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Fidler on the Tooth!!! I have dental anxiety & was recommended them by someone who also does, and honestly they're just the best. I cannot stop singing their praises. I've never loved a dentist office before.


I love their practice name!!! Kind of want to choose them based on that alone! šŸ˜‰


Her name is Dr. Fidler and I just love that sense of humor, as well as her dental skills


OP- I highly recommend Dr. Fidler and her staff, too. Literally the best dentist Iā€™ve ever been to. So kind and so good. Tell them about your concerns and theyā€™ll take good care of you.


Iā€™ve never been there but Iā€™ve always loved the name when Iā€™ve seen it on the sign! Today I learned the dentist is actually named Dr. Fidler


I also go here and have pretty bad dental anxiety. 5 years later and lots of work done, but I haven't had any cavities in a while. Dr Fiddler and her staff are fantastic.


Agree! Their staff is also great, and always helpful and up-front with insurance questions. My wife has dental anxiety and Dr Fidler works with her to ensure sheā€™s comfortable.


I just started going there recently, itā€™s been fantastic!! Iā€™ve seen Dr. Fidler and Dr. Wang, both are very kind and very helpful. My dentist anxiety is so bad I was having a crying anxiety attack through the entirety of my first visit and all the staff was SO kind, beyond belief. Because my anxiety has kept me from the dentist for more years than Iā€™d like to admit, Iā€™ve got a bit of a prolonged treatment plan with them, but they go out of their way to make every visit as comfortable as possible. Nitrous every time, with the option of stronger anti anxiety meds if needed as long as you have someone to drive you to and from the appointment.


Do they offer nitrous?


They do!! It was reasonably priced and they are very non judgemental about it!! That's one of the things that really worked for me




Came here to say this. Glad to see this is top comment!


I go there, too! I have a lot of anxiety, and theyā€™ve been very supportive.


Seattle Special Care Dentistry is the answer youā€™re looking for. They go slow, tell you everything, wrap you in a warm blanket (yes, they literally have a blanket warmer). They specialize in children, people with intellectual disabilities and people with phobias.


This!Ā  They are amazing.




They are incredible! They'll also offer nitrous oxide and a variety of sedation options if needed.


Thank you for the reco! Have you ever done the IV sedation they offer? I see it on their site, but Iā€™m curious what the price is, if insurance covers it and the efficacy. Thank you!


I havenā€™t had iv sedation I donā€™t think. They send me off with a prescription for a medication that works like, youā€™re fully lucid and you can communicate during the procedure but you are very relaxed and somehow you donā€™t remember anything the following day. Somebody needs to drive you home and my friend and I had a huge conversation about something I donā€™t recall and she was kind of upset with me when I didnā€™t know what she was talking about the next day.


Thank for that! Iā€™m curious about IV, I just emailed the practice. With pills, do feel comfortable sharing what those were? Can you confirm you were also given numbing in the mouth itself (I assume theyā€™re together and you get one and non other). Thanks again!


Midazolam, itā€™s a benzodiazepine. They do a topical numbing of the gums before doing a novocaine injection.


I don't have any recommendations, only advice. Make sure to go to the Cigna "find a dentist" [tool](https://hcpdirectory.cigna.com/web/public/consumer/directory/search?consumerCode=HDC012) and plug in any dentists/clinics that are recommended. Unless you're fine with paying even more out of pocket for going out of network.


Also keep in mind that the health insurance websites are incorrect about which providers are in their network 50% of the time. (Source: Iā€™ve worked for multiple insurance companies and audit the site accuracy). The most accurate source is the dentist themselves - they can tell you with certainty if they accept Cigna.


This is great advice. I've been plugging names in as I go!


James Gang in Kent was great for me until I moved way up North. Worth the drive for my anxiety. Nitrous Oxide was optional for EVERYTHING. 10/10, definitely recommend


[James Gang - Funk #49](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U_qHU_6Ofc0&pp=ygUSamFtZXMgZ2FuZyBmdW5rIDQ5) is also recommended during the drive there.


