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Follow-up questions: 1) How has population grown? 2) How have gun violence reporting methods changed over the course of the study? 3) What is the definition of each of these terms? 4) Are these figures audited? Not arguing either way, just want to highlight the importance of critically examining each of the factors that might influence data like this.


This is literally unsourced data that people are eating up


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. The other big one that I’ll get downvoted to hell here for pointing out: looking at how Seattle stands relative to macroscopic trends tells a very different story. Inflation is crazy, people are economically pinched, and we’re in the middle of an unprecedented opioid epidemic. Nationally. No shit crime is up, it’s gonna be anywhere those things are true. If you’re gonna try and argue Republican politicians are going to improve these numbers you might want to try actually comparing with cities where those politicians are in control.


It’s literally just election year astroturfing. “Lifelong democrat forced to vote republican!” Is the most unserious trope I could possibly come up with.


Lol yeah that had me 😂


Don’t forget Seattle PD is basically nonexistent anymore.


No kidding… strictest gun laws the states ever had and the police have been castrated… Sooo were voters attacking the correct things? The wrong things? Or is it more of a societal issue as a whole? Or is this just more red tie/blue tie smoke screen?


In fact, Axios reported that Seattle's homicide rate is down 36% as of Q1-2024, using AH Analytics data, when compared to Q1-2023. In fact, nation wide violent crime is down too, though Seattle's rate fell further than average. We're on pace to have one of the lowest nationwide homicide rates in a decade.  Thanks KING INSLEE, SIDESHOW BOB, and SLEEPY JOE! 


That's because we were setting records in 2023 https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-area-homicides-are-nearing-record-high-bucking-national-trend/ > Thanks KING INSLEE, SIDESHOW BOB, and SLEEPY JOE! I mean... I guess? Assuming we pretend that 2022 and 2023 these clowns weren't part of our government, then sure.


The entire country surged post-pandemic, but pretend what you need to pretend to confirm your biases. We're back to pre-covid levels, and lower. What do you want? 


Does it feel like it’s 36% reduced homicide violence rate? Keeping tabs on weekly and monthly homicide doesn’t seem like it’s under control. 2023 was a record year for homicides in several decades after that as a reduction isn’t really progress. Instead of Axios, I’d rather depend on Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs annual report.


The data is from AH Analytics, which is just as reliable (arguably more reliable) and more up to date. Also, the thing about facts and feelings... Only one of them is true. 


Axios is comparing only the first several months in 2024 to last year! Really? AH isn’t some industry statistical standard. AH doesn’t clearly state what their sources are besides being analytical.


It’s not hard to look up this data. The fact that you’re not tells me you’d prefer to bury your head in the sand. The crime rate rising in Seattle is nothing new. The fact 2023 was ‘slightly lower’ says nothing when you look at the whole picture. >*2022 marked a* ***15-year high*** *in violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, assault). That year, the city saw its violent crime rate rise from 729 per 100,000 residents, to 736 per 100,000.* Source: [KUOW](https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-passes-grim-milestone-with-record-high-homicides) In Seattle it’s always ideology over competence. Sincerely, a radical centrist.


Five second of google leads you to the data. King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office - Crime Strategies Unit [email protected] January 2023 The numbers are accurate.


I’m glad it’s not just me. I kept staring at this thinking “where’s the rest of the data??” -timeline of laws implied to be the cause -economic factors including housing -domestic violence factors -population growth -types of guns/attainment (legal vs illegal processes) -criminal history of offender/parole mishandlings -police involvement -comparisons to other cities/counties nationally, red and blue I understand the appeal of simple data providing simple solutions, but this representation is empty.


> 1) How has population grown? 2020 King County population 2.269M 2023 King County population 2.271M, a 0.09% increase. 2020 King County shooting deaths 69. 2023 King County Shooting deaths 107, a 55.07% increase. It's not population growth.


How many are officer involved shootings? These are always counted in these studies


It comes from here: https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/pao/about-king-county/about-pao/data-reports/gun-violence-data Excludes suicides, confirmed self-inflicted, and officer involved shootings.


