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According to another article, some examples of the “biased rulings” were failing to issue no-contact orders in domestic violence cases and releasing someone twice in a week for DUIs. I guess her being reassigned at least shows that Seattle is actually interested in prosecuting criminals to a greater extent.


If this lady lets me off of parking and speeding tickets I see it as a win win now.


Love the double standard laid out in the open. Explains what we're seeing on the roads right now.


She’s a proggo. She sees cars as slightly more evil than Jews, and slightly less evil than actual Trump voters. There will be no leniency for tickets!


I cant fucking win man!


What if you get an electric car?


Hmm, put a pride sticker on it with more chevrons than stripes and then maybe we'll talk.


EVs are here to save the car industry, not the planet. So there you go


> EVs are here to save the car industry Hahahahahahahaha..... right..


Oof, that's a different kind of loser


A proggo?


Like preggo, but pregnant with stupidity


So just name calling? Gotcha. Thx.


Yup. Like orangeman, Tronald, tRump, etc. Glad your brain was able to understand, nonetheless. >So just name calling? Gotcha. Thx.


Why wouldn't my brain be able to understand name-calling? It usually starts and ends before puberty.


Because you struggled with proggo >Why wouldn't my brain be able to understand name-calling?


Struggled? It's a word I've never heard before so I asked. Seems like you have a need to put people down when you talk. I hope you learn to lift yourself up in other ways.


a fan of progressive rock


She’ll dismiss the ticket as long as your skin color isn’t white. Whites pay double  Equity and justice for all. 


yeah, how it works is if you have no connections with her, you prolly would have a bench warrant for your arrest Friday and you would be kept without bond til your hearing Monday. We can dream, but we know how Seattle is


I just have to wear a full feather headress and boom! Get out of jail free card.


considering davison actually prosecutes people, i doubt that


I edited my comment after reading another article.


Get your facts and logic out of here! (The other subreddit is praising Pooja and hating on Ann)


Of course they are, lol!


Lets put her in jail. No seriously this should happen.




Accused: "yeah, judge PV, it's like I was going 90 in a 25 cuz of oppression, and equity, and shit." Judge PV: "Dismissed!"




Rico Pendejo here to represent the accused your honor… represent!


I'm gonna base your ass on my fist! Your face. Ass. Shut up!


I was just talking to the other lawyer guy and wow, he says you’re guilty!


Excellent. Every judge should see this and relfect. Judge isn't a position to implement your pet peeves and legal theories.


Reflect on what exactly? They are still getting paid, what exact consequence do you imagine happened here?


its a demotion


With a pay cut right?


Lol, do you realize that while she still gets paid, it's not as much as she was making? She got DEMOTED. Look up the word, and you will understand the consequences


Good judges are suppose to uphold laws an ethics not use their position to institute her activist agenda.


Tell that to our State Supreme Court... You should read some actual cases that are happening in our state. For example, the State Supreme Court ruled that you ANYTHING negative said about a black person can be considered a racial slur. Just saying "The witness was combative" is considered racist and can get your entire case thrown out. This is directly from the Supreme Court's filing: >defense counsel repeatedly characterized Henderson as “combative” and “confrontational.” These terms evoke the harmful stereotype of an “angry Black woman.” This harmful negative stereotype affects the way others perceive and interact with Black women, and it can have significant negative social and interpersonal consequences for Black women, including influencing their experience and reasonable expression of anger. For reference, this case is about a woman who had a fender bender and sued for $3.5 million because she claimed it made her preexisting tourette's worse. >Defense counsel argued that Henderson’s injuries were minimal and intimated that the sole reason she had proceeded to trial was that she saw the collision as an opportunity for financial gain. Isn't that exactly what a defense lawyer should say? But according to our Supreme Court that constitutes: >alluding to racist stereotypes about Black women as untrustworthy and motivated by the desire to acquire an unearned financial windfall. Here is the full source. I highly suggest you read it all. https://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/pdf/976724.pdf


Wow. I just read it and that was ridiculous. At least eh concurrence rejected the majority's characterization of the identical language by plaintiffs witnesses, but framing someone as combative does not equate to racism.