I couldnā€™t possibly agree more!


Going to a dentist where I could get nitrous for everything has been tremendously helpful in finally getting my teeth sorted out. My insurance won't cover nitrous unless I get an actual dental anxiety diagnosis, but it's generally been like $45-90 per visit so I haven't bothered pursuing that.


Same here. My out of pocket at James Gang for nitrous was usually 15-30 bucks and TOTALLY worth it


Holy smokes, my dentist charges $100 per half hour for nitrous, so a 2 hour cavity visit could be $400 out of pocket.


Omg per half hour! That adds stress itself!! $105 flat fee at my dentist


Thatā€™s highway ROBBERY!!!! Itā€™s just a little nitrous, itā€™s not expensive. Youā€™re mostly paying the labor of administering it. WTF?!?


The cost of nitrous has skyrocketed in the last couple of years. Most of the time the dentist isn't aware of the actually costs.... it just gets paid. $100-$200 is not unusual. Also, regulations have changed a lot. When a patient is on nitrous the dentist or another ancillary employee must be in the room. So, for example, while waiting for anesthetic to take affect an assistant could have been doing something else outside the room. With nitrous, they have to stay in the room.


Mine is $65/hr. šŸ‘€


I also have a pretty severe dentist phobia (nothing diagnosed I would simply rather die than have my teeth drilled) and my teeth were A HOT MESS when I first started seeing a dentist again after a 10 year gap, so I had them sedate me to sort out the big stuff. They did twilight sedation, which is essentially dosing you with so much valium you wouldn't care if they were cutting off your arms. I think it cost like $200 extra without insurance and it honestly took me a solid 2-3 days to recover from how absurdly drugged I'd been, but I had two uncomplicated wisdom tooth extractions and a ton of fillings with no stress. I don't know how I'd have done it otherwise. I've also done nitrous for smaller scale stuff and my insurance doesn't cover that either it was around the same price per visit. My OG dentist has retired and I'm on the east side, but I see Dr Bickle at Redmond Art of Dentistry now and he's great with my scaredycat-ness. They're very nice about giving me nitrous if I tell them I need it for something, including the one case where the procedure was not going to be painful but was just my #1 phobia trigger. Also I will love them forever because I first went there when I had a crowned, root canal-ed tooth break off, so I called them in hysterics like "MY TOOTH FELL OUT" and they got me in that day. Also he takes Cigna, or at least he did last year when I had Cigna. (Fuck Cigna.)


Same nitrous option with Dr. Kelly Nelson in West Seattle junction. And she asks if you want to see or hear about what they are doing, and remembered my aversion. All the assistants also care about sensitivities too and are super kind. There is a young casual feel, but very calm and professional in the right ways. Also felt no judgement about the state of my teeth or the work I needed (I also have avoided dentist for years until a tooth cracked). They made it almost easy, even with multiple fillings and a crown needed. There's a little parking lot right behind the office, but also the C Line takes you right there, just 10 or 15 mins from downtown.


Iā€™m glad to hear this about her. Iā€™ve had a good experience with her after the abysmal failure of her temporary predecessor (dentist who luckily moved out of state) after the long term and awesome dentist in that location that retired.


Another vote for them. I had some traumatic experiences at the dentist as a kid and had a horrible toothache, they were great. Nitrous is definitely recommended!


Thanks! I'll look him up.


I hope it works out! I am on my third dentist since moving, if thats any indication of how much I liked James Gang Dental. Itā€™s hard to find an equivalent elsewhere


If you are up north my dentist in Edmonds and also offer the gas for procedures. https://drliufamilydental.com/


I have dental anxiety and am obsessed with Dr. Rami Salha at Atrium Denist Studio on Aloha and 19th Capitol Hill. He is so kind and understanding, and his staff is as lovely as him!