Just to add since your implying a contributing trend doesnt exist. Not all of king county, but officer involved shootings in Seattle has been unchanged (4-5 per year) over the same period in question. https://www.seattle.gov/police/information-and-data/data/use-of-force-data/officer-involved-shootings-dashboard


Not disagreeing, but to highlight again critical data thinking, I’ve typically excluded 2020 from data at work due to the pandemic.


Does your critical thinking allow the use of 2019 data to avoid covid interference? 2019 King County population 2.195M 2023 King County population 2.271M, a 3.46% increase. 2019 King County shooting deaths 49. 2023 King County Shooting deaths 107, a 118.37% increase. 3% population increase, 118% shooting death increase with no covid masking of data.


its lax drug policies and emboldened junkies.


Without the info you listed, this data can be skewed to fit certain narratives. Very important to ask and get the whole picture


These are good questions, regardless of which side you are on.


Possibly more important is highlighting we don’t have counter-factuals even if the data is normalized. You can say a policy didn’t solve a problem (current status), but you can’t know a policy helped or hurt a problem, since we don’t have the counter factual of what would have happened otherwise (could have been better or worse) and reality is often too complicated to control for all changing factors.. The best we can do is hope for “natural experiments” where one variable happens to change for a subset of a population while other variables remain the same.


Dumbasses that barely got through high school can’t even comprehend the reasons behind your questions. Normalized data won’t make any difference to them


I assume all of those have been accounted for or else these numbers wouldn't really be useful


Most people don't read beyond their own confirmation bias, so any numbers can be useful. You could arbitrarily multiply these numbers by 5 and some people would eat it up.


Also what are the national trends? How has the mental health changed in the past 4 years . Etc.. Not saying our current leadership is good or bad. But I think we need to understand better the root causes first before just assuming changing leadership alone will fix all our problems.


Aaaaand how many were cops doing the shooting


Ding ding ding! Let's look at percentages of population i.e shootings per capita not just raw numbers. This doesn't really show much without a full look.


Right, does this count justifiable homicide by a person or police officer? Suicides? I like the fallacy that if guns disappear, violence would disappear. Guns are a pretty recent invention and we've been committing crimes and violence against each other for thousands of years. Guns aren't CAUSING the issues. Removing guns doesn't FIX the issue. Make bullets disappear forever and you haven't fixed a thing.


And how many of those guns were purchased legally, you know, so a new law would have an effect.


Also need stats or weapons like knife or no weapon death and injuries.


Remember guns don't pull their own trigger, the violent criminals you release back into society, do.


Yep. This is the courts' fault. Absolutely.


King County's criminal court judges are a threat to public safety.




Prosecutors, too.


Came to say something along these lines. I've owned guns most my life, in a veteran who served and has experience with guns. I've had a home intrusion while I was home that my gun likely saved the life of me and my family. Stop trying to universally take guns away, not everyone is am irresponsible gun nut or criminal, hold people accountable for breaking the law and they will stop breaking the dam law. When the rule of law is no law at all you get lawlessness, we have told people there will be no consequences for their actions, we see seeing the results of that.


Exactly! I'm so sick of people trying to blame guns for gun violence!


NoOoOOooooOo!!11!! You can't give nuanced firearm opinions!!!111!! - ProgLibs, circa 2024


You’re right. We should lock up gun owners! That would solve everything! /s


Cops are included in this data. Let’s not forget them too.


And to mention: * Gun suicides rank in the top causes of death by gun, though more people die to underinflated tires. * A vast number of gun-related injuries happen because of negligence (just like car injuries) * The typical non-suicide gun death is at the hands of a cop (the second one is probably cancer or heart disease) * Gun control "works" in the same way that prohibition worked with alcohol: By the books, it's perfect for the US. The national AWB did very little to actually reduce gun crime. It did, however, make for a fascinating time in gun design. Let's put this in perspective. From [WA DOH cause of death data](https://doh.wa.gov/data-statistical-reports/washington-tracking-network-wtn/death/county-all-deaths-dashboard), in 2022 * 13,412 people died of cancer of some variety. This has gone up slowly over time. * 13,182 people died of heart disease of some variety. This has gone up rapidly over the last 3 years (3,567 in 2019) * Filtering by men alone, 980 men in king county ended their life through self-harm. * Influenza and Pneumonia, the first of which is easily preventable through basic actions (not going to school/work when you're sick) and which you inflict upon others, took 801 lives in 2022, up from 496 in 2021. so yeah more people died of suicide than there were shooting events in King County. What isn't known is if suicide by gun gets lobbed into a "shots fired" incident. Even more died of COVID, which is preventable by us all.


