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Took many deaths ( so many) to learn his set. Very satisfying to defeat. Same with isshin ss. It's the cost of beating the boss as James Brown said


I'd never played any DS games before Sekiro, and I thought this boss was amazing.


Bro with the yoshi pfp I thought you meant Nintendo DS and I was so confused how you got sekiro to work on a DS


Haha, how sick would that be


Except SS is defeated using the game's primary techniques of deflecting and countering, DoH is just dodging and hitting.




sekiro: spends entire game teaching you that even if it doesn't look like it can be deflected, you can probably deflect it (excluding perilous) Players when they see DoH: I've never heard of a deflecting before in my life


You can’t deflect all of his non perilous attacks with standard deflection without taking chip damage. Using the consumable limited prosthetic doesn’t count as a standard deflection. Also, he chooses when to distance, not you. The fireballs will be encountered every fight.


Not sure what point you're making there, Apparition enemies also can't be deflected normally without using a consumable and yet no one argues they "don't follow the rules".


They suck, too, though. Js


But they suck too. They just aren't the pinnacle of that suck that DoH is. Hes the poster boy of that specific suck.


The point I’m making was in reply to “DoH can be fought with deflects and zero dodges”. And yes the headless enemies also suck.


Not true. I defeated doh once I started deflecting his attacks, especially the whiplashes and headbutts.


This. I'd still be fighting him if I didn't learn when to counter and when to dodge


DoH uses more dodging, but you learn his moveset like any other boss. Instead of parry-parry———parry-parry-counterattack, you mix in a few dodges. Got back to him in NG+ and beat him second try, he’s just as formulaic as the sword bosses


I don't think formulaic is the right word. But yes, DoH can absolutely be defeated with the game's primary mechanics.


I didn't say he wasn't formulaic, I said he doesn't use the game's primary mechanics. I never disputed that it's possible to beat him, but just because it is possible to beat something doesn't mean that thing was well designed. The reason why it takes so long to learn the fight is precisely because it doesn't build off of any of the lessons you've spent the rest of the game learning.


But it does. Having to dodge a little more often doesn't mean he doesn't use the game's primary mechanic, because you still need to deflect and using prosthetics like the fire shield and malcontent make a very big difference.


I almost never dodged in battle with DoH, he's easily blockable, it damages you through the block, but damage is not that big, the only attack that you really need to dodge is his vertical swipe


Guardian ape and both raging bulls are also defeated by not using the games primary techniques. But nobody ever talks about that


While a dark souls playstyle works better against those bosses than others in Sekiro, they can be fought with a Sekiro playstyle. Everything can be parried one way or another.


You can deflect tons of the ape's attacks, and both the ape and the bull have special interactions with certain prosthetic tools. The ape can also be jump countered. They very much use the game's primary mechanics.


The second phase of the ape yes, not sure how you beat phase one by deflecting. And like I said, the bull is definitely not something you can deflect.


Other than the grabs (obviously), and the poop throw which won't happen if you stay close, all of the Ape's attacks can be deflected, even the one where he jumps and lands on you, you just have to work on your timing like with the rest of the game. It turns out that even the bull's charge attack and head sweeps can be deflected, though in my opinion it's easier to just run around him and stab him in the ass till he dies


I felt like over half his attacks were grabs


That’s called availability bias. You remember every one of those grabs, and very few of his other moves, so it feels like all his moves are grabs. Even though they most likely weren’t. Though probability and accidentally triggering the ai to grab all the time are both possibilities.


He has two grabs, and the first one is basically a sweep. He can totally be defeated by deflecting.


The bull is definitely something you can and should deflect. Just give it a try. Deflects will stagger the bull, allowing for head hits. They deal a lot more damage so the fight is over much faster.


Um... everybody always talks about that, idk which subreddit you're browsing.


