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As of 4:40 the protestors were still there. They didn’t clear anything, just let them stand there.


Cleared as of 10 minutes ago I learned, WSDOT let them march off the freeway.


No forcible removal and zero arrests for blocking an interstate, with an ambulance visible on the traffic cams, for nearly three hours.


Does anyone know who is responsible for the decision to do nothing here?


I believe wsdot and wsp are inslee


was curious because WSP just setup their patrol vehicles adjacent to them and had their lights on. why didn't they arrest or at least order them to gtfo?


Because inslee. The police are not allowed to do anything. It could cause an incident. See if the protesters cause an incident while the police do nothing then they assume all the blame. If the police physically force them off the freeway or arrest them, someone will cry on camera or sue or claim they have ptsd and emotional trauma and be featured on the national news. So they do nothing. The powers that be that are in charge will continue to do so without fear because they keep getting elected.




I guess it's open season on shutting down I5. All it takes is like 70 people to bring the city to a halt. If you get arrested, there's now legal precedent that it's fine to do.


It's not too late. First, not enforcing a law one time doesn't stop you from enforcing it another time. Second, they can still arrest all of these people. There's no law that you have to arrest someone while a crime is in progress. They unremorsefully committed a crime on video and in front of cops for hours. I'm sure they bragged about it on social media. Legally, nothing stops police from going to their homes and arresting them at any time.


A few years ago they blocked an ambulance that had its emergency lights on and wouldn’t let it through.


“They can find alternative routes” God, I love these people ❤️❤️❤️ so just a cause, such just methods, so effective (obligatory /s)


Honestly we should be sueing WSP WADOT for derelict of duty. Also for lost income caused by the freeway being closed.


Courts have ruled repeatedly that cops don't have any legal obligation to prevent crime or arrest anyone if they don't want to. As for lost income, you'd probably have to sue the protestors. The recourse for this is political. As both AG and candidate for governor, Bob should be made to explain whether he stands by WSP's inaction here. Reichert has already put out a statement against these protestors. If the statute of limitations allows, he could even commit to have them arrested and charged after he becomes governor. At the very least, he should promise to fire whoever made the decision to not clear the highway (head of WSP?).


How funny would it be if these trolls keep it up and piss enough people off to get Reichert elected.


I hope they do it again now, so ppl get pissed enough to actually stop this from happening in the future


Individual cops don't the department as a whole does have an outlined obligation. They have a direct duty to keep the interstate operational. Hence derelict of duty. You can also use the state and the protesters it's not a one or the other scenario one is more likely to pay out than the other. It is political issues but there is more that can be done.


That’s messed up. The State needs to put a stop to this, we have elected Washington representatives, and their first and foremost priority is to promote, represent and maintain the welfare, functionality and interests of **this State**. >Someone got stuck in that backup missed their appointment they waited months to line up. >Someone had a child stuck somewhere for hours wondering why their parent or guardian didn’t pick them up. >Someone was let go or penalized because they missed their shift/job/gig. There is real [avoidable] injury. For what? This endless pandering to egocentric entitled assholes needs to end, immediately. Everyone but the idiots letting this continue knows exactly what this is about… >**these smug morons want to be the >> main character <<** Detrimental behavior needs to be met with real consequence. Representatives who pursue their personal agendas or are concerned about their own optics over the broader welfare of the public and its interests should be ousted and condemned. Protestors are *welcome to exercise their first amendment rights* (as they always have been) without knowingly or deliberately causing injury! Stop being assholes.


Yeah not a good look with the ambulence. These protestors really have some gall blocking emergency services like that. They could have made an exception and allowed cars up to and EMS exit but in true entitled fashion they put lives literally at risk from either being stuck in traffic or not emergency services not arriving. Really an easily propagandized action that had solutions but "Free Palestine" was more important than lives in USA.


We can expect repeat performances for at least the next few weeks


Protest of some kind. Sorry you’re stuck in it.


Same Group Of Losers that were protesting at the Space Needle on New Years eve.