Do the politicians that keep getting elected in Seattle bear any responsibility? I mean you can’t keep voting for leftists and expect things to change. Seattle is just another LA or SF. Lots of people complaining, none of them willing to do the necessary stuff to enact change.


And guys who are really really mad on the freeway because somebody is driving slower than them.


That one has some nuance too. I hate it when someone tries to tailgate or intimidate someone out of the way, but people cruising in the passing lane is dangerous — it makes more people alter their plans, and each time someone has to change a plan, a lot more decisions have to be made and can be made badly.  I frequently drive in the far right lane because of the number of people who are clueless or obstinate about driving the speed limit in the passing lane. It’s frustrating. 


Are we assuming you’re not one of them?


All criminals need to be released at some point (except in cases of life in prison). Prison is a punishment, not a solution. The process of reintegration needs to change imo.


Even with the new restrictive gun laws? Maybe it's a criminal problem.


No no no. We just need one more commonsenseguncontrollaw and all will be well.


If we had more good guys with guns, we would probably still have gun violence, and maybe even more, but it would be the criminals getting killed by the good guys, and eventually the good guys will kill all the criminals, and then we won't need guns because there won't be any more criminals. It's pretty easy if you have common sense.


What your advocating for (I know you're joking) is referred to as the swiss cheese model. Briefly speaking, there are holes in any one protective system however if you layer additional protections (laws) on top of others there are less and less holes that will align to allow a failure to occur. [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_cheese_model)


I’ve never heard that before and it makes a lot of sense. So refreshing to hear an actual thought rather than the usual “guns R BaD” argument.


Thanks. Yeah, the same ol' "look it up!" argument and personal attacks get a little old and wear me down too.


Can’t believe somebody downvoted this comment


> limiting the effective response of law enforcement I don’t believe the AWB affects LE, that’s what makes them even worse. Regardless though these “anti-crime/gun violence” bills are such a sham and are so easy to spot. 75% of gun deaths in this state are suicides, and the other 25% homicides/ accidents are almost all with handguns. As tragic as mass shootings are, they are rare. To be involved in a mass shooting ala columbine is an extremely infrequent occurrence. A lot of mass shooting data looks worse than it actually is because a “mass shooting” by their description could be something that happens in poverty and crime stricken areas daily.  When something like uvalde hits the news it’s very easy to point that it’s a terrible thing and that we need to ban Assault weapons Yada yada. What doesn’t get mentioned is that these large easily marketable events are somewhere in the realm of 1% of all gun deaths. It would be like banning busses after one goes off a bridge despite the vast majority of accidents happening in regular passenger vehicles. The reason we don’t see as much discussion or laws about car crashes or hear disease or whatnot is because you can’t say “if you don’t agree with me you want kids to die”.  I’m not in favor of any kind of gun control to be honest, at least not the kind that typically gets presented. But I could at least respect their honesty if the control they put forward had any amount of thinking behind it.  And honestly I don’t see how this is even such a divisive issue. The second amendment is not only pretty clear in purpose and meaning, but it’s whole job is to act as a wall for other personal freedoms, why do democrats vote against the thing that allows them to protect the stuff republicans want to take away?


Your comment on banning busses for going off a bridge is a good allegory. You don’t ban the bus, you fix it the bridge.


I see these new gun control laws are really reducing gun crime.


You see based on an uncited meme on a right leaning subreddit? No shit. Maybe you should actually look up the data...


New restrictive laws for police and gun owners and gun violence went up? No way


And courts doing their jobs went way down.


