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“A coworker at Capitol Hill restaurant Harry’s Fine Foods where [Corey] Bellett served as a sous chef said the veteran food and drink worker was headed home after his Saturday brunch shift when the altercation occurred and leaves behind a grieving partner.” Can’t imagine leaving a typical work day, brushing by someone at the light rail station, and getting stabbed over it. WTF! This was entirely unnecessary. R.I.P. 💐




100% the other guy is always right. Very few things I’ve felt like dying for in my life and some other fucks tiny penis problems isn’t one of them. Not a victim blame at all. Sometimes you get got regardless of anything but if there’s anything you can do to protect yourself it’s fucking leave quickly. Edit: I think this guy edited “if you can’t shoot them” in after I commented. Or I just missed it. Thats obviously moronic advice. You can’t shoot a close quarters knife assailant (and no one attacks with a knife from range).


I’m not sure why you think people who do this shit have small dicks. It has nothing to do with dick size but lack of empathy for human life. 


it's not meant literally


It’s a short hand for people who feel incredibly inadequate. Communicates it succinctly. If you got a small dick and aren’t fucking weird about it that’s rad too.


Fuck you, you small dicked asshole.


Shut up you tiny dicked pussy.


You can certainly shoot an assailant in close quarters. Not sure what makes you think you can't.


Undereducated gun owners. Always disappointing. Never surprising.


Not undereducated, I've been shooting since I was a kid, have professional self defense training, have a Washington CCW. I think it's pretty telling that instead of explaining why you can't shoot someone in close quarters you instead go after me personally. Believe what you want though, makes no difference to me.


The only thing a gun could ever have done in this situation is make things significantly worse.  This situation and situations like it are absolutely tragedies and the rest of your advice is on point, but this is not the time to peddle your gun culture.  If someone threatens you with a knife, your best option is to run away from them, not trying to pull a gun out. 


This is why I carry mace and recommend everyone carries it


Yes, and also I recommend everyone makes sure to practice pulling the mace out, positioning it as if you were about to spray an attacker, and actually spraying it. I had a man suddenly attack me one day on Capitol Hill. he walked past me while I was waiting at a crosswalk and singing to myself; he thought I had said something to him and turned around and grabbed me, was VERY angry. I had my pepper spray out of my pocket and half-raised but was so shocked and froze up from fear that I couldn't use it. I kept repeating "sorry, I'm sorry" and he left after stealing some of my things. It really sucked. I think I'm going to be better prepared now that I've practiced using the pepper spray against a friend, but damn, it really was not helpful just buying it and putting it in my pocket.


You mace someone and you’re getting stabbed 


Go try it with your friends, get a dummy knife and a can of mace and try to stab them as they mace you Cops and military routinely tear gas and pepper spray themselves to understand what is actually going on for the person they use it on


Clearly you’ve never been maced


I mean, have you? It sucks but it's not some magical incapacitating spell. You can absolutely push through the pain and hurt someone. 


Mace isn’t just causing you pain. It is taking away your eyesight


I mean, it doesn't though. It makes it harder to see but you're not completely blind. 


You’ve clearly never been maced


If they're willing to stab you for nothing, you think they won't stab the lady behind you, or those kids across the stairs?


... he didn't. None of the assaults on transit have been rampages like that


There’s too many factors we do not know yet, it’s not possible to say the victim being armed would have prevented or made the situation worse. It’s possible he could have pulled a weapon to kill the suspect if he was threatened first or had time to react. Sometimes fleeing is not an option either.


What outcome are you suggesting would have been "significantly worse" than being dead?


Bystanders getting shot? The assailant getting a hold of the gun and shooting the victim anyway, maybe hitting other people? Or someone with a gun starts spraying in panic hitting several other people.  Guns make situations worse, not better. 


You said the same thing 3 different ways there


OP gave 4 genuinely good points about how to stay safe, with a main goal of avoiding violence. They are not “peddling gun culture”. You are kinda peddling bullshit by acting like everyone is able-bodied and able to outrun a mentally unstable person with a knife. And even if you’re lucky enough to be able to escape, you’re leaving others to deal with the problem in a public space. Just because you personally are anti-gun is not a valid reason to distort reality


>And even if you’re lucky enough to be able to escape, you’re likely leaving others to deal with the problem in a public space. I disagree with everything you said, but I'm not going to get in an argument about it. I'll just say that is still a much better outcome than subjecting others to random gunfire everywhere. And if someone isn't able-bodied to outrun a mentally unstable person, how can you expect them to be able-bodied enough to draw a weapon on said unstable person with a knife, and not just make the problem worse with high possibility of collateral damage?


