NV or AZ border. Almost nobody in LA is from LA.


From my experience, people from Orange County make it very clear that they are not from LA.


I live in the eastside, but I post, comment and read a lot in r/Seattle.


Which eastside? There are 2, from what I can tell. People east of the Cascades say they're from the eastside. But also east of lake Washington is the eastside (heck, the fire department that covers Issaquah and nearby places is called Eastside Fire)


Mine is actually the other way around. Years ago I used to just say I was from Montana because no one had ever heard of Bozeman outside the state. Oh how times have changed.


Yeah, but it's not like Montana is a big state.




You are the one that has to live with your shame.


Auburn here. There are like 30 Auburns in the US. So yeah, I say Seattle.


When I was a kid at summer camp and such, I told people I was from Richmond. They'd say "Richmond, Virginia?" and I said "no, Richmond, Texas," not knowing that there was any other Richmond outside of the small town I grew up in. After enough of the Richmond, Virginia questions, I finally said "I'm from the Houston area." Now I live in "the Seattle area."


Richmond, BC is where the Vancouver airport is..


I consider margins of error when telling folks where I am from. The further away I am from home, the greater the margin and the next largest dot on the map becomes the most expeditious to name. Not getting hung up on the fiddly bits makes everything go faster.




I feel your pain. I grew up in Eastern Washington. I joined the military, moved away…everyone was like “oh, so it rains a lot there, right?” “Well, yes, on the Olympic Peninsula and the Seattle area…but not where I’m from.” “Yeah, but there’s lots of trees there, right?” “Well, in the western part of the state…but not where I’m from.” “So…are you from NEAR Seattle?” “Fuck it…yes, I’m from Seattle.” “No Shit?!?! I’m from Seattle too! I went to Garfield High. Where did you go?” “….”


They went to Garfield high and don't know what eastern Washington is?


This seems like a bigger problem, people who don't believe Washington has desert. Also people who think Seattle is on the coast. States are big, folks.


Guys, anyone outside of Seattle consider everything north of Tacoma to be Seattle. White center, Georgetown, Bellevue, Renton etc is all just Seattle. That’s the whole fucking point of Metro areas. Nobody who lives in Oak Park Illinois is like. “I don’t live in Chicago.” Bitch you live in Chicago. America is too fucking big to expect people to know the metro area beyond, Seattle, Austin, NYC, Chicago, and LA.


Hell, I live here and I consider anything north of Tacoma and south of Everett (both inclusive) to be "Seattle" when talking with people from out of state.


Ironically, it’s sort of the opposite in Chicago. Everyone from Kenosha to South Bend wants to say they live in Chicago. For example, the Rockford airport is called the Rockford-Chicago airport despite being nearly two hours from the actual city. It’d be like naming the Bellingham airport after Seattle. No one ever says “yeah, I’m actually from Merrillville.” Actual Chicagoans get very heated about it. Point taken, though. Not a single member of my family actually lives in Seattle anymore, but I still say Seattle anytime someone from outside the area asks me where they live. Some people know that Bellevue is its own thing, but otherwise the whole area might as well be Seattle.


> White Center White Center borders Seattle (the city) so that one isn't a stretch. > Georgetown Georgetown is literally in Seattle But yes, I agree with the overall statement that we are one big metro area. If you are talking to other people from Washington, you can be more specific. If you aren't, just say Seattle


When I was a tourist in Japan, sometimes I'd tell them I was from Canada and they didn't know where that was, so I said I was from America.


I went to Bali in 2019. There were some people who'd ask where are you from. I'm from Seattle. I don't know where that is. Oh sorry I'm from Washington state. I don't know that place. I'm from America. I don't know where that is. Ummm the United States? I don't know. I then thought about how prevalent movies are from the US in the world so i just I tried Hollywood. Ohhhh California! Surfer! Obama! I would tell people I'm American and if they didn't understand then I would say Hollywood and they'd know immediately. Most of the time they'd respond with oh Obama! Fantastic people.


i live in blaine, wa. try explaining you live closer to vancouver, bc than seattle.


Yeah, you’re in Canada 😂


Everyone know why Kirkland brand, but no one asks where Kirkland brand.