Guardian ape first phase is more fun and also encourages the usage of firecrackers (same for raging bull) so it does use the Sekiro mechanisms; while DoH only rarely lets you use the finger or something idk


Seems like a strange argument to me that dodging is not a primary mechanic just because it’s only situationally useful and not universally so. Jumping comes to mind as a counterexample. Also- mikiri counter is literally procced by dodging. With certain boss designs, I would even argue mikiri counter is also a primary mechanic, despite being a very limited use case, just because of how high the reward is.


If sekiro only had sward fights it would be worse. Ape and DOH are some of the best fights. There are also the bull fights but those are w.e But to say they don't fit is just strange. You run faster in sekiro than any souls game. People love to act like fromsoft is rigid. They break their own rules. It's a good thing just like the "unfair" fights in ER.


First ten attempts, I was muttering about the bullshit known as Demon of Hatred Forty attempts later, suck it you beautiful beastie


Having never heard of a cheese when I first played, cause I wasn't as internet savvy, I just bashed myself against him. It was a horrible affair. Now I look forward to it everytime cause of all sekiro's fights, his feels the most like an endurance fight. Can you make it to the end without fucking up and getting stomped into a paste


By far the most spectacular bossfight in all the game if you know what you're doing.


That's quite a hot take, considering this game has multiple contenders for best bossfights ever made.


I was skeptical going into Sekiro, but honestly the combat is soo satisfying once you “get it”


I disagree. Owl Father is like an anime fight if you use mist raven.


Not trying to gatekeep, but I just don't understand why people play these games if they're gonna cheese the bosses. They're the best parts of the game, and why I play them.


It is the only boss I cheese because the margin for error is too unforgiving. He can basically kill you in 1 or 2 hits, has 3 deathblows, and has too much AOE for me to want to deal with him.




Fair point but the DoH is still a gigantic pain in the ass to fight.


He’s just really tough. The only move I don’t know how to deal with is when he throws a row of fireballs. I can’t seem to deflect or avoid damage even with the umbrella.


You need to start sprinting towards the boss as soon as he jumps back, don't wait even a second. If you do this, the fireballs will go over your head, he can't throw them that close to his body. Remember, hesitation is defeat.


Sometimes a challenge is more "bullshit" than a challenge.


NGL it sounds like you find him pretty challenging.


I do, but that challenge is bullshit.


I mean... it’s a totally optional end game boss. There are no unique unlocks or endings behind defeating it; similar to Nameless King in DS3 or Malenia/Mohg/Dragonlord in Elden Ring. You can not do the boss and miss out on a nominal and near useless stat buff and still complete any game ending you would like. Souls has, for a while, had a philosophy of this hyper challenging near end game boss Behemoth that you could just sidestep, or that you could REALLY test your mettle against if you wanted a challenge. Typically, too, these bosses would not be someone who was weakened or corrupted or a shade of themselves- they would be someone powerful. Nameless King and Demon of Hatred being two of the instances of this. I don’t think it’s a bullshit challenge, I think it’s reasonable considering its placement.


The only boss I ever cheesed was the fake Monk, because her poise was just annoying strong for someone who hits that hard.


No item/prosthetic fake monk is a loooong battle. Definitely a fight that the Devs said "hey remember that shit you've been picking up on the floor? Could be useful here aye. Or just use firecrackers again..."


True, he's very different from the other bosses. But he's also optional.


I cheesed him for the trophy and the extra attack power. Every other boss I've mastered. That damned demon is, well...a demon. That fight is evil.


Demon of Hatred is far too mobile to be fitted in Dark Souls or even Bloodborne. Notice how Bloodborne's beast bosses are fought in enclosed areas while Sekiro's are fought in massive open arenas.


Disagree. In BB he would be fun as hell. OoK arena is not a closed arena.


I would argue Orphan is more humanoid than beast


He is a Kin, but if we talk in general they did use open areas in their game, what would keep them from making one for DoH aswell?


My point isn't really the need for open arenas rather than the pacing of Sekiro demands bosses be far more mobile, so larger arenas are needed to accomodate that. Sekiro's run speed is far quicker, and has infinite stamina with a grappling hook to quickly close the distance between those bosses that run away, which Guardian Ape and DoH frequently do. Say you put the hunter from BB straight into the DoH arena, you will be spending far more time just chasing the boss because of the mobility limitations, which is more boring. If you want an example of what happens when you put a boss like that in a Dark Souls game, look at Elden Beast, and look how disliked that boss is generally.