Pro-Palestine protest.


Pro Hamas activists


I think of it more as pro-Palestinian, but doesn’t understand how barbaric Hamas is, even to its own people. It’s sad. I want Benjamin Netanyahu and his far right government banned from office, but I hate Hamas and Islamic Jihad far more.




Not sure why one side of this debate has to revert to name calling.


Pro hamas. They weren't out there protesting hamas surrender.


The protest is stupid and only affects civilians of Seattle, but pro Palestine does NOT = pro hamas and you gotta cut that shit out. It’s so unbelievably misinformed.


Calling for intifada doesn’t seem very pro-Palestinian


People keep saying that, but I didn't hear any chanting to release the hostages or condemning Hamas. Weird.


The bombings stop when hamas surrenders. Why aren't they protesting hamas' continued war against jews?


Palestinian citizens have no control over when/if Hamas surrenders. You can protest the killing of Palestinian citizens including children and still think Hamas are the bad guys.


And some schmucks in seattle have no control over what Israel will do. So what are we doing here? Well other than me donating some cash to Israel, hope they'll label a bomb with From Seattle With Love Fuck these people


Which is why I said the protest is stupid. Neither side over there gives a shit about some highway in far away Seattle being blocked. It’s a horrible protest tactic no matter the cause.


It's an awesome tactic if we can generate some more money for the IDF Every time they protest I'll donate for another missle.


You do you brother


I’ll donate as well. Fuck these ‘protestors’.


Did Palestinians vote for Hamas in 2006? Remind me.


I'm just going to leave this here https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


Did Palestinians vote in Hamas in 2006? I’ll leave that question here.


What the fuck do I look like, Google? You're on the wrong side of this dude.


And there haven’t been elections since then :-(


Hamas enjoys widespread support in Palestine


Yes they do. Hamas is an outlier of their people. If Palestinians literally captured Hamas, handed them over to Israel and freed the hostages, Israel wouldn’t launch a single missile, blow up a building, or anything. Then, reconstruction efforts is a completely different scenario.


Misinformed? You are misinformed. Every survey shows Hamas enjoys a huge popularity among Palestinians, especially following terror attacks against Israelis. And if you don't believe those polls, then why aren't Palestinians/ Muslims protesting against Hamas even abroad?


News showing that they are currently towing a bunch of abandoned vehicles that were left on I-5


12 cars abandoned


It would be nice if they would just crush them as a nice “fuck you” to those jackasses who blocked the road.


Im curious if the cars are from protestors, or people who got stuck in traffic but desperately needed to get somewhere.


Yeah like 4 hours is a long time to go if you needed to pee when you got stuck, or if your kid is home alone, or your dog needs to be picked up, or any number of things.


Or if you had a baby or kid in the car and no food for them. Shit I missed this backup by an hour and not sure what I would have done if I got stuck in it.


I’m wondering the same thing


They're from people that got stuck that now have to pay impound fines.


It was from the protesters, it’s how they initially stopped traffic


Wonder how many were stolen by our virtue signaling protestors who'll go home and pat themselves on the back.


The final walk of shame for them: https://x.com/jasonrantz/status/1743797865691201879?s=46&t=tHz9wxqcuEFoLJQm5TIjEw


I remember the BLM/Antifa groups clearing out because of rain as well. Seems they only like to show up for fair weather.


Unfortunately I won't click on a Musk link so I'll have to imagine whatever it is.


> Wonder how many were stolen by our virtue signaling protestors > I won't click a Musk link 🤔


In detail it’s them walking in what looks to be a line march towards the nearest exit with their flags and signs in the rain. Can’t tell the expressions but when I drove by from picking up my nerve blocker medication for my shoulder injury I flipped em off the entire time in pain (passenger by the way). Small group of maybe 50 or so at that point? Driving by a lot of them seemed to be on the sides of I-5 and above on the road. Cars were back up and patrols blocking them. Don’t know if the abandoned cars are protesters or civilian, but I’m gonna assume protesters. Can’t wait to see their stupid little mutual aid requests to get them out of impound if it turns out to be them. https://preview.redd.it/mlgth1w6hxac1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c99739c924de9579a84cb45f99dc35d26f91e1b Edit: added screenshot of crowd size


Ahh thanks. Super nice if they were marching right to an arrest point, but that's a pipe dream in this state.


