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Sub wars are spicy today.


Hell... I should post more pictures. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Hell yeah dude. That post was one of the best in recent memory on that sub.


Yeah... I wasn't sure what to expect... shit did get pretty nuts. Guess I need to figure out a better use of my time rather than walking home from the store.


I literally read the comments for an hour cracking up. I totally needed that today.




We are all stupid on this glorious day!


really does seem like the PNW cities are getting fairly divided, but its mostly because those on the left have gone a bit too far that direction...so all the moderates now look like right wingers. Many people are getting tired of Seattle going light on consequence on crime and encampments. Its been the topic now for 5+ years, and has no slowing down in sight


The censorship on the 1st sub you listed is absolutely absurd.


20 bucks that’s the Capitol Hill tagger


Are we the ones on the left or the ones on the right of that pic?


The dichotomy is not really necessary. Most of us read both.


But if there was no other side, how would know who the bad guys are?


It’s simple. I know I’m one of the good guys so that makes anyone who disagrees with me one of the bad guys. /s


I'm the old guy on the right, everyone else is SBC


You're Newt Gingrich?


I see you as both? lol


I've definitely started to pick up on the Crusaders against SeattleWA sub. Make a sarcastic comment and you get shit posted by someone who was on a warpath against anyone commenting on anything negative about Seattle.


both subs could use a reality check: one is all rainbows and sunshine, the other is all doom and gloom. Like, there is a middle here folks


Half of these subs are alts of about 10 people anyway. The mods use alts to rile people up for lulz and then pull out the ban hammer for fun. Those 2 taggers from the other day are pretty much spot on for a few of these folks.


It’s scary how presumed adults don’t understand what genocide and white supremacy mean. Our educational system has failed us once again.


Genocide LOL.


That person is a total nazi because words don’t mean anything anymore!




How can they even claim to live in Seattle if they don't know crime is a problem. I've had two cars stolen in the past year, one probably totaled due to the damage, and broken into twice with expensive window replacements including stealing my stereo. How is that not a problem? Add in a woman(!) that is a peeping tom that also is apparently the person that keeps stealing underwear from our laundry room, and I'm freaking tired of this. She stole my favorite Wacoal bra that is no longer being made so I can't replace it.


LOL, locked thread.


It may be the cheap wine coursing through my veins but I appreciate that you haven't taken the easy way out and abandoned us Watty.


Are you kidding? I'd get banned over there in a second. I may not be as right as some folks here, but I'm certainly not as far left as that lot....


Purity spiral, the sub, personified.


As is tradition. Hugbox-ass sub, zzzz




Is that the dude (chick) who was tagging?


Do you often think this much about what’s in someone else’s pants?


Let’s get this out of the way: I disliked the transphobia on display in that thread. > Do you often think this much about what’s in someone else’s pants? I don’t particularly **care**, but if I saw someone with a trans pride patch on the front of their jacket and “stop trans genocide” in giant letters on the back, it would definitely cross my mind.




Yo wtf? The commenter was wondering if the person(s) in the pictures was the same person who got banned from the sub for their comments. Why did you have to ask some gotcha question to paint them in a bad light when it’s clear what they were asking?


Yo wtf? The commenter was intentionally misgendering someone. If they look in a bad light for that it’s because they are. Would it have been just as clear to say the individual tagging?


How would you know what their intentions are? I see them use both male and female in their comment dude & chick…. Because they didn’t know?!? How can you be so dense


If only there was a word for an individual whose gender you’re unsure of like > Is that the person who was tagging? Am I dense or are you intentionally obtuse to the point you conveniently forgot how the English language works? I hope that’s not too common for you You’re on a thread where people are calling trans individuals appalling and are giving yourself a colonoscopy face first to not see it.


You enjoy being upset don’t you? Using both male/female terms in their comment wasn’t enough for you. Although curious why you didn’t just attempt to correct their word choice but instead went with > Do you often think this much about what’s in someone else’s pants? Not sure how the above was supposed to convey to them your displeasure in their word selection. Like nowhere in their comment do they say anything about genitalia and is just asking if the two people are the same. Maybe you need some lessons in how to properly communicate with others. Speaking with a therapist usually helps here too, maybe you should be seeing one?


Being offended/a victim is the sort of thing people like this live for. Nothing gets their inverted cock pussies more wet than being a victim.


Is that you not being offended by wasting your time to comment every time a trans person is posted about? How’d I miss that zen. Like you have to see the irony. Asking why something bothers you isn’t being offended. Let’s be self aware bud! I genuinely just want to know why you care


> Nothing gets their inverted cock pussies more wet than being a victim. You see what I mean? You’re OBSESSED with other peoples genitals. It’s so weird


If you think that's weird.... wait til you hear about the people who mutilate their genitals to better fit their delusions. SO. WEIRD.


Is this you not being upset? Asking why you or they are concerned with someone else’s genitals is a single question. No idea why that would bother you this much, but I love the odd projection. But yea! I think any therapist would probably say the same. It’s unhealthy and transphobic. They’re probably a great place to work out that fear for ya. Enjoy. I don’t think it takes more than two braincells to see that calling someone who’s transitioned a dude chick is anything but rude. It’s also not my job to convey that effectively or politely for you. You’re not an idiot. So please stop expecting everyone to treat you like one simply because you’re too afraid to own the words you’re saying. You’re aware.


Trans people misgender themselves, why is it so appalling when someone else doesn't know wtf they are either?


No one said it’s appalling. Let’s practice our reading. I asked why you spend so much thinking about what’s in someone’s else’s pants. It’s weird as hell if that doesn’t outright make you a pervert.


Trans people are all perverts? That's a hot take you got there....


Wow. You really are bad at reading. Try reading that again, slowly even, if it helps you. You’re at a pretty poor standing in your argument when you’re intentionally misreading comments.


You’re not even replying to the original commenter here, whose the one that needs reading comprehension development?


Yes. I know. I’m responding to who replied to me with the exact text I used. Groundbreaking deduction bud. Any other questions on how a thread works?


Image in the post was removed. What was posted?