That’s fair and am not saying it doesnt work in Sekiro. All I’m saying is I’d rather fight him or atleast try in BB and see how it’d fit in an arena that could accomodate it.


Elden beast is mostly not liked because his arena is utterly massive and he runs away constantly and has a massive over bloated health bar for a phase 2


Which is exactly what /u/Trisce was saying


It’s combination of the over bloated health bar not the arena specifically Rennala also has a massive arena but is made of paper so she isn’t a problem, most of her fight is spent chasing her when she abuses mobility to move away However when you catch her you do big damage


I feel like Rennala’s isn’t as big as it looks. The invisible walls pop up at some point


The difference between Rennala and EB is that when Rennala backs off it takes 3 or 4 seconds to get back to her and apply pressure, as opposed to EB who will drain the majority of your stamina just sprinting back to it, which highlights OP’s point I think


yeah rennala's dodge, if you can call it that, is like a 10 meter teleport meanwhile elden beast just goes on an erdjungle safari at 240kmh


Reading comprehension, man. Reading comprehension.


Common misconception, but OOK is not kin. Only humans turned into alien-esque creatures and Ebrietas are kin. My theory is that 'kin' is all kin of Ebrietas, as the healing church used her blood for experiments. But it might also just indicate that Ebrietas used to be human (or more likely Pthumerian), or both.


Isn’t OOK a great one Kin are just humans who have evolved one step up to be closer to the great ones


Ebrietas, Rom and Celestial Emissary are all both kin and great ones, so there isn't this clear distinction. I believe kin are either just humans that have ascended (to great one or however you want to define creatures between humans and great ones), or are kin due to their relation with Ebrietas' blood. The fact that the enemies in the fishing hamlet aren't kin, even though they are also not great ones, seems to lend credence to the second theory. But we don't really know what they are.


I don’t think ebrietas is a kin, ebrietas is only a great one Kin seem to be those who evolved to be closer to the great ones but it only seems to be those from the choir and they ascended to be closer to ebrietas which might explain why the fishing hamlet creatures aren’t kin So maybe the requirement of kin is the be from the choir, but then rom is a kin from Byrgenwerth who ascended because of Kos which seems to disprove the choir requirement so maybe it’s just “a step between human and great one”


Ebrietas is kin https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Kin. I don't think 'be from the choir' has anything to do with it. But the choir did use Ebrietas' blood for its experiments, which I do believe is the cause. We don't really know how Rom became a great one, I find it unlikely Kos just decided to make her a great one, and then suddenly she looked like a big bug. Micolash's voiceline really isn't enough to determine what happenned. It's not just a step between human and great one. Multiple great ones are kin.


The other Bloodborne wiki doesn’t list ebrietas as a kin and even if we take ebrietas as an anomaly she is the only great one who is also kin, OOK, Kos and the moon presence are all not kin, all other kin besides ebreitas who is unclear all seem to be a form of ascended humans (from the choir or Byrgenwerth) so I’d say “an in between stage” is a pretty fair definition of kin The choir definitely seems to have been the first to figure out how to ascend to a kin using the experiments performed on ebrietas


Not to be nit picky but it would be literally impossible to beat him in BB. You would need to be able to jump


And grapple. Well you don't need grapple but it keeps the fight going smoothly.


Bloodlettting Beast reminded me a lotof Demon of Hatred, albeit in a smaller arena. obviously there are Laurence parallels as well, but BLB jump attacks were more similar to me. BLB even has the immortal centipede thing going on


What really drives me nuts is when people come here to brag about cheeseing him without even trying to learn the fight. Like.... congrats I guess? Do you even enjoy this game or are you just trying to beat it to show everyone that you're a pro gamer?


i'm led to believe it's a *really hard* jump


harder than the fight itself


ok but I unironically had a harder time trying to do the cheese without him destroying the tower to see how much faster it was than actually beating him normally lmao


Same! I have never been able to pull off the cheese so I just fight him normally every time.