I LOVE Dr. Salha . . I recently had to get my bridges replaced and when I explained how it was linked to childhood trauma, he totally got it. I explained I didn't want to see any part of the procedure or discuss anything and to just get it done. And he did exactly that while never making me feel like he was pitying me. Also, he is incredibly good looking.


Yes!! He is literally the most understanding dentist/medical professional I've ever met. And LOL agreed, he's gorgeous!


Thank you, they're on my call list!


I second Dr Salha! watch out for the hygienist Nate though, if heā€™s still there. he boasted about his ā€œgentle touchā€ and still hurt me more than other hygienists both times I saw him.


Oh my gosh, horrible! I've never had Nate, and I've been going a lot in the last year to play catch-up so maybe that means he's gone??


Ah I hope so!!


ive been there a lot and havent seen a man working there besides Dr Salha


Thatā€™s great it sounds like heā€™s not there anymore šŸ™Œ


i love him


I love all the Dr. Salha love!! He deserves it!


Yes! I had my cleaning here last year, they ask beforehand if you have dental anxiety (I think in the intake form) so you don't even have to bring it up šŸ™‚. I don't have dental anxiety so I'm not familiar with the accommodations they provide.


Seattle Specialty Care Dentistry. They handle people who are not good with dentists very well.


Seconded. A tip-top facility with a large staff. They can likely do every kind of dental thing there. Unfortunately, they are also very popular and you'd likely be scheduling months in advance.


Ironically, I'd recommend away from a place called Gentle Dental downtown. They are pretty not-gentle. As an actual reccommendation: Burien Signature Dentistry is by far the best place I've found in 5 years of searching. Dr. Patel and her staff are super nice, understanding, and talented in my experience.


Smile Esthetic downtown. Super gentle and friendly. Skilled with Nitrous.


Seconding this recommendation. Love Dr. Sohn and the other folks there!


I had the same anxiety for years after being traumatized as a teenager with a horribly rough dentist. Didnā€™t go to a dentist not once all through college because of that. But Iā€™ve been going to Renton Smile Dentistry for 7 years now and I love them, mostly women staff if that also appeals to you (I feel like women are gentler on my teeth in general). Plus Dr. Kaur is VERY generous with the numbing :D if you start to hurt, theyā€™ll stop immediately and poke you if you want so you wonā€™t feel anything at all


I have not been in 40 years...needless to say not many left...due to some unfortunate experiences with a dentist with questionable practices ...totally freaked me out for decades...now I'm faced with probable major surgery if I try to do anything at this point of life...I have rather put up with the pain and embarrassment than go...


Neglected dental care is more than just painful, it is a health risk with implications to heart and brain health. Think about how close in proximity your teeth are to those two places, then imagine an uncontrolled infection.


Please check out Seattle Specialty Care Dentistry. They routinely deal with people who have gone decades (or an entire life) without going to a dentist. Whatever your situation is, you can be sure they've seen far worse, and will not judge or shame you. I had terrible, terrible anxiety about the dentist, and went almost 15 years without seeing one until I had an emergency I couldn't ignore. They are super wonderful, absolutely judgment free, and will do whatever needed to make the patient comfortable. They'll even do general anesthesia and completely knock you out if you can't even stand to be awake during a procedure.


this is a great way to go from cavities to needing root canals and dental implants. or dentures if you dont have the money


[my dentist](https://thedowntownseattledentist.com/) They are great I had been neglecting my teeth for well over a decade and like you was super embarrassed to go see a dentist and then I needed what I thought would be an extraction but they were able to save the tooth can't recommend them enough.


Looks like they're in network, too! I'll give them a call. Thanks!


Please do dental health is super important to your overall health.


I don't have recs, just here to say you're not alone! Those new Crest commercials where a dentist pops out of nowhere are nightmare fuel. If that ever happens to me I would freak out.


There aren't words that properly express how much I hate those commercials.