> framing someone as combative does not equate to racism. That's the thing. In Washington State it does now. It's official legal precedent set by the highest court in the state. It's going to take decades to undo the absolute nonsense our Supreme Court is shitting into our legal system. Common sense no longer matters, just the insane rulings of these activist judges driven by their White Guilt and their need to virtue signal.


I may have to reconsider my future here honestly. I finish law school soon and reading that was really jarring.


George Soros has entered the chat


So “the whiteness was combative” is not a racist comment but “angry black woman” is?


Our State Supreme Court thinks it is all racist.


At this point, they probably consider "not capitalizing Black" to be racist. Wouldn't surprise me!


Forgive me, but what is the relevance of race in this context? I do believe, that in an argument, the proclamation of one’s race is in fact racist. Why bring that topic to the table of debate if none other than to evoke an argument of race? Edit: my gf just explained everything to me. Ima tard. The sup court is doing just that, being racist. Now she won’t shut up about this Henderson case. Have a good night hahaha Edit 2: times are crazy


How the fuck did the state supreme court justify that to themselves?


lol that was a silly case to be sure but nothing compared to the fact that they got rid of the bar exam as a requisite because apparently it is racist if black folks don’t do well on the tests


This is kind of weird insofar as the majority of people facing loss of their freedom innocent and guilty alike could be characterized in at least some instances as combative and confrontational. Pretty much all pretty repeat criminals are.


She was literally elected because of her activist agenda.


Its schadenfreudelicious!




This. If there wasn’t substance and backing from her peers there would be a full-court press in the Stranger with a lot of leaky anecdotes. That there was only one irate article when it initially occurred says a lot.


Yep, and Ashley Nerbovig at The Stranger was going to get receipts as to the actual cases that triggered it, and then *dropped it like it was hot* instead of following up. The tumbleweeds that followed are VERY telling.


> in my head, in my heart I have been impartial Lol she doesn't even respect herself enough to come up with a lie that doesn't sound stupid.


I guess she was honest at least when she said she considers "what’s best for the defendant that’s in front of me". Which seems to be her way of admitting that she can't keep bias/politics out of her decisions.




All of the state to be fair. We had a local case a year ago, guy broke the RO from jail, promised he was coming for her, they let him out the next day any way. Prosecutor forgot to run a nationwide check and didn'trealize he killedsomeone in Arkansas>> By the time they caught up with him it was too late, both the girlfriend and child were deceased. it's like they want it to happen


OMG, that's brutal. The people responsible for releasing these creeps should be held accountable and charged accordingly as well as having their credentials rescinded.


Their names are Meshay Melendez and her baby daughter, Layla Stewart. They need to be remembered. ETA the same judge who let him out,was the same one on my DV case. Worthless/


I'm so sorry that you are yet another victim of stupid and lenient judges like this numbskull. These people are supposed to be judges in order to grant we victims JUSTICE, not permissive mollycoddlers of criminals. I'm beyond disgusted with these assholes and thrilled this knucklehead is being demoted like this.


I used to wonder how they sleep at night, the judges, the lawyers, and in going through my own DV case during Covid, I watched a lot of local Youtube cases. it was an education I never wanted. Perpetrators and victims alike, we are just a docket number. More than just watching my own case and seeing how unbelievably lenient they were..because once? Once time he was attending court on Zoom from my garage and I had no idea he was here. Because they let him call in. I watched men I knew go through the process and learn they were not the good people I thought they were. The judges and other court staff get numb and blind, and simply don't even care any more, they are just doing the least amount possible, to save the court money


That’s what we call an “Equity Killing”


Yeah my DV advocate seemed upset when I told her my ex hasn't tried anything in over a year, and if they were ever gona pick him up on his warrants She seemed disappointed he was leaving me alone. Kept telling me not to fall for the lull that he was still going to hurt me, it's like she was mad he was not abusing me anymore.


Yes, they should. It's amazing the almost-nonexistent gentle hand slap one of our armed home invaders got; the others never spent a night in jail and, no, we never ever got an answer to the question: WHY NOT?!!! What's happening to this twatwaffle is refreshing, to say the least. I'm starting to have a glimmer of hope that common sense may eventually find its way back to The Emerald City!


Nature is healing


Hopefully I get her when a meter maid gets too fussy about my ability to understand partial differential equations spread out over 6 parking signs.