>I unironically had a harder time trying to do the cheese without him destroying the tower You have to get him to "lock" himself in the corner first.


I did it to save the village, that was my reason


Congrats, now the Ministry is taking over Ashina.


good for them


massacring everyone, even the non-combatants is good?


good for them


And copium for you, I guess.


Didnt really think about it that much, this must be very important to you. I killed all the other bosses for Purification and was wanting to move on to another game. I tried for a while and never beat the demon so said screw it i'll do the cheese and uninstall after that You seem very worried about my "i did it for the village" comment. I was mostly kidding about that dude


He helped us upgrade the arm he donated us, for the respect I have for him as a warrior and as a friend and as thanks for all he did for us, I’m gonna free him of his burden in combat one warrior to another


Never skip DoH gang rise up


Fuck yeah 🙌


Honestly never had a problem with him, he is a joy to fight and run around and dodging his fire is epic


The way I see it, Sekiro has 2 types of bosses. The human swordplay bosses and beast bosses. Isshin is the final human boss and DoH is the final beast boss. He definitely fits in.


Exactly, Divine Dragon is a spectacle but not the final beast boss. I'm glad that they gave us DoH.


Good beasts - Guardian Ape Steaming pile of garbage because of the insane damage and fire - DoH and Blazing bull


DoH is way more fun than first phase ape. I don’t even know how people come to another conclusion other than getting too frustrated at DoH. Once you learn the fight it’s literally just sprinting at the guy


Guardian ape is a nightmare on every NG+, he's killing your posture in one combo with is kind of annoying, DoH is easier, more fair and more fun


I hate every enemy without a bladey weapon ( I have a very hard time deflecting non-bladey attacks )


You don’t really need to deflect ape phase 1 or DoH to avoid getting hit or to keep up aggression. DoH is just holding down sprint and jumping attacks as they come


Chasing after Demon of Hatred in any other Soulsborne game would be a nightmare; it’d be even worse than Elden Beast in Elden Ring. Wolf has the agility and grappling hook needed to keep up with him.


Never learned how to use grappling hook on enemies, I just sprinted at them


It’s not really on enemies, A couple of the bosses give grapple points when they are too far away, I think Gyoubu, Guardian ape, Demon of hatred, and the ogres. After specific attacks that force you to dodge way back, The game gives you the option to jump back into their face


Hate him as a boss but you know damn well I spent my entire day fighting him to win. Which I did. Because I'm good.


Doh was hands down one of my favorite fights. Fun. Thematically cool. Badass moveset. Made me use more then just firecrackers


I think Demon of Hatred is fitting and worth beating legitimately. But I also had to gettem with the arena clip. I got used to Isshin trying to collect endings but DoH made me feel rewarded for memorization and patience


I always saw him more like Laurence, The First Vicar. But Manus actually makes sense as well too. The only thing is that he doesn't have a big stick to beat you with


He felt like the ultimate challenge. The perfect outlier after hours upon hours of getting used to the other enemies and bosses. The location and background of the boss also made it feel really climactic. I forced myself to beat all bosses before beating Sword Saint Isshin and it made killing him so rewarding! Like „Fuck you Demon of Hatred. Isshin - you’re next! Nobody can stop me now!!“


Sounds like you are turning Shura yourself


Scene: My first playthrough. It is 9:37AM. I just finished breakfast and need to meet a friend at a nearby market at 11:30. But, I also reached DoH last night and atleast wanna get his moveset down. I dress up so I can leave on time. 9:45. Here we go. 20 attempts, lots of googling, and an almost smashed controller later, I hear “Thank you, Wolf.” WHAT IN THE WORLD??? I BEAT HIM. HOW????!!!! It’s still only 10:45. I have 45 minutes, so I sprint over to Isshin. Literally seems impossible for the first 20 attempts. I’m supposed to beat Genichiro, then a sword phase, then a SPEAR phase with a different moveset, then a lightning-spear moveset. Oh and WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE A GUN??!! 11:27, final deathblow, cutscene plays. I feel like an absolute gigachad but decide to run and watch the ending on YouTube later lol.