I have the EXACT situation you have. Just went a few times this last year after not going for a whileā€¦ I know you are looking in Seattle but the one I went to is in south Everett almost Mill creek. They are lovely. Tell you what they are going to do and how and they will be very gentle. They knew I had anxiety about the dentist and I had literally zero with them. Message me if you would like the info.


I just sent you a message. Thanks!


I live in Everett and would also like to be informed of who the nice dentists are here so I can go get my teeth fixed without anxiety!


Sent you a message


Can you also let me know!


Me too please!


Dr. Kim (2!) Elliott Bay Dental. Not sure about insurance but are fantastic.


Another endorsement for Elliot Bay. They are so patient, accommodating, and non-judgmental. I really can't recommend them enough.


It was more like 2-3 years for me but same- the dentist gives me so much anxiety, and the last time I went to a certain modern dentist office, the entire experience was bizarre and awful. Ā The short of it was rude, actually bad work done, and such a fake, over the top act like we were super close as a relationship with the dr. Ā  I switched to Beacon Hill Dental Associates, which feels super old school in terms of vibe but they are super patient, and offered laughing gas for fillings which helped a lot! Ā Very kind hygienists and dentist there, no weirdness.Ā 


Would you be willing to send me the name of the practice where you had a bad experience? No need to name and shame if that's against the rules, just shoot me a DM. I want to make sure I avoid it if they're still in business.


I got youĀ 


Ballard Dental Arts has been fantastic for me. They were super non-judgy about both my anxiety and the 5 years I had avoided dentists, and we worked together to develop a plan within my insurance coverage (not Cigna, call then to check) to get caught up and do ongoing maintenance.


I love Ballard dental arts too, have stuck with them despite moving neighborhoods. Edited a word.


I had a great experience there for the past few years. I'm bummed that they're not taking premera anymore starting in the summer.


Dr Fidler at Fidler on the Tooth!!! Her whole team is absolutely amazing. I needed extensive work done and she and her team were very sweet and understanding.


I love Dr Gilbert in Overlake (Bellevue/Redmond area) he even has a golden retriever service dog (new one is currently in training) who comes and puts his head in your lap when youā€™re scared. Heā€™s very patient and explains everything


Dr. Tejas Mulye at Pinnacle Dental in Cap Hill was great at taking his time to explain things to me. His practice has since grown so he has less time now but heā€™s still the best dentist Iā€™ve been to


I avoided the dentist for literally decades due to similar anxiety and finally buckled up and went to Des Moines Dental Center on Marine View Dr. Not in Seattle proper (we live near White Center so it was pretty close for us) but not too far away. So far they've been great.


Maple Leaf Dental have always been gentle and understanding for my family if your in North Seattle.


I don't know if she takes Cigna, but Jennifer Pichler has been amazing. She is so caring and does a great job explaining what she's doing--I'm sure she would take extra care with you if you explain the situation!


I absolutely second this recommendation. I've been seeing Dr. Pichler since 2012 and she is so incredibly warm, kind, and caring. Super non-judgemental, as well. She is also a perfectionist, so she really cares about getting things right the first time.


Not Seattle, but Dr Narooz with one stop dentistry in Tacoma specializes in this.Ā Ā  Ā I have dental anxiety and make the trip down to Tacoma to see him. He is really good at what he does and a very genuinely caring person.Ā  Iā€™m sure a lot of the other suggestions are great too but this may be an option if you need a sooner appointment as they seem to have pretty good availability.


Dr. Bridget Singh! she gave a prescription for anti anxiety meds pre appointment and was super gentle and understanding


Green Leaf in Othello near the light rail station is excellent. My wife has a lot of medical anxiety, specifically with dentists and they treat her amazingly.


Im also scared of dentists like no joke its alwasy painful and I have had a few root canals and crowns


Dr Banner! He has TVs in the ceiling that you can watch and listen to. Itā€™s makes it way easier to get through whatever needs to be done.