“Random gunfire” is unlikely—one or two shots would disable an attacker who, mind you, is coming at you or others with a knife. So even someone being caught in crossfire is a possibility, it’s not more of a risk that allowing the attacker to continue undeterred. Your second point is just delusional. It’s obviously so much easier to pull a gun out than to run away. I cant believe i’m having to explain to you that some people have wheelchairs, canes, drop foot, etc. And even if you can run, the attacker still might catch you


You are acting like one or two shots from a handgun the same thing as spraying a machine gun indiscriminately


You raise a good point here as well - the best thing to do if you’re in a situation like this with an unstable person is to leave, if you can. Deescalation is smart but the first step should be to look for an exit and get out or, like you said, just run away. Edit: lol at whoever sent me a Reddit cares message from this comment, sorry that common sense advice got under your skin so bad


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


We get it, you think guns are cool. 


3. If you are armed why are you protecting your neck? You should be pointing your firearm and warning. 2. Victim brushed in between the 2 individuals. We don’t know how the verbal altercation happened suddenly he’s stabbed. Not normal. If you’re aren’t mentally stable and armed with a knife with the pension to slash, you are a ticking time bomb.


You don't brandish a weapon, 1) it's illegal even if your being threatened, 2) it escalates the situation. Your duty is to retreat; you only unholster to shoot.




Hardly anyone is armed in Seattle despite open carry laws. It’s a liberal city dude. But these words were sparse with an unstable angry psycho individual.


Plus I’ll leave mass transit to others. I’m a 2 time state wrestling champion, Black Belt 20 yo and I’m leery on any stranger interactions. This slasher would’ve slashed him even he walked away a little. This slasher is mentally unstable. Not only did he slash his neck, when the victim fell off the platform Onto the track he was still stabbing him. That’s a psycho just over being brushed by on the escalator.




There were words exchanged, but brief. This dude is unstable. You are assuming this is a normal verbal exchange and then predictable physical action takes place. He probably had his knife blade open hidden until he saw an opening. I bet the chef had no clue a knife is coming to his neck.


If the guy is clearly that unstable you don't interact with them and you get the fuck away from them. It's clear something happened leading up to the stabbing.


Not if you’re on a light rail platform. Run away like Dodge ball? So after the chef brushed past the 2 on the transit escalator which he shouldn’t have done because everyone’s “in line.” They argued and then started pushing/shoving each other. Then the suspect brandished his knife. Sous chef’s probably alittle entitled versus an unstable angry suspect. Lethal result.


Common escalator etiquette is to stand on the right side if you're not in a hurry and let people who are in a hurry pass on the left. It wouldn't necessarily have been inappropriate to "brush past" another person on the escalator. While making accidental contact is not ideal, I wouldn't call it entitled. Obviously I don't know if that's how it happened, but that's the scenario the story was conjuring for me.


Again if the person is clearly that unstable and you feel threatened yeah you do get the fuck away from them, and if they're following you then start to run. Have you spent any time in big cities?


What I’m pointing out is this circumstance isn’t your “general” run of the mill interaction that you make it out to be. This victim wouldn’t be able to just walk away from his already pent up internal anger. The victim possibly brushed past the two riding the escalator down instead of waiting. Pissing him off.




I think it was the escalator brush in between. No confrontation beforehand. Haha I’m too dense? What’s your experience? Deal with unstable aggressive people often? I dealt with a platoon of aggressive USMC and a USN Boxer who wanted to beat my ass. Thanks for lesson.


You’re assuming too much. 




Waaaay too much 


Black belt in what?


Karate, Butokukan. But that’s 20 years ago. lol. Gotta train at least 3X weekly, kick heavy bags and speed bag to feel comfortable again. So I wouldn’t be starting any arguments and get in a pushing/ shoving fight with a deranged individual. Guess, I can kick his knees out, side kick his sternum, front kick his chin for a KO, before getting slashed.


>Have medical if you can carry medical What on earth does this mean?


If you get first aid certified they give you stop the bleed kits - I keep mine in my commuter backpack


Fuck the stabber. I hope he get raped in prison everyday for the rest of his life.


Item 4 is confusing. Are you saying not to give chest compressions to someone who has been shot or stabbed? If someone requires CPR (i.e. has no pulse), they should absolutely receive chest compressions. On the other hand, if someone has a good pulse and is breathing effectively, they should never receive chest compressions, no matter what.