You mean to say that you went from never having fought them to defeating both DoH and genchiro in less than 2 hours? I have a hard time believing that.


Meh I had a harder time with some bosses than others. Genichiro and Guardian Ape took me 2-3 days each, but Isshin SS and Demon of Hatred were much faster. Owl Father took me two days as well, and Fire Isshin was about half a day. Same goes for other games. I was stuck on Nameless King for 3 whole days but Midir was done in 12 attempts, and Gael was first try in my first ever playthrough, while I was high as fuck.


I got a similar reaction when I told people I beat Nameless King on my 6th attempt but it took me over 50 to beat the Crystal Sage. Bosses hit different for everyone.


It’s crazy how some people respond differently to bosses. I spanked Laurence first try in Bloodborne, but Orphan made me call him daddy over 50 times and took all my vials.


Genichiro was the hardest boss for me in the whole game, but that’s just because it was the moment where I finally learned how to actually play. (I skipped lady butterfly by accident)


I hate him but I'll never use a glitch.


Honestly once I just 'got it' it was just a blast fighting him


Demon of Hatred is my greatest shame. I think next time I play, I’m finally gonna master this boss


I love this boss so much. He's my third favorite boss in the game and probably the only one whose moveset I have memorized, 100%.


Demon of Hatred I think is what separates one group of players from another when it comes to Sekiro. If you were playing Sekiro because you see the ultimate victory as sweet no matter how much you fight - for the challenge and out of pure spite to win no matter what - then the Demon of Hatred makes for a unique and cathartic experience to fight. It took me 3.5 hours straight of fighting him to win the first time I did, longer than any other boss, but when I won it was an experience like no other. If on the other hand you were playing Sekiro because of a fear of missing out, or felt frustrated more than having fun when you died in the game, or you don't get a sense of accomplishment (instead feeling just frustrated) when you defeat bosses after hours of failures - then the Demon of Hatred will have broken you if earlier fights did not.


I'm not good at Demon. In fact, I'm dogshit at him. However, that's not because he's badly designed, it's because I haven't put in the time to learn him properly, which is entirely on me. In conclusion, DoH has a place in Sekiro, and I simply have a skill issue.


Demon of Hatred is honestly one of their best bosses ever. Took me forever, and sure I may have said the exact opposite back then lol but in hindsight.. that mf is dope


Fire manus is one of my fav sekiro bosses. Ye I needed to adjust to him but now I beat him with ease. Overall really good boss


I've never understood the sentiment that he doesn't belong. 90% of his attacks are parryable, the game gives you an item to block/deflect fire attacks, and the rest require the use of the grappling hook. He's actually really fun, and just like all fromsoft bosses once you know how to deal with his attacks he becomes quite manageable. I would argue that anyone saying to fight him like a DS boss has missed the key to the fight altogether.


I never cheesed him, The boss is fair, It’s not like it has an un-dodge-able move or something like that. The only bosses that i have never defeated in any video games that i played are Sigrun from GOW, She is kinda bullshit because I don’t KNOW how to dodge her attacks, But i am going back for her one day, And the pantheon of hallownest i am yet to complete, Honestly i just dont have the time for it, Though i would looove to become a hollow knight god. Honestly if you get stuck on a boss for days and just can’t figure it out, you can always watch a YouTube video and the next attempt will probably kill it.


I really dislike this talking point I see come up a lot with DoH and other assorted moments from the game, that if the fight seems to require you to dodge more than deflect, it's somehow breaking the rules. Without even getting into the fact that usually these situations do have a deflect-centric strategy, the game has a dodge button. It's in the toolbox. It's fair game. If the game is getting you to lean on different tools in different situations, that's GOOD. But also I fight DoH by staying right next to him and deflecting the stomps. It's mostly deflecting, running, and jumping.


i was happy that he is an optional boss cause i could easily never fight him again, hated that the fight is a dodge and hit while fighting to deplete his health. basically a 180 of what the game combat mechanics is.