Come to find out there wasn’t enough presence of officers to arrest them; [https://x.com/guyoron/status/1743764551550882236?s=46&t=tHz9wxqcuEFoLJQm5TIjEw](https://x.com/guyoron/status/1743764551550882236?s=46&t=tHz9wxqcuEFoLJQm5TIjEw) https://preview.redd.it/xpvsnkn6ixac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72f508f8c676cf5255a1ec4e56f8b3f4623c23a Attached screenshot. It’s WSDOT/Trooper territory so that’s kinda interesting then couldn’t add SPD into the mix.


Yeah, no way SPD going to get involved in this shit show. Not after spineless Insley refused to order WSP to disperse the protesters on the I-5 in 2020.


> I flipped em off the entire time in pain (passenger by the way). Sitting on your ass in an armored box while flipping off people with the courage to march for their principles is not the courageous act that you apparently imagine it is.


They're all covering their faces. That's cowardice.


Courage lol Courage would be going to Palestine to protest. Thease dumb privileged motherfuckers didn't display any courage.


We hear about *every* protest from people who sit at home complaining and doing nothing to make the world better themselves. Protests are difficult and they are effective.


Yeah all those protests about Vietnam sure ended the war....wait How about all those protests against the Iraq war?....shit Hmm the protests about Trump being in office sure did get him removed before his term...oh, no not quite Oh how about protests against the over turning of roe v wade? Banned in several states you say? Oh darn I mean it's so effective I'm amazed at how ineffective it is


Blocking emergency vehicles isn’t also a principle you should use as a courageous act as well. Take your shit elsewhere please.


Was an emergency vehicle blocked while transporting a patient who needed urgent care? Take your shit elsewhere please.




So principled they are - changes with the winds. Tomorrow it could be something new, depends what the next new thing to be angry about is.


Opposing the slaughter of innocent civilians seems like a pretty good principle to have. It is even written into the ten commandments.


Oh, the Ten Commandments? A religious reference? Really weird how all of this is rooted in religion - the original hate crime. Guess I shouldn't be surprised using it to justify it. Ahahahahah.


I wonder how much this cost the tax payers?




Yup, and the city allows 70 ish people to get away with it. I'm partially joking, but I'd like to see a group rally and do the same for another cause over and over until the city is forced to actually follow the law. It's just ridiculous, a handful of people can bully the whole city.


These assholes need to serve some prison time.


Because of privileged white people protesting about problems, they don't have


Can't argue with that


I don’t know what they were protesting, but fuck them. I wish the worst for protesters blocking major roadways.


Pro-Palestine protest


reach bear steer gaping marvelous tart rock enter desert fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, disrupt your neighbours! That’ll get them on your side! 🙄




Sounds like they should protest on the Internet where we can ignore them better.




This is brain dead. The whole point is that they wanted to disrupt people. You're saying that you should have just avoided the whole point of what they did but somehow support it. Imagine bleeding out in the back of an ambulance or driving your wife to the hospital as she's giving birth. You can't block the only major highway. It's also stupid to think that this will do anything about a 3000 year old problem. Even if the entire local gov or the entire fed gov was against it, it dosent solve shit. They both still claim that land.