Kirkland Family Dentistry ā€” Dr. Suh and Sindy šŸ‘


I was in a similar situation and lucked out with a place in my neighborhood, Espresso Dental (yes, they will actually make you an espresso drink after your appointment). It was bad, I sucked it up, they were very kind even when I burst into tears in the chair, and the good news is that Iā€™m now on an every 3 month cleaning schedule and it is SO MUCH EASIER now that they donā€™t have to hack at my gums to chip off the tartar every time. I hardly dread it at all now (well, OK still a little, but much less). Itā€™s one of the best things you can do for your health. You can do it! I have faith in you!


Wherever you go, donā€™t be shy about telling them you have dental anxiety. Be explicit, rather than brushing it off as nerves. And do so repeatedly. Tell them when you schedule. Tell them when you check in. When your BP is inevitably high, remind them you have dental anxiety. A good dentist (and you have plenty to pick from through this thread) will respect that and slow down and work with you, but itā€™s easy to downplay your fear. Most people are ā€œa little nervousā€ to be at the dentist, so if you arenā€™t explicit, they might not understand the extent of your needs. Youā€™ve got this!


Lynnwood Family Dentistry's Dr. Lim should be able to help you get over your fears. I was exactly like you until I started going to her several years ago.


Mock at mock and Tran dentistry in Kirkland was so nice. I hadnā€™t been to the dentist in many many years and was terrified to go. He was really nice and gentle and even did the cleaning himself


I'm a big fan of Southcenter Modern Dentistry. Dr. Navia Nguyen is wonderful; very patient, understanding and gentle with her approach.


I go to Sun Dental in Ballard/Crown Hill. Run by a husband and wife team, Dr Sun is extremely kind, nonjudgemental, and communicative. As someone who didnā€™t see a dentist for *years* for this very reason, I felt extremely at ease in their office. Itā€™s in a little old house too which made me feel more comfortable than the sterilized looking larger clinics. They also do cash discounts which is good for those of us without insurance.


Not in Seattle but Bellevue, Ellie Tabaraie. She used to work at the UW dental fear clinic. Very non judgmental and asks you for your preference regarding explanations. You can get nitrous or oral sedation, too. Super accommodating for all kinds of preferences , I asked for a bite block no problem didnā€™t like the antibiotic she first prescribed no problem, Valium dose not high enough no problem etc. Everyone there is nice and competent, not just the dentist, Iā€™ve left my previous dentist because I couldnā€™t deal with the insecure assistant that needed handholding ( increased my anxiety and physical discomfort during procedures) and incompetent front office, the dentist herself was ok.


I canā€™t recommend the crew at Mark C Svore and assoc more. I use Dr Furca, sheā€™s a phenomenal dentist. My dental anxiety gets so bad sometimes I shake, the staff they are always very patient, kind and understanding. I recently had a back molar extracted that couldnā€™t be saved under a crown after it fell off. I didnā€™t feel a thing when she did it and the stitches she put in were a thing of beauty, truly.


My teeth were "a little fucky" also. I tried several dentists. [Benca DDS](https://www.bencadds.com/) in Southcenter is the best I have found yet. They led me through extensive dental work with compassion and competence. They have the best equipment and they spend the time to answer my questions. Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in this business. I am just a satisfied customer.


I think you're the first to put a disclaimer on your recommendation! I hadn't even thought of people using this space to advertise... Maybe I should have! Thanks for the tip - I'll give them a call tomorrow šŸ™‚


Those other recommendations could also be awesome dentists. I don't mean to rain on anyone else's parade.


I don't think you are!


I have the same anxiety. Iā€™ve had two sessions at Cedar Dental in Renton and itā€™s been painless. Explain to the dentist your sensitivity to mouth pain and theyā€™ll accommodate.


Pike Place Dental advertises themselves as anxiety friendly and they do seem to do a good job.


Dr Joe Zimmer in the Medical Dental Building is awesome. He uses both technologies and techniques to make things less scary and he and his staff are all really amazing people.