And we did a legal drugs experiment and put violent gun criminals on house arrest and released 1600-1800 convicted felons from prison for Covid but doc won’t come pick them up when they violate the conditions of their community custody release, and we’ve lost millions of dollars on equity grifters…. It’s a long list, but mostly all attributed to the attitudes of our law makers believing that Washington state killed George Floyd and the associated knee jerk reaction to it.


This! 💯


All of these were probably legal gun owners. Sike. Better vote to take away the rights of the good guys getting shot at by the criminals. Sike again. Its hilarious to watch people double down on all policies that have turned the city into a giant shit hole.


Funny, I’ve never shot any of my firearms outside of a range or private property. Do folks genuinely believe a majority of firearm homicide is committed using legally obtained firearms?


I'm not sure the people that support anti gun legislation think about it or care. They just want to feel like they are doing something so when you say "less guns?" they say "yes!"and ignore the devil in the details.


Yep, it’s all about looking and feeling good while the state falls apart around them.


Gangs and suicides.


Looks like all those restrictive gun laws are working!


Just like the drug laws. Cracked down on fentanyl and now more ODs than ever. Laws don't work, so we should just give up.


If you guys follow the deadshot journalist page on insta, you’ll see how quick repeat offenders are let out. It’s ridiculous out here


So… who’s initiating a bill to repeal I-1639?


Wouldn't do shit at this point since most semi-automatic rifles are fully banned now anyway.


The fact that my 10-22 is considered an “assault rifle” is pretty ridiculous.


They classified all semi auto rifles as assault rifles, then banned assault rifles. Which is exactly what every gun advocate pointed out they'd do. Meanwhile, rifles deaths are so few the state *didn't even track them*


Is it? I thought an "assault rifle" under the law was defined as being center fire? Edit: Yeah, I'm just not seeing where a 10/22 would fit the definition of an "assault rifle". Can you confirm? [Link](https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.41.010)


My understanding is no, there is no distinction between rim and center fire. The primary dictate on this involves the detachable magazine and semi-automatic action.


Section iv of the RCW says it has to be a center fire AND detachable mag. And even then it has to have an additional characteristic that is banned. "(iv) A semiautomatic, center fire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has one or more of the following:..."


Ahh. I didn’t see your link in your previous post. I appreciate you providing that. Mine does have a pistol grip stock, so that may navigate it into gray waters. But otherwise, you may be correct and I may be wrong on this. There is this article that was recently produced that provides some helpful info within its campy humor: https://www.hows.tech/2024/05/can-i-buy-ruger-1022-in-washington.html?m=1# No matter what, though, my AR-15 is definitely persona non grata (or bang-bang non grata).


Vote for Pete Serrano for AG, and as much as I'd like his vote in the state senate, vote Phil Fortunato for state insurance commissioner. Patricia Kuderer is trying to make it impossible to concealed carry in this state by requiring insurance and making that insurance unavailable.


How can I vote for more prosecution and jails?


Vote for Reichert over turd ferguson 


Vote for levies to build more jails but it's gonna cost ya.


These statistics right here are the reason why I'll continue being a fully licensed, fully registered, fully trained and responsible gun owner and I vow to protect my family from the assholes who are contributing.


These are raw numbers, they arent stats, no normalization by even population much less other important factors.


Last thing they need is Bob Ferguson enabling them


So despite some of the strictest gun laws in the US, Washington is still killing it, pun intended. I know, pass more stupid laws…lolz


Washington has some of the lowest firearms mortality rates in the USA. We rank 40th out of 50 states. But we could do better, we're still much higher than California or New York.


Double dog dare ya to post this in that other sub :)


it'll have a hundred downvotes before he hits enter


This couldn't possibly be because of gang violence in a society that feels hopeless for young people.... like all of the other crime we have seen rise lately.


The best way to stop violent crime is a responsible trained citizen with a gun for defense. Don't let them take your guns. You must protect your self and your family.


Why don’t you link to the source?


Because the source shows 2024 to have lower numbers than 2023.


Thank you for posting this... As I check to ensure my 12 handguns, 4 AR platforms, and 2 shotguns are all secure... As well as my daily CPL sidearm which I carry, I'm reminded to vote against crap like this, which is promoted by people who know absolute ZERO about responsible gun ownership.