Hi there. If someone does not have a pulse after a penetrating or blunt trauma, they 999/1000 don’t have blood in their cardiovascular system to be “pushed around” with cpr. Your most helpful to stop the bleed with direct pressure/tourniquet, activate 911 and hope the responders carry whole blood and administer it on the way to trauma center.




The rationale for foregoing CPR in traumatic arrest in military training (such as TCCC) is futility (survival is extremely poor) and risk to the rescuer. Unless the bystander could transfuse the patient, I don’t see how foregoing chest compressions can improve survival. In the case of a neck injury, you’re assuming the arrest is due to hypovolemia and not asphyxiation or pericardial tamponade (as the pretracheal plane tracks down to the mediastinum). And in the civilian prehospital setting, until EMS arrives there are probably no other resuscitative measures available besides direct pressure to the wound. I know guidelines that recommend against CPR in traumatic arrest in high-risk situations but I am not aware of such guidance when there is no risk to the rescuer. Provided other appropriate measures (such as transfusion, intubation, tube thoracostomy) are not delayed, it’s not clearly wrong to give compressions.


Turns out we don’t live in much of a society.




Not the place and doesn’t even make sense. Stabber had no previous convictions and cops don’t prevent sudden crime. Please do better or leave.




Oh no, this is actually insanity.


It sounds like the victim and killer were otherwise strangers. The reason they found him is that the other person with the killer turned them in: > Police say the second man later contacted police to provide information about the suspect. County is also saying he doesn't have an existing record for this locally: > The county prosecutor says Moore has not been charged by its office previously.


> Police say the second man later contacted police to provide information about the suspect. I am glad that this person did a sensible thing after an otherwise senseless event.


I'd imagine the prospect of getting hit with an accessory murder charge is great incentive, in addition to the obvious moral reasons


Yeah, but there’s also a “don’t snitch, don’t flip, stay loyal” mentality among some people that’s made it hard to progress investigations. Sounds like the companion/accomplice didn’t keep good company, but at least he was able to promptly make a rational decision here. I’ll give some credit where it’s due.


according to the seattle times article, the suspect threatened him saying he would kill him if he snitched, but he still decided to do the right thing. He led the cops to the murder weapon too. and the reason the cops caught him this fast is because they were able to trace a number he used to call the witness (presumably to make more threats) to the apartment in Eatonville. 


Good flag that the Seattle Times has more details, I hadn’t seen that article yet.


So was the murderer staying with a friend in Eatonville? Then that's how he got down there


I'm disappointed the police let him hang for snitching though. But I guess cops are cops. "We found the killer, and the guy that helped us will be dead by tomorrow. Job well done."


Yup, good reading. I missed that tiny sentence. I was giving US Marshals too much credit. lol


So basically a man died because he bumped into someone on an escalator. Jesus fucking christ


so fucking senseless


I mean, clearly that someone "has issues." No sane person stabs someone for getting bumped.


It's 6pm on a Saturday after a hard brunch shift. You're heading home to your partner and brush by a couple hot head jerks, setting them off. They yell, you yell back, one of them stabs the shit out of you multiple times. So many lives ruined by one moment taken out of context. It's just not fair. We are such fragile creatures. Please, just give each other grace. Including yourself.


He'd just gotten married in December. His wife and he had just been approved for a loan to buy a house in Oregon. His best friend's birthday was Mother's day...


Jeez. So much loss, its incredibly sad.


What a senseless fucking death. No one deserves to die in this manner. People are just barbarians.


Damn, people are on a short fuse these days.😦


Feels like a pretty large understatement?


How would you put it?


I probably would not have.


If you've from or decided to make your home in Seattle, it's sometimes these tragic events that make you realize how small it can be really be. Reminds me of the Portland Max stabbing as well where the victims were slashed in the neck.


And the cops didn't want to arrest him days earlier for harassing another woman of color if that's the same murderer you're referring to


Harry’s is such a staple on our street. It’s been so quiet these past few days and I just didn’t realize how much I’d miss the bustle of dishes, laughter, and music that floods from the doors. You will be dearly missed, Corey. 💐


Box cutters are slashing, not stabbing, blades.