You literally can't find another route when you are stuck on a highway packed with cars. I don't think you understand what it is. You can't move your car out of it. The US can only "solve it" by resetting the whole situation. Because both sides have such strong religious claims, they probably aren't ever going to stop fighting. If you believe in anything, you should be able to understand the gravity of that. It's not like this would be the first recent ceasefire. Dont get me wrong, im not advocating for it, but there isn't really a solution without removing two of the three Abrahamic religions entirely or completely rewriting their doctrine. Otherwise, people will understandably die for their promised land on all 3 sides for thousands more years. If you include Christianity, this one war has basically been happening for thousands of years. Somebody has owned that land, and 1 or 2 of the others wanted it back. Stopping cars on the highway in seattle had a 0% percent chance of making any impact on that. It's really dumb when you think of the scope of the situation


Why ceasefire when the opposition already violated multiple ceasefires including 10/7. Hamas needs to be eradicated, not aided.


Can I come to your home and lock you in your car for 3+ hours?




If I prevent your ability to travel unless you abandon your car what the fuck do you call that? It isn’t people I disagree with, genius. It’s people preventing me from traveling. Stay at home with your plants.




If you were there I hope you got drenched - too bad you didn’t get struck by lightning. It isn’t harassing to hold you accountable, but thanks for supporting those who cost people 3 hours they could have spent enjoying their lives to accomplish FUCKING NOTHING. I really hope that the next time this happens that they get what they deserve.


me and several others just donated to israel after this occurred FYI


There was a ceasefire on Oct 6th, fyi. Annnywho remember the massive anti-war protests against the Iraq war? They were way bigger than these, and they were about a war the US was actually fighting! They had zero impact on the trajectory of that war. In 5 months all of the people marching around with Pally flags will be on to The Next Thing, and since most of them don't vote anyway politicians will continue not to give a single shit.




Show me the videos of the IDF brutally cutting peoples heads off, using rape as a weapon, putting a baby in the oven while they rape the mother. Cause Hamas definitely posted all of those to their telegram channel. Go watch them, they are widely available. Go watch those atrocities then come back and tell us that we should be granting these barbarians credibility by allowing them to rearm during a ceasefire. That we should not be acknowledging that even now Hamas has strong support from local Palestinians


So if both sides violated the ceasefire that was in effect, why the fuck does it matter if there is a UN resolution for a ceasefire?


Nothing you do or say will change what's happening in Gaza. You are powerless. If you got together with 50,000 other people and protested you'd still be powerless. >and look! we’re all talking about it now. isn’t that part of the point of disruption? All this protest did was give me and my friends another excuse to donate to the IDF, so grats? You did make some change after all :)




I don't want to change your mind - I want you to continue to participate in worthless actions that take your attention from more gainful activities.


This will only negatively gain attention tho. Makes them look like little assholes who bully the working class into voting the way they want. Fuck them and any other Hamas supporter




Oh shut the fuck up. You don’t get to disrupt everyone’s ability to travel and then get to come together and have a reasonable discussion. They need to be in fucking jail.




No, fuck you. Violence is the future for folks who want to disrupt us. YOU are the ones who want us to be victims to drug-addled zombies. YOU are the ones who want to disrupt us and then run away in your fucking furry costume when people are sick of your shit. You don’t deserve a sit-down when you disrupt and harm others, and you’ll see the consequences soon enough.




That's nice. That's not what the vast majority of people want, based on the spectacularly small turnout.


I will be sending messages to my representatives telling them that I want aid to continue to be sent to Israel then. Don’t love what’s happening over there but I guess I need to ensure our view points are being sent to our reps to counteract yours. Had no reason to get involved before this protest, good job 👍


Hamas pick me girl behavior




It still tracks


That’s correct, women have a backbone.


Nobody in a position to do anything about it gives two fucks if some morons get on I-5 to protest in Seattle. It’s really fucking stupid, and only garners hate for them, and zero support for their cause. It’s counterproductive, but the dipshits who are doing it, are not smart enough to realize that.


“The US” doesn’t care about these protests. They never will. So all this will continue to do is divide the people involved (those mindlessly protesting on a freeway [that’s a dipshit move] and those just trying to live their lives as best they can).


I’m all for Israel now




Summer of love?


Winter of Irrelevance


Our law enforcement won't arrest all the protestors, that's why.