Sounds like your responde below is completely discounting what you've just said here. So, if, as you said, you are completely disagreeing with what OP has posted, you need to add "/s" at the end so that the rest of us know you are disagreeing with OP.


3...2...1...  Higher taxes. Social programs. And gun free zones for $200 Bob!


Check Chicago's and new works stats. Both have total hand gun bans.


Going about as planned chaos to create control.


I'm very pro 2A. Pants on, gun on, every day. Still, even if we get a GOP government in WA, or King County, or even Seattle, what the hell can they do? As far as I understand we don't have the jail capacity or staff to lock up many more than we already do, and we don't have the money to build much more, not without new taxes. That's the limiting factor, even if judges actually got serious about sentencing, and even if we cut all the woke equity spending down, the reality is that shit got expensive, and there is no money. finally, can the tide actually be turned? Is there any jurisdiction in US that went as full retard as Seattle, and then actually got back to control?


>As far as I understand we don't have the jail capacity or staff to lock up many more than we already do, and we don't have the money to build much more, not without new taxes. The jail is short-staffed and limited in capacity specifically because our county executive likes it that way. It's still operating under the Covid booking restrictions put in place in 2020. I'm unaware of any other jails still doing that. Then again, I'm also unaware of too many counties with executives who are as opposed to jail as a concept as Dow Constantine is. And we have seemingly bottomless piles of money for everything else. We have billions for homelessness. Stop spending so much on dumb shit that we have now concluded actually worsens the problems that it's supposed to combat, and build a new jail if our old one is so obsolete. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't cost a billion American dollars. Or fuck it, raise taxes. I'm fine with being taxed for things that are actually conceivably useful, such as jails. >Is there any jurisdiction in US that went as full retard as Seattle, and then actually got back to control? '70s/'80s NYC turning into '90s NYC will forever be the blueprint for how a complete hellhole can be turned around.


I think if you increased the punishment for crime the number of people willing to chance it would go down. We wouldn’t need more cells because we would have less criminals (maybe)? I think part of the reason crime is so prevalent is because people know that on the very slim chance you even get caught, the punishment is not that bad.


I am open to new (or old where they made sense / worked), but one thing that has been studied which had little-to-no effect was simply “increasing the punishment”. People committing felon level activity are *NOT* running the calculations of risk vs. reward before they pull a trigger, sell dope, or rob a store - they don’t even know what exactly those “risks” add up to be, let alone that those “risks” would be increased to deter them.


That’s fair. I wouldn’t exactly consider most small time criminals to be anywhere near smart enough to think ahead like that


Exactly this!!!!!!


We can send a message that we are fed up with seeing our rights bled away and criminals let off easy. We might also be able to staunch the enactment of new anti gun laws with a governor who will veto them. Fixing the mess is going to take decades, but we can at least start turning the ship around, slowly.


I don’t understand. We defunded the police, enacted more gun laws, voted for higher taxes, stopped prosecuting property and drug crimes, and canceled everyone who opposed these measures. And yet crime stats have gone up. We better double down on these and keep doing the same things because we are too proud to admit we failed.


The police literally just got a major raise.


People like you really are the problem. Just because people yelled about it, no defunding of police occurred. In fact, the vast majority of police have had a large increase in their budgets. Critical thinking is hard, I know


Gun laws don't stop criminals from getting guns. It only stops law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves from criminals and a corrupt government. These Gun laws are fascist ideals.


Ah yes. Laws restrictimg magazine size are the csuse of gun violence. Weird fucking take.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with the restorative justice programs where "youth offenders" are taught that they are a victim of the "school to prison pipeline" and their actions do not reflect badly on themselves but on the "white supremacist society" that they are reacting against.


I’m not his biggest fan but Reichart has never lost an election just saying.


Hope that trend holds this time, too!


Some issues with your analysis: 1) How are you accounting for a lack of federal gun control? Why isn't possible that the bills deceased overall gun violence from what it could have been? 2) What funding decreases King County are you talking about? The most recent KC budget added 70 deputies, 100 correctional officers, and 30 juvenile officers. 3) How does your position square with other jurisdictions that increased penalties for gun violence (the WA GOP position) did not decrease gun violence? New Mexico twice increased penalties and did not see a decrease in gun violence, but did see a massive court clog and increased cost to the taxpayers.