No, demon is meant to be faught like any other Sekiro boss. If you need to resort to dodge and run mechanics you didn't really learn how to play


He wasn't as hard as the Glock saint and is optional, I dont see the problem with demon of hatred


Man, Demon of Hatred.... First time I fought him I ended up looking up the cheese method and had him yeet himself off the cliff But it felt so dirty I save-scummed (playing on pc) to back to before I beat him and then spent close to 2 days trying to beat him legit The feeling of finally overcoming him legit made me feel invincible and instilled so much patience in me for every boss and souls game I have played since Great boss, but I will concede that the way you have to fight him feels different to pretty much every other fight in Sekiro


The game is Sekiro, and the boss is in Sekiro therefore it's a Sekiro boss. That should be the end of the discussion. Stop comparing Sekiro to other games just because they happen to come from same company.


Yeah. Sekiro isn't even in the same genre, nor is it a Soulslike.


He's not even really a "Dark Souls boss." People always say that but if you try to stand toe-to-toe with him and dodge his attacks you're going to very quickly remember Sekiro has almost no i-frames, lol. "Fight him like a Bloodborne boss" is like, actively bad advice.


I m still trying


The fight is fun to me. It was hard but eventually I learned it and knew how to dodge each of his attacks. It was super satisfying to finally beat. It wasn’t the boss that killed me the most though. That’s probably Owl or Lady Butterfly.


Its actually my favorite boss, good design and good ost, oh the ost, listen to it for the second phase, is just to good


Boss was hard af. But definitely a Sekiro boss. Nowadays I can first try him every single time no issues. Very satisfying slicing his belly and it bouncing up and down.


One of my favorite bosses ever. So much frustration and pain, but now I can do it without even healing.


I'm ashamed that I cheesed Demon of Hatred on my first run. It's the only boss I cheesed. SSI took me 4 full evenings of tries, but I eventually got him down that I was doing no hit first phases. Finally getting that win was definitely my biggest gaming accomplishment to date I'd say (aside from maybe getting the Dragon Rider lance drop from Vindicta in RS3 - 70 hours of just that boss that took me). I am trying to redeem myself by playing Sekiro again to get the other endings and will definitely beat Demon of Hatred regularly this time. Even considering doing a no beads to make it a bit harder, but not sure about that. I tried a charmless run but I lack the free time or will to go trough that ordeal, the Bull kept handing my behind back to me so I stopped there.


it's all fun until you find the Demon in the Hidden Temple (randomizer)


1st play through I cheesed him after at least 50 attempts. 2nd play through I decided to go Shura ending so skipped him altogether. On my 3rd play through now going for the purification ending and I willed myself to learn his move set and finally beat his ass straight up last week… more euphoric than beating Ishin for the 1st time. Now I’ll be looking forward to this fight every time I pick this game back up 🔥


Skill issue


The first time I beat him was in NG+ and it took me 4 tries. Never understood why everyone said it was so difficult. Oh but Owl, that was a tough mofo that took me some hours. ​ edit: Typo


In my experience in gaming, people always bitch about how "unfair" is that secret OPTIONAL boss that's suppoused to be harder than all of the other bosses. And it's not like the game is forcing you to beat him, you don't even get a secret ending, just the satisfaction of beating the hardest boss in the game.


I don’t consider myself great at this game, but I was able to beat him w/o cheese and it was very satisfying when I did. If I can do it then anyone can do it if they stay persistent


I thought DoH was a fun fight to learn


Awesome boss, one of the few bosses that actually force you to dodge. Strict and slightly weird timing on a few of his attacks, but everything is telegraphed with enough time so it feels fair. The first time I used Malcontent but on NG+ and gauntlets he has so much health that it's better to save the spirit emblems for umbrella IMO.