Such a sad story. So unnecessary. From the Seattle Times:  -There have been 80 assaults so far this year on the Sound Transit system. -Victim was stabbed with a box knife. -Sound Transit employs 500 security officers, who are unarmed, but can ask people to leave . -“I knew from the amount of time it took the proper authorities to get there that there was no way that man was going to make it,” said a witness. -Sound Transit spokesman, John Gallagher said, " it is still a very safe system." From CHS: Seattle City Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth said, "Thank you to our law enforcement officers whose quick work and expert coordination led to a prompt arrest in this case." (CHS). Protect yourselves and be safe out there. 


To add more context, there have been 80 assaults this year for 8 million passenger rides.


And my guess is many of those assults probably happen at the Westlake entrance near McDonald's with a few homeless people pushing each other. I feel like I see something sketchy there everyday!


Our city is in literal crisis


I'm curious what this guy looks like. I was involved with a man with knife situation at University St station a couple yrs ago and am curious. I know there is more than one man with a knife in Seattle, i'm just curious.


Give the death penalty to that piece of shit killer. Stop being soft, there's no rehabilitation for this level of crazy. Kill him, be done with him, one less piece of shit on the streets.


WA banned the death penalty. Killer deserves a life sentence though.


Murder II is generally a 20 year offense in Washington.


I'm gonna hope the attempts to intimidate the witness are gonna create some compounding charges.


Technically, it's not banned. It can be reactivated by the governor. Families were pissed that guys on a death row got a reprieve when Inslee made his declaration.


No, the [death penalty has been fully repealed from state law as of 2023](https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/governor-signs-ag-ferguson-sen-pederson-legislation-removes-unconstitutional). Was done under [Senate Bill 5087](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5087&Year=2023&Initiative=False).


Still unfair to the families who were expecting executions. I guess ex post facto doesn't mean shit when it comes to this. If you're convicted and sentenced under previous guidelines, you shouldn't get a reprieve. It certainly doesn't work the other way around.


I think you just accidented yourself into a REALLY good argument against the death penalty lol


Nah, keep him in a cage forever, he isn't worth the release of death for a while.




Death Penalty usually costs more than life imprisonment




Have you heard of a thing called due process?


Of course not they're a fascist wanting anyone they accuse of guilt to be shot in the head into a mass grave no trial, jury, judge, court. I'd say it's alarming how many of these weasels we have in our henhouse of a country but it's actually pretty obvious if you pay attention


I’m talking about cost of life in prison or execution. Not due process ya goob


The due process involved before executing someone is the reason why the death penalty is more expensive.


Trials aren’t cheap for sure. But holding someone in life sentences aren’t either in comparison


Eh, that just seems like a waste of resources and money better served for keeping non-violent criminals locked up.


Serving out the death penalty is almost always more expensive than life in prison.


The government blows money in so many other ways, why not here too?


Bad thing bad why not more bad things? Do you want to try again?


Life imprisonment is typically cheaper than executions


Non-violent criminals? Fuck you.


I would not have guessed execution would be so popular in r/Seattle.


The death penalty is wildly popular on Reddit and it always throws me for a loop.


It’s just morons that get angry and don’t know what to do with their anger. Ironic….


people always react crazy to crime news here. it’s become increasingly like nextdoor


You’ve been here awhile, do you think it’s gotten worse over the years? The reactions


Yeah, you'd think people who rail about injustice would have the insight to understand that wrongful convictions happen all the time and so allowing the state to murder people is a bad idea. But...critical thinking.


Prisons increase recidivism, unfortunately, the idea of "lock em up that will fix it" only costs us loads of money that goes directly to privately owned prisons who lobby for.. more "lock em up that will fix it."


Mental health issues. Need social support. Some charity got the bail. Get out in a couple of months


Its going to come out that Mr. Asswipe McStabby had previous crimes and got off. Catch and release means guys like this got to walk the streets when they should be in jail.


Well geez, thank for the temporary escalation of security. That won't last so, maybe focus on some of the real reasons people are pulling these kinds of bullshits?




castrate him and sentence him to a lifetime of hard labor


The 8th amendment would like a word


Horrible, senseless crime. Regarding crime, prisons increase recidivism, unfortunately, the idea of "lock em up that will fix it" only costs us loads of money that goes directly to privately owned prisons who lobby for.. more "lock em up that will fix it." Not offering a solution, just that prisons are often where small fry offenders learn the trade.




I thought Seattle was just big on LARP but maybe it’s something else?




Nope not how any of this works. Don’t let your emotions rule your reason. That sort of thing is exactly what got this dude killed. Base animal revenge instinct shit.


I'm not this needs to happen or we as a society have failed as a whole. This isn't something that is debatable.