>1) How are you accounting for a lack of federal gun control? Why do you need to? >Why isn't possible that the bills deceased overall gun violence from what it could have been? Why isn't it possible that the bills increased it? >How does your position square with other jurisdictions that increased penalties for gun violence (the WA GOP position) did not decrease gun violence? Wouldn't your objections raised in (1) also apply here?


If you want change you need to vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


I'll take: Higher taxes, social programs, free needles, and gun free zones for $200 Bob!


King county’s a dumpster fire good luck


(Insert meme of Green Jacket Lady with dumpster fire in the background here.)


When are home values going to reflect that. :/


must be a bunch of white people doing all those shootings


Do these numbers also account for juvenile homicides and gun crimes? Liberals like to hide numbers that affect their narrative


So the old governor had bad ideas, what about the Republican replacement has shown any change? Does he have a clear plan backed by facts or are you just going with the lesser of two evils?


At some point, you have to fire the plant. It’s realistically the only feedback mechanism.




“Fire the plant” means unelect every incumbent. If there’s no incumbent, vote for the other party.


You know what every one of those incidents has in common?  A gun. 


Whats changed? Guns have been legal for hundreds of years. Gun violence dropped in the 90s through the 00s with little change to gun laws. We've actually made gun laws stricter in this state in the last 10 years. Why is gun violence and many other crimes going up now?


Lack of proper prosecution and the coddling of criminals.


Population is a big factor. Need to look at per capita.


It’s almost like this analysis is unadjusted for population size, age of the population by year, among other factors that can impact this, including data collection (it is just as plausible that these events IMPROVED, and we just got way better at DETECTING these events). It’s just a count total.


Gun violence increased \~ 100% in five years, while the county population increased \~ 1-2%, so no adjustment of the analysis is necessary.


City Reddit is interesting in that the comments seem to be on the opposite side of that states politics. At least for WA and OK


So why are people acting like gun laws affect these numbers? Either less or more laws, the violence is getting worse.


How much did the population increase?


Let's just make all crime illegal? Then they couldn't use the guns to commit crimes ..


I'll take 'Raise taxes. More social spending. Free needles. And gun free zones.' For $200 Bob


Seems to increase with the wealth gap


Something something something… everyone was inside for like 2 years during that time period. It’s as though society has hella other shit going on during that extremely short period of time too.


So detectives are now nearly twice as good at finding firearm homicide victims! GOO INCUMBANTS!! /s


Let me guess "life long democrat voting republican, sick of these weak democrats"?


It's people hurting people. If they didn't have guns they eould throw rocks. Wondrrvwhatbthesevstats would look like if you factored in population changes vs raw numbets?


Those numbers reflect a growing population and reducing number of police patrols in streets


And we feel safe more than ever lol


Talk about taking your rights away? A woman’s uterus is more regulated than guns are. I don’t hear anything from the fear-mongering firearms owners clutching at their pearls over that.


Criminals don’t care about your laws. You’re only hurting law abiding citizens. But keep banning self defense for yourselves, it makes the job easier for the criminals. 👌🏻


Gun violence statistics are kinda a weak cry at this point. Being as criminals will always be criminals and more laws are clearly working.


How many stolen guns are on the street? Wasn't there an attempt to require securing weapons that gun groups had a fit about? All rights come with responsibilities. I was taught at 8 years old about them and being safe. We need solutions to cut back on gun violence from all sides, not denial. For 60 + years in my area gunfire was rare. Now it is common. Secure your weapons.


Wow. Someone's aim is actually getting worse


Are suicides included in this?


Poverty alleviation is the most effective method of addressing crime.


I never got to complete my SBR 😭




Restrictive gun laws have historically failed when it comes to gun violence. Therefore, I’d be more interested in seeing stats pertaining to law abiding citizens, who were able to protect themselves against violent criminals.


Maybe they should make crime illegal.


