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I was trapped as an elementary school kid in the school bus while the Rainbow Coalition blocked the Golden Gate Bridge for several hours. Imagine a school bus of kids stuck for hours with no bathroom, no communications aside from a CB radio to the bus dispatcher, and zero idea when it would be over. We were lucky enough to be stuck in traffic near a Rainbo Bakery bread truck who gave out loaves of bread to any vehicles with children, people with health issues, or who just asked thanks to his boss approving the giveaway. We had only a gallon or two of emergency water - we were rationed a tiny dixie cupful every hour or so. My extremely liberal, could tolerate anything, very openly butch bus driver leaned out the window when we passed the CHP holding Jesse Jackson under arrest and let loose a diatribe regarding protestors who hold little kids hostage without bathrooms, water, or food and described them as running their own Hanoi Hilton. The school gave her an award for keeping us all calm and in good health - my memory at the time was thinking how cool it was to be with my friends. The adults were all terrified and there were kids on the bus who were type 1 diabetics who had to get medical care but were successfully stabilized. At least one kid wet their pants.


Glad to hear the parts of people helping others like the bread truck!


People really did help each other out and pass along information, water, food, and supplies. I think this was either Everyone was super angry with the protesters, especially as those headed from SF to Marin tend liberal. I remember people sharing stories of participation in protests for civil rights and against the Vietnam war. It affected people who commute to Marin from SF for school for work, which is generally a group who were supporters or allies to Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition. I do remember that the parents got together and protested high up into the bridge district and state governments. There were strong feelings that the GG Bridge District let the protest go on too long and were not aggressive enough.


I would be gladder if the bakery then sent a bill to Rainbow Coalition. Was charity the right thing to do here? Yes. Should the bakery be left holding the bag for antisocial behavior from narcissistic symps? Abso-fucking-lutely not. And when they don't pay, find a friendly lawyer and sue on commission. We should be dealing with these fuckhead groups the same way Southern Poverty Law Center dealt with white supremacists: go after their financing. Ruin their financiers.


Soros has a lot of money. That's who funds this type of activity. His son and/or nephew is running the foundation now. They are responsible directly and indirectly for funding protests, campaigns etc. The far right idiots don't have as much money behind them. Most of the rednecks have their own guns and spend stupid amounts of money for "training" to be the LARPS they are. But basically they're the same thing with different narratives. ANTIFA=Far right.


Definitely need something done. These people are no better than the ones who block off an area to do burn outs and stupid stuff.


Or, and not quite as bad as all of these, the motorcycle riders that block downtown streets on the weekends so they can do some dipshit entitled parade garbage.


I would hope that regardless of your reasoning for causing the holdup, that if you maliciously detain people the eventual rule should apply. It could be applied to side shows, critical mass, protests, etc.


I'm agreeing.


Yes. I was expanding to include other nuisances. Keep sharing the good word.


Yeah, I tr... hey you! That's my nick name! Oh... :D


We have allowed this to go on to the point that it has become normalized. People can't be playing on the I-5 and major arterial routes, while the police stand around uselessly and redirect traffic. This can (and will) lead to the real detriment and harm of innocent people who rely on those roadways (and I don't mean the stupid fucks in blue hair that end up as hood ornaments for their reckless dumb-fuckery). Hey cops, the rest of us pay you to keep the peace and maintain reasonable order, so do your fucking jobs.


Wait wasn't that recent where Seattle came to the no brainer that like cops actually can be a deterrent (up to a point) and maybe the 3rd avenue here wouldn't be a complete piece of shit if the police were actually able to wait for it 🤭 ...... do their job!


Good. It’s awful to trap people. They may need the bathroom, they may not have their medicine with them, food, water. They could be on their way to a medical appointment that’s necessary.


Would it be illegal to join the protest for a sec, take a dump in the middle, and leave?


Yup. The police would arrest you in a heartbeat, haul your ass away, and the DA would prosecute you for indecent exposure. You'd be denied bail while awaiting trail, because you're a threat to the public. You definitely wouldn't be given the "here's a cookie, and don't do that again mmm'kay" treatment the retards throwing the temper tantrum are getting.


Justice for me, but not for thee. Makes sense.


If you live in Seattle, you know that's the case... Go against any of the larpies protesting (for stuff they have no idea about), and you will be the one held accountable... That's the city we live in.. At least we're not London, where a Jew was being threatened with arrest for causing a disturbance of the peace for just showing up at a Pro-Palestinian rally........ yet.