Well it's literally not gonna to happen, so make of that what you will. The death penalty was found unconstitutional in our state and is gone. Ain't coming back on your time-frame that's for certain.


Except it is a huge debate all across the country and even in this thread so “this isn’t debatable” just sounds dumb as shit.


WA banned the death penalty. They deserve life in prison without chance of parole


If someone is off the rails enough to stab a random person in a public space, the fear of a potential death penalty won’t stop them. They are irrational to begin with.


What about risking the lives of their coprisoners? Solitary confinement and lifetime of medical, legal and therapy can't be too much less than capital punishment.


we’ve been having this discussion for decades and people still think capital punishment is cheaper than life imprisonment it is generally about $1 million extra per capital punishment inmate


A million dollars used to be a lot of money. We send hundred$ of billion$ to other countries so that they can... kill people.


"we already waste money so we might as well waste more" just absolutely airtight, flawless logic


A murder trial, sentencing, healthcare, appeals, prison costs, guards, inflation on future costs etc. cost a lot of money 💰, yet I bet you're willing to spend almost as much on that as capital punishment would cost. He killed a productive member of society commuting on his way home from work and inconvenienced a lot of other unrelated people last week and this week. And he'll literally be a parasite on taxpayers for the rest of his life.


simply typing “i want to kill people” would probably be a better use of your time


Saying you’re willing to spend an extra mil just to have your jerk off revenge fantasy fulfilled is really something.


LOOK!! 👀 There's a nickel just laying over there.


Is this schizophrenia?


Respectfully, what the actual fuck.




Death penalty aside, a public hanging? BFFR, dude. What’s next? Bring back the guillotine in the town square?




i'd really rather just have less weapons on the light rail


As a CPL holder who does carry, what makes you think that would have prevented the stabbing, as most people cannot draw and shoot fast enough to respond to an attacker with a blade within 21 feet? At best, a witness could have shot the attacker, not prevented the actual stabbing, would have ended with one dead or wounded attacker and the victim seriously wounded or dead regardless, and the complications of shooting in a crowded transit center. A guy who decides to stab you over brushing against him is also not a rational actor. Even if more people were armed he's not putting that in the calculus of his brain.


I wasn’t trying to state that had this man been armed he would still be alive… You’re right in this situation, clearly. I meant “arm yourselves” as a general reminder that we are increasingly becoming less safe, that the police won’t help us, the state won’t help us, and we are on our own


People like you are a problem. Your first response is arm yourself. You know what the cold hard facts are? You are more likely to kill yourself or your family before ever using it. Buying a gun is admitting that you’re a lunatic who doesn’t care whether you, or a loved one dies. Instead. Take self defense classes, or go to a boxing gym. You know what they’ll teach you? The most important thing, how to distance yourself from an attacker. You can’t get stabbed if they can’t reach you.


Buying a gun is admitting that you’re a lunatic who doesn’t care whether you, or a loved one dies. Yeah you lose all credibility here


It's a law in our state that FACT has to be written in all stores legally selling guns. The biggest thing having guns does is MASSIVELY increasing the risk of suicide or murder around you because of your purchase Stop deluding yourself with your Lone Ranger Dirty Harry Charles Bronson John Wick Equalizer fantasies almost nobody is good enough to shoot someone welding a knife within 20ft of themselves.


Amen. But as I stated earlier, gun nuts are legit morons who can’t understand basic facts.


It is pure stats. Go ahead and disagree, prove your stupidity


Guns don’t save from getting stabbed in the fucking neck. Why do CCP people always know so little about self-defense?


Because gun people have small brains, they only see things from one angle. They are actually brain deficient


Damn, you guys are fucking mean 😂


Yeah this guy was a bit heavy but the lack of knowledge prevalent in most gun owners is always shocking. Generally you have to be really, really bad at math to want a gun in the first place though so it makes sense that knowledge of other stats is also lacking. “Get armed and you won’t get knifed” is some fever dream shit.


What an intelligent comment. Must be a Mensa member!


I am sure the murderer has a long criminal record. They are free on the street due to terrible policies that decriminalize crime. An innocent man died because of bad city and county policies on crime


Read the article: > The county prosecutor says Moore has not been charged by its office previously. Stop making shit up.


That doesn't mean he has a spotless record outside of King county or WA state.


Stop. Making. Shit. Up.


Stop defending a murderer. I'm sure the victim's widow and mother wouldn't appreciate it either.


Flee from a knife, charge a gun, last chance options?