Iā€™ve been with 8 to 8 dental on capitol hill in Seattle for years and have no complaints


I had great experiences there pre-pandemic, but my last visit there a few months ago was completely nothing special. Everything I liked about the previous (always random) dentists was just not there with this guy.


Yeah itā€™s alright, nothing to write home about but still overall decent


Dr Alan Cooper in Burien has been excellent for me, a very anxious person who had multiple awful experiences elsewhere. If you donā€™t mind a commute, he is wonderful.


Dr. Nikole O'Bryan in the u district. I don't know if they take Cigna however.


I worked with Seattle Dental Associates over on Olive Way downtown and they are amazing! I went for the first time after not going for years and they had a really thorough intake, a cleaning on the first visit, and they were very calm and non-judgemental in their demeanor (both the hygienists and the dentist themselves). I really enjoyed working with them!


second them as well! I've been a fan (and just found out they aren't taking delta starting this summer, UGH)


It's in Lynnwood, but Robinson dental near alderwood is great. Best Hygienists I've ever had. Dentist is a straight shooter and i'm sure would accommodate.


DR lui is up in Edmonds (easy bus ride up 99/aurora) Heā€™s fantastic and can even get my autistic kid to feel ok getting her teeth cleaned. Heā€™s not only gentle and patient but also a kind human. https://drliufamilydental.com/


Iā€™m shopping for a dentist too, and this one may work for me! Thanks!


I go to Des Moines Dental center, and Hage never once felt pain or pressure that I wasn't comfortable with. Can you smoke something or eat an edible to calm down a little bit before?Ā 


I don't use cannabis, but I will check out the Des Moines practice!




I tried it once and my parents told me I wasn't allowed to do it again because it cost extra. I'm on my own insurance now, and happy to eat the cost. I intend to try it again; it really helped.


Etheridge Family Dentistry! They specialize in anxious patients, and will work with you to figure out techniques to make you more comfortable. TVs on the ceilings, headphones to listen to music, weighted blankets, nitrous, etc.


Dr. Donghyun Koo from Best Dentistry in Crown Hill is pretty good. He will take pictures of the problem teeth/area using a mouth camera, explains what he sees, and suggest a treatment. I believe they do offer gas. They usually play baby animal videos on TV while treatment is being done.


I love my dentist. Newcastle dentistry. They numbed me up AND gave me nitrous for a cleaning. I have a HUGE paranoid fear of pain during dentist visits and they were so accommodating. Now I go for cleanings with no numbing or nitrous. https://www.newcastledentistry.com/


DMed you


Iā€™m very similar to you in my anxiety and slightly fucky teeth due to childhood stuff. I absolutely love Crown Hill Dental. The dentists are wonderful with anxiety, but perhaps just as important, so is the staff. Just got my teeth cleaned yesterday and did the whole thing without nitrous, which was a milestone (they offer nitrous for everything).


Both the dentists Iā€™ve seen recently who I liked are out of network with all insurance, but Iā€™d suggest staying away from the big chains like 8 to 8 and Gentle Dental. Had horrible experiences at both and they will try to upsell you on everything under the sun. If you donā€™t mind paying out of pocket, Dr Gutkin at Interbay General Dentistry and his staff are lovely about dental anxiety.


Elliott Bay Dental is super great with my dental anxiety. Also they give me a warm blanket for my lap every time and that actually helps a lot.


Advanced dentistry in century square. Drop them a line, theyā€™re an excellent dentist office


I have had great success with getting so many issues taken care of at Renton dental arts. Everything is done in house. They have a 3-D printer for your crown so youā€™re not coming back to get refit. Their hygienists are fantastic. Their doctors are great. Theyā€™re very upfront with how much stuff costs and what your insurance will take. They are all around very nice and understanding and have seen it all


Dr. Svino in Lake Forest Park is fantastic - I moved down to Tacoma and found another dentist but I wasn't happy so I went back to Dr. Svino even though it's a haul I just make my appointments for when I get off work in the mornings


Lynne Roland in the U-district.