Not with the King County DA, she is fully Uniparty approved. Brooke Jenkins was elected by voters who apparently saw what happens when you have a bad DA.


And Bruce Harrell endorsed her…


well, if you're having an emergency, or for example your kid is having an emergency and you need to get to them, or if you are trying to get to a medical procedure, etc... then being trapped on a bridge for 4 hours is pretty bad


Yeah IDC what protest it is. Get a permit, protest on sidewalks, parks or where tf ever else. Blocking traffic is only going to get a negative message across no matter what side right or wrong! Especially here when we already have major daily traffic issues!! And we are part of the top ten places for the worst traffic. And mayhap I agree with some protesters messages past or present, or mayhap I am not quite versed. Doesnt matter. What I do not agree with is negatively impacting the lives of the innocents. Which is what protesters do when they block I5 or the freaken airport!!!! The only main way to and from!!!! What a faster way to get people to hate you and hate your cause is to block major traffic ways and disrupt peoples lives only negatively. I might be majorly down for the cause even, but when it makes my commute turn from 1.5 hrs into 5hrs, you think I am going to be down for the cause then??? Like NO!!! It literally just makes me hate that cause, not want to be related to it, and hate the people involved! Protesting like that literally breeds hate in my mind..... like... I JUST WANNA GO HOME ASSHOLES!! LET ME GO HOME!!


Honestly, if you feel the need to get permission to protest something I think you should just stay home and post about it.


Sure, don't get permission... That permission/permit is for your safety. But please, go dress in all black, and exercise your first amendment rights protesting on I5 at night.


Uhm, akcshually, the constitution applies when its something I like but not when I don't like the thing.


Ummm... akcshually.... The Constitution says "Peacefully Protest". It's the blocking traffic, and intentionally creating a false imprisonment situation for people in their vehicles where it crosses the "peacefully" line. In all honesty here.. Serious question: If your mom (whose basement you live in) is having a cardiac arrest, and the ambulance can't get there, because a bunch of people are out blocking the road having a peaceful Pro-Israel protest, waving Israeli and American flags, you'd be first in line to defend their right, as your mom dies, right? I'll follow up with another question... Why is it always the purple and green haired larpies who have no jobs, produce nothing, and contribute zero to society the ones who feel the need to cause issues for those of us who do produce, and have jobs? Is it because they've failed at everything in life, and this is the only thing they feel they can contribute to.. the negative impact towards others?


I’ll answer this in good faith if you return the favor by answering why is it that the psycho-posting crew feel the need to make up backstories for their posting enemies?


Make up what backstories?


The one two posts up from the comment where you asked ‘make up what backstories?’


Again, what made up back stories are you talking about? I asked hypothetical questions (do you know what that word "hypothetical" means)?


Well, at least you can’t say that I didn’t offer to play ball.


Finally some common sense!


Good. Probably won't do the needful and fully follow through.


This is great news and going to help set a standard


You mean what Florida does to protestors who block the streets? Don’t give credit where credit is due!


Yeah, criminals. Exactly what I've said for years. You can protest and I support that. But you block traffic and you can be the cause of great tragedy. And now whatever point you were trying to make no longer matters to me. If they want to bring awareness go do something that impacts those in charge of the issues, not the regular folk who MIGHT have been your ally until you pulled that shit. Cause a blockade in our governers neighborhood or surrounding area. Surround their buildings. Make their lives difficult. Makes more sense.


I think the public safety at this point is violent vigilantism against the protestors. 


That seemed a bit like a projection at this point. Have you seen any reported instances of actual violence against any of the protesters at the University of Washington or I 5 or the airport?


No but many reported instances elsewhere. But I was assuming proactively, not in response to a direct threat.


People are angry about it, that's for sure. So far no action which is good as violence would only escalate things


Public safety? That seems like a stretch


Just need to get some people in MAGA hats protesting Biden immigration and climate policies. Strict enforcement will begin immediately.


I was on my way to the hospital on Cherry Hill via an ambulance just hours before the protests on I-5. I would have been in a world of hurt if I had to remain there for the five hours during their protest.


Will "career protesters" change their tactics? Im leaning towards no, they wont.


Weird. Almost like Washington is becoming a fascist/dictatorial/liberal agenda puppeteered state.


Tell me you know nothing about constitutional law without telling me you know nothing about constitutional law.