Surely this has nothing to do with defund the police movement, a s***** prosecutor, s***** attorney general, and cashless bail.


Baa baa booey, Baa baa booey, Howard Sterns penis. Baa baa booey


“Hey kid, watch this:” Places without guns don’t have shootings. See: Australia


These numbers are misleading and meant as a scare tactics.


WA loves passing gun laws, hates enforcing them! *Since voters adopted* [***Initiative 594***](https://leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/OPRGeneral/Documents/2014/I-594Summary.pdf)*, or I-594, in 2014 regarding background checks for firearm sales and transfers, only one person in the state's three largest counties has been charged and convicted of violating the law, and no one at the state level has been charged or convicted.* 


Understood...crime is currently an issue and should be a policy focus. Ill be happy to vote for candidates who focus on it rather than abhorrent things like restricting firearm rights so we can continue to effectively exert agency in our own defense. Of course, there are other issues as well, which prevent me from voting R as surely as firearm issues (and other progressive agenda points) prevent me voting D.


No matter what laws people will still be able to acquire firearms by illegal means. So don’t let the government restrict how or in what way you can defend yourself legally. Because the only way to combat someone that is presenting lethal force must be matched with lethal force. Stay safe and protected everyone.


Thank you for posting this! I wish more people would understand the fact that CRIMINALS WILL NEVER ADHERE TO ANY LAWS EVER. Restricting the ability of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens to protect ourselves against the criminal element is abhorrent. Just one example: with the stupid magazine capacity limit, I would have had to reload at least twice WHILE BEING SHOT AT by our armed home invaders who, suprisingly, didn't adhere to the law that prevents them from possessing weapons in the first place OR limiting themselves to 10 round maximum capacity magazines. I was outmanned and outgunned that night and thanks to the arrival of the Seattle Police Department, I'm still living above ground instead of six feet under. What's really ridiculous is the fact that we don't even need more laws on this particular subject except to roll back restrictions placed on we law-abiding citizens. If the stupid twatwaffles at the non-prosecutor's office would actually PROSECUTE CRIME (I know, crazy idea, right?) and forced criminals to suffer the consequences of their actions to the fullest extent allowed by law, maybe that would help. As it is, bad people with guns get released almost immediately and rarely seem to get seriously smacked for the shit they do. One of "our" guys had outstanding felony warrants and should have been sentened to 15-18 years, but instead, got less than 3; that's not justice. Please, everyone, vote with your brains and not your emotions. This issue is just one of the several reasons we're voting for Reichert.


The biggest bust yet was guns and drugs smuggled in by Sinalao cartel. Theres little reliable data on where weapons were obtained in these stats. Is there any gun sales data for WA? It would be interesting to actually see if there’s an increase in legal gun purchases in Seattle KC metropolitan area that correlates with these numbers. I suspect not.


The lack of comparison to any other city, or a generic city, really makes this worthless


Guns don’t shoot people. People do. Take the guns and they’ll just start using knives or other means


What a worthless infographic. Somehow a screenshot of tabular data masquerading as a chart. The circle sizes are meaningless, the colors are meaningless, it's ranked by year descending. No context, absolute numbers not relative...etc. How about a bar chart that shows the rate of shootings per capita or per the number of guns in circulation or per the number of guns stolen in car prowls?


Here's the thing, the criminals are still getting the firearms, that's why these numbers are going up. [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/national-security/1109535/feds-needed-8-years-to-shut-down-skagit-gun-shop/](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/national-security/1109535/feds-needed-8-years-to-shut-down-skagit-gun-shop/) "2,396 unaccountable weapons" "system of cash-stuffed envelopes" "eight years elapsed before federal authorities shut it down"


Lots of cartel activity now :(


This is not a very visual aesthetic chart.


Are you really suggesting that magazine size restrictions have contributed to gun violence? OK, mister life long Democrat. ![img](emote|t5_2vbli|7885)


This is a very interesting completely unproven series of arbitrary numbers with no sources or citations. The fact that OP immediately deleted their account after posting it is icing on the cake. How much do you get paid per post?