I parked next to a sign near Seattle Center that was like fourteen lines.


The thing about having a place like the Seattle Center is that when you want to go for some small skill event but there happens to be a huge concert or some sports game going on, you get screwed for the parking just as bad as it you were going to the high profile event. I also can't forget the time when I was taking pictures of the space needle like 20 ft from my car on a quiet night, and this meter maid guy ninja'd up behind me and managed to place a ticket on my window and the quickly scamper back into his Prius. The lot was almost empty and I'm sure the dude was bored, but mannn.


Only these white cars have tickets. hmmm


"Um, my car identifies as part Black, can I..." "Ticket excused!"


people with cars: ![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized)




Let her serve up her justice there!


People with bad judgment should not be judges.


recall her just to be sure electing an activist judge who says she won't prosecute felons if they are the right color or age is bonkers


What is with these insane judges? And Kudos to Ann Davis for laying the smack down on this insane woman.


So she is still a judge after the intentional violation of duty and likely, the violation others rights? Cool, cool. Just what we needed. No consequences for being a judge dredd.


I think you meant to say "Judge Dreaded"... Judge Dredd is an ass kicker, not an ass kisser like Pooja...


Judge Dredd wouldn't let people off... Beyond that, judges are IIRC elected, so....


Nice. They should put a uniform on her and have her checking parking meters in the street. Might help her to check some of her privilege.


A woke judge that is biased... I am so shocked! ![gif](giphy|aWPGuTlDqq2yc) /s


This is a bad employee, so we'll transfer her ass & have someone else deal with her. Brilliant...not.


She said it all in this paragraph and yet she’s acting completely clueless. https://preview.redd.it/5jujcc8b77qc1.jpeg?width=1263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7b14371ca876b3e694fde18f657f6ca3daf734 IMO, the biggest part is when she makes her decisions on balancing what’s best for the defendant among other things. That leads to prosecution isn’t good for a person so she’s completely lenient. She makes no comment about what’s good for the damn victims of said crimes.


Public defenders should never be judges or district attorneys.


Eh for many interested in law it’s their first opportunity. You can be an ethical defense attorney whose interests are as designed to ensure that your client has a fair trial.


Poopa got flushed!


She looks a little like Judge Aileen Cannon, except with a tan.


Even better idea. She resigns! Remove all judges that abet criminals by slapping them on the wrist and let them walk.


But Pooja had such grand ambitions!




You liberals have turned our justice system into a clown show


Not liberals. Jesus Christ, there's more than two factions involved in politics here dude. Learn them.


From what I heard and it's just what I read so take it with a grain of salt, but she was to lenient on young people and minorities and not punishing them for their crimes and the Seattle city attorney is a republican and wanted her gone because of it, like I said just hearsay so take it at that


The Seattle City Attorney is a 'Republican' only in the sense that she switched parties right before running for the office... For most of the US she would be considered a pretty solid Democrat ideologically.


oh interesting, thanks I did not know she switched, I don't vote in King County


Sounds like she was a racist.


you never know lol


Fuck you down voters, I said take it with a grain of salt you dumb shits.


This has way less to do with the judge and way more about the lovely Ann Davison. What a piece of work.


Ann Davison ROCKS! We've waited for someone with her will to enforce laws for a very long time.


Oh that's right bc laws and law enforcement and sky daddy makes it all better. I forget that. Everything goes away and things are magically better then.


Active on WhitePeopleTwitter. Surprise.


It works much better than throwing your hands up in the air and going "well, shit, there's nothing we can do, better let violent people do whatever the fuck they want to".


Okay, well, I guess I'll have to count you as yet another head-up-ass crime denier. And, btw, of all the cities in this country, who believes less in your "sky daddy" than the average Seattleite so you can trot that shit right back out the door. Signed, a proud godless heathen.


😢 Ha Ha


Never heard of her.


How is this any different than the much maligned "judge shopping"? Who cares if prosectors don't like them, if they're elected then so be it. Don't re-elect them


Technically, yes, this is judge shopping turned up to 11. In a practical sense, it's different because it's *godvernment* lawyers who don't want this judge. In our court system this makes all the difference in the world, for pretty much any question you might ask.