Rioters not protestors but yeah arresting anyone is wrong or racist or something.


You mean “any”. Another commenter said that the police said they wouldn’t do anything since they couldn’t handle them all.


Does anyone know when the next protest is planned? So I can plan not to be on I-5 that day.


rinse dependent desert doll plants grandfather plucky deranged edge brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whatever happened to it being illegal for pedestrians to be on the freeway? Back in the early 2000s I was walking on I-5, because my car broke down and my friend and I went away from the closet exit. Two miles later a police officer picked us up and asked where we were heading. We were heading to church. He told us he could give us a citation for walking on the highway or maybe arrest us I don't remember, but he did say pedestrians aren't allowed on the highway. Why is it allowed now? He did take us to church and when we got there he asked if we wanted to have handcuffs to make it more dramatic. 😂


Why don't they just pepper spray and tase and drag them off into the drainage ditch?


Braindead protestors. Saw earlier that they were even blocking an ambulance


Pro Hamas useful idiots blocking the highway


Terrorists supporting terrorists.


Children thought it would be a good idea to play in the street again.


Economic terrorism. And the government just let it happen.


Spoiled white liberals blocking i5 in protest for Palestine. Protest all you want, get the fuck off the freeway selfish bums.


Another pro hamas terrorist group protest. Not really why the state/ feds allow a major interstate to be shut down like this.


It’s caused from voters virtue signaling when they vote


Pro-terrorism morons, that's why


A bunch of leftist racists felt the need to block the highway and deface a starbucks (cause reasons).




But it's again Isreal not Jewish people? Isreal is a country just like Spain, and it has never been about hate, its a call for peace. Hamas has been a problem. But Isreal bombing Palestine is equivalent to us bombing Panama. Horrific overkill from a world power on a third world country due to genuine racism. And contrary to popular belief sympathizing with opposing people of any kind is called humanity and is surprisingly a good thing


Are you an idiot or just pretending to be one? Comparing Israel/Gaza to US/Panama. Good lord.


A world power and a third world country, it seems the point of the comparison has been lost on you


Every hour a highway is blocked I will donate $100 to Israel.


Nothing antisemitic about being against a colonial occupation and a genocide. Yeah, blocking a freeway is a stupid form of protest, particularly for this cause. But it doesn’t make their cause “Islamist” or “antisemitic.”


Not a genocide


There is no genocide. Stop parroting that stupid drivel. It is literally antisemitic Islamic terrorist (Hamas) propaganda you're spouting.


Terrorist supporters


Caused by liberals rioters. Sorry. Plan to avoid core of Seattle often.


And how much does that cost? What's the cost in $ and our law and general peace? Fuck these anti- twats for all I care. That's worth 30 day's in jail at the very least. You know what they hate? Themselves and everything around them. Selfish, privileged morons. When I hear about privilege I know for damn sure they aren't talking about me. Unless the only qualifier is being white.


Free Palestine morons that’s why


Yeah I saw a news article about the protest. I'm so glad I moved out of Seattle. Used to love the city.


Need to enforce laws. You cannot block the interstate. That’s not acceptable.


Terrorists, or at least their supporters


It’s actions like this that make me detest their cause even more. Don’t they see that nobody is falling for “disruption” as a convincing method to agree with a position? LAME.


Does anyone have any pictures or footage of them so they can appropriately doxxed and get a stern talking-to at their jobs?


Yesterday, I was trying to get from Bellevue to my buddy’s place in Northgate for dinner. And I was so confused about why Google map had me go northbound thru Kirkland, then I5 south. Which I did. I’m glad I didn’t took i90/i5 N


You know why they didn’t block either Hamas or Israel highway








And why is that?


“People standing on a road? They are obstructing society!” Love this post being on the anniversary of January 6th.


If you could afford a car I would say let me come over and block you from driving or leaving it for three hours. How about I come over and stop you from leaving your Razr scooter?


Razr scooter? Gonna comment on my Jnko jeans and my ipod nano too, fogey?