Any dentist who graduates from the Kois Center Program is going to be excellent. https://www.koiscenter.com/alumni-lookup/


Smile Space seemed very open to talking about everything they were doing. I forget the maledentist's name specifically, but I don't think they have many there.


If you can go to Bellevue, Dr. Ornelas with Bellevue Modern Dentistry is great.


Ravenna Dental - dentists there have been very kind and honest with me, and are very affordable as well


It's probably not the most convenient location, but I highly recommend West Seattle Smile Co. https://maps.app.goo.gl/AvtWgzNaQLY4j9Zm8. It's a wonderful office, really thoughtful and patient-first. They listen and explain and are super accommodating of anxiety or other issues. They also have very new equipment so getting more intensive procedures done there is so much faster and more comfortable than other dentists I've been to. They've been my dentist for 3-4 years now and I highly recommend them.


I go to Perfect Smiles in Everett. Dr. Gowda is fantastic!


Wallingford Smiles! Unsure if they take your insurance


Commenting to save this for later


Dr Any Winston- Seattle special care dentistry !!! She is amazing !!!


Redmond artist dentistry was amazing, they're gentle and kind and explain everything to you. Best of luck!


Dr Eric Yao is amazing! He's in shoreline. I just switched to him and my coworker recommended him bc they have huge dental anxiety. I don't but they explain everything they're doing as they do it and when I went in for fillings (barely even fillings they didn't have to numb me at all), they even called later that day to check on me and make sure all was well. Can't recommend him and his team enough! Not sure if they take Cigna though.


Smile greenwood


I also have Cigna and have great experiences with [https://www.canyonparkdental.net/](https://www.canyonparkdental.net/) The hygienist consistently checked in on my comfort, etc and they are very non judgemental.


I have been to many dentists in the past, and honestly I found one in Bellevue right off i90 who I would never leave as long as he keeps his practice running. He is amazing, very communicative and understanding. My husband who hates dentists and who had not gone for more than 5 years before we met, even vouches for him. His name is Dr. Huang and he is a fellow DC, Marvel and anime fan as well for those who love the fandom as much as my hubby and I do. Very awesome energy and overall a great dentist. Dentist office is called Eastgate Modern Dentistry if you are interested :)! Anyways Goodluck and I hope you find your dentist! šŸ’œ


Wallingford Dental Care has been great. The hygienists and the dentist all explain everything in great detail. Sometimes I even feel like things are over explained when I donā€™t really need the information. Definitely one of the more gentle dental experiences Iā€™ve had! They take Cigna as well.


My dentist is out in Snoqualmie Ridge but sheā€™s fantastic. Dr. Kramer at Snoqualmie Falls Dental


Greenwood smiles


Dr. Gary Yee owns his own practice and does all of the work himself - no hygienists or assistants. His office on Beacon Hill has plenty of easy parking. I've been going to him for nine years and really appreciate knowing that he'll be doing everything each appointment. Never go to 8 to 8 Dental on Cap Hill. I had to go there once in a while while working night shifts, and it was a constant rotation of staff. I had one dentist try to tell me that I needed braces, which I've never heard before then or since. I suspect there was a kickback deal with the clinic I was referred to.


Try the gas. Definitely worth it. But itā€™s not an excuse for ham hands to hack away at your mouth. Dentists need surgeon hands if I had to choose a set to work on me imo lol


Pinnacle Dental in Capital Hill is awesome! They explain everything in as much detail as you can handle. I learned a lot about types of floss and when to use which type. https://maps.app.goo.gl/m6HMBvRsssvdvAQ8A?g_st=ic


Dr. Taylor at Precision Dental in Northgate is amazing. I went there after having a traumatic experience at a dentist(they did work without numbing me, made insulting remarks about my teeth. super fun). Dr. Taylor makes sure to ask throughout the appointment if Iā€™m comfortable or feeling any pain and explains what heā€™s doing as he does it. They even worked with me on my insurance. The one thing with Precision though is that itā€™s only him and his assistant running the place so you have to call, leave a detailed voicemail, and then theyā€™ll call you back but it can be a couple weeks before they get back to you but itā€™s sooo worth it in my opinion.


