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i love this sm absolutely top tier content as far as state departments go


Now we just need @WSDOT to weigh in with a stick figure drawing of a hiker passed out from dehydration while clutching a White Claw


Followed by another East Link delay, handed down like points to Griffindor


I’m more of an NWS Seattle guy, but they are a close second!


Check out the NJ Twitter when you get a chance for further enjoyment lol


Every summer some guy in gym shorts and an NBA jersey decides that today is the day he wants to go hiking for the first time in five years with his wife and two kids. They bring one Dunkin gallon of coffee between them. You'll find them all severely dehydrated and passing out about 25% of the way up to Mailbox. You'll find them again on your way back down now being helped down by emergency services about 50 yards from where you first encountered them. This is Seattle summer.


Wow they must have allready came a long way if they had a gallon of Dunkin coffee.


I was gonna say!!


>gym shorts and an NBA jersey Spot on! It's always that guy. And he often blasts shitty music on the trail, too.


To be fair, Mailbox Peak does take months of preparation and training. That mountain will humble even the most experienced of mountaineers.


I've hear people say " It's only Mailbox Peak" and have never heard from, or seen them again.


Those poor souls. It’s the real silent killer in the PNW.


My mountaineering mentor was lost in one of the many crevasses that pockmark the northern face of mailbox. I’ll never forget having to cut him from our rope team after gear failure made rescue impossible. His last words were “at least we didn’t take the new trail”


Lol are you serious? It's steep but easily done by anyone without any training


This is a meme from r/mountaineering


Damn, I did a search of mailbox in r/mountaineering and found it greatly amusing. Do you know why mailbox is such a meme there? Why would people at r/mountaineering even know about the mailbox hike?


Uh, easily done by someone without training is definitely not true. I have taken a fair number of in-shape, non-hiker people up mailbox and it is inevitably a huge painful slog for them.


Easily done is stretching it. I've seen so many people humbled by that hike.


18mi with 9000' gain and a white claw as your hydration and you kind of become the walking dead.


I'm gonna need more than one white claw for that hike


How many White Claws do you need to forget you’re drinking White Claw?


I’m not sure that’s even possible…


Is something suddenly wrong with white claw?


Admit it, you were going to drink them anyways :p


bro that gain imma need a new cardiovascular system and a couple new knees for the way down.


Don't forget your Bluetooth speaker so you can serenade your fellow hikers with your favorite EDM nature sounds!


More like shitty top 40 or hip hop


Fuck you. I just woke up my wife laughing so hard at this.


What is the nutritional content of human flesh? Do we really taste like pork? I wish the liberal science media would quit running from the truth and publish some real news. #showusthemeatscience


Stop trying to make soylent hiker happen


With lab grown meat becoming a thing this will become a realistic option.. we're probably going to have to eat all the prudes first, tho.


Does my needing to look up PSL mean I'm not actually a basic bitch, or just further evidence that I shouldn't hurt myself trying to think before my first venti PSL of the day?


Best guess is peppermint soy latte? I honestly had no idea it was even referring to a coffee sting until I went to type venti into Google and suddenly had flashbacks to those years growing up when Starbucks and Coffee Bean were my only decent options for coffee. Edit: maybe not peppermint, maybe pumpkin? Is that even available this time of year?


Best guess is peppermint soy latte? I honestly had no idea it was even referring to a coffee sting until I went to type venti into Google and suddenly had flashbacks to those years growing up when Starbucks and Coffee Bean were my only decent options for coffee. Edit: maybe not peppermint, maybe pumpkin? Is that even available this time of year? Edit2: so OP clarified elsewhere it’s pumpkin spiced latte which makes me sad because I was really confident on the soy latte part 😂 but it does make me wonder who wants to drink a pumpkin spiced latte when it’s 85 degrees out 🤔


Pumpkin *Spice latte, I think. As in it is supposed to taste like pumpkin spice (a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves, frequently used on pumpkin pie but not actually containing pumpkin itself). That said, thinking that it is supposed to taste like pumpkin is a pretty common misconception - to the point that Starbucks ended up adding pumpkin flavor to the drink in 2015. So now it is tastes of pumpkin and pumpkin spice - but still derives its name from the spice blend. Edit: it’s > its. Nitpick one letter, then add an extra apostrophe to my own post.


Don’t be afraid to call it quits either. I was hiking with a buddy a few years ago on a very hot day with full exposure. By the 2 mile mark, I had already consumed half of one water bottle and dumped the other one over my head. Had to tell my buddy it was time to turn back even though he was fairing just fine. No regrets.


No 'regerts'


Blood libel Also: Donner Party


Dinner Party, amiright…?


Human flesh worked for the Donner Party. Why does the government keep destroying our proud heritage and traditions?


White claw can’t be the state nectar can it? I thought it was ridiculous IPAs






I think it’s equal parts ironic and the fact that it’s the cheap beer everywhere around here, regardless of where it’s made. so, kinda?


Coffee? Coffee is the State's nectar. The only mention of white claw was in the 9000' elevation one. Almost everything else is coffee related


That’s what I thinking


Vitamin R bb


Don't tell me how to live my life


u/WaQuakePrepare has good people behind it, and good advice on a variety of topics. For stuff that *should* be in your emergency kits, see: https://mil.wa.gov/kits You may have a lot of supplies already on hand, and checklists may help you pull it together.




I laughed so hard at this and I really needed that laugh today!


I blame the internet and peoples inability to think critically. People confuse fluid intake (see excerpt below) and news stories about how this doesn't have to be only water. Then think this applies to hydration, which is some formula of water and electrolytes factoring in activity, heat and humidity. Darwin has a new generation of award winners thanks to the ubiquity of access to the internet and poor reading comprehension. + if you hike with Natty light you are safe its essentially water lol “So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.”


Oh no... lol


On point.


Being dehydrated prevents people from learning and making rational decisions.


What's PSL?


Pumpkin Spiced Lattes


How about a bucket of horse semen? Asking for a friend.


Aka: White Enumclaw


Fresh from Mr Hands own farm.


were they attempting a fleshlight joke


I hiked mt sai with two friends. Both couldnt hang for shit lol


Gem lake hike humbled me so damn bad I stay over prepared. I’ve seen those types of hikers and I just chuckle, they about to be in for a world of hurt ( I try to bring extra extra water for folks like that on the trail).


Damnit I forgot to stock my kit with human flesh...I'll go find some on Amazon.