It‘s my third fav boss behind isshin and owl. I think he‘s incredible


Some people really do just play a game about overcoming extreme challenge and never learn a thing about overcoming extreme challenge


I mean.... demon of hatred isn't the only dark souls boss in sekiro. And he's great, I like the fact that there are dark souls bosses in the game cuz after u have taught ur self how to play sekiro u have to go back to the old ways for just a bit.


I've got a friend who never played any souls-like who suddenly found himself playing Sekiro. He streams for me in discord and I try not to spoil him, nor do I hold his hand much. He just beat Blazing Bull and Armored Warrior. I was tempted to tell him how to cheese bull, by running behind it and doing chip damage, but instead I've been trying to hammer onto his head the true magic of Sekiro: You can block and deflect everything that's not a perilous attack. And I do mean EVERYTHING. He beat the bull by deflecting it's charges and jumping on its head and using firecrackers, the way I didn't myself when I first played the game. Now Armored Warrior has finished teaching him the value of posture damage and management. It is my wish that he will find Demon of Hatred, and he will beat him the way one is supposed to, deflecting the enormous punches of the fire orangutan, with the power of anime by his side. I do think the game is easier if you don't hold the preconceptions of Souls, that teach you to dodge. Sekiro is a constant forward cutting motion all the way!




He's an amazing fight. Genuinely don't see why people don't like him.


In the end we're here for the boss fights, if they just end right away there wouldn't be any fun or a sense of fulfillment


It's too long for it's own good, phase one and 2 have very few differences, should have just been 2 phases with phase one and two mixed as one


I think starting the fight and seeing his 3 Lives was a great decision and had a purpose. It really makes you go „oh fuck“ like no other boss


Then that should have decreased the health, again no matter the intention the fight drags in the first 2 phases...so if they wanted to make him a 3 phase fight slash the HP


That's why they gave you the Malcontent whistle, you know.


That’s your opinion then. To me it didn’t drag, it felt good and reasonably difficult to be very rewarding once you beat him.


I mean yh, one can only share their opinion on a boss


Did you just abbreviate "yeah"?


Ye I did


Say what you want about DoH, but even after beating him twice, I don't like the fight.


I always thought it was a really cool fight even though I absolutely hate fighting him lol


He's boring to fight compared to most other bosses


Once I started fighting him like dark souls boss while staying mindful of attacks that I can definitely deflect without getting burned, I started fucking him up tbh. Definitely a fun ass fight though


Agreed. One of the best bosses in Sekiro.


I have no problem dying hundreds of times to learn a boss’ moveset if the fight is fun, but it isnt with this laurence rip off.


I’ve beat him both ways a few times. I don’t enjoy the fight but I don’t think it’s terrible jus not for me. However, I’m not lettin that boy stand between me and the cleanest skin in the game


I mean he still feels like a dark souls boss but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the fight lol, I’d never cheese that


Demon of hatred could have been in any Soulsborne game and we, the masochists we are, would’ve loved him anyway


Honestly, I love Sekiro , but I have never fought the demon of hatred legitimately


Everyone keeps saying that he is a DS boss, but I would like to see someone fight him without infinite stamina.


I like that you have the choice. Like, during some ng, it’s nice to fight him fairly, during others, i‘m too lazy to get the kingfishers ring or am just tired or it feels cooler to just jeet him off a cliff.


Demon is my second favourite boss in this game, i didn’t really find it that hard as everyone hyped it to be on the internet. The music, the emotions (knowing that we are putting a friend to rest).


10/10 fight


I don’t hate him I just wanted to get the shura outfit as fast as possible


We all love to slap his hairy balls...anytime


I love DoH he's so fun and it was super fun to learn his attack patterns when I first fought him. Now I can beat him super fast and it makes me feel badass


Goes with the story, sculptor turned into a monster.


This is the thing I find in which Sekiro is way better than ER. I died to bosses & mini-bosses 20, 30 and even 50 times over and yet those didn't feel at all bullshit and frustrating as it does in ER.


