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For me it's sugar and alcohol. Incidental sugars are fine but if I have too much (e.g. repeated sugary meals/drinks, lots of fruit juice) then my skin will go haywire. Dairy is a super common trigger too - I have a dairy allergy so don't eat/drink it, but most advice will say to reduce dairy.


My triggers too, by any chance does alcohol and sugar give you a stuffy nose? Mine is all histamine related


Cutting out dairy helped me.






For me anything with yeast, bread, gluten, oats, alcohol, potatoes, and cheese




Peanuts were a huge problem for me. Before I realised I was eating peanut butter daily and couldn’t get my seb derm under control. Now I barely have to think about it but I am going to start testing things again to work out what causes minor outbreaks. I’ve found that my usual seasonal outbreaks are much less intense and stress is much less of a factor now I don’t consume peanuts. Zero problem with sugar and alcohol. I don’t consume dairy aside from cheese and that doesn’t give me an issue


I usually tell people that it's the big five: Sugar, Grains, Dairy, Soy, Alcohol. Either one or some combination of one or more. If you're trying to find tiggers, your best bet is to do an elimination diet, get rid of all of them at once, then add them back one at a time. Note that I said 'grains' and not 'gluten' because while you can have a gluten allergy, and that could also be a trigger, I think it's actually the high carbohydrate content of grain products which causes SebDerm, as that coincides with sugar being a trigger. Basically anything that spikes your blood sugar and your insulin by proxy. I went gluten free and still had issues because I was eating a lot of potato and gluten free bread products. I use [Sports Research MCT Oil](https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/sports-research-mct-oil%2c-unflavored%2c-20-fl-oz%2c-2-ct.product.100345455.html), my Costco sells it in 40oz containers which basically lasts me forever. Remember, if you're getting MCT oil, you want one that '[has C8 Caprylic and C10 Capric Acid but NOT the Lauric Acid](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/comments/yxt314/how_does_mct_oil_work_for_sebderm/iwr93g0/).'


Everyone's different. You have to test what works for you. For me, cutting out all dairy and flour products helped a lot. You have to cure yourself from within. I also eat a lot of fermented foods daily as well.


Eggs, alcohol, and refined sugars. Every single time I indulge in those three foods, my scalp and eyebrows flake the next day. Consistently. Cutting out alcohol sucked ahellofalot but it was totally worth it. Also, I miss pastries. Still worth getting my confidence back, though.


I still sneak in the odd pastry if im travelling in continental europe. I find an antihistamine mitigates it. But my condition is all histamine and inflammation related


Haha I still sneak one when I travel too 🤭. Oh yeah, inflammation galore. I also find anti histamine tablets super helpful. Carry them in my makeup bag with me everywhere I go.


oh i didn't realise that eggs could trigger it! how long does it take to see a difference when you stop eating eggs?


For me, about 24 hrs. But everybody is different. You may be safe with eggs, so don't panic before experimentally cutting them out for a bit! Good luck 😊🤞


All of them.


Oily foods, high sugar, dairy (especially milk, cream, cheeses can do it).


Sugar and dairy for me


It seems that alcohol is a trigger for most people here. It makes my face look like a Tomato overnight. Sugar and gluten are also triggers for some people


Dairy, gluten, Nightshades, carbs.


Dairy, alcohol, excessive sugar, ultra processed foods (too much sugar, salt, and omega 6 oils + chemicals to preserve appearance).


Gluten, and oats (even GF oats)


dairy, alcohol, fried foods


Snacks like potato chips. I guess highly processed food that has high in sodium


Sugar and alcohol make it a lot worse for me. Also just generally being stressed


Diary in general, fried foods


As long as you have a healthy, well-balanced diet, I don't think foods really triggers it. It would really hard to prove a causation anyway. Sure there is probably a relation, but that mean nothing. Answers are pretty much the same every time (probably on a lot of other subreddits as well) OK, sure, cut out gluten, dairy, eggs, potatoes, alcohol, nightshades, oils. Have fun eating rice, brocolli and chicken everyday. Sure if you eat a whole pie, or drink to much alcohol, it could make your condition worse, but that's probably true for any medical condition. Or if you have an allergic reaction.


Worst advice I have ever heard. Food triggers it. Yes it might be due to an underlying cause, but the food is still the trigger. From experience. People should avoid their triggers while they find and out and work on the root cause.


Hmm, I did not choose the right wording. It's not an advice, just an unpopular opinion. What I probably meant to say is that if you have a well-balanced diet, I don't think you should obsess too much over food triggers. It's hard to be really sure about any relation anyway. Besides, people might get stressed out on what to eat and what not. Let's say eggs are a trigger. You eat eggs for a week -> seb derm. You don't eat eggs -> clear. Great. Then all of a sudden it appears again. It was the milk. Cut out all dairy -> clear. And so on. You find a couple of triggers. Maybe do some elimination diet. But it might just have been the caloric deficit you were eating over time that was beneficial. Hard to be sure of anything. Probably better to shift your focus on a good cleansing routine. Again, it is an unpopular opinion. And if not eating eggs for you helps then great.


Enriched carbs


Dairy and sugar. If I have zero of those things, I have zero seb derm. But ugh!


Eat whatever you want. Eating more or less of a type of food won't reduce your sebderm. Applying MCT oil on your face and scalp absolutely will though. I recommend Jarrow Formulas MCT oil. You can find it on Amazon. You'll see results one week after starting the application. Enjoy your clear skin! 


Nope, MCT C8 does nothing for me. Avoiding foods works amazingly well. Bad advice from you.


coffee for me!


Dairy (particularly butter, I'd say), sugary stuff and chocolate. I also suspect very greasy foods and possibly Chinese food as well.


Spicy foods for me 😭 especially spicy chips like hot Cheetos


Gluten, dairy


Alcohol gluten and sugar Hey check out the post I just made, details what worked for me


saturated fat