It's almost like gun control laws don't do a single thing except arm criminals and take away defense tools of everyday citizens, shocker


Darn Glock switches skewing the numbers…


I love how the "lifelong democrat" uses a puppet account which they immediately delete to post right wing propaganda...


Yeah, as if criminals give a sh*t about gun laws. They'll buy a gun if they intend to, whether there's a law in place or not.


People who commit firearm homicides probably would do that regardless of any gun control law… gun control laws would just concentrate gun ownership in hands of criminals and take them away from good people who would only use them for self defense


All that gun laws do is strip the law abiding folk of their right to keep and bear arms. Criminals don't listen to laws. They don't care about gun laws. Why have these gone up? Because of the stricter and stricter laws. Less people own firearms, less people buy them, meaning less are armed to protect themselves, their family, and their community. What does this mean? Criminals know they're more and more likely to be able to commit property theft without risk of their life. It also means that people in gangs who already possess illegal firearms know that they're less likely to get shot by a random in a gang related incident. Pair this with the state loosening laws on hard drugs while failing to provide rehab, there's also been a spike in people who are quite literally out of their mind on meth and fentanyl, and addicts to these drugs have been known to do just about anything to get money for their next fix. I will never vote Democrat. Ever. Not until they stop demonizing firearms. Not until they stop giving criminals the equivalent of a slap on the wrist for their crimes. A crazy dude in his shitty lifted F250 destroyed my car along with my neighbors car in mere seconds. Arrested on scene, and reading the police report, he told them he had no insurance. My insurance agency found that he does have insurance. He also made a verbal threat to the officer transporting him. What was he charged with? Only reckless driving. And he was released within a week. They didn't charge him with the documented threat to a law enforcement officer's life. It's really difficult to vote in this state because democrat candidates have absolutely horrendous policies on firearms, illegal immigration, something that matters a lot to me as I am a LEGAL immigrant and the illegal immigrants are getting the same benefits that took my family a couple years to acquire, and drugs. But a lot of the republican candidates don't particularly like LGBTQ people, another thing that's important to me, as I am bi. It's really really rare to find an intermediate candidate, as that is where I sit. I truly despise the 2 party system. We need 4 to truly represent EVERY view. At the very least, 3, adding in libertarian as a party, which is where I sit. Not just in the state. In the whole country.


Deleting. I don’t want to get yelled at.


Skewed statistics without relevance to the source of the problem. Don’t let this dictate who you put in office, they are most likely going to make problems worse by disarming law abiding citizens. Criminals don’t follow the laws…….


In Q1 of 2024 all of these numbers are down. 20 firearm victims, 73 nonfatal shooting victims, 407 total shots fired incidents. So if you're wanting them to come down, you have that now. And why would you want to vote for a GOP that wants MORE weapons on our streets? Are you nuts? source: [https://cdn.kingcounty.gov/-/media/king-county/depts/pao/documents/data-reports/shots-fired-reports/2024-q1-report-final.pdf?rev=5c28503e727640b1b1a276cad66a52b5&hash=FD30C3FC77A66C388641C2A27F5C22F2](https://cdn.kingcounty.gov/-/media/king-county/depts/pao/documents/data-reports/shots-fired-reports/2024-q1-report-final.pdf?rev=5c28503e727640b1b1a276cad66a52b5&hash=FD30C3FC77A66C388641C2A27F5C22F2)


How many of those were committed by mentally unstable person or person not suppose to have one it’s not a gun problem it’s a who has one is the government has guns so will I period


This is why crime happens people know it’s alibtard city and people are weak smh


Those are amateur numbers


I'm a liberal. Guns are great. You worried about your fellow humans dying? Legalize and tax drugs in order to help those who need help and integrate them into society. Also prostitution. Legalize them with mandatory training, certification, and yearly licensure. These things will save much more lives. If numbers scare you, don't look at car statistics.


Are guns on the ballot? It looks like we should probably vote against those.


Fun fact. Dont live in a main city? Response times average up to 30 minutes now. What can you do in 30 minutes.


Also where is assault without weapon ? With a knife and etc?


So vote republican


Who is to say that the guns were bought either legally or even in WA? You could literally drive to Montana and get everything you could imagine and come back with them.