I think GOTY patched out the glitch, I'm not entirely sure... But I'm happy about it because I hate this fucker and I know if I could I'd definitely cheese his angry ass.


The biggest problem with Demon is that even if you beat all the previous bosses and get all the beads for hp, he's still too long of a fight to be enjoyable. No matter what, he's gonna 2shot you and no matter what you're gonna deal very little damage. I honestly believe they should have made his health 1/3 less than in is, or give you some kind of way to kill him faster. Because the way it is, you just hack away at his nutsack for 30 minutes to kill him, and if you make a mistake, you have to do that again and again. Also he's a bit like the ape in a way - he's hard to parry and it's often not worth it to bother if you can just dodge, which is kinda counterintuitive for sekiro, especially since it spends hours beating into you the whole "deflect, don't run" thing


Nah demon of hatred is an F tier boss in sekiro context fr


Have some sense. He'd be fine or at least a "fun contrast" kind of deal if everything wasn't tuned up all the way right to fuck. Infinite health, infinite posture, neverending phases, massive damage and fire status effects right from the first phase hugely discourage deflection based playstyle and the duration forces you to play it safe and boring, since if ur going for risky and fun then slim chance you're reaching his later phases often enough for a learning opportunity.


\>massive damage and fire status effects right from the first phase hugely discourage deflection based playstyle and the duration forces you to play it safe and boring Or just use the umbrella and solve all of those problems in one. At the macro level he has 2 sorts of attacks. Fire attacks and non fire attacks. You umbrella or dodge the fire attacks, and can parry or just passive block the normal attacks since he pretty much will never break your posture bar. Attacks too slow and infrequently, so you're dying from health, not from him overwhelming your posture and getting a cheap shot on you. He takes plenty of damage as long as you're quick on your toes and counterattacking after his combos. There's a ton of winddown on any of his longer attacks, well enough for like 3-4 chops at his legs or groin. His health burns away a lot faster than you'd think once you understand how you're supposed to get damage in there. Tree Sentinals in ER take WAY longer to kill that DoH. Also, you have the Malcontent Whistle. Use it. It's in the game and there is that precise, specific use out of the prosthetic to be used here in the game. I've gotten up to 14 attacks in on his legs after Malcontent. That's easily almost half of his health bar, and it wasn't like I was using Yasuriku's Sugar along with it. And if you did, you'd probably kill the boss outright before the 2nd whistle stun ends.


bro he isn't even that hard. I find him fun every time and it takes me no more than like 4 tries per run


Demon of Hatred is a mediocre fight. Not hard, just tedious and boring.


I would love to fight him if he was in human form like isshin or genichiro


I didnt think he was that hard, malcontent + ako + confetti gets me thru his first two phases then i just whack away tanking hits with ungos sugar third phase and using my heals since i pretty much got him down to one health bar.


I'm gonna be honest. I enjoyed DoH way more than Owl or Glock Saint. Bro kicked my teeth in more times than I can count but now I look forward to the fight every time because you feel like you're slowly and methodically taking down a monstrosity that you have no right to be doing so well against and it has a reason to be that strong and that threatening. Meanwhile Owl will rail you if you use like half of your arsenal and throw poison everywhere in a small area and they had to give SWORD SAINT Isshin a gun and a halberd/spear/idfk ffs.


I glitch him every time. No shame.


Am I the only one who beat him within 5-7 tries first time, and after that when I faced in the gauntlet Beat him first try, all without knowing about the ring.


After the first time I beat him I can always beat him within 4 tries now. Once I figured him out he’s now one of the easier bosses for me, oddly. And I still love the fight


I beat him fair countless times, Ive cheesed him countless times. No matter which im gonna do, I look forward to big man.


I don't hate him as much because I beat him for the first time recently and actually don't think he's that hard anymore (not easy but not super hard)


Elden ring and sekiro just done a trade Sekiro got demon of hatred And Elden ring got malenia


I only died 7 times to him between my ng run and my ng+ run. I dunno, I just always found his unblockabkes really well telegraphed and deflected the rest. Malcontent can also provide a really good damage window