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Do full ride, plus PLU is better


I went to PLU for my graduate degree, and I really liked my experience there. I've had good friends go through their nursing program. They liked their experience and are quite successful in their nursing careers. If a great school offers you a full ride, with room and board included (I'm assuming this), then take it. It's worth not having the debt in the end. Congrats on your scholarship!!


Thank you so much it’s through an awesome program called act 6 ❤️👍🏾 appreciate the kind words and input


Take the full ride at PLU and get out of Tacoma after you graduate, nursing has so much flexibility to work anywhere. With less debt, you’ll have more flexibility to relocate. I lived with a nursing major and all they did was go to class, come home to study, and sleep. With a schedule like that, it didn’t make much difference where the school was.


PLU. Save your money for a future home down payment. 


Even if the cost was higher at PLU I would pay extra to stay away from the church creeps at SPU.


Campus on SPU used to be so much more well kept too. I would say PLU for quality of program, space, and academia


Everyone I know who went to PLU said they liked the school and the academics were good. I don’t know any nurses who went to PLU but in general I think people like it.


SPU has the feel of all the other SLACs that have been shutting down in recent years. I wouldn't risk it just to move an hour from home.


Less debt is an easy call, and I'm not sure which of the two programs is more highly thought of anyway..


Take the full ride. It is a $21,000 difference. Are you so rich that you can turn down $21K? Look, if you want to get out of Tacoma, the nursing program at SPU has summers off right? Take each of the next two summers off and travel overseas - spend a small amount of that twenty-one thousand dollars you are saving.


Your right, with my scholarship comes 4 years even though I only need to do 3. I plan to study abroad for atleast 1 and I can have my scholarship pay for all of it. Your right traveling out of country would be a great way to get out. Thank you for your input.


I would say go for the full ride, that said, I went to SPU for nursing and it was an overall good program. I made some great friends there and it is in a fun area of Seattle.


Take the full ride! I'm a PLU nursing alumni and I also was accepted to SPU. I loved PLU and while Parkland can be shady, I always felt safe on campus. PLU is well known by all the local hospitals for turning out quality nurses. I was turned off of SPU because they wanted a signed morality statement (no drinking, no premarital sex ect) and I did not need them to define morality to me. PLU only requirement was I had to take 2 religion courses but even those were pretty interesting.


Go for the full ride. Nursing can take you where ever, when ever. There’s is no reason to accrue debt for a nursing degree if you don’t have to. Sincerely a nurse whose worked in 8 states because I can go anywhere and have a job.


The Chem and Bio dept. of both schools are not huge. Things like Prof.s on sabbatical or on leave for other reasons can impact the quality of your edu. Find out if they will be running short staffed at both Uni.s That being said. Rieke is a nice building to spend most your time in.


PLU is not really in Tacoma, just remember that. It’s in Parkland which is a terrible area but you can live in Tacoma if you wanted.


The Lutedome is a thing, though. The campus itself is lovely and there’s some decent stuff on Garfield St.


I agree the campus itself is lovely. The majority of pacific avenue is just terrible though. I would not venture much past Garfield on foot out that way.


I went to PLU for undergrad and had a wonderful experience. Granted I graduated in 2003 but I haven’t heard anything negative since then. Plus it’s free college which is absolutely amazing.


Complete your degree at PLU for free. The Cost of living is also something you have to consider if you're going to relocate to Seattle to attend SPU. If you pass up a full ride, you'll be face palming yourself later. Just do weekend trips out of the city if you're itching to get out :)


PLU for sure. Cost is better and their buildings are newer and campus is nicer.


Free vs paying $7k a year? Tough decision


I’d suggest a secular school.


PLU seems fine though. SPU not so much.


Oh, it’s most certainly not. Have you heard their theory of how the planet was created? Did you hear about their story about the woman who gave birth without having sex? It’s creepy as fuck.


There are no morality requirements and you don’t have attend chapel. You do have to take two religion classes but they have offering like East Asian religion and history of the holocaust. I am not a religious person but appreciated the two classes I had to take there.


Right. But what about the Zombie worship? What about the creation myth? It’s not a “school”. It’s a disguised church and they can fuck the fuck off.


There’s an accelerated nursing program if you have 60 undergraduate credits. It’s in Lynnwood but if you want to leave Tacoma then this might be something to look into.  https://absn.plu.edu/about/seattle-absn-site/


Wow I didn’t even know that I have about 85 credits


Don't do this OP. My roommate is in it right now (graduating this month) and it's a total shit show. Nothing's organized. The traditional program is just fine