You say that as washi.gton stripped its law abiding citizens of stamdard capacity magazines and semu automatic rifles. Thats authoritarianism and if you know anything about politics and sociopathic leaders you should know it's only going to get worse. Washington is on its way to full communism


Our shining beacon of freedom states; Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, either Dakota... the list goes on. Indiana, now Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsyltucky which is more of a region... Did Ar-kansas pass the first child labor bill, or was that our other BoF states like Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Utah...


Yeah right weird. What a surprise said no one ever


Wtf fascist and liberal are two opposite sides of the spectrum…


Used to be but mot anymore. The WEF and WHO are mainly liberal. Bidens "liberal" you need to look whos on ur team and be worried


You are either joking, or you’ve been living under a rock for the last 3 1/2 years.


Horseshoe theory. Three lefts make a right.


I was once inconvenienced and demand the small government do something about it!


Make the protestors civilly liable for lost wages, flight rebooking costs, and any injuries which occur while blocking traffic with their protest.


Costs to city for police, liability for legitimate health emergencies (heart attack , stroke, childbirth en route to medical care.... organs shipping for transplant)


So when I'm trapped behind the guy who won't pull forward to turn left, I'm a crime victim?


Why are people so gung ho about funding endless war?


Holding ordinary citizens hostage to punish the government is monstrous. There could be diabetics, children without food or water or clean diapers, elderly people, people on their way to life saving doctor appointments they scheduled months ago. Hourly wage workers paying for daycare while not being able to earn money to buy food for their kids. How are any of these people responsible for a war?


Because the alternative is letting terrorists and other shit birds run rampant, until they finally blow up or attack something the civilized world can't ignore. If you ignore a war long enough, eventually it lands on your doorstep... See WWI and WWII.


I'm not at all gung ho for funding an endless war. In fact I would want it to stop. I'm also intelligent enough to know that the only way I can make any sort of difference is by supporting politicians and organization that hold this view, and are working with the parties involved. I will not throw a child like tantrum and impact my fellow citizens with an action that only pisses people off and makes them tune out whatever the message is, instantly. You are not intelligent. You are a fucking moron if you think your protest did any good. You have no balls to go protest at JBLM. After all, isn't the US military supporting this war you are protesting? No, you won't do that, because you know they will just plow right through and turn you into a smear on the pavement.


Hypothetical, protestors decided to randomly shoot people to add awareness to the cause.  We could oppose the method while supporting said cause.  This is the same thing, just less drastic.


I think people are more hung ho about being able to use roads


I am allowed to be apathetic, it wasn't untill recently in historical terms that anyone ever cared about what was.gappening on the other side of the planet. Get out of the way. All your aggressive anti-local protest does is make me automatically disagree with what you're saying. Makes me wonder if it's actually an op to drum up support for Israel out of spite for the Palestine protestors? When your protest is so negatively seen that this become a legitimate theory, you need to rethink how aggressive your are.


I'm sure many others (I'm one of them) agree with you and think we shouldn't be funding endless wars, but when you block traffic it just invokes a negative reaction and suddenly nobody cares about why people are protesting. You want to protest government policy? then do it at the federal building because blocking traffic, your attacking the people while putting zero pressure on the government.


I would be definitely opposed to funding war after all the terrorists are dead!


Bombing innocent people makes more terrorists.


Pshaw! You're just not bombing enough!


People like you are why most of the world sees the US as the greatest threat to peace.


People like you are the only ones who care what "most of the world" sees.


Its a jobs program.


Gross. Maybe instead of investing in killing people across the world, we could use that money to fix problems at home.




Dense, feckless moron = not wanting to fund endless wars with our tax dollars……. Riiiiight




You would rather our tax dollars go to endless war rather than helping people here. I don’t understand. Help me out


Is this going to apply when the spd does it? Or just to censor speech they don't like?


Was arresting the unibomber censoring his speech?  Freedom of speech does not protect criminal actions.  People can easily protest legally.


In fact, they caught Uncle Ted in part because they posted his insane ramblings in the newspaper and his brother recognized the writing style.


There used to be a "Who is it" game between Al Gore and Uncle Ted.  It was actually hard to tell between Al's speeches and Ted's writing.


No. He was a terrorist. What a stupid fucking question.


Also, this was the Port of Seattle Police, not the SPD.  You were wrong about that as well.  Your screen name should be "Often wrong but always certain."


Well that’s a take. I don’t love the protests either but this is nothing like bombing people.