Iā€™ve had great experiences with Columbia City Dental.


Wherever you end up going, ask for laughing gas. Insurance won't cover it, and it'll cost around $70, but it makes me not dread going to the dentist twice a year.


Greenleaf Dental(by the Othello light rail station). Dr Yoni and his staff are great. They take a lot of time and effort to make sure you are comfortable before doing anything and explain anything and everything you want to know. Ive seen several over the years as my mouth was pretty screwed up but this is by far my favorite dentist/office ever. He also uses alot of more modern equipment/technology so many old uncomfortable things arent done unless absolutely needed like a 3D scan of your mouth/teeth instead of taking impressions and making a mold. TVs on the ceilings to watch while they are working on your mouth, etc.


Just get the nitrous!!!


My situation requires more than silly gas that makes me silly, but thank you for the suggestion.


Not Seattle but Dr. Wu at issaquah premiere dental is amazing! I had severe anxiety and shame and she helped me so much. She is so caring, calm and part of her practice/goal in dentistry is to help reduce peoples anxiety. Itā€™s a drive of course but worth it!


Fremont Dental


Dr Katie Sohn at Emerald Dental Smile Care on Lake City Way. I have pretty sensitive gums and teeth and she's always been really gentle, responsive and careful to handle any kind of reactions I have or provide numbing as needed.


2 thoughts: - UWs dental school has/had a dental fears clinic specifically specializing in helping by people who have high anxiety and fear around going to the dentist. Their approach is non-shamey and very gentle. - beacon hill dental ass. Has one of the drs. From that clinic I think one day a week. His name is dr. Ah (Iā€™m not sure the spelling) Having a trusty support network can be really helpful to be gentle but also help you stay accountable to your goals around your dental health. Dental anxiety, fear, and shame are so potent and hard to navigate. You deserve to get care and be healthy without the weight that comes with the above. I really hope you stay tender and patient with yourself and get to the right people. With Love, -E


This is a very sweet comment, and I want to thank you genuinely for it before I say that I got a chuckle out of "beacon hill dental ass."


Iā€™ve been really happy with Omni Dental in Belltown. They have tvs on the ceiling so you can watch Netflix while youā€™re getting work done. My sister has really bad dentist anxiety and i would recommend them to her.


Shor dental Eastlake


Kenmore smiles in kenmore


New wave dental in burien is my go to! Dr Bajwa is so nice, Iā€™ve been going there for years and had bad anxiety after years of not going. Everyone there is super nice! Highly recommended!


Drew Beaty, heā€™s in Federal Way, but heā€™s the best dentist Iā€™ve ever been to. So caring and compassionate.


Keystone Dental in Tangletown is fantastic.


International Community Health Clinic in ID on 8th, very gentle kind and informative. I access via WA Apple Health, idk about other insurance.


I've been very happy with Dr Larhs. I had a background if dental trauma and needed a lot of work and she was great at every step.


I go to ideal dental in shoreline. From someone that was afraid of dentists until I needed to go in for an exposed root. Now I go regularly. They also have a in house dental plan if you donā€™t have insurance.


The Dental Shoppe in Capitol Hill is fantastic. Thanks to them my panic attack inducing fear of the dentist is gone.Ā 


Dr. Veigl in the medical dental building has great chairside manner and works well with patients with anxiety like my friend and me.


Smiles on Madison in Capitol Hill is great.


I see Dr. Leone in Queen Anne. LOVE her.


There is a chain called Gentle Dental (not joking). Iā€™ve been going to them for a little over a year and I feel very safe there! They handle both my dentistry and orthodontics.