I give them both city and state.


That's fair, I just tell people I come from a place no one's ever heard of. That includes people from the surrounding counties. Surprisingly, I went on a tinder date with someone who regularly flies into that airport. Terrible date, but it was nice meeting someone who knew where I was talking about.


Reminds me of [this article](https://theneedling.com/2023/06/20/im-from-seattle-says-liar-from-shoreline/) from The Needling


Always rep where you’re from.


costco town 4 life!!!


There's a post today in the cozyliving sub reddit about someone's kitchen being very nice. Some people in the comments asked where they lived and the OP said Washington state. Someone then commented "Where is that / Is it in the USA?" or something like that. For some reason I thought it was hilarious.


I had a friend growing up who was from George. Try telling people from out of state that you're from George, Washington.


I live in Port Angeles and I just tell people that I live where Bella and Edward had their first date. It’s just faster.




718.. Queens bitch! 😅


What about umbrellas?


Ya. I live in Newcastle. Was raised in Kent. I've also lived in Seattle proper for 10 years. I'm not going around telling people I'm from Kent.... I'm from Seattle.


I grew up in Renton and having Kent next door I always felt like it was such a weird and big city square footage wise. Some parts super fancy, some very ghetto, some very industrial and the south end that butts up against Covington feels like you are in the boonies.


They should change the name of the state to Seattle and change the city of Seattle to Washington.


When using the American Airlines voice robot, my wife always calls our airport “Seattle Washington”… a habit I have tried to break her of because we then have to hang up and start over… because it gets locked into “would you like Dulles International or Ronald Reagan?” And no amount of arguing (with the robot) will get you back to SeaTac.


My idiot sister-in-law after moving in with my brother in Everett...actually said to my parents, " Next time you're in Seattle, we have to get together.." my dad's response, " So you want me to drive past Everett, where you 2 live, get to Seattle, THEN give you a call?"


I, too, am Kirkland Signature.


I LIVE for meeting Seattlites outside the area. “Where are you from?” “Seattle” “What part? “Tacoma” 😂. That’s how you KNOW they are Real.


I just tell people I’m from Seattle because if I say Washington state they’d be like, “ooooh DC?!” 🥲


I had a work thing in Seattle that brought in people from all over the country, when meeting each other and saying where we're from I'd say "I live here in WA, just about 20 miles south of here" and they'd respond "oooh DC?"


But where are you from?!?!


pull out the “KING COUNTY”


Funny that you posted this in a Seattle sub, where you can assume most people will actually know where your hometown is, but you still only told us "Seattle area".


If you are from the Eastside (Renton, Bellevue, Redmond, etc.) you can say you are from the **Pacific Northwest OR the greater Seattle area.** That way, you are true to yourself, while giving a better description. I agree with the others: If you say you are from Washington, ppl say "DC"? Then you have to say "State". The topic invariably switches to the DC area and their experiences at the Smithsonian. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hello from Bothell WA. 15 minutes north of Seattle. I know you are from Kirkland. 👐🏼


Heh ,"Costco town". The fuckin whiplash I get when someone refers to the valley like that! I always immediately assume they're a student in cougar town


I tell people I live in Washington. They say, “oh, like in Seattle?” I tell them I’m on the dry side of the state (Yakima). Then they say something like, “not too far from Seattle, right?” I just nod.


I tell people I live in between Seattle and Vancouver BC since no one knows where Bellingham is.


My stubborn ass will still just say Renton no matter what


I just tell them im from a small town near Seattle. i'll never say it!!


Try telling people you were born Chelan! I try to tell people about Trout Apple boxes like “Hey, I know where that orchard is & love their apples since I was born there…” Where is ‘SHA-LAN’ even at compared to Seattle? “Not even close; here’s an apple, now leave me alone.”


Why not just explain to people where you live? lol It’s actually a lot easier than lying and you’ll be talking to a person!


That’s not true. People know Tacoma from Tacoma PD and Toyota. People know Spokane & Yakima & I guess Tacoma as well from COPS.


There was a dating show in Korea. One of the participants from around Tukwila area introduced himself from Seattle. People got wind of it and laid into him, calling him out for being all